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**{Must See T.V.}** Sage DPS is SOOO Hard


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u cant do that w/ force litening


tk throw is stronger then f.l., ppl will say NO ITS MIRROR CLASS but theres diffrences


f.l. dont aoe on ppl, tk throw has a mini stun kinda thing, f.l. has a slow.. stun is better for pvp cos every1 got a jump or a range attack slows only rly good for ppl who run away but other classes got same thing. overall tk throw do more dmg then f.l.


im not tryin to say sage 'overall' is better then sorc 'overall' (imo sage got more surviveablilty and sorc got more dmg), but sage is definately better if your a 1-button nub who stand in 1 spot,, and theres a lot of such ppl in game


Throw doesn't stun... it also slows... at least it does on my sage. (If you put points into a talent, it has a chance to also throw a larger chunk of rock, that I think can stun.)


The classes really are mirrors as far as I can tell.


Sage/sorc is extremely easy to play effectively as anyone can see by that video...


Add a full bar of all your abilities and it has to be the most effective class in the game overall. (DPS/CC/Heals/utility)


Also you have no way of knowing with any degree of certainty which one does more damage (FL vs TK throw), as there are no combat logs. Please refrain from talking out of your bumhole

Edited by KurleyKilla
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Oh no indefinately 3k+ over 3 seconds compared to spike 3k+ every 1.5 seconds coupled with 5k+ spike. You act as if everybody doesnt know about the talent that reduces heat when missiles crit hit so your claim that once a Merc goes through his rotation hes dried up is FALSE. Or his other talents/abilities that vent heat.


that talent can onlyh happen every 2nd or 3rd tracer. heat IS an issue.


hybrid sage spec's can get insta cast tk wave that crits for 3.5k-3kx5 targets a lot. if the op had used weaken mind than you could have seen the procs that allow tk throw to happen in 1.5s instead of 3s, andyou can do two 1.5s tk throws consecutively due to the way ability queue'ng works in the game (same bug that devs are fixing for sorc/sage healers)


sage/sorc def have it going on atm. i have vanguard, sage, scoundrel and merc at 50.

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Funny how hard I try as a Sentinel and how easy it easy for others.


The only funny thing about a Sentinel is the ridiculous skill cap it has.



That separates the men from the boys. The Sentinels that I play with, absolutely annihilate people and I'd take them in my 4 man over any Sage.


Any monkey can hit one button and get damage. A good Sentinel is by far the best DPS in this game as far as group play is concerned.

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The only funny thing about a Sentinel is the ridiculous skill cap it has.



That separates the men from the boys. The Sentinels that I play with, absolutely annihilate people and I'd take them in my 4 man over any Sage.


Any monkey can hit one button and get damage. A good Sentinel is by far the best DPS in this game as far as group play is concerned.


Yea I second this, I thought Sentinel was supposed to be bad based on everything I have heard from not only the forums, but general chat in the game.


I said **** it and made one last night (Wanted 2 lightsabers..), at level 13 I got the screenshots to prove it (yes we are talking number 1 dmg in a warzone at lvl 13... If you complain about me being in your warzone without sprint you are a noob and I pwn you)... class kicks a lot of ***, and hits harder then any other char I have. It even seems to have pretty good survivability If you play it right and use all your abilities...


Lets keep this a secret though, perhaps sentinels will get a buff if people think they suck so bad...

Edited by KurleyKilla
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Problem is, and this is exactly what the video shows, is that he can pull that kind of damage with 1 button and hardly any movement. Yes he gets carried. Yes the enemy it atrocious.


But can a Mara pull that kind of numbers with 1 button? Nope.

Can a PT? Again, nope, not a single button they can spam can give those numbers or even close. Sure he can hit Flame Burst 4-6 times before overheat puts a stop to that, and then 20 seconds of cooloff before he can do it again.


What people are complaining about is that Mercs and Sorcs can spam one button, over and over, and get quite decent results. When NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME can do the same. Either nerf them, or buff others. Otherwise it's just not fair.


