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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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No... in its current state.


Basically BW is having to take the first few months after release to get features in the game that should have been in at launch. When the game is "fixed" and when BW starts to add new features in the game that don't resolve around ground combat (i.e. interior customization of ships, "real" space combat, pazaak, pod racing, etc.), and when BW sucks it up and starts to merge servers, I may consider coming back.

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No: There is just something missing. Maybe its because i threw myself into SWG years ago and this just doesn't feel like the same star wars, or it might just be that its not the game for me.


The instanced planets is a bit disappointing and its a shame the worlds are not so free to explore, it feels very linear.

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It seems that many class quests were tested or balanced with one advance class only such that they are trivial for one advance class and impossible for the other. This is the first game ever that I have just giving up trying to advance my character. Its no fun failing over and over.

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Gameplay is boring at lvl 50.


Have rolled another alt, and levelled it to 50. once again nothing to. PVP rewards based on RNG sucks. PVE gear in HM FP are too easy/boring.


Bugs on ilum/FPS drop


Cancelled my sub, 26 days left to impress me, with patch 1.2...


Summary :

Swtor did an amazing job from 1-49, however the end game is lacking and I don't see how improvements can be made (Game Engine issues/fps/gameplay/content etc) to rescue this game in my opinion. Also, why did Bioware push this game out so early, when there's so much bugs/****** frames/issues? I just feel the management of Bioware do not have the foresight nor competency to make this "game-breaking"mmo the king of all mmos.


I really wish swtor nailed it for me, but it didn't. :(

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Yes BUT, there are things that need to be worked on. On many levels of design throughout the game. Character creation is a big part of that for me. I love the game, however that part of the game took a serious nose dive in quality and design. Some of the styles available for hair options for example are atrocious. No long hair either? Species and etc too. Even if a decent Character creator was designed later how would those who created characters already benefit from it to its full potential?
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I recognize that its a different game from WoW, so I don't even bother comparing them. its also relatively fresh, where WoW had years to perfect/screw up several times.


I Like the storys and the interactive leveling. I was a big fan of KotOR 1/2, Mass Effect 1/2 (ME3 WOO!), Dragon age 1 (want to get DA2 eventually) and I like this. I've leveled 4 Imp characters 30+ (32,34,42,50) and I still find myself listening to the dialogue. don't even get me started on Black Talon. I have to be reminded by my friends to spacebar through that **** when I'm running it with them.


Yeah, a few bugs here and there, and I haven't touched my 50 since hitting max level, but I look at it this way: SWtoR may not have a great endgame, but I get 8 different stories I can play. If I want to sit around at max level in a town doing nothing by BGs/dungeons, I will go back to WoW.


I know SWtoR is suppose to be an MMO, but It really does feel more like an online RPG, do your own thing, occasionally do a group, go back to your own thing. But I'm okay with that, at least until I beat all 8 stories.


I like the game as it is so far, and there's only 2 things I would REALLY like to see added in the future.

1. Co-Op space missions or space pvp (admit it, that'd be fun)

2. Co-Op class quests. (or at least acknowledgement that you're there :rolleyes: )


My friend and I play together, a IA Sniper and a SI assassin. As we finished killing all the bad guys that ambushed us on his class mission, the dialog starts and the NPC is like "woah, how'd you do that" and my friend says in vent, "I didn't do anything... it was my sith buddy" to which we lol'd but then he took all the credit for the quest. I think it would be kind of cool if at least showed other people that help you out in the story, no dialog required. just acknowledgement that I exist and kicked everyone's ***. hell even if I was just standing watch, or having a smoke while he talked. (seems minor I know, but that's what I would add)

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compared to what else CURRENTLY awaits us throughout the genre(RIFT and the countless F2P crap heaps fumbling over themselves across the internet), I am more than satisfied.



I think also that the majority of the gripe is from people who have already devoured the entirety of the game's material and have not considered that fact- do not let a single one of these nay sayers lie to you, you decide to even put a MONTH into this game, you'll be occupied big time.


Concerning suggestions, I encourage any and all to read my most recent blog entry on the matter if they so choose:


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Game breaking bugs at Ilum mean the reason I play MMO's ( mass pvp ) isnt avaliable to me. And the world pvp area's in general give virtually no incentive to PvP, dont feel like what you do has any meaning which is a shame (want to see dynamic world events based around pvp)

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Boiling it down to a simple answer.




It seems they have the formula down that mmo's must follow.


However the game is missing personality. With a sometimes rich story I find the charisma ends there.


