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Lack of Agents?


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Maybe on my server they are all pvping. Or maybe they are all in guilds and constantly running missions with their friends. But I rarely see any other agents (operative or sniper) and I have not grouped with one since about lvl 28. Tons of sith and bounty hunters, but not a single other agent.


When searching the market I almost never see + cunning player made gear, very little + cunning gear at all. Which could be a symptom of there being hordes of agents (or followers that are +cunning) or so few people don't bother to put up/make items.


Finally, earlier today I sent a tell to a person looking for a healer for a 4 H, the response I got back made me think the guy had never heard of an operative healer. Are agents that badly under represented on my server or are other people seeing this as well?

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Well, they are the only class without an inspiration... But also, the sniper's lack of mobility make people hate them. Operatives got nerfed awhile back. Personally, I don't know why people ignore us. Heh, can't have too many James Bonds running around, though, can you?
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Yeah, I'm the only notable sniper on my server, and the only sniper in my guild. I also rarely come across Gunslingers either. Plenty of operatives still around though.


If you play the class well, you'll decimate. If you don't, you probably end up quitting haha

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Yeah, I'm the only notable sniper on my server, and the only sniper in my guild. I also rarely come across Gunslingers either. Plenty of operatives still around though.


If you play the class well, you'll decimate. If you don't, you probably end up quitting haha


So true. I see a decent amount of Gunslingers though. don't see ANY Operatives, the few I do come across are usually heals and are sitting around complaining about Sorcs (I see you Xira) being OP. Though I'm a fan of Operative HoTs so I tell them to be quiet...

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Imperial Agent population is low compared to most other classes (my feeling is that on any given server the least represented basic class is probably imperial agent). On my server in warzones and operations I'll rarely see other snipers or operatives.


Looking at advanced classes only, I don't see powertechs, ever. There are one or two here and there but that's about it.

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first off agents are supposed to be somewhat based off of Grand Moff Tarkin from Star Wars a New Hope.


Most agents I've seen usually get fed up with being passed over for sorcerers and bounty hunters and have since made alts. Some seem to dislike having to be more tactful and patient in combat and prefer face roll ( more rerolling alts).


Stealth classes and ranger classes or often a minority compared to casters and warriors often due to above mentioned reasons, I've seen people in a lot of games find out playing stealth classes isn't as easy as they though and either end up QQ'ing all day long or just running to something with a more forgiving play style or with more utility.


on my server imp side population is pretty much




-Bounty hunter (bounty hunter might have passed warrior if not it's about even)

-and then Agent

Edited by AlexanderWolf
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Is this a troll thread ?


Imperial Agent is the FOTM class on my server, along with Smuggler. There's alot of them running around. You probably don't see them because most are running the stealth spec in PVP.


Really? On all three of the servers I play on Smuggler/agent is bottom in terms of popularity.. Powertech/Vanguard being the only class that's ever as low

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Really? On all three of the servers I play on Smuggler/agent is bottom in terms of popularity.. Powertech/Vanguard being the only class that's ever as low


Yeah.. ..Really.


I notice a severe population dip all around, but in terms of classes Powertech/Vanguard, and Smuggler/Agent are still very high on my server.

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There are only a handful of operatives doing PvP in the 50 bracket on VZ. If I see one in Huttball, I already know what spec they are and how far along their gear is. Snipers are even less common.


With sorcs, I recognise perhaps half the names. They're tribbles.

Edited by Oghier
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I think it simply has a lot to do with everyone wanting to be a jedi.


Personally, I love the idea of killing jedi with a character who actually has skills and not relying on some lame powers :p


But I think most people prefer waving their flashy lightsabers around!

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Great DPS, fun playstyle, and crit buff?


I rarely see other snipers on my server going past 250k in a WZ. Usually they're somewhere at 200k in huttball. Even lethality specced.

And I forgot when I saw them getting 300k medals last time. Considering sniper can't do anything but damage... Fun? I don't know.

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I think it simply has a lot to do with everyone wanting to be a jedi.


Personally, I love the idea of killing jedi with a character who actually has skills and not relying on some lame powers :p


But I think most people prefer waving their flashy lightsabers around!


It has absolutely nothing to do with wanting a lightsaber.


This is from a healer's prespective:


Its about how in huttball as an operative you feel like garbage next to force speed, bubble, ally grip, aoe knockback, 30m interrupt, 30m stun, crazy aoe heal.


Its completely ridiculous the amount of tools sorcerers/sages have to play around with.

Even if you combine all of mercenary's tools + ops tools, it will still be worse than sorcerers.


their aoe knockback cooldown is 10s less than mercs, neither merc or ops have force speed OR ally grip. ops interrupt is 10m (mercs have none), sorcs same cd 30ms range.


I'm a 50 bodyguard merc right now with a non-50 sawbone scoundrel and would go sorcerer in a heartbeat if I can go back time. I've just put in too much effort in my merc and I'm sick of leveling another character.

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I rarely see other snipers on my server going past 250k in a WZ. Usually they're somewhere at 200k in huttball. Even lethality specced.

And I forgot when I saw them getting 300k medals last time. Considering sniper can't do anything but damage... Fun? I don't know.


Because doing damage is the only way to determine how good someone is, right?


What if I'm a lethality spec sniper/operative on voidstar, and spend most of my time DoTing everyone up so they can't plant the bomb ever?


Let's also take it one step further in this hypothetical example and say that without me running around spamming DoTs, we would have lost the match. However, my total damage/kills are pretty low, because all I did was DoT everyone up, which were healed through.


Are you going to say that because I didn't break 250-300k damage, even though I saved the entire match for my team, that I'm useless?

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Because doing damage is the only way to determine how good someone is, right?


What if I'm a lethality spec sniper/operative on voidstar, and spend most of my time DoTing everyone up so they can't plant the bomb ever?


Let's also take it one step further in this hypothetical example and say that without me running around spamming DoTs, we would have lost the match. However, my total damage/kills are pretty low, because all I did was DoT everyone up, which were healed through.


Are you going to say that because I didn't break 250-300k damage, even though I saved the entire match for my team, that I'm useless?




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I wouldn't say it has *nothing* to do with not having a lightsaber....my guild was set up fairly early and I searched around looking at the class statistics of ours and other guilds before launch. Pretty much every guild was extremely heavy on the force using classes and very low on the non-force using classes. I think BH's picked up in popularity quite a bit after launch, but the negative reputation surrounding IAs certainly hasn't helped them.
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