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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Open World PvP is ALIVE!!!!!!


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Sounds fun up until the double spawn camping part. There was no real risk of counter attack for those Republics. Anyone entering Hoth is immediately killed or severely weakened by the AoE camp on the spawn point on both the shuttle and the medicenter. The only real ways they could have been forced out is by such a massive zerg that they get overrun at the shuttle. But getting that many 50s to stop whatever they were doing and coordinating is more of a pain than people may want to put up with. Plus the lag the Imps would have to deal with upon arrival means you need even more people to make up for being unable to respond upon landing while all the Republic has to do is keep AoEing the spawn. Alternatively you could get enough people to go die at the shuttle then revive on the spot at the same time. If you die again you have an even longer wait as well while still being stuck in place and unable to chat. If a player dies 3 times they are basically out. Requires less people but you can't chat while dead so only available to people together on third party chat. Probably harder to get than the first one.


As a few people have said it is the equivalent of the Ilum spawn camping (Actually worse since people couldn't even arrive on planet). The only difference is Ilum provides rewards that spawn camping happened across many servers so it was widespread and directly empowering the Empire PvP side.


So what you're saying is that the ZERG faction fails at ZERGING?

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I led a raiding guild in WoW, I know the futility of trying to organize people who have no real vested interest in what I'm trying to do.


The real reason that this guild was able to keep this foothold so long is because there is very little reason for the Zerg to care. They all have WZ's and Ilum crates to farm. If anything, the OP's guild showed us just how apathetic the community is to actual PvP for the sake of PvP.


It's a sad commentary, because the most fun I've ever had in MMO's was either being part of a big raid on a city or responding to one.


So you can see the issues about mounting any defense would take a special someone to make the effort to arrange something.


I see a lot of people above applauding and saying well done, but how much have they actually taken part in defending something like this? Would they set a defense up? Only one person so far said their group would actually react.


I do agree that if anything, the Exiles proved the lack of response from opposing factions. But wouldn't you say that having failed in provoking the opposite faction to retaliate, it will only have upset those people caught in the firefight and further deepened the dislike for world PvP?


I know I would have. If I was trying to level up and couldn't even get a foot out of the shuttle door before my butt was handed to me, I would be less inclined to take part.


I enjoy World PvP though, don't get me wrong. Love instances when I find myself 3 v 1 and taking down 2 members before the numbers overcame me. It's happened several times before and it was such a rewarding feeling knowing that it had to take three of them to take me down (plus one companion).


I think it falls to people to liase with each other and organise events. Guild leaders who are willing to set aside time to organise a place and time for open world games.

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




Very Cool! I am on your server and recognized many of the names from PVP Warszones! so really top player in this pic! Would love to join in next time Exile gets an itch!


We are small guild "Valar" (4) but would love to tag along!!

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So you can see the issues about mounting any defense would take a special someone to make the effort to arrange something.


My issues stem from the fact that it actually takes effort. Honestly, a healthy PvP community would drop what they were doing and go clear their base out regardless of where it was. There are too many gear grinders that aren't real PvP'ers.

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




ive killed you many many times

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So what you're saying is that the ZERG faction fails at ZERGING?

Yes I suppose.


I think you really underestimate the amount of coordination needed to successfully Zerg in that kind of situation. It is far greater than the coordination needed for the Republics to take the Hoth base. Gathering people and keeping their interest is by far the hardest part, and getting 3x the amount of people from different parts of the server to drop whatever they are doing to go get spawn camped is not exactly an appealing argument.


I do agree that if anything, the Exiles proved the lack of response from opposing factions.

Nah. It's really not that people don't want to World PvP. People just don't want to go Zerg a spawn camp.

Edited by GenericallyNamed
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My issues stem from the fact that it actually takes effort. Honestly, a healthy PvP community would drop what they were doing and go clear their base out regardless of where it was. There are too many gear grinders that aren't real PvP'ers.


Indeed. Too many players won't PvP for the pure fun of it.

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My issues stem from the fact that it actually takes effort. Honestly, a healthy PvP community would drop what they were doing and go clear their base out regardless of where it was. There are too many gear grinders that aren't real PvP'ers.


I'm not sure I agree with the statement that just because people prefer Warzones as opposed to open world are not real PvP'ers. I think that's a tad unfair and a bit demeaning.


Warzones is a form of PvP regardless of the mechanics involved. I don't enjoy the Warzones in SWTOR, but I did like 'some' of the battlegrounds in WoW in addition to the random open world encounters I've had in the past.


I think you're of a dying breed I'm afraid chap.


However, what ideas do you have to encourage World PvP again? Taking into account the current day MMOer, how can the mechanics be changed to encourage Open World?

