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Playable races in patch 1.2 - Legacy system


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Races don't matter anyway. They're all just humans with a different skin and some different small details. No real difference in appearance, imo. And no difference in stats or anything like that either. (though no difference in stats is a good thing.)


Given the number of people who want different gear appearance, yeah, race appearance does matter. Aesthetics are a huge part of avatar identification.

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Dont think so. Cats, ie, says in a specific way so they would have to record new voices for them.

Doesn't matter, voice acting is set by class, not by species anyway. The only way to get an alternative voice is by wearing a breathing mask, which adds a filter to the voice playback.

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If legacy ends up being pre-existing player races, then I hope they use some common canon sense. Miraluka sith? Sith non-force class or jedi? Chiss republic or force users? No thanks.


Human - all

Cyborg - all

Zabrak - all

Twilek - all but IA

Mirialan - JK, Con, Tr, Sm, BH

Miraluka - JK, Con, Tr

Rattataki - SW, Inq, IA, BH

Chiss - IA, BH

Sith - SW, Inq


I don't think zabrak or rattataki should have ever been given the option to be imperial agents, but that tauntaun has already left the echo base.


Sure there are singular exceptions in the expanded universe, but those are just that... singular exceptions. They would make about as much sense as there being a Jedi on every street corner during the galactic civil war period. Oh wait... SWG did just that.


Nevermind. Carry on.

I haven't rolled a Trooper yet. Any idea why? Chiss Troopers! Easy to explain with a simple Renegade faction background, or simply defection.


And yes, Miraluka Sith have existed. Just as not all Mirialan are nice.If I were to go digging, I'm sure I could find a couple of Republic Rattataki as well.

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Having left Jawa out of the "playable" game was a major sin already. Same for Wookies. Or Devaronias, Nautolans or Mordukai


And yes, I could have lived very well with less "same-human - different varnish races" in the beginning. Miralukans ? Zabrak ? Chiss ? Do they really make a difference ?


At least as a Twilek you get some scripted nods as to not being human in the jedi consular story, but the this is "Star Wars", not Mardi Gras with humans dressed up so please, bring in the aliens, now !


As things are at the moment I see far weirder people and aliens on campus every day than on the Imperial/Republic Fleet :eek:


PS I can well live with some clipping - since my Twilek's sensitive lekku hang outside her pilot's helmet already, get sucked into the engine intake of the speeder cab on Coruscant and break hood graphics without even twitching....

Edited by achwas
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Jawa Trooper lugging around one of the humongous cannons and I'd be happy.. :D


Tropper in Jedi Robe (heavy armour) with assault-cannon is close, but yes, not quite the real deal. Totally worth the faces/reactions of fellow players, though^^

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Speaking on "lore", Chiss in general - regardless of faction - is completely weird since the race wasn't even introduced to the known SW universe until the post-ROTJ era. That's something BW chose to pretty much retcon for the game. Wouldn't be surprised if they they did end up on Republic side.


This. From what I remember, (it's been a while) Around the time of the new trilogy, the Old republic sent an exploratory mission headed out of the galaxy to see what's there. Said mission had several jedi masters attached to it. Palpatine, seeing this as an opportunity to rid himself of those masters, sent a fleet out to destroy them once they had left the galaxy. Palpatines fleet ran into the unknown Chiss in unknown space and was virtually destroyed by them, but managed to convince them that the exploratory mission was also a threat to them if allowed to continue. Thrawn, commander of the Chiss forces, attempted to persuade the ship to go elsewhere, but when negotiations broke down, destroyed them.


So, yeah. Chiss shouldn't even BE in TOR, as they are "unknown" during the time of the movies.

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So I finally get to make my asskicking chiss sith warrior, but I have to start over at level 1... This is going to be painful...


This. From what I remember, (it's been a while) Around the time of the new trilogy, the Old republic sent an exploratory mission headed out of the galaxy to see what's there. Said mission had several jedi masters attached to it. Palpatine, seeing this as an opportunity to rid himself of those masters, sent a fleet out to destroy them once they had left the galaxy. Palpatines fleet ran into the unknown Chiss in unknown space and was virtually destroyed by them, but managed to convince them that the exploratory mission was also a threat to them if allowed to continue. Thrawn, commander of the Chiss forces, attempted to persuade the ship to go elsewhere, but when negotiations broke down, destroyed them.


So, yeah. Chiss shouldn't even BE in TOR, as they are "unknown" during the time of the movies.


Species retcons back and forth are so common that noone should care by now. What's to say the OLD old republic era didn't see chiss on the empire side and everyone simply forgot about them after the empire fell?

Edited by Morticoccus
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Species retcons back and forth are so common that noone should care by now. What's to say the OLD old republic era didn't see chiss on the empire side and everyone simply forgot about them after the empire fell?


Then they should be as perfectly at home on the republic side. Presumably they got dissatisfied in general and left to go be hermits.


