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Playable races in patch 1.2 - Legacy system


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I was thinking about this and realized there aren't any current republic only races that interest me enough to reroll anything on the empire side. I would like it though if twi'leks were made available to more classes, both for empire and republic. I'd really like a twi'lek sw and a twi'lek trooper. Everything else is just soooo.. humanish.
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Jawa Trooper lugging around one of the humongous cannons and I'd be happy.. :D


would play that non-stop, just to have people do a double take in PvP. "Utiniiii!" (followed by a mortar volley or demolition round):jawa_evil:



also, a wookie sentinel or marauder would just unleash a wave of destruction:D


but if they allow a Sith PB to be a consular, i will totally play it:p

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My instinct, and that one screenshot, would lead me to not be surprised if it simply unlocked the other factions specific races for you. Now if they're smart or thinking ahead about people who may have already rolled a 2nd character (or more), simply having access to your opposing faction race as opposed to new races might not encourage people to reroll.


i have a 50 jugg and a 50 operative. So between those 2 classes i can fulfill all 3 roles in the game. Short of wanting another character, or having a character with anew race i don't see myself rerolling anytime soon. (Sullistan bounty hunter anyone? Don't tell me they dont speak basic cause i found him and he's on the republic side and is a simple quest giving npc. )


Granted character creation is not the only appeal of the legacy system rewards.


side note: does miraluka dark side corruption make their veil turn pale and sickly?

Edited by goulet
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If they allow the Chiss to be playable as any of the Republic Classes, then I hope that they explain how there are Chiss Republic during this Era, when the Chiss are unknown to the Republic except for the Higher Ups AND that the Chiss Ascendancy & the Sith Empire have a Treaty/Deal with each other.


Cause I'm sorry, but I would find it odd, knowing the above, seeing a Chiss Trooper openly attacking the Sith Empire without anything being said about it. Either in or out of Game

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Which exemplifies the impatience of today's MMO community.


Never in the history of MMOs have new races been added until an expansion.


And to be honest, it is usually not until an expansion that existing races are opened to classes that previously were not playable. So, in relative terms, this game is well ahead of the norm on expanding playable races for classes in an MMO.


Finally, someone not whining about this whole thing. I'm just glad that they're doing anything at all. Only two and a half months out and they already have new content? It think it's great


I guess people don't realize how much work goes into this stuff. Making new content isn't something that the devs can do over the weekend. It's hard work.


So lay off of them for a while. They built this amazing game, and they simply need some more time to fine tune it and add more stuff.

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Agreed. Now, the following quote is about movies, but I think it applies to games esp. MMOs as well.


"It takes 3 years to make a movie. It takes 2 hours to see it, 15 minutes to drive home, and 5 minutes to write on its IMDB message board 'So... when is the sequel?' ".


It takes 5 years to make a mmo, 6 months to polish it, and if you skip that people will bash you in 5 minutes.

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Patch 1.2 will take a colossal crap on the integrity of the game. First we will get the removal of all restrictions on color crystals, then we will get Chiss on Republic side and Mirialan on Empire side...as if that would ever happen.


At least WoW took a couple of years to start crapping all over their own lore to accommodate forum whiners. I am really starting to become very pessimistic concerning what Bioware actually values when it comes to Star Wars.

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Finally, someone not whining about this whole thing. I'm just glad that they're doing anything at all. Only two and a half months out and they already have new content? It think it's great


I guess people don't realize how much work goes into this stuff. Making new content isn't something that the devs can do over the weekend. It's hard work.


So lay off of them for a while. They built this amazing game, and they simply need some more time to fine tune it and add more stuff.


I'd rather they find something else to add to the legacy system than completely crapping on even THEIR OWN RACIAL DESCRIPTIONS in the character creator by making faction specific races unlockable.


What a really poor and unimaginative way to launch the legacy system.

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Seeing as it has to do with the legacy system I would assume that the races unlocked will be ones you have levelled to a certain point within your legacy.


Basically so you can make all members of your legacy from the same family which is what a legacy is supposed to be.


It will probably be something along the lines of whatever race you have unlocked a level 50 as within your legacy on a certain server will allow you to roll that race as the other faction to keep them all related.


There probably won't even be new class combinations within the same faction. "You rolled a Chiss IA? OK, we will let you make a Chiss Trooper." "Mirialan Smuggler? Now you can make a Mirialan BH."


Something like that.

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As can be seen in the 1.2 patch trailer
it appears that Sith species will be able to be Jedi, and Chiss to be smugglers... I find this preposterous.


Oh really? I thought the Chiss had dual lightsabers. :p Of course, I'd love to play as a Jedi Chiss, so maybe that was my mind forcing me to see what I wanted to see. xD

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I would love to have "defectors". So I can fks. roll a chiss imperial agent and defect to the republic =) Maybe that is something that will come in the future, could make good stories.


And when it comes to the chiss & mirialan on oppsite sides of what they are now, I guess that there are always people within the races that likes imperials and republic. Defectors you know ;> Not all of the mirialans are good, and not all the chiss are bad, to say in a simpel way.

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Lucas tinkering with his films hasn't broken me yet and neither will this blatant retconning of races... heh.


As a Star Wars fan, if you haven't learned to live with constant universe tweaking, then you are destined to have rage induced health problems the rest of your life.

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Patch 1.2 will take a colossal crap on the integrity of the game. First we will get the removal of all restrictions on color crystals, then we will get Chiss on Republic side and Mirialan on Empire side...as if that would ever happen.


At least WoW took a couple of years to start crapping all over their own lore to accommodate forum whiners. I am really starting to become very pessimistic concerning what Bioware actually values when it comes to Star Wars.


Actually, if you think about it, a sith that decides to go lightside would have to use blue/green crystals OR the neutral ones. That in itself is lorebreaking. So at least now you can have a sith still have a proper red saber even if you choose light side.


As far as the Chiss/Mirialan thing, i agree completely. Im no lorebuff, but as I recall the chiss are, what like the only group fully and officially allied with the Empire? And now there's chiss pub toons allowed? Please, Bioware, you can only push the envelope so far.

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