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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I've been tracking this game for sometime before launch and was really hyped up about it. Then EA/Bioware had the green zone/ red zone launch fiasco and I had to wait till last week to finally get the game in my country. Now after playing it for a week (I was too busy playing Skyrim to beta test,) I really can't figure out what the fuss with this game was all about.


The storyline is ok. But LOTRO also had something similar with its books, although not in-depth.


The graphics, I must now agree with some of those who criticized it, is bad. For a AAA MMO which has been reputed to have one of the biggest development budget, the graphics really fails. All my graphics settings are on high and still I feel that LOTRO graphics is better. Ok, I'll admit I've been spoiled by Skyrim/ME2 where graphics is concerned but this is still bad.


The voice acting I find cool. But not so much to keep me in the game.


The gameplay/mechanics reminded me so much of WoW, I thought for awhile that Bioware/EA had actually sub-contracted the game to Blizzard while working on ME3. There really is nothing innovative about SWTOR gameplay. I know this has been said many times before, but I just had to repeat it.


The only other thing I like about the game is that you can run around with a lightsaber. After awhile though this would probably get boring but this is basically the only thing I look forward to.


I've had to fork out for a 2 month time card to even start to play and therefore I will make use of these 3 months to play the game. Then switch over to ME3 (which is already out) and Diablo, while waiting for GW2.


SWTOR- S$64 + US$15/month


LOTRO - Free + cash shop (although you might end up paying more)


GW2 - Buy to play


The money simply is not worth it.

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I'm bored and frustrated. I rolled on a PvP server hoping for massive open-field PvP where Empire and Republic could duke it out for galactic dominance. I wanted good solid, meaningful world PvP.


- Ilum is broken and population imbalances have created a frustrating playing experience.

- There are only 3 war-zones to play and I don't get to choose which ones I want to queue for. Gets old fast.

- There are NO rewards for killing players in the game world on a PvP server. :(

- PvP gear progression is terrible. Seriously... they expect people to go from 20 to 40 with no upgrades?

- PvP currency system for gearing up is the worst I've ever seen in an MMO.

Edited by Musezy
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Yes, after 1.5.






I'm bored and frustrated. I rolled on a PvP server hoping for massive open-field PvP where Empire and Republic could duke it out for galactic dominance. I wanted good solid, meaningful world PvP.


- Ilum is broken and population imbalances have created a frustrating playing experience.

- There are only 3 war-zones to play and I don't get to choose which ones I want to queue for. Gets old fast.

- There are NO rewards for killing players in the game world on a PvP server. :(

- PvP gear progression is terrible. Seriously... they expect people to go from 20 to 40 with no upgrades?

- PvP currency system for gearing up is the worst I've ever seen in an MMO.

- Too much CC, with no immunity timers once the effect is gone or removed. Getting chain CC'd puts a damper on the fun-factor.



There is an immunity timer in pvp, it's called the resolve bar. It's a little white bar that goes up and down on your characters picture pane. When it's full white it means that you cannot stun that person anymore until it goes back down. Certain abilities will cause the resolve bar to go up a little bit, others a lot. Not many people know what the resolve bar is, but there is a diminishing returns stun system in place, even if it's not the best.

Edited by ReynoldsCK
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There is an immunity timer in pvp, it's called the resolve bar. It's a little white bar that goes up and down on your characters picture pane. When it's full white it means that you cannot stun that person anymore until it goes back down. Certain abilities will cause the resolve bar to go up a little bit, others a lot. Not many people know what the resolve bar is, but there is a diminishing returns stun system in place, even if it's not the best.


Diminishing returns means that after the first stun each subsequent stun will last a percentage less (with that percentage increasing each new stun). After a certain period of time has passed that percentage is reset. The resolve bar is nothing like that. Each stun lasts a full duration regardless. You could be near full resolve and still get a full 8 second stun.


Learn your terms before trying teach it to someone else.


And resolve IS broken. You can be fully resolved and still rooted over the vents in Huttball(at least you could last time I played, not sure if it been fixed in the last month of so)

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Commenting about the comments about the HeroEngine. The thing with this is, if BW would have took the road in making their own game engine for SWTOR we would not be in this boat of the worst performance of a game developed by a multi million dollar company.


No, need to fix things like the 1min long stuns in pvp.... this is my only request.

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While the leveling up aspect was perfectly fine and enjoyable I really hoped for illum to be something more (and actually playable).


I am a pvp player first and foremost but 15min warzones just are not my cup of tea, yes the first 100 times they are fun but now they really bore me to death.

PvP in my opinion needs to be meaningful, there has to be something at stake other then my personal quest.


So for me pvp is pretty much too boring to continue.


But I also like pve dungeons so...

Well the dungeons are okayish but nothing spectacular, rift pretty muich had more fun endgame pve content.


