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Are there differences between Sentinel and Mara?


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Are these two classes exact copies or does one have some abilities that the other doesnt?


I'm trying to choose between Sentinel or Marauder....


Nah, they have the exact same abilities (with different names, obviously.) but the big difference between them is that marauders have alot more damage on their Rupture than we do on our Cauterize.

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No, they don't. It's a tooltip error. Testing shows it is the same.



Hmh, the testing I've done shows that it's not just the tooltip that reflects error in that case, because the Marauder i tested with crit his dots for ~1900 while mine were ~1400-1500. (I ougear him.)

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Hmh, the testing I've done shows that it's not just the tooltip that reflects error in that case, because the Marauder i tested with crit his dots for ~1900 while mine were ~1400-1500. (I ougear him.)


What were his stats like: power, crit, surge, talents? What were your stats like? Just saying his dots crit for more than your dots doesn't give much insight as to if it really was a difference in the abilities or just you looking at the numbers.

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The best way to test this is for both characters to get completely naked and test this without gear. This way you can get a baseline for just the abilities and not whether or not gear is affecting it or not. Either way though, marauder is better than sentinel only because there are less people on republic than empire and its much easier to find groups, as well as do FP's as an imp than it is a republic. Other than that, they are exact mirrors of eachother.
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The Marauders have much faster animations. The difference between Force Scream and Blade Storm is night and day. Of course, whoever design the pvp in this game had an obvious Imp bias.


i have 2 50 marauders and a 50 sent. if you think the .25 second animation of blade storm really matters in a PvP fight with a 1.5 sec GCD you are just making excuses.

Edited by Hizoka
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i have 2 50 marauders and a 50 sent. if you think the .25 second animation of blade storm really matters in a PvP fight with a 1.5 sec GCD you are just making excuses.


If you think a .25 or greater delay isn't a big deal in a moving, dynamic fight...well, you already said you had 2 Marauders. Not a big deal if it doesn't affect your mains, right?

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i have 2 50 marauders and a 50 sent. if you think the .25 second animation of blade storm really matters in a PvP fight with a 1.5 sec GCD you are just making excuses.


If it's the difference between your attack and his landing first, yes it is a big deal. Factor into it lag delay and it becomes an even greater deal. I'd also call the delay between those two skills closer to .4 than .25. There's an extended windup for Blade Storm versus Force Scream which pops off instantly.

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Blade Storm releases really damn quick sometimes. I've noticed (for me, at least), it seems to release from the saber much quicker in a WZ than general pve.


This is aided by two factors...


1. Combat sucks.


2. I pretty much never use Storm to kill something or even damage it unless its a rare situation where kiting is occurring within 10m range, I have over 7 focus, and one of my gap closers isn't up. Only happens a couple times a day.

Edited by ShiroRX
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Bladestorm SEEMS to release instantly if combined to another attack. For example...





You will see the hit effect and the damage but your character will most likely just do 2 slashes in a row. (animation wise)


You'll know if Storm hits because it'll be the only 4 digit yellow damage that isnt 3stack OS (i guess cauterize too if you have enough cooldowns popped).

Edited by ShiroRX
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Maybe you should use OCS again to prepare for an OCS->Merc Slash burst, or simply OCS->Caut. Maybe throw your heal debuff at them if you anticipate that they will get HP recovery. If you need to close distance, hit Camo for the speed boost then ass**** them. If OCS is down, just hit Caut.


The -only- time to ever use Blade Storm as Watchman is to tack on finishing damage to an Assassin/Operative who has their 50/100% dodge buff up.


Otherwise you're just wasting Focus hardcore.

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I'm not saying you should always use it, or use it a lot. But ignoring it completely is just bad.


There has been many occasions, where I have had my closers on cool down. Leap, camo and valourous call on CD, with not enough centering for trans. I have been CC'd and my target has got out of range. It happens now and then.

Blade storm can be very good for putting someone in dispatch range. Storm - dispatch - dead. Getting people dead is more important than focus efficiency. If I am focus dead and my target is dead, then I count that as fine.


Don't get me wrong, if I have ANY other options I will use them. But for those times when you do not, not using blade storm if you can is gimping yourself.

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The Marauders have much faster animations. The difference between Force Scream and Blade Storm is night and day. Of course, whoever designed the pvp in this game had an obvious Imp bias.


The sentinal animation is a much better one (to look at), it's the delay issue that's the problem.

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In response to the first topic of debate, there is a slight advantage to Force scream over blade storm. I've never seen FS double clutch because of latency. BS does that once every other warzone or so. Other than that there is no difference. BS does not get interrupted without applying damage (like force sweep sometimes does).
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