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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I would say No in its current state because the game needs changes. Depending how fast the response time for Bioware Developers to fix issues and add new content will be the basis on how well they can retain and gain new subs.


But of course, if a company just sits on things and doesn't respond to the cries and complaints of the players, then people will just move toward another game.

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No. I had such high hopes for this game. When I heard it was BioWare in the driver's seat I was ecstatic. Then I got to play and my hopes were dashed.


Things that should have been:


1> Character creation based on either the West End Games model or the D20 system (no saga edition, it sucked and yes I mean the segregation of the jedi/sith into two classes). If those two options aren't to everyone's liking let people pick and choose skills and abilities they want. (minor rant: I am sick to death of the freaking holy trinity of mmo gaming. Get a clue and get original.)


2> Gear, crafting, and the (so-called) Galactic Trade Network. Diversity is the spice of life. Black market anyone? Need I go on?


3> Some may like having their ship flown for them, I don't.


4> When do I get to shove C2-N2 out the bloody airlock during a slingshot maneuver around a star? Failing that can I have a restraining bolt put on his vocal unit? :p

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they need 2 fix the servers thewy are 2 empt

they have bunch of server they need 2 combine them so we get more people on it so it does not look like a Single player game.


Learn grammar or learn English. :p

Edited by reaperkeepet
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I don't quite understand why they have to lump sum updates together however. For the first 6 months updates should hit the PTS asap to get as many fixes and as much fun stuff out there as possible. This is basically "emergency mode" for an MMO.


I will unsub from March 20th until 1.2 comes. If i got some of 1.2 earlier, I would stay.

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I don't quite understand why they have to lump sum updates together however. For the first 6 months updates should hit the PTS asap to get as many fixes and as much fun stuff out there as possible. This is basically "emergency mode" for an MMO.


I will unsub from March 20th until 1.2 comes. If i got some of 1.2 earlier, I would stay.


These updates are like expansion packs. :eek: And 1 every 2-3 months!?!? :eek::eek::eek:

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No. It's just getting worse.


Usually on a Tuesday when weeklies reset my server would have 2 ilums going with all kinds of action. Since the game is so poorly designed Ilum was the only place to get even close to something resembling world pvp.


Today theres 20 people on Ilum riding in circles because not enough pubs there.


And all this valor I had to grind getting to BM? Just dishing it out like candy now.


New FOTM Powertechs? Everyone has a Powertech alt now and the one good thing this game had going for it, huttball, is now reduced to who has more powertechs on a team.


Then theres this news coming from the garbage guild summit which is nothing more than hype for the next patch.




when you look past the hype and see it for what it really is, it's Biowares way of making lots of little easy changes and doing the least amount of work because the game is failing and they probably have to scale back funding.


Bioware was looking for a way to make more people roll pub? Lets not add wookies or ewoks, lets just make pureblood sith jedis. With Force lightening.


Bioware was looking to make neutral characters have more gear? Take the easy way out, just remove restrictions on everything.


New warzone? Still some garbage 8 man per side copy of alderaan with the turrets just oriented vertically instead of horizontally.


Theyre really hyping guild banks and better sorting on the auction house. And some drooling fanboy is sitting there like "OMG THATS AWESOME" when its bare minimum stuff that should have been here already.


The game is just sad.



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NO, most of these chanegs should have shipped with the game not the beta version we got to catch the xmas rush, now it's too late, the engine is garbage and the actions of the company speak profit over gaming.


And you know what really hurts this game? The fanboys who swear up and down nothing is wrong and this is gods gift to gaming, you of all people should be disgusted they tossed the lore into the garbage and shipped this horrible product.

Edited by Panzerbase
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"free month" only came after adding a 2 month time card, so my subcription ends 3/20. I haven't actively played this game for a month and a half, and the first month and a half felt like paying to beta test. Nothing to do after level 50 other than grind warzones for better mods, and if you play a Republic side character, get to be outnumbered 4 to 1.


Starting every warzone with a team of 4 or 5 players vs 12 Imps is so much fun.


Having to wait till after a 3 month subcription to run out for patch 1.2, priceless...


I'm definately not resubscribing either.