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Lol, probably because they don't think it's fun? You might think it is, but that's your opinion :)


Yes, it's my opinion, and I agree with your previous comment that we are a dying breed. To answer your question above, the answer is to provide some incentive that dovetails with the current gear progression system to encourage open world PvP. Although I don't care for the gear progression model, I love open world PvP and would be much happier with that alternative. It opens up another alternative to warzones.

Edited by Bamajawn
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I'm not sure I agree with the statement that just because people prefer Warzones as opposed to open world are not real PvP'ers. I think that's a tad unfair and a bit demeaning.


I've found your SEG FAULT.


A faction should find it demeaning if their enemy is CAMPING ONE OF THEIR BLOODY BASES.


I can't provide incentives to participate if you don't care that your faction mates are being camped and denied leveling. Do you stop what you're doing if someone in general is asking for help being camped somewhere on the planet? I do, because it's not only fun, but I dare them attack and camp someone from my faction!

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Well the high level Sith on that server should have responded...could have led to some real nice PVP.


Ya, because dieing as you load into the space station sounds like fun PvP to me. Go take over Ilum where 50s would actually care then come back and brag, until then you are trash.

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Yes, it's my opinion, and I agree with your previous comment that we are a dying breed. To answer your question above, the answer is to provide some incentive that dovetails with the current gear progression system to encourage open world PvP. Although I don't care for the gear progression model, I love open world PvP and would be much happier with that alternative. It opens up another option vs. warzones.


Aye, adding a reason to be somewhere will certainly make people's trip worthwhile.


Here are a few random ideas:


• guild leaders to liase with one another regarding encounters. Set a time and place to attack/defend and actively promote the event in both guild and on their fleet.


• BioWare to add in rewards/achievements for several things such as 'defend your base', 'defeat 3 or more opponents on the same fight'. Which will gain you alternative looking gear.


•*Tracking device which shows people where other players are on the planet. That way you know how to avoid and find enemy players. Bounty Hunting as well - I know its a dead horse subject, but tracking down people for PvP encounters to earn rewards.


• Have BioWare official events arranged in open world at set times as well. A notice that spans the fleet and worlds that an event is happening. Republic and Imperials are requested to go and help attack/defend a certain fortress and for the duration of the fight everyone is buffed to the same level.


Basically for this to work, people need to have a reason to be there, a reward for their efforts and the opportunity to compete. All of which warzones supply. If these principles were applied to open world also, then more I'm sure would take part.


But it can't be repetitive. These events need to be random times and on different planets throughout the week.


so imagine on Tuesday night you're playing quietly, then a warning is issued "HOTH SPACEPORT IS UNDER ATTACK BY IMPERIAL FORCES, ALL ABLE-BODIED WARRIORS TO REPORT TO HOTH IMMEDIATELY"


Then for you will see for PvP purposes only that you are buffed for that planet only. (will not work vs PvE). You will also be informed of some awesome looking gear if you take part and acheive certain objectives - kill x number of imps, claim a post etc.


The attack will last for a long time on that day. Then at the end of the time, whoever has the most objectives all players who participated will gain reward in their mail box.


Then Thursday morning comes.... somewhere else, another reward it happens again.


Totally random.

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There are some good ideas in there, BounceZ. The only thing on the list that I wouldn't care for is a tracking system that tracks individual players. Perhaps another mechanism that provides some intel without pinpointing exact locations would work.


The idea of letting guild leaders communicate has a lot of interesting possibilities. Since spontaneous ignition of PvP events doesn't seem to be working (we aren't full-time soldiers), something to allow a bit of coordination of events would certainly help.


Your descriptions of having Bioware run events sounds like having a real dungeonmaster. Well-presented, that could be a lot of fun.

Edited by Bamajawn
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Me and my friends did this on Imp. side to the Pubs. weeks ago and there was only 4 of us. Didn't need a whole op. It really is nothing to brag about when only one or two 50s are coming in at once. We got bored after a while and moved on. It was pretty lame for open world PvP.
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I've found your SEG FAULT.


A faction should find it demeaning if their enemy is CAMPING ONE OF THEIR BLOODY BASES.


I can't provide incentives to participate if you don't care that your faction mates are being camped and denied leveling. Do you stop what you're doing if someone in general is asking for help being camped somewhere on the planet? I do, because it's not only fun, but I dare them attack and camp someone from my faction!


But that's not a fault senor!!


I personally don't care if some random is being ganked. Why should I? Is it going to be a problem to me? If it was a guildie sure, but because I personally don't have the man-power to set up a defense I would more likely encourage the guildie being ganked to leave the area when possible and I would set up a flashpoint for them until said gankers have buggered off.


