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Design decisions and why the game engine hurts TOR


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What? I pay pennies a day to play this game. I also have a job that affords me disposable income. He claimed that it was the OP's right to post and complain about this game because he pays $15 a month where they do not pay to play COD.


If you are complaining about having to pay $15 a month for something, maybe you should have your economic situation re-evaluted. $15 a month is pennies.


You sound like a business man yet you do not see the fact that this game right now, is a poor investment on multiple levels.

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You sound like a business man yet you do not see the fact that this game right now, is a poor investment on multiple levels.


Care to expand on that?


I mean if I am playing at least 15 hours a month and having fun, how is that a poor investment?

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You sound like a business man yet you do not see the fact that this game right now, is a poor investment on multiple levels.


The point of the matter is, you are paying for future updates and content.


If they patched COD weekly and added content every month to their dedicated servers, they would have tons of people paying $15 a month to get it.

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The point of the matter is, you are paying for future updates and content.


If they patched COD weekly and added content every month to their dedicated servers, they would have tons of people paying $15 a month to get it.


Don't they have one million Call of Duty plus subscribers? $15 a month for monthly dlc.


We are not paying for future content we are paying to play the game as it is now now then.

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The Engine

The fundamentals of the problems lie with the choice they made on the engine. [...] you cannot escape the fact that the only major releases with the engine have been primarily Free-to-play MMOs.


This was highlighted to me even more, when I tried the Tera beta this weekend. At time of logon, I was surrounded by literally hundreds of people. There was zero slowdown. [...] Clearly, the Unreal engine runs ridiculously well.


As players, we're not in a position to declare whether it's the engine or the dev's implementation of it that is the problem.


I played an MMO that used Unreal, and it was terrible - horrible lag, players warping all over etc. But TERA, on the exact same engine, performs flawlessly.


If that's the case for Unreal, it could well be the case for the Hero engine, and there is no way for us as players to know either way.

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The OP's post brings nothing new and exciting. The same biased QQ we've come to expect from haters.


I disagree with him on every point and especially the raids, wich i have trouble believing he even tried. The raids are alot better than WoW's and i actually dont think there is even any fire you need to stand out of, except on karagga's palace last boss. Eternity vault in particular is the most incredible raid i have ever experienced and has none of this "stand out of fire" mumbo jumbo.


I am sad that some people can not avoid beeing this biased. If WoW is the perfect game, i dont understand why come to this game just to ditch it, even though you are a minority.


There was an open beta, we all played the game. The game is good. What the game isnt is WoW 2.0. And thank god for that.


I think everyone who doesnt like this game is welcome to go back to WoW, and realise why your views were parcial in 1 to 2 weeks of boredom.

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My post will look so poor compared to the OP, but still, this thread needs attention and bump, so here I am.


Excelent work OP, you pretty much covered EVERYTHING me and most of the playerbase had in mind, explained clearly and backed up with facts.


My theory for the game fail is - EA.

We all had great hopes that their long greedy hands won't touch the game that much, but seems we were all wrong...

I am saying this, because EA are worldwide known for their strict and SHORT time deadlines (hope that expressin was correct) - they say to bioware "We want the game released December 2011. Period. No matter finished or not, we need the money"


Even if there's no big need to express my own opinion, I'll do it just for the OP's sake:

I was just like you, quited WoW, and excited as hell about this, seeing all the bright sides of it, looking forward to years of playing it, and now I think I am slowly but surely losing interest...


Respect to you mate!

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But chat bubbles are coming!!!!




LOL, can you imagine it? If there are 100 ppl in fleet it lags like crazy...now imagine their chat bubbles.





It took them more than 2 months to come up with the most basic and important thing for MMO - chat bubbles.

Now try to guess when the biggest issues like performance will be adressed

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Pretty sensible post.


I share your most basic point - if the engine is poor, the rest of it will fail.


Until they fix it so you can render frames opening your inventory, or getting Ilum quest updates, it will be hard to be confident to invest the time in.

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Nice post OP, I'm in the same boat.


KotOR my all time favorite singleplayer game, was hoping I could say the same for TOR as a multiplayer game. Unfortunately it doesn't come close.


My main issues: Terrible optimization, can't believe some reviewing sites give this game 9/10 when something as major as world PvP (Ilum) can't even be enjoyed due to extreme FPS issues. Other issues are the low population (and my server was the first to hit 'high' in early-access), and Bioware not addressing the issue. In fact, Bioware doesn't address any issues.


That about sums up my biggest issues with this game. 30-days left on GC for them to improve, but I know they won't.

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It took them more than 2 months to come up with the most basic and important thing for MMO - chat bubbles.

Now try to guess when the biggest issues like performance will be adressed


Heh, WAR never even got /sit, they tried 3 times and failed. :eek:

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You'd think that after half a dozen failed mmo's in the past few years, pretty much all because they got rushed to retail when they weren't properly finished yet, companies would learn. But apparently not. SWTOR is the same. Unfinished and still feeling like a beta. Even more so than half the other mmo's that came out in the past years.
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I read up on this Hero Engine, from a developers stand point of game creation it is pretty efficient; however, that being said they failed to implement any sort of proper graphical resource management, etc into the game engine when developing games.