Which is the whole point of the video.



Nah, the video failed to make its point. In the merc video, he does several 1v1s, defends nodes and gets attacked a lot, but still pulls through and 4-shots people with his 1 attack.


This video shows a sage who never gets attacked and puts out average damage.

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this has been a very illuminating thread to say the least


we were all thinking lolfacerolldps when we thought of sorcs/sages but even that is more complicated than what they do




Edited by HBninjaX
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I top battleground damage on my level 25 Shieldtech.

I top battleground damage on my level 37 MarksSniper.

I specced 31 point lightning on my sorc for the lawlz and still top damage, with no force lightning spammable attack.


Why? Because 99% of people in pvp right now are completely useless.


Not to mention the merc tracer missile video he didnt have people helping him, and didnt die? You died 4 times with people holding your hand.

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i dont really get these threads



I'm sure if I made a video with my BH healer with only my spamable heal on my toolbar I could pull off decent healing numbers/survivability.


Hmm yes... I see why because you are a BH... Interesting. Thank you for proving the OP's point about BH/trooper/sorc/sage.

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Oh no indefinately 3k+ over 3 seconds compared to spike 3k+ every 1.5 seconds coupled with 5k+ spike. You act as if everybody doesnt know about the talent that reduces heat when missiles crit hit so your claim that once a Merc goes through his rotation hes dried up is FALSE. Or his other talents/abilities that vent heat.


dont know about mercs, but as a trooper i have 12 ammo. and after going through my rotation twice im out of ammo and have to use my recharge. then i go through my rotation 2 more times and I have to use my free attack this all takes place in around 40 to 50 seconds. So yes in heated battles for nodes I will have to spam my free attack alot especially if I throw a plasma Grenade which takes a 3rd of my ammo.

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Hey, if "KPM" seems such an obstacle to your play, use some class that doesnt require so many "KPPM".


No DPS class should be better than the other, requirement of "KPPM" should have absolutely NO impact on DPS output.


Lets keep this a secret though, perhaps sentinels will get a buff if people think they suck so bad...


Its not a secret any more, its new FOTM, everyone and their aunt is leveling one ATM, want to pwn lowby WZs (along PT/Vanguard), and its ripe for teh nerf-bat :)


The problem with sage/sorc is the fact that they have a spammable attack that does decent damage that also slows. The real solution is removing the slow effect and attaching it to a skill that has a longer CD


I would like same ability that perma slows opponents like other classes have. To bad sorc/sage dont have one. So if you fight sorc/sage you are not slowed at least 50% of the time.

Edited by GrandMike
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All I really see in these vids is:


"It your opponents are awful and leave you alone to do your own thing mostly, you can get away with speccing for near limitless force and spamming one skill".


In turn, all that you can realistically conclude is that it can be considered an easy class to play, which explains it's popularity. The option to spam one ability doesn't make them particularly fun nor OP, just easy to play vs people who are equally bad.

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What you don't get is the OP is claiming that with just one button a sorc/sage is OP. Yet he's using a vid/ss with subpar numbers as his proof (LOL). I added further that his OP claim would even further be more laughable if you'd watch him try his "OP" kind binding setup in a 1v1.


Also he hasnt posted the 20 or so videos that it took to get this one which proves his point. Editing lies.....

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people say "terribad" damage


i play deception assassin and i have to completely ignore objectives in my full champion (mixed with 2 rakata pieces and crit crafted rakata relic due to exp DR) to be able to pull those "terribad" numbers.. :rolleyes:


think the highest i ever managed was just under 300k and this was only because the other team were so bad at voidstar we just sat at their spawn waiting..


otherwise 200-240k is "great" for me. That is following a rotation and popping cd's and relic's when they are up.. albeit i usually spend a life or 2 just putting on tank stance and popping guard on someone to get a few extra medals :(


whats worse is he used 1 ability :rolleyes: quite sickened really if im honest

Edited by Chiefy
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