I don't see any fun personally in going to someones aid if the second I step off the shuttle I am going to get 22 pvpers spam attacking my entry area! I have neither the gear or skill or man-power to compete against such a big force. So why?


And I'm betting that unless you had a decent enough group to go with to defend, you wouldn't do it either. If you say to me that you will singularly head to Hoth to help defend against 22-man guild camping the port-in, I will call BS :)

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There are some good ideas in there, BounceZ. The only thing on the list that I wouldn't care for is a tracking system that tracks individual players. Perhaps another mechanism that provides some intel without pinpointing exact locations would work.


This could only perhaps be activated by mutual agreement. You set a bounty, a notice appears on other players screen. If you accept, you are both able to track one another.


The idea of letting guild leaders communicate has a lot of interesting possibilities. Since spontaneous ignition of PvP events doesn't seem to be working (we aren't full-time soldiers), something to allow a bit of coordination of events would certainly help.


I had the idea some time back or a guild link. This is a system that guild leaders and officers get that allows them to communicate through the other guild regardless of faction. by mutual consent of the guild leaders, they can allow the two guilds to communicate. Any abuse and the guild leaders can switch it off again.


What this offers is ways to arrange cross faction events


Your descriptions of having Bioware run events sounds like having a real dungeonmaster. Well-presented, that could be a lot of fun.


Unfortunately it also means a lot of work for the devs. Would be nice though.


ARGH! HOME TIME!! Chat laterz peeps, keep it real!

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Well, if you took Ilum and denied the level 50 PVP characters (you know, the ones rolling you in warzones all day) from completing 50% of their objectives for the day, then yes it would be considered a much more worthwhile objective.


Battlemasters have two things to do every day, and while you were on Hoth you were making 1 of those things incredibly easy to do. Fact of the matter is you screwed with probably 10-20 level 40ish characters who took a few hours off and either did warzones or just logged in later to finish what they missed. Woohoo.


Meanwhile, the Imps controlled Ilum which directly affected ALL the level 50 pvp'ers on your server. So while you could have been helping your entire faction get gear, you not only screwed them but directly helped the Imps continue to widen the gap.


Why people like you don't just go back to WOW or Battlefield or whatever land of no imagination you came from I don't understand.


Owning Ilum? Owning Ilum? Their is nothing to own on Ilum. Ilum is a joke. I get my daily done on Ilum in 30 to 40 min. everyday off of Imps.

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have no problems with world pvp, I have problems with frame rates affecting my pvp experience. Forcing me into a corner to upgrade my system which should be able to run a game that is no more graphically powered than other recently released games.
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So you guys know the majority of that op was bm and above. So we rly dont need to be in Ilum or wz's for that matter other then dailys/weeklys. So why not go piss off the sith and make them do something else then sit on a bridge in ilum?
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It's not stupid. It's true. You think I have no fun ? Geared and experienced I join WZ using my operative and on my server we win around 80-90% of WZ against Reps. Yesterday for 2 hours I played around 8 WZ. ONLY thing we lost was hutball against our own people.


My 50 BH on Ilum didn't need to do a thing since Reps just are to afraid to go out to the planet. Whole planet is ours.


And I still move to Reps area very often while sitting in queue to WZ.


Glad you have fun trying to kill low lvl players :) Too bad it's still not worth anything and you will sooner or later return to us and get owned again.


Take Ilum and sit in our base - then we will talk mate.


Come to Death Wind Corridor and lets see how nice your win/lose ratio holds up republic owns wz here.

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Great, I'm in a huge guild and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to convince enough of them to do something so stupid, yes PvP is alive because you had 1 unique experience......


I've killed many a 50 on Hoth while farming mats for my crafting. Dunno what all this hollow chatter is about "low level blah blah."


It's true. Most of you people are too lazy to go find the fun. If it's not marked with an X on your map, it's QQ this... QQ that.... and soooooo freakin' tiresome.

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So did you kill the Empire zoning into Hoth during their 3 minute load to the planet or after their 3 minute load? ;)


you have to zone into hoth via the space station. The loading screen is done as soon as you exit your own ship. The loading screen from the space station to the ground on hoth is done in a second or 2. What you on?

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I like that psychic pain was inflicted on a bunch of over fed nerds, regardless as to the perceived waste of time such an action could be perceived as being. Anger > Valor.



What is wrong with you guys?? This shows all that is wrong with this community. To the OP (as a sith player) great job!


And to all you haters, you should really ask yourself exactly why you are playing games? The OP has understood it, but you apparently dont and i feel pity for you.


The game is all about FUN! Not grinding endlessly for some new gear, so you just can start all over again and grind some more and better gear. Taking a spaceport and having fun is what this game should be about. Thats all that matters. I feel sorry for you people that has lost your way.

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