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Open World PvP is ALIVE!!!!!!


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As we all know Hoth is such an important place and world pvp is all about killing some low level guards and then camp the drop ship untill some poor low levels is going there to quest!!


Since you felt that it was needed to make a thread about it here in the forums, and that the empire should "man up" and come fight, enter one by one and get AOE'd down says a few things... barely any empire players came and/or you're 12 years old and think that camping a low level planet was an achievement.




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gratz op at least u had fun, ignore these haters, most of these kids came from wow where "pvp" is "fair" (like fox news) instanced easymode boredom aka swtor warzones.


but i agree with many of you here, there should be a reward for killing the enemy (from same or higher lvl) anywhere aside from ilum, maybe have a merc comms reward daily since the description says you get those from open world pvp.

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Belsavis is simply an example planet. We could have done this to any planet...apart from Tatooine. You cant get to the sith spaceport on tatooine because of the massive deathzone.


Also, we take ilum away from the sith on a regular basis, with only 30 Exiles and a few extra non guilded members. Sith usually are sitting at the bridge farming a couple of republic, we storm them from behind and wipe them in seconds, and then fight them all the way back to their spawn. They usually have 20-30 more people than us, but organisation and teamspeak communication beats a zerg any day of the week.


Ilum is boring and old now, farming the same sith for 6 hours at a time for 10 valour levels might sound like fun to some people, but not to most of our guild.


PvP events like taking the spaceport spice the game up and add content that isnt even suppose to be there.


Just try it guys, get a raid together, get some alts on the sith station and start shouting that the republic have taken over the belsavis/hoth spaceport and watch how many 50s try and storm the place and kill you.


Who needs any reward other than fun for pvp....

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Glad you have fun trying to kill low lvl players :) Too bad it's still not worth anything and you will sooner or later return to us and get owned again.


Take Ilum and sit in our base - then we will talk mate.

LOL, killing people in ilum is worth something?


LOL, taking over an ilum base is worth something?


Atm I only have toons on Imperial side, but to think that anything productive comes from Ilum PvP is a huge pipedream. There certainly isn't any killing that's worth more in Ilum than killing on any other planet. Valor? What a joke.

Edited by olagaton
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Who the **** cares about Hoth?


Take over Corellia and then we'll talk.


Speaking of which, why the **** isn't Corellia more occupied and/or have more reasons to be full? Isn't that like, one of the core worlds to be fighting over?

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lol so you camped the spawn point and killed them instantly as they loaded in one by one....prolly were dead before they even fully loaded. Sounds like great world pvp.


Players do all their loading on the door from their spaceship to the orbital station. The loading time from the orbital station down to the planet is done in about 1 second...

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I didn't feel like flipping through 20 pages to see if this was addressed but someone on the first page said the Sith were busy owning up warzones and Ilum while we were doing nothing.


What you don't know is that most of the people in that ops group are already battlemasters, me included, I just don't care for titles as my epeen doesn't need anymore stroking. What is left for us battlemasters to do other than grind to War Hero and do dailies? We do our dailies in like an hour because we crush the Sith in warzones preeeeetty often. They do have some good premades yes but most of their pugs are just fail trains. They just have no idea how to communicate effectively or protect healers, or you know, say anything at all in ops chat. I have a level 50 Sith alt I actually leveled AFTER making Battlemaster and yes, I can attest to the situation of Imperial PVP on the server.


In fact, the reason we didn't end up forming like 6 premade groups was because all we would get was same faction huttball as we had done so earlier in the day. The Imperials don't seem to want to queue anymore thinking there is safety in numbers on Ilum.


So sure, when Bioware removes the dailies and adds a tier of gear/rated WZs/incentive to keep WZing, we will form our 4 premades and go at it. Until then, we're going to go amuse ourselves.


Also to augment/update, they went back to it again last night, on Ilum this time. Was still a massacre, but it was just Ilum so everyone loses in the end.

Edited by K-Mak
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Here are the problems with the OP's idea of "world pvp":


1. All you're really doing is griefing lower level players. Real pvp takes place between equally geared/leveled players who are pitting their skills against one another.

2. Despite griefing these players, these actions don't actually effect their leveling capabilities. Between warzones and space combat, this really only serves as an inconvenience.

3. Since blocking off the spaceport is only a minor inconvenience for the majority of players on the planet, there's no incentive for higher level players to zone in and try to clear out the attackers.

4. In addition to there being no incentive to clear out the attackers, there are no rewards for engaging in world pvp outside of Ilum, giving most players no reason to participate.

5. Camping the zone-in area kills any chance the opposition may have of putting up a defense, even if they actually wanted to respond to your attack.


You can claim that "real pvpers don't care about rewards" till you're blue in the face, but the fact of the matter is that most people who pvp don't do it for the thrill of the kill. And frankly, if that's all you really cared about, you would go to a level 50 area and pick fights, instead of farming NPCs on a lower level planet that nobody cares about.

