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**{Must See T.V.}** Sage DPS is SOOO Hard


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Ya or to put it short, the class takes too few skills to play, to get good numbers :)

That said, he deffently got carried by his team in this video. Still i see alot of people do the same **** as he pulls here, and it just gets annoying in the long run :(


This is such utter nonsense. ANY class which would have been left to free cast like hmi would do similar damage.


The main reason his team did not get obliterated was that the imperial team was simply atrocious.

Any half decent group with an ounce of intelligence would shut down such a no brain TK Throw spammer throughout the whole game.

I know because *gasp* I have done so against such players even in other MMOs who can only spam 1-2 skills and are otherwise incapable of utilizing their class properly


Fun fact why do we not see such a thing consistently? Also the OP does not even provide any facts how long it took him to do that and I doubt he would be honest about it anyway.


Fact is if that imperial team would have been in any way competent they would have ***** the OP over and over and over again like the few times he got actually jumped and died a pityful death.

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Well, I think we can all agree that Merc or Sorc, both classes require mad amount of skills. They should really be buffed. Huh, Bioware? How about it? I vote you give them laser beams attached to their friggin' heads.


Dude have you seen the Columni/Rakata Helm for healer/DPS BH?



Spoilers: They look like sharks with a laser beam attached to their head.

Edited by Valfodr
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Lol, have to laugh at the the hypocrisy in most of these posts. As if most classes, left alone, couldn't rack up decent damage , maybe not with ONE button, maybe two.....


This is just serving as an excuse for all those people who are lazy in warzones and cry "nerf" at the drop of a hat.


Already see the posts calling for "change the skill so it doesn't slow"... well, forget that.


This isn't a realistic video, in the sense that any competent sorc/sage doesn't have a rotation set up like this.


No, it isn't that simple a class to play when you face a good team and are being focused.:D

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Lol, have to laugh at the the hypocrisy in most of these posts. As if most classes, left alone, couldn't rack up decent damage , maybe not with ONE button, maybe two.....


This is just serving as an excuse for all those people who are lazy in warzones and cry "nerf" at the drop of a hat.


Already see the posts calling for "change the skill so it doesn't slow"... well, forget that.


This isn't a realistic video, in the sense that any competent sorc/sage doesn't have a rotation set up like this.


No, it isn't that simple a class to play when you face a good team and are being focused.:D

You have obviously never played a jedi knight....


It takes 20 buttons and thirty fingers.


It shows you can be a moron and be successful as a ranged player, absurd

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think the highest i ever managed was just under 300k and this was only because the other team were so bad at voidstar we just sat at their spawn waiting..

so you are whining about the total damage a sage/sroc can put out?


fine, then just remove the aoe effects of my spells. i'm fine with that. and then you'll see all sorcs/sages being the bottom most in the total damage list. yes the VERY BOTTOM!


but it won't change anything when you face them. you still will be owned because your problem is not our high total damage at the end of a wz due to AOE, it is that you massivly need L2P.

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The only funny thing about a Sentinel is the ridiculous skill cap it has.



That separates the men from the boys. The Sentinels that I play with, absolutely annihilate people and I'd take them in my 4 man over any Sage.


Any monkey can hit one button and get damage. A good Sentinel is by far the best DPS in this game as far as group play is concerned.


actually playing sentinel is quite simple. though it has a bad if not the worst learning curve. i'm talking mainly about watchman. you need a lot of skills for your damage rotation which is damn annoying at the beginning.

i think it is the class with the most hotkeys i ever palyed.


BUT, after you got used to your damage rotation and can do it while sleeping there isn't much complexity left.


well, of course you still need a sense for tactics, when to use or not to waste your jump etc. but this is part of gameplay and everybody needs this anyway.


don't get me wrong. i like my sentinel. but switched my main to sage because sentinel has for my taste a far too simple gamplay, common to most melee classes in most mmos.


i allways land at utility classes. i prefere outlaying others with utilities than raw damage destroyers. the latter is boring for my taste, it is too simple, and with too few options.

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What you see on the screen is a guy that's carried to win by his team, agreed. You also see that with only one button he makes 10% more damage then the next one in his team which I presume was using all the abilities and... he racks up 6 darn medals and .... he gets the most kills.


Also agreed that against a better team he would have had a harder time but common ..... that's really not a valid argument for this discussion. We are talking about what happens in this video not w/e hypothetical situation you may think off, be that probable or not. Stick to the facts.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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This is such utter nonsense. ANY class which would have been left to free cast like hmi would do similar damage.


