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Open World PvP is ALIVE!!!!!!


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Now this is what PvP objectives should be all about. Not that worthless Ilumcrap. Give real rewards for ***** like this.


Man I miss EQ1 and the massive Faydarkinvasions. Kept the mayhem going for hours.


So I have a question for you.... if the attacking team has control of the Port-in hub and the resurrection med centre, how do you as a defender set up a defense? How do you even get onto the planet?


Just curious.

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So I have a question for you.... if the attacking team has control of the Port-in hub and the resurrection med centre, how do you as a defender set up a defense? How do you even get onto the planet?


Just curious.


Time it? Srsly its not like you get gibbed straight after loadscreen. They have shipbays you have to run through first etc.


Woulndt it be lovely to get charged by 20 commandos and vanguards from teh right, and 20 jedis from the left at once?

Edited by Niconogood
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Time it? Srsly its not like you get gibbed straight after loadscreen. They have shipbays you have to run through first etc.


On Hoth? If I recall correctly (correct me if I'm wrong though), you have to go through the orbital space station? Is that not the case - I'm trying to remember? So you could argue that you can set up a defense on the orbital space station and that if you have a guild or enough people with you to stage a defense.


Anyhow, you'd be entering a zone at a single spot where all attacks would be directed instead of 4 different areas. That puts a massive advantage to the attackers.


And what about people on their own? They simply cannot enter Hoth at all without dying on arrival. Plus the med-centre if I read correctly is covered as well.


So as a defender, you're cool with all that then yeah?

Edited by BounceZ
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So I have a question for you.... if the attacking team has control of the Port-in hub and the resurrection med centre, how do you as a defender set up a defense? How do you even get onto the planet?


Just curious.

It's wouldn't be hard at all to retake the base....30 of you go to Hoth know your going to get camp killed twice...don't res after they kill you at the med center then everyone calls in med probe at same time use the 10 seconds to ammo up and it's on...it's a poor mechanic but it doesn't take a genious to figure it out.

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It's wouldn't be hard at all to retake the base....30 of you go to Hoth know your going to get camp killed twice...don't res after they kill you at the med center then everyone calls in med probe at same time use the 10 seconds to ammo up and it's on...it's a poor mechanic but it doesn't take a genious to figure it out.


It doesn't take a genius to figure out. But that's if you have 30 people. And at a level that is acceptable too.


What about the people who are on their own? Is it fair if they get killed upon arrival?


Btw, just to clarify, I have nothing against PvP in bases. I do however have issues on camping the port-in and med centres. That's my issue at hand.

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Oh for Holy sake!


IT'S A GAME. All of I've seen on these Forums is pathetic children raging over things that arn't worth raging over! MAN UP.


People have different PoV's but many just take it too far to the point where people taking sides! Stop making the community a **** storm and start making it more friendly!

I've had a damn enough of idiotic kids thinking they rule the place.




Little whining kids are the bane of online Gaming. The quicker you see it, the better. NOW SHUT UP and play the damn game.

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Oh for Holy sake!


IT'S A GAME. All of I've seen on these Forums is pathetic children raging over things that arn't worth raging over! MAN UP.


People have different PoV's but many just take it too far to the point where people taking sides! Stop making the community a **** storm and start making it more friendly!

I've had a damn enough of idiotic kids thinking they rule the place.




Little whining kids are the bane of online Gaming. The quicker you see it, the better. NOW SHUT UP and play the damn game.


actually i agree here.


this game is about war between empire and republic. what is the problem if sometimes one side camps a base of the other one. it actually fits the setting and brings some action to the boring every day stuff.


sorry to mention this but back the days in wow we started to camp a base in a lower level map to provoke the other fraction to come over and help their allies out.


this was the beginning of a funny open pvp death match. no one ever complained. you could see it in the chat: "guys the others are camping xy, lets get over and fight them back". and no matter your level all came over to have fun.


oh how i miss this.

