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What is the point of a companion gift cooldown?


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It really exists just to piss you off.


That ^ right up there.


It's true.


It's a deliberate player inconvenience, too short to stop someone from giving a bajillion gifts in a row but long enough to grow annoying pretty quickly.


"But Why?" you ask.


It's a catastrophically poorly conceived time sink is what it is.


That's why.

Edited by Quip
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You need to keep in mind why the the whole affection system was added. It was added to provide a sort of social simulator. Such a system is not designed to cater to those who want to game it or rush through it. I can understand where the annoyance comes from but, you are not using it as intended. It's pretty much the same thing as "having" to space bar through the plot scenes.
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Why are you gimps giving your companions gifts all the time?


Just backhand em, and tell em to make you a sammich.




Or.....just stop being such evil, dark side characters and then Mako and Vette won't NEED your crappy gifts xD.


Simple really.

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Or.....just stop being such evil, dark side characters and then Mako and Vette won't NEED your crappy gifts xD.


Simple really.




Some of the companions seem to just be random like or dislike.


Plus its difficult to raise all companions purely via dialogue.

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Can you imagine how overpowered it would be without the cooldown?


My sith warrior would run around spamming gifts to Vette like a madman on Ilum, the cries for nerfs would be deafening.


Except there isn't really any reason to nerf something that ultimately doesn't matter at all. It's just fluff.... and it would be nice if we got to get through that fluff at whatever pace we want to.

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So you give your kids 5 gifts at once thereby not making them stop to actually acknowledge what the gift is and thank the person they got it from before tossing it aside tearing into the next one like all kids would? Christmas morning would last 5 mins at your house.


And if it was someones birthday and you shoved all 10 gifts to them and then run off to join a warzone how much affection would you actually get do ya think?






It's a dumb mechanic. Stop defending it.

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Lol I don't think that's gonna happen.. The cooldown doesn't add any form of immersion.. In fact it takes away from it.. If I wanted to give someone 10 gifts at one time I could..


I wouldn't say "hey happy birthday Bob.. here's one present"... Then awkwardly stare at Bob for 30 seconds until I could give him another.. Another 30 seconds of awkward silence until I give him another present, and so on, and so on...


Would it harm Bob in any way if I overloaded him with presents? Why does he need a present blocking force field to protect him? Are they afraid he is going to get to excited if I give him too much at one time and have a heart attack?


Hmmm so your the one buying Bob all them ruddy gifts... hands off my Bob.. I only buy Bob his gifts. If I dont have Bob then what's the point, what's the point Itell ya...


Bob if your reading this thread..please dont think badly of your Guild Leader, your friend, your bestest friend in the whole damn universe...pwwwomminse i will only use the shock collar on special occasions in future, honest!!! :rolleyes:

Edited by Bloodstealer
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It's a dumb mechanic. Stop defending it.

NIce post, you dispute my points with such valid...oh no wait all you said was really a couple times. I know its a far stretch, putting a little tiny bit of reality into an mmoRPG but they need something for the whiners to whine about.
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The only thing that would make it more immersive than to wait for a while between each gift, would be if they inserted a Loading Screen in-between each gift giving.


That would truly be perfect!


We can dream of the perfect immersive game, maybe some day. :)


No no no.....a cut-scene showing your character giving the gift to your companion!



Actually, I'd love to see that at least once.

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No cooldown scenario.

Player: Buys 500 level 1 gifts.


It's a limit in order to prevent people from simply buying the level 1 gifts from the vendors to get 10K affection.


Pretty sure this wouldn't work. If I'm not mistaken, companions stop gaining affection from companion gifts once you've exceeded a certain rank disparity. This might work up to 6000 affection, though.


And I worked it out--it would actually be more like 150 rank 1 gifts. Well, assuming that the character in question has a favorite gift type, which some of them don't.


Anyway, while you do make an interesting point, I still think they should at least drop the cooldown to a few seconds.

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Pretty sure this wouldn't work. If I'm not mistaken, companions stop gaining affection from companion gifts once you've exceeded a certain rank disparity. This might work up to 6000 affection, though.


And I worked it out--it would actually be more like 150 rank 1 gifts. Well, assuming that the character in question has a favorite gift type, which some of them don't.


Anyway, while you do make an interesting point, I still think they should at least drop the cooldown to a few seconds.


Yeah, there has to be a CD of some sort, maybe 10-15 seconds.

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