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Playable races in patch 1.2 - Legacy system


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Togruta needs to happen. They can be both Jedi or Sith and fit in with the lore. If they wanted to be cheap they could use Twi'lek voice acting


This. :)


Suspect it'll be the same ole ones we can play atm just with differnt class combos though.


I'm okay with it though as long as they don't make purebloods playable by republic side. That would be utterly ridiculous.

Can't see it happening though after the complaining Daniel Erickson did about purebloods being able to play sith inquis despite starting off as slaves. Although I guess you could argue his complaining clearly didn't get him anywhere. :p

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Meh, when I got this email I stopped looking forward to the legacy system. Makes me question why they limit colour crystals to LS/DS then plan on adding something like this.




I honestly just don't know how Bioware is going to justify that to the community.


I love the game but are they trying to dig themselves a hole? :confused:

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Hoping Yoda for the republic and Jawa for the empire here. Knowing it won't happen any time soon.


Yoda's race won't ever be allowed to be played, due to Lucas and LucasArts. It is for that reason also that we do not know anything about them. When others have tried to write about them, Lucas shuts them down.

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They've said in the future, they'll have more races. They just haven't had time, they're busy right now with new content and bug fixes. So they'll give us additional race options from legacy for now, because that takes little time, and then in the future when they've had time to model and animate and test a new race, they'll give us that. They're planning on it, its just going to take a few months.
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It would be nice of the devs to tell us exactly what species will be playable with tha legacy system.

A lot of us are waiting to roll a new character because of this...


*Still dreaming about Trandoshan BH...*

Edited by Balmungko
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I took the announcements and ads to mean that you will be able to unlock already existing playable species, specifically unlocking the species of your first character. Example would be playing a Sith pureblood and afterwards getting to play as another Sith pureblood with different classes, like the example picture of a Jedi knight Sith PB.


While I don't mind that, I would much prefer it to unlock new species, even if that is limited to ones that they currently have models for. Example, Cathar. The models are already in the game, they fit Biowares criteria that species be human enough for the player to relate to, and it wouldn't cause clipping problems with current game gear.


Sadly they will mostly keep any new species options for an expansion and just keep giving us new combinations with the Legacy system, but there is always hope;)

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The way I read the quote would actually mean it was a lie. There are no additional species. What they appear to be doing is opening up more classes to species which are already playable. This would mean the quote in its self is incorrect.


However give the some level of confusion this quote has caused and the fact no Dev has posted officialy on any thread about it I would sugged. "Think of the smallest amount of effort they could go through to add another species. Now half it and that is what we will get. I hope I am wrong I would love to play some of the more alien species but I dont see it happening.

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I'm assuming that means you'll be able to play as Miralukans and Mirialins (sp) on the Empire side, and Sith and Chiss on the Republic side.


Or something of that vein. Disappointing. I was hoping for other races.




I was dissappointed you assumed something, and decided it was true enough to be dissappointed in... I assume you knew this, and I am dissappointed in you.

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"Now to be clear, the first thing we do when we decide to add a "new" world to the vast Star Wars mythology is to do our research and see if there is a world that already exists and will fit our needs. Is it the right type of climate? The right place in the galaxy? Does it have next to nothing written about it? Awesome, it's ours," says Daniel Erickson.


He's talking about the planet Voss.


The force users of that planet are not dark side or light side, kind of in the middle. I'd play one.

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If Yoda's species was known I'd like to play as one of those guys. I think it's just pre-existing races though.


There would be only one way I would agree that his race should be playable and that would be some insanely high legacy level. I would even go as far as to say requiring around 6-8 level 50s before you have enough to unlock that race.

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Disappointing. I was hoping for other races.


Which exemplifies the impatience of today's MMO community.


Never in the history of MMOs have new races been added until an expansion.


And to be honest, it is usually not until an expansion that existing races are opened to classes that previously were not playable. So, in relative terms, this game is well ahead of the norm on expanding playable races for classes in an MMO.

Edited by Andryah
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He's talking about the planet Voss.


The force users of that planet are not dark side or light side, kind of in the middle. I'd play one.

Woh, it'd be the worst choice in the game.


1. Gray options are very rare here. Mostly it's just light/dark side

2. Going gray is the worst thing you can do to yourself. No: actually there's one thing worse than this - running naked though entire game. Ok, so that's the second worst thing player can do in TOR.

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Woh, it'd be the worst choice in the game.


1. Gray options are very rare here. Mostly it's just light/dark side

2. Going gray is the worst thing you can do to yourself. No: actually there's one thing worse than this - running naked though entire game. Ok, so that's the second worst thing player can do in TOR.


There is nothing valuable you get from light/dark that you cant get from elsewhere

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Dont think so. Cats, ie, says in a specific way so they would have to record new voices for them.


no they would not have to record new voices if you make a twilik jedi and a mirilukan jedi they have the same voice. they had a person do the voice overs for the class no matter the race.


Darth Freki

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Which exemplifies the impatience of today's MMO community.


Never in the history of MMOs have new races been added until an expansion.


And to be honest, it is usually not until an expansion that existing races are opened to classes that previously were not playable. So, in relative terms, this game is well ahead of the norm on expanding playable races for classes in an MMO.


Well, to be honest, if their race choices didnt suck at launch, we'd be less impatient. Theres 2 star wars races in this mess of star trek rejects... zabarak and twilek. After they added humans and those 2, they should have taken a look at Jabbas palace and the Cantina. If you didnt see it in a movie, they should have moved on.


Instead we got skittle colored humans and lolborgs.

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Well, to be honest, if their race choices didnt suck at launch, we'd be less impatient. Theres 2 star wars races in this mess of star trek rejects... zabarak and twilek. After they added humans and those 2, they should have taken a look at Jabbas palace and the Cantina. If you didnt see it in a movie, they should have moved on.


Instead we got skittle colored humans and lolborgs.


I like Rattataki.

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Actually I kinda read it as being able to play as races already in the game.

For example that Cat race that Ashara's original master is, etc.


If its only existing races than that *********** sucks :(


There are a lot of races that already exist in-game.


Does someone know the count of humanoid races?

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