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So, we're playing a "niche game" now, right?


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Heya there

Two months since the release.

We can assume that the population is at least for the time being stable, the most pessimists could say that it's dropping a bit (or a lot, it depends).

I dont see a massive crash in these numbers myself, and the population indicators on SWTOR status or even xfire look pretty stable and good.


My question concerns the servers, and the overall population which is scattered around a lot of servers. Is it viable in the long term?

Also, about "gaining" new players, is it going to happen?

Of course only WoW fanbois will pretend that an MMO needs 10 million subs to be successful (half of them being chinese/asiatic rofl)...


In all seriousness, do you think SWTOR can gain players from the EU/US now?

One thing is certain: if the game remains as it is now, it will do fine, but will never be anything else than a niche game, a second class MMO (note that 2nd class MMos can be very fun and enjoyable!)

which would be a pity as it was meant to be WoW competitor, or at least a "AAA mmo".

The odds arent looking that good, are they?

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There's so much that they CAN add to the game at the moment (room for growth). I anticipate that the game will get better and more fun, until Expansion 1, which could very well be an expansion which takes this MMO to the "next level" (i.e. top level) - assuming it comes with free flying space combat...
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MMO's are a niche market to begin with.


SW:TOR has got some real potential. They are still marketing it hard and i'm sure they can get more people to join our servers. Having said that. It will prob never get 10Mil subs. It does not have to either!


So yeah, give it 3 more months to ensure a stable population, then start merging servers so we all have a stable enviroment to play in and we can have fun with 300-700k people. We realy dont need millions in order for this game to succeed (although i'm sure EA would love it lol).

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To answer your questions though yea, i think they can expand on users and the IP alone will keep many ppl playing


As for being an AAA game, for me, thats about the quality of the game not the number of ppl playing it


As long as it's possible to play all aspects of end game i'm happy. When i played EQ2 there was only 2 servers but that didn't stop us from having a large raiding guild with several teams

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FYI keep in mind at launch, usage rates on torstatus were around 2.5 for full servers. Now look at em.


Also keep in mind when TOR launched it was during the christmas holiday/winter break. When both were over people had to get back to work/school and live in the real world, which meant playing less.

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This is a prime discussion for when it hits Asia and Australia, if it is a overwhelming success then we can hope possibly expect even more content at a faster rate as it will have a supple overhead.


Overall its a matter of they have a plan set up but with a couple more million people we can see a movement towards a more main streaming approach with patches, not to say we don't have near weekly patches already fixing things, just saying bigger content and maybe faster implementation of content.

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SWTOR feels more like KOTOR3 than an MMORPG. Many people play this as a single-player game. In lies the problem.



Yaaaawn, never heard that one before lol... Funny tho because it isnt true. Kotor 3? Actual gameplay is nothing like KOTOR, all level 50 content except for a few dailies is grouped so I have no idea what you are talking about. Yes you can level to 50 solo just as you can in other games difference being in this game there are actually more group quests than most other mmos out there.

Edited by RaistlinDaWiz
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FYI keep in mind at launch, usage rates on torstatus were around 2.5 for full servers. Now look at em.

you cant compare now and launch. Compare now and any date after the free month:

all mmos have a drop (a normal drop) after the free month. All data between launch (dec 20) and january 20 are irrelevant.

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Yaaaawn, never heard that one before lol... Funny tho because it isnt true. Kotor 3? Actual gameplay is nothing like KOTOR, all level 50 content except for a few dailies is grouped so I have no idea what you are talking about. Yes you can level to 50 solo just as you can in other games difference being in this game there are actually more group quests than most other mmos out there.


After being 50 a few weeks it starts feeling like you're playing a single player game with a multiplayer function which allows other players to show their single-player characters. Dragon age or Mass Effect where everyone can hang out in a city together and do nothing together.

There's nothing to do and no incentive to run the same FPs or OPS for the 100th time. That's why it feels more like KOTOR3 than an MMORPG. You can explore some of the content after you hit 50, but after you've done that there's no reason to do so again.

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Swtor is dieing if you play Imperial, and is already dead if you play Repubic. Most people have there full Rakata set / Battlemaster gear and if not they are only missing 1-2 pieces of each. There is like no rep grinds in this game, no Rated PvP to advance charachter, really no reason to keep the sub going to be honest...and 1.2 Doesn't even mention Rated WGZ....on my server which was pretty full for the first month of Launch is now consisting of all guilds having 1-10 members on at prime time because people got bored from lack of content...
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There's so much that they CAN add to the game at the moment (room for growth). I anticipate that the game will get better and more fun, until Expansion 1, which could very well be an expansion which takes this MMO to the "next level" (i.e. top level) - assuming it comes with free flying space combat...



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After being 50 a few weeks it starts feeling like you're playing a single player game with a multiplayer function which allows other players to show their single-player characters. Dragon age or Mass Effect where everyone can hang out in a city together and do nothing together.

There's nothing to do and no incentive to run the same FPs or OPS for the 100th time. That's why it feels more like KOTOR3 than an MMORPG. You can explore some of the content after you hit 50, but after you've done that there's no reason to do so again.


Ok, I'll feed... :cool:


You can say this about every other Themepark based MMO out there.


In WoW, AoC, LOTRO, DCUO, etc... you get to the max level with the content of Warzones, Operations, Flashpoints, and Dailies for the 100th time.


Every other MMO out there can be called a "single player game with a multiplayer function". In every other MMO, you can level completely solo, while chatting with other players. It is not something that is only done in ToR.



Why does ToR feel different to me?

Because of the story! I love the class stories, the world stories, the flashpoint and operation stories. I know what I am doing, and why. Not just "There is this bad guy here, go kill him for loot", there is a reason behind it from a story viewpoint.

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I think the story makes you feel like you are part of a greater whole. Like you are part of the star wars universe and not just some mindless random unknown person doing quests.


There is nothing to stop people from grouping up. what stops people is they may be shy, or socially awkward. Or maybe they are just having too much fun to stop and talk to people.

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