Come "modern" times they're on nobodies side but their own. IIRC only reason they aid the empire is they see it as the only power in the galaxy capable of fighting off the much nastier baddies from outside the galaxy (i.e. the vong)


(Which is something I've always sort of wondered about, at the time Thrawn "comes back" from wherever he was hiding, the new republic is sort of the power to be, and the empire is in pretty much full retreat. So why help the empire at that point? I suspect bad retcon within that single story "arc"...)

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I am very sure that the new races will all be humanoid where features are restricted to the head. Twilek is as non human as they will go because of all the gear customizing that happens.


Thats why i doubt there will ever be Yoda, Wookies, Jawa or droids.


Don't get me wrong, i'd love to have all of the above but i just don't see it happening.


(Plus does anyone actually know what a Jawa looks like under the robe!?)

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I'm assuming that means you'll be able to play as Miralukans and Mirialins (sp) on the Empire side, and Sith and Chiss on the Republic side.


Or something of that vein. Disappointing. I was hoping for other races.


Pure Bloods fighting for the republic. LOL

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According to George Lucas, Yoda is "the illegitimate child of Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy".



It seems that he wants the species of Yoda to be kept a secret, and that no-one is to find out anything about where he came from... probably to make it mysterious and more interesting. I bet he doesent even know what spicies they are...xD


I would still hope for the yoda spicies to be implemented at the first "expansion" or whatever, and maybe make it more of a force using jedi knight? They wouldent need to make all the clothing fit them, they could just wear maybe one of 5 suits that can be colored in different ways. For all I care, they wouldent even need voice acting for the character=P

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Hey there,


According to the Q&A from Feb 10th, there will be more playable species to those who has gone up in the legacy system.


Might I ask if anyone knows which ones these will be, or has heard rumors?

Or hell, if anyone has a wishlist of which ones they WANT to see?


I don't think actual races are coming in 1.2... but I guess I could be wrong.

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OP needs to read more thoroughly. From the Q&A he mentioned in the original post:

The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now.

Let's remember this is only the first step of the new legacy system, not the whole enchilada.

Don't expect too much, you'll only disappoint yourself.

(And everyone can do without the subsequent forum whine :rolleyes:)

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OP needs to read more thoroughly. From the Q&A he mentioned in the original post:


Let's remember this is only the first step of the new legacy system, not the whole enchilada.

Don't expect too much, you'll only disappoint yourself.

(And everyone can do without the subsequent forum whine :rolleyes:)


This is excellent advice.


Still though, there will be thread after thread of "BIOWARE YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE WHERE IS MY JAWA WHERE IS MY WOOKIE!!!"


This community has been particularly guilty of ignoring/misinterpreting information from the devs and then pitching a category 4 tantrum when the reality doesn't meet their expectation.


I mean we still have posters to this day screaming about the game not being a sandbox and being too linear when this information has been known for years.

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Then they should be as perfectly at home on the republic side. Presumably they got dissatisfied in general and left to go be hermits.


Come "modern" times they're on nobodies side but their own. IIRC only reason they aid the empire is they see it as the only power in the galaxy capable of fighting off the much nastier baddies from outside the galaxy (i.e. the vong)


(Which is something I've always sort of wondered about, at the time Thrawn "comes back" from wherever he was hiding, the new republic is sort of the power to be, and the empire is in pretty much full retreat. So why help the empire at that point? I suspect bad retcon within that single story "arc"...)


Basically the unknown regions is the galaxy's own "white spot" complete with the little pictures and "here be dragons". Basically, noone plots new hyperspace routes in this area other than smugglers and pirates, and the chiss. Since the chiss home world chsilla lies in the unknown regions they just have to move back to their earlier colonies or the homeworld to be very hard to find.


Which is what they did, until the outbound flight program was launched.



As for why they should not join the republic, they are the first and (at this point in time) only alien species to ally with the empire instead of being subjugated. The only chiss that should be in the republic would be smugglers, I guess you could make chiss jedi as well. And at a stretch any defectors could be troopers, but chiss are predisposed to not easily give up their own military or their allies, unless doing so furthers their goals as a species.



Still, I would play chiss as any class that allows me to. And I really quite want a chiss annihilation warrior.

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If Yoda's species was known I'd like to play as one of those guys. I think it's just pre-existing races though.



Taken from "http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=182961"


Lucas Forums Yoda origin discussion thread.. i lold


You should be careful with this topic.


As we all know it GL places close attention to anything about the origin of Yoda, including his species. Just maybe he has something planned for him. Yaddle's back story is flushed out in comics though.


Writers trying to write about Yoda's origin or his species and such usually have to remove that section. This ranges from game cards depicting pictures of the species to stories and what not. Even trying to put a name on the species is not allowed.


It is said that GL himself hires a special task force to deal with stubbon writers and such... those unfortunate souls are locked up in a secret tower on an island not shown on any maps, and that GL would wear their flayed skin at night speaking like yoda and JarJar, chanting "Han Shoots Last..." Or maybe Yoda is just GL's fantasized lover.

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