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i am an empire player



i will say fantastic work, nice one republics. i am annoyed at you for this, entirely because you thought of it before we did hehe.


this is the sort of thing we need to be doing. If i ever hear of reps doing this on our planets i will be right there to try get rid of them, and i am going to try and get some of my guildies to do the same thing.


ignore the trolls here guys, things like this are what build a decent pvp community on a game. it's not about the best gear or who is the highest valor rank, it is about which side has the most fun.


great work guys, keep it up

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There's hardly any world pvp, but it would happen more often if kills credited valor ouside of Ilum. We've had good pvp fights near the Belsavis world boss (republic base is 100m from the spawn), some on the Tatooine dune seas and up north of Jundland, and far west on Alderaan with plenty of level 50's showing up on both sides. But this happens like almost once a month.


Ilum is dying day by day, in the past week we haven't even filled a 24 man operations while beforehand, there were easily 3 operation groups.

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It doesn't take a genius to figure out. But that's if you have 30 people. And at a level that is acceptable too.


What about the people who are on their own? Is it fair if they get killed upon arrival?


Btw, just to clarify, I have nothing against PvP in bases. I do however have issues on camping the port-in and med centres. That's my issue at hand.

From some of the info in this thread it seems as though the server is populated heavily by the imps...the gauntlet was tossed and they decided to collect armaments instead shame on them.


What happened in the OP is exactly what I expected to have in this game and exactly why I chose a PVP server and I have to say the lack of world PVP is a huge dissapointment.


Ilum is a bad joke...I finish my daily in 30 mins and my weekly in 2hrs that 5 hrs longer than I would like to spend on that turd...the weekly Zerg was fun the first few times now I just AOE until I hit the magic number *yawn*

Edited by Zekeiele
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Can i ask how the communication would get round to other people in the game. I mean on the same planet i could understand a General channel shout, but to get others to come, they would have to travel back to the station and then somehow manage to enthuse all the players there to come to Hoth. I'm not sure that this would have resulted in anything other than low level characters arriving to be honest. If you could orchestrate it somehow with the other side, now that would be nice, but then it wouldn't be spontaneous.


I'm all for World PvP, there's nothing better than getting a group together and charging in to the opposite factions base and laying down the hurt. But you need a base with opposite faction able to give you a challenge first, like wandering in to Ogrimar as a 40 man raid, and still ending up in the graveyard.

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Can i ask how the communication would get round to other people in the game. I mean on the same planet i could understand a General channel shout, but to get others to come, they would have to travel back to the station and then somehow manage to enthuse all the players there to come to Hoth. I'm not sure that this would have resulted in anything other than low level characters arriving to be honest. If you could orchestrate it somehow with the other side, now that would be nice, but then it wouldn't be spontaneous.


I'm all for World PvP, there's nothing better than getting a group together and charging in to the opposite factions base and laying down the hurt. But you need a base with opposite faction able to give you a challenge first, like wandering in to Ogrimar as a 40 man raid, and still ending up in the graveyard.

Well I will actually have to be involved with something like this to say for sure but I would hope that after a trip to fleet and ilum you would have a 30 op pretty quick...if not then I guess the state of modern PVP is even worse than I figured.

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I fight for the Empire but commend the Republic for their bold attack. Well played.




I don't understand why anyone would complain in the PVP Forum about the Republic co-ordinating to create an OPVP scenario. It is only a shame the Empire on said server did not respond with greater might. We need more of this from both the Republic and the Empire and we might just have the makings of an awesome game.

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actually i agree here.


this game is about war between empire and republic. what is the problem if sometimes one side camps a base of the other one. it actually fits the setting and brings some action to the boring every day stuff.


sorry to mention this but back the days in wow we started to camp a base in a lower level map to provoke the other fraction to come over and help their allies out.


this was the beginning of a funny open pvp death match. no one ever complained. you could see it in the chat: "guys the others are camping xy, lets get over and fight them back". and no matter your level all came over to have fun.


oh how i miss this.


Heya. Mature post, so thought I'd reply.


The fact is, this is a game, and games should be fun for all.


By camping on a port-in and the immediate med-centre is not fun imo. It might be all jolly and fun for the few that have decided to take part in the camping, but for anyone else who's traveling to Hoth for any particular reason will find it frustrating and stressful because they simply cannot do anything except die.