They have a rich resource in the SW universe to pull from but it seems to be missing the immersion by ignoring the smaller concepts. Pazaak, speeder racing, android customization, exploration etc.


I hate to play the SW/BW fanboy card but I'm afraid I am one.


If the game was made by another developer based on another universe then I doubt my enthusiasm would be there.


BW listen to your core fans and they will build this game up and make you a lot of money.

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No because of the terrrible purple set designs.


Bioware promised us to feel like a Hero.


But with any new earned purple set Item, my Toon looks more discasting as before.


It's the worst item design for end gear that i ever saw

Edited by Orkaan
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NO000000! I'm absolutely positive I will not be playing this game long term.


I think it's worth mentioning that this game is really 2 games in 1. There is the leveling 1 to 50 phase and the post 50 phase. Everything is really quite different in both of those and you almost need a seperate poll for each. I mention this because ALOT of the people I see saying 'Yes' seem to be sub 50 which is not suprising because the leveling experience isn't too bad and I may have said yes had you asked during my leveling experience. It's at the post 50 that reality sets in.


Anyway here are my reason in order of importance.


#1 - PvP design is an abomination.

-Way too much CC, Stuns, ect. I don't care the reasoning it's just NOT FUN.

-The BM RNG grinding(I know it's being changed but that's only because of a massive outcry)

-FPS in WZ's and Illum brings my GTX590($700 video card!!!) to it's knees.

-World PvP in Illum is the world PvP we were told we would be 'blown away' by? Hardly

-No World PvP on a PvP server(outside of Illum). What's even the point of PvP servers?

-No point to world PvP or PvP at all. Rankings? Nope. Server vrs Server? Nope. Tourneys Nope. Yes, yes, I know it's coming but this game is released in 2012 not 2000 those should have been in launch.


#2 - Dead, Lifeless, Boring, Stagnant, Monotone, Uninspired Worlds.

-As a creator of this game how you, in good conscience, look at the world as seen HERE and tell us you put any effort into creating these worlds?

-So heavily instanced that you hardly see another soul while leveling reinforcing the lifeless husk of a world.


#3 Overall World design

-There is no reason to ever go back to planets once you reach 50. All you do is sit in Illum collecting valor and go to your faction hub to turn in the quest, that's about it.


#4 PvE. Haven't done any heavy PvE but I mean couldn't you at least put something in where the top guilds could be challenged. Wow had Nef, Rift has Akylos, what legendary boss does Swtor have?


#5 Loading Screens and loading times.

-Why is it that Skyrim and load an entire huge area with 10x the detail of a Swtor planet in 1/10 the time? Mind you even going to a planet where there wasn't a soul around would be painfully slow on my raptor HD.

-Honestly do we really need to go from our ship to orbital station to planet. How bout from ship to planet, it's silly running through an empty corridor that means nothing just to get to the planet.


#6 Space Combat.

-Should have just used those resources to flesh out a better end game or pvp system. I only used space combat when leveling. I know, I know, things are 'in the works', as well they should be for collecting millions of $ a month however in it's current form it's pretty much pointless and once you reach 50 you never do a space mission again.


#7 Overall Game design

-It seems as though everything in this game was designed to appeal to the person that first picks up the game such as leveling, voice acting, story and space missions however barely a nueron of though was put into what a person will do once they reach 50. I understand the basic premiss...you hook em in in the beginning then by the time they are 50 they've invested so much time they will want to keep playing. You'll add stuff later, the main things is to put 99% of all resources into the initial experience.


#8 Choice of Hero Engine. Nuff said.


#9 Lack of Server Forums. Seriously $200,000,000 and you couldn't even give each server it's own forum to build a community? At least with that there might be some semblance of community on your server.


#10 Bugs.

-WZ not giving credit for wins that went on what seems like forever.

-Bugged PvE encounts.

-Tons of other bugs not going to spend time going over them since others have already.


#11 The Interface.

-Really, no movable windows? Hero Engine FTW again!.

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Well, before I say my actual answer I'm going to say that I love this game as an RPG. Topnotch in that department. However...


We now get to my answer to the OP, as an MMO, I find it lacking. I find some of what it brings to the table to be fine additions to the MMO world, and hope that future games and expansions play off of what they have tried That being said, they way they did it seems to me to be more of a distraction so people forget that this is a RPG more than it is an MMO; and for some that may be okay, for me it is not.


With all that being said, do I find this to be a fine game, yes, but seeing as I cannot see it as a fine MMORPG, I have to answer the OP's questions as, no, with its current state, I do not like SWTOR.

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