In the end I really think bioware/ea should decide if they want to make a pve game or a pvp game and put all their effort into that because atm both are very very medicore and at least for me not good enough to pay a monthly fee for.

Edited by Garbald
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PvP is a joke, even more so since the latest patch. People get 4 medals and then afk and the medal allocation has been broken since before the game was released.


PvE on a low pop server is impossible to find a group and i won't want to have to re-roll. I shouldn't have [/i ]to re-roll.


Communication with customers is key to these games, one day a company will actually realise this and make a lot of money from it.


Its really a shame as like a lot of people I've been looking forward to this game for a long time but it just isn't worth paying to play tbh. I've cancelled my sub i'll go back to DDO or one of the myriad of f2p games and like most people wait for GW2. glhf those who are sticking with it.

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I've had a blast so far. :)

My sentinel is level 40 and alive an kicking.

Next up, Sith Sorcerer!


The story keeps me entertained, but maybe adding some more dramatic movements to the quest givers so that we become more engaged to the story.

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Yes, really happy with 1.1.5


I think there's a bit of a problem with this thread though, a disproportionate amount of the people on the forums are going to be unhappy simply because so many people go to the forums just to complain, and they tend to be a lot more vocal than the majority of the playerbase.

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well BW, add a space flight simulator on top with exploration and trading, and I'll happily stay subscribed forever. Also make the game feel more like a sandbox - check out star wars galaxies

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Honestly No.


Game needs more content at level 50, more things to keep people busy. Takes arround 2 weeks to get full columi and it isn't even worth to aim for rakata. End game is too easy and same mechanics over and over.

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PvP imbalances, many bugs, medicore game engine, many features missing: guild forum, rp + opposing side, rp/ chat bubbles, end game content, armor sets, dual tree (pvp/ pve), economy, proper crafting etc...




a lot is miss and with the current pvp imbalances and entire trees beng not viable, clearly dividing pvp and pve players how will ranked pvp in 1.2 fix issues... and only 1 warzone. Getting more negative about this game, probably because I liked its potential till the end game and it being my 1st mmo, maybe I am just not cut out for it.


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NO. Unfortunately just as many others stated. I tried very hard to like this game but in the end life after 50 is just plain boring. My biggest issue with this game I must say was illum and balsavis dailies. I think going to the dentist would be more enjoyable than doing them everyday. Too bad I had a great guild and experienced a lot in this game. But I play games for fun and once it isn't. Game over!
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Orbital Stations.

Races mean nothing in this game. ABSOLUTELY nothing. Voices are by classes, not races. Racial "ability" is just social fluff.

Ridiculous number of instances throughout world leave me feeling like I'm playing 1 player game.

FPS issues in settings where more than 10 players are on my screen.

Orbital Stations.

Orbital Stations.

Absurd amount of CC in this game makes heroics/dungeons a joke and PvP the only real "Nightmare" mode.

The number of situational abilities is over the top. Every class has ~8 core abilities with 30 rarely used ones.

9/10 bosses are tank and spank. Bore-fest.

Way too many load screens.

Orbital Stations.

Imperial fleet is the only place that feels like there are other players.

Copy pasted way too many world locations/caves/dungeons.

Most classes feel the same. Everyone has 1 knockback, 1 4sec stun, 1 CC and/or 1 interrupt. No class feels unique except the sorc/sage.... it's clearly the dev's favorite.

Empire is WAAAAAYYYYY cooler than republic. Dirt vs lightning?! are you HONESTLY surprised there are faction imbalances?

Ilum. What. A. Joke.

Orbital Stations.

WoW clone.

This game is extremely easy with 4/8/16 people that know what they're doing, but extremely unforgiving with random PUGs where the tank or healer might be new to MMOs. 1 bad player can ruin everything so fast.

Relies too much on dailies = too repetitive. Nothing else to do though.

RNG on PvP bags. Feels so unrewarding and frustrating.

Space combat. I did 1-2 space missions before thinking "Star Fox did this better back in 1997"

Awful UI

Crafting system is unrewarding.

Auction house is terrible to navigate.

Nothing in this game feels unique to this game.


Story is cool and all, but how many times did you expect a player to sit through Black Talon before spacebaring it? Story only gets you so far. They spent so much time and money on voice overs that they forgot to develop anything new or game changing. This game desperately needs better gameplay.


Nothing in this game so far has made me think "Oh, wow, that was really cool. NO OTHER GAME CAN PROVIDE ME WITH ______"


Think back for a second. Was Mario Bros story good? No. In fact, every game is basically the same. The fun game play is what keeps me going back. Not the story.


Mass Effect, Dragon Age, KotOR, etc. all had good game play to back up their stories. As soon as developers realize that GAMEPLAY is the important aspect of a (what do you know?!) GAME, the quicker we can leave real stories to be told in movies and books. Where they belong. I want to blow **** up, and have a blast doing so. Not sit through hours of subpar story cinematics.

Edited by Darne
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