If all their quest are on Hoth, what should they do? Roll on a PvE server? What about those that actually enjoy PvP? They are still going to struggle unless they are well equipped, have enough friends etc.


The point is, camping port-ins is an unfair system. I support enemy base PvPing btw, so don't think I am against that, but I don't think it's fair game-play if you cannot even get onto a planet without dying. I do think the immediate area upon arriving at a planet and it's related taxi NPC and med-centre should be within a shielded safe area. It doesn't have to be a big area, just enough for people to have a stand and at least enables them to move around the giant map by means of taxi.


I get what you're saying about back in the day with WoW. But like the mobile/cell phone of 15 years ago vs the phones of today, more and more people are playing MMO's and they are not all hardcore gamers. Back then you had MMOers playing MMOs, now you got the average Joe playing too.


But the average Joe might like PvP in open world. Take me for example, I love PvP in open world, but am no way a PvP hard-core player. Also, I run a small guild as opposed to a massive one on a PvP server. I would be seriously stressed if I could not even get onto Hoth to do questing, or even compete.


So would you not agree, that perhaps port-in camping and med centre camping is perhaps a bit OTT when it comes to Open World PvP?

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I used to long for days like this in that other game. . . It really is the one thing that SWTOR is lacking.


We need exciting things to happen, and in the current game world, that is difficult to achieve.


There needs to be a single planet where both factions have hubs. WZ ques, and GTN's FP transports, ect. so that it ensures constant traffic. Then the players might actually get to interact like a real MMO.


Instead of everyone hanging out on the fleet where hardly anything exciting happens.

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sorry to mention this but back the days in wow


"...back in the day in wow". Can we stop talking about that piece of #@$& game please? It has single-handedly ruined the genre and unleashed millions of stoopid little wannabes online.


Man, even Everquest had better PvP than WoW did. EQ had a very simple outlook on it.


1- These servers are set aside for PvP.

2- You can kill anyone from the other side (good vs evil races) anywhere, anytime.

3- If you win, you get to loot 1 non-bagged item from the player, plus all their cash.

4- NO BALANCING - you had the same abilities in PvP that you had in PvE.

5- You can play here, or not...your choice.


No carebear PvP gear, titles or rewards of any kind, no instanced carebear "BGs", no ranked carebear hand-holding...you made your name by killing people for the freaking fun of it.


"Back in the day in WoW".



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I used to long for days like this in that other game. . . It really is the one thing that SWTOR is lacking.


We need exciting things to happen, and in the current game world, that is difficult to achieve.


There needs to be a single planet where both factions have hubs. WZ ques, and GTN's FP transports, ect. so that it ensures constant traffic. Then the players might actually get to interact like a real MMO.


Instead of everyone hanging out on the fleet where hardly anything exciting happens.


When a base on any planet is being attacked by more than a certain number of enemy players, a warning should sound throughout the game for the opposing faction telling them where the action is going down.


That way, anyone who's selected to keep that chat option open, will see it and if Pvp-inclined, will go to help out defend their base. Also rewards as well.


But there needs to be an area where people can touch down without dying right away.

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From some of the info in this thread it seems as though the server is populated heavily by the imps...the gauntlet was tossed and they decided to collect armaments instead shame on them.


What happened in the OP is exactly what I expected to have in this game and exactly why I chose a PVP server and I have to say the lack of world PVP is a huge dissapointment.


Ilum is a bad joke...I finish my daily in 30 mins and my weekly in 2hrs that 5 hrs longer than I would like to spend on that turd...the weekly Zerg was fun the first few times now I just AOE until I hit the magic number *yawn*


The open world PvP issue is really because there is nothing to be gained. I think if there was rewards and competitions as such then a lot more people would be doing it.


Like I said before though, I have nothing against base-storming and it is fun to do. But it's only the immediate port-in areas I think it's unfair, regardless of side (I'm Republic btw). Allow your enemy a bit of breathing space, then it becomes an more even challenge whilst not stepping on other people's gaming experience.


I have not yet experienced Ilum, I have heard horror stories about the mechanics there so waiting til the issue is resolved. I passionately hate the warzones so it's the Open World PvP that excites me.

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