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Well, it's not dead but I dare not call it live.


My crew took over the republic Starport on Hoth. For 2 hours. Both of us. We fell asleep in your Cantina. But not before dispatching your entire response team of 3 rebs. Totally epic.


Would be nice If you guys were on Helm of Graush. It might actually feel as though there is a war going on.

Edited by RaulTheConquerer
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Well, it's not dead but I dare not call it live.


My crew took over the republic Starport on Hoth. For 2 hours. Both of us. We fell asleep in your Cantina. But not before dispatching your entire response team of 3 rebs. Totally epic.


Would be nice If you guys were on Helm of Graush. It might actually feel as though there is a war going on.


Roll on our server. We have been doing this all week now and the sith are starting to get the point. They are coming in with 20-40 lvl 50 guys to try and dislodge us. Really fun pvp.

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On Vulkar Highway ilum is slowly becoming more fun. My guild has been running guild ops from the start but now with the imps that rerolled and other pubs joining the fight ilum is turning into a fair fight. If only the would make it where you had to control 3/5 to gain extra valor it might make it less of a zerg battle and more of a multiple ops groups trying to take 3/5 having more than one fight at a time. Also The Exiled is recruiting pvpers to fill our ranks.We are about quality over quantity and skill will need to be proven over a trial period. Pst in game for more info.
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so not only did you kill people filtering through zoning in who are all much lower level but you corpse camped them as well at the graveyard?


so if the shoe was on the other foot, exactly how would that make you feel... I am sure those said people had lots of "fun" zoning in to a corpse, or rezzing into 4 people to only insta gib them. Sounds like great "fun"


do you want a chocolate watch for your ability to grief lowbies?


and the excuse for griefing and corpse camping, is... "they should have called on random strangers to come help, i mean that is why we were there all along, to fight people on an equal ground on a planet with different scenery"


hoth is what, lvl 36 or 37?


congratulations on beating the snot out of characters that can't even hit you back.

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No they shouldn't have, since they were too busy owning Ilum and WZs for valor/commendations aka getting geared. While the republic was stroking their little e-peens against lvl 40 NPCs.


I guess the republic was tired of losing so they had to pick a fight they could win..




Exile took Illum two night ago. Totally ***** the Empire.

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lol dont listen to the haters man thats what world pvp is all about, and is it very much alive in this game, people are just to lazy to go find it....even in Ilum.


I agree completely. Get a group of 8 together and go show those imperials what "ambush" means

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KDS (imperial guild) did this on TOFN server, it lasted all of 45 mins before they got wiped by a pug ops group half their size (they were running two full ops groups, all guilded/ventrilo etc).


was fun, but that was just after the headstart anyway. nowadays i think people would rather valorfarm.

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Here are the problems with the OP's idea of "world pvp":


1. All you're really doing is griefing lower level players. Real pvp takes place between equally geared/leveled players who are pitting their skills against one another.

2. Despite griefing these players, these actions don't actually effect their leveling capabilities. Between warzones and space combat, this really only serves as an inconvenience.

3. Since blocking off the spaceport is only a minor inconvenience for the majority of players on the planet, there's no incentive for higher level players to zone in and try to clear out the attackers.

4. In addition to there being no incentive to clear out the attackers, there are no rewards for engaging in world pvp outside of Ilum, giving most players no reason to participate.

5. Camping the zone-in area kills any chance the opposition may have of putting up a defense, even if they actually wanted to respond to your attack.


You can claim that "real pvpers don't care about rewards" till you're blue in the face, but the fact of the matter is that most people who pvp don't do it for the thrill of the kill. And frankly, if that's all you really cared about, you would go to a level 50 area and pick fights, instead of farming NPCs on a lower level planet that nobody cares about.


You are wrong on all fronts.


I applaud the OP for trying to make this game better than what it actually it is... even though he is forced to do so at Battlemaster.


Here is a post I wrote in which the griefers actually turned into the griefed.

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KDS (imperial guild) did this on TOFN server, it lasted all of 45 mins before they got wiped by a pug ops group half their size (they were running two full ops groups, all guilded/ventrilo etc).


was fun, but that was just after the headstart anyway. nowadays i think people would rather valorfarm.


lol dream on


KDS had 2 full raids and they were running seperately in different instances.


RK was engaged with one of their raids in one instance and we had a lot of fun back and forth. Their other raid was taking out pugs and wiping the floor with them until enough pugs gathered to push them back (KDS published a full video of this on Youtube).


Eventually KDS brought both raids into that instance and then we came over too to see how much the server can handle - which was the whole point of the excercise in the first place and had been pre-arranged between them and us on the forums before hand for all to see on tofn.eu


As soon as we arrived via the taxi the server fell over and everyone started crashing. At that point we knew how many players the servers could support and discovered that large scale open world pvp can not work in TOR.


It was a good event and I wouldn't mind seeing more if only the game could handle it.

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