Any class right? Ok bucky, what skill does a Scoundrel spam to do those numbers? It has to be spammable and it has to not drain energy faster than can be regenerated.

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Any class right? Ok bucky, what skill does a Scoundrel spam to do those numbers? It has to be spammable and it has to not drain energy faster than can be regenerated.


This is how clueless most "good" sages/sorcs are. They seem to think we a) never played this stupidly op class/spec (when hybrid specced), or b) never beta tested it and reported it as a problem then and c) seem to think all other classes are this dumbed down and boring to play.


Add that player in the video pressing his instant cast dots (of course everything has to be instant), instant cast bubble, and instant cast CC and he does 500 k dmg in that warzone.


None of the above take "skill". The only think you could call "skill" is also throwing shields on other players (best instant heal in the game, because there is no offensive dispel), due to stupidly efficient force regen, and force sprinting to LOS and healing to full.

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You have obviously never played a jedi knight....


It takes 20 buttons and thirty fingers.


It shows you can be a moron and be successful as a ranged player, absurd


It takes no more buttons to play a guardian than it does to play a sage. I have both (well mirrors) and i click about the same amount of different buttons in any one 'life'. I would even say the guardain is easier as i dont have to worry about being spiked in 1.5 seconds or staying in a leapers dead zone because i have great armour, hp and defensive CDs - i just run upto who i want to kill and press 3 buttons.


Because somoene can setup a warzone to make a video showing the geared sage doing 'impressive' damage for what looks like a total scrub warzone doesnt prove anything other than bad players are bad.

Edited by da_krall
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It seems most sage/sorc defenders here seems to ignore the fact that the vid shows a hotbar with one ability on it.


If the OP had been using all his abilities he would do even better.


I play 8 different characters (I want to see all the stories), and my Sage is the easiest one to play. Add in the rest of the abilities and you do above average damage while being able to survive better than a tank while dominating the objectives in warzones.


The funny part is, the same guys saying Sage/Sorc are fine are the same people that got the operatives nerfed into the ground. I think the next step should be giving melee classes more utility and survivability so it's worth playing them again.

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The funny part is, the same guys saying Sage/Sorc are fine are the same people that got the operatives nerfed into the ground. I think the next step should be giving melee classes more utility and survivability so it's worth playing them again.


So true. They claim the game is now perfectly balanced after they got their anti class nerfed to the ground lol.


Hilarious. The game IS pretty balanced atm but there is one glaring problem and it is hybrid specced sorc/sages and ease of play of ranged classes minus slinger/sniper.


The faceroll part? That will take longer to fix. The hybrid spec part? That needs to get nerfed and quickly.


Especially when other hybrids whom noone complained about (shadows/assassins) were nerfed.


The pure balance/madness spec? Noone is complaining about. The hybrid spec? LOL at how it ever made it out of beta when many people REPORTED IT as STUPIDLY OP. We were flamed then of course, but it was as true then as it is now.

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Agreed! Totally! Nobody is arguing otherwise.


What people ARE saying is, in the interests of BALANCE and FAIRNESS, all other classes should also have an ability like that.


ALL classes have a DPS spec. Then, to be balanced and fair, ALL classes should have a spammable ability that does comparable damage. Most classes do not. That's a problem.




Again, true. But some classes are NOT given this as an option. Take my Marauder. I cannot do that kind of damage with one key. Even with two keys I still can't. I need 4-5 for that kind of damage. I need, at the very least, the rage builders (2 abilities, one with medium cooldown), I need the Deadly Saber bleed, I need Rupture bleed. That's 4. Preferably I should also have Annihilate. I also have to work (KPM, keypresses per minute) much more to achieve the same effect as a Sorcerer or Merc doing with a fraction of my KPM.


Fair? No, it's not. The end result is the same - X DPS. But the amount of work needed is disproportionate.


Let me give you a real world example. We are each given an identical room to clean. I get a Swiffer broom, you get a toothbrush. Who will finish first, and with a lot less work? See the problem now?




The point, once again for those in the cheap seats, is that two classes in the game are given very strong, spammable DPS abilities with 30m range. Other classes do not. That is neither balanced, nor fair. Which is what the video shows.


Want to change people's minds? Do a similar video. Bind 1 ability to 1 key. Pick any class but Merc/Comm or Sorc/Sage. See how well you do. Even with a good team. And even against complete noobs. Maybe then you'll see what the problem is.


I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but this stuff was OBVIOUS. This isn't rocket surgery. Add to that the obvious problem of the Sorc/Sage 500-600 resource pool, and the problem is only exacerbated.