That is the FUNDAMENTAL flaw right there.


When Blizzard designed WoW and most of their other games in the frame of mind that they want to cater to the masses rather than a select few (smart move), this also helps to create the most important aspect of game play, it's not graphics (although nice) it's smooth and responsive game play, it has been this way since the 70's. How can any gaming company forget this?


When Valve makes games they use the data allocated by Steam to see commonalities in users systems and make games tailored towards these common aspects, they do a fantastic job doing so, I have yet to look at games under their engine and think that graphically the game is horrible, it does much more by capturing me into the game by fast loading times and responsive gameplay.




This Hero engine seems to severely lack the base fundamental of an MMO. So in that respect they failed.





I love SW:TOR because I am sick to death of Medival Fantasy MMO's, I don't want to carry a big 2H axe to go fight another f***ing dragon, see a stupid elf, dwarf or hobbit or an orc. Tired of it all, and as a result I will continue to support them and hope to god someone is working overtime to fix the severe problems of a resource hogging game engine.

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now that is a long post.


I agree it was a poor design decision to design a game to be an MMO and then make the decision to use an engine which can't handle lots of characters being in the same space.


Dunno.. Gotta say though if I hit lvl 50 that fast in a new MMO I would be mad too and prob quit as well. Thank god I'm only 25ish and been playing since release. People who lvl that fast shouldn't be playing MMO's better to stick with single player games as I know they can't have ever stopped leveling to chat with anyone anyways....

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I could not even make it to 50, I am lvl 43 and with sadness I will be saying goodbye to SWTOR. I had so much hope for this game. I truly am sad I have to say bye. I am cancelling as soon as I post this, I will be looking in periodically hoping something good happens.


EA is 0-2 in my book for heavily anticipated MMO's. WarHammer and now SWTOR, Mythic dropped the ball and now Bioware. :(


Back to Rift I go.

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You'd think that after half a dozen failed mmo's in the past few years, pretty much all because they got rushed to retail when they weren't properly finished yet, companies would learn. But apparently not. SWTOR is the same. Unfinished and still feeling like a beta. Even more so than half the other mmo's that came out in the past years.


Hell no the guys calling the shots are getting the sales in one qrtr . they only get a percentage of the subs over the long haul that really dont effect the next qrtr in a large scale. the wanna hype a game rush it to release and collect the 60$ x 2.1 million in sales. Plus merchandise liscensing.

as long as corperations dictate what content we get we are gonna get sub par products. rift is a prime example that game was polished and indepth at release , it had very little corperate involment. it was all financed privately and had some of the best minds of the genre making it. What it didnt have was a massive I.P.

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My theory for the game fail is - EA.

When the third SW MMO fails as the 2 others before it people will finally understand LA had its take on it.



That being said the OP summerize pretty well the status of the game but for one major omission:

The world setting is lacking.


Not only the world feels lifeless, but you don't feel like evolving in a SW setting that much either. The areas are too divided in zones with loading times killing the immersion factor and so the fun.


This might be a MMO but you feel like playing a single player game because of this.

At no time you have the feeling to be on a remote or huge planet. You are just moving from one zone to the other. Even the map UI does not allows you to browse seamlessly a whole planet nor remote planets.


That's a sad experience for a SW and a MMO fan.

Edited by Deewe
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I've always been baffled at the decision to outsource the engine. They spared no expense on anything else, yet the engine, which is, you know, THE ENGINE; they skimp on it. They bought a half-baked product and ended up having to customize the crap out of it anyway.


Creating the engine is the biggest and most annoying hurdle, I get that. But they should have just created an engine to do exactly what they needed it to do.


It's like building a huge, luxurious home using skilled, experienced builders... and using the cheapest lumber, windows and insulation you can find.


they didnt bought a half baked project, they bought a Unfinished project. even the designers of the Hero engine told bioware up front that the engine was not ready for big main stream projects like MMO's like ToR.


They decided to buy it anyway as there own engineers woudl work on it. But the fact remains that the fundamentals of the hero engine were not ready for a big release just yet.

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The "MMO community" is irrelevant in this instance, because BW are obviously not interested in a quixotic crusade to entertain a a bunch of bored people who are jaded with MMOs and basically will never be happy.


They're interested in getting new players who don't have many preconceptions, and who couldn't give a toss what the famous "MMO community" thinks, because the famous "MMO community" isn't even on their radar.


Yes it is, otherwise they wouldn't be working on the tools that the "famous MMO community" is asking for.


If Bioware was content with the unimportant MMO crowd (the people that don't contribute to the actual MMO genre), then they would continue keeping to their stance of not incorporating the various features they were vocal about NOT adding to the game prior to launch.


Trying to appeal to a "new" crowd with a MMO is a stupid business decision. You appeal to the mass MMO consumer and nothing else.

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