Because one class has an ability that works a certain way all classes should? Really? You want us all to play cookie cutter heal/dps/tank? That sounds extremely boring. The idea that force lightning is overpowered is almost as laughable as talking about balance in a 1v1 with only one ability.


The best part about your post is you're a Marauder complaining about Sorcerers. You do realize you play the best 1v1 class in the game, and if you're not a face drooler you should be tearing up sorcs right? Maruaders rip us apart if played well. I think we found your problem.



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The pure balance/madness spec? Noone is complaining about. The hybrid spec? LOL at how it ever made it out of beta when many people REPORTED IT as STUPIDLY OP. We were flamed then of course, but it was as true then as it is now.


Because they where wrong then and they are wrong now. L2P

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Because they where wrong then and they are wrong now. L2P


That's the problem. You don't need to 'learn to play' to be a good sage/sorc. You just need the right spec and the ability to somehow target another player and hit 1 or 2 buttons.


Most average (or worse) players do well with the class, so they don't need to know how to play. The ones defending the sage/sorc the most are the ones who got rolled with whatever class they were playing before and want to keep the EZmode that they play now.


Some of the other players (even those who play sorc/sage) are interested in making the game better for every class.


There should not be a choice you make a character selection that will make you better than other players with the same skill level as you who did not take your class choice.

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Since I've gotten FIB, in every voidstar/huttball, I've topped 300k from level 20-37 now.


In Alderaan, you're looking at 250-300 tops if you're actually playing objectives and defending points.


Mercs and Commandos come nowhere near sages, and you are the hard counter to those classes. A lot of people are smoking crack in this thread too.


The only sages that question sage dps in 2/3 warzones are bad ones.


You guys are insane if you think Mercs/Commandos can even compare to sages. The amount of utility we get and the amount of overall damage we do is insane.

Edited by adrenalinee
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I think the next step should be giving melee classes more utility and survivability so it's worth playing them again.


This was my takeaway as well. Ranged is much easier to play. Ranged also has higher potential in most situations


I can get about 350k dmg on my Shadow (half BM, half Champ gear) if everything works out okay (I'm not on a losing team spending half of my time dead). On the other hand, I've seen Sorcs over 500k. I'm guessing it's mostly because people notice me in their face, killing their healers so I die a lot. For some reason, people don't always see the sorc standing in the back nuking everyone.


Open world i'm fine because of stealth, but I would like to have some reason to play a melee in a WZ. As it is, I seem to just be at a disadvantage to a class like a Sage/Sorc in a WZ. I could just go roll a Sage/Sorc...but isn't that what everyone has done already :p

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You have obviously never played a jedi knight....


It takes 20 buttons and thirty fingers.


It shows you can be a moron and be successful as a ranged player, absurd


it shows that you need to add the most important body part which you forgot--a brain? ;)


situational awareness + all those skills makes a much happier jedi knight, wouldn't assume which classes I have or haven't played,....

Edited by Calista_ZK
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This is how clueless most "good" sages/sorcs are. They seem to think we a) never played this stupidly op class/spec (when hybrid specced), or b) never beta tested it and reported it as a problem then and c) seem to think all other classes are this dumbed down and boring to play.


Add that player in the video pressing his instant cast dots (of course everything has to be instant), instant cast bubble, and instant cast CC and he does 500 k dmg in that warzone.


None of the above take "skill". The only think you could call "skill" is also throwing shields on other players (best instant heal in the game, because there is no offensive dispel), due to stupidly efficient force regen, and force sprinting to LOS and healing to full.


Still struggling to play your easy mdoe class well? :rolleyes:


So true. They claim the game is now perfectly balanced after they got their anti class nerfed to the ground lol.


Hilarious. The game IS pretty balanced atm but there is one glaring problem and it is hybrid specced sorc/sages and ease of play of ranged classes minus slinger/sniper.


The faceroll part? That will take longer to fix. The hybrid spec part? That needs to get nerfed and quickly.


Especially when other hybrids whom noone complained about (shadows/assassins) were nerfed.


The pure balance/madness spec? Noone is complaining about. The hybrid spec? LOL at how it ever made it out of beta when many people REPORTED IT as STUPIDLY OP. We were flamed then of course, but it was as true then as it is now.


It was never true but kid yourself some more about how oh so difficult Sent/Mara is to play. :rolleyes:

By the way I play TK is that op too? :rolleyes:

Edited by Vales
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At the op. I press WAY more buttons then this. I also press my instant cast dots, and my instant cast procs and my instant cast CC.


I play with a Xbox 360 controller and it is NOT EZ. Sage/Sorc is the hardest class to play in the game and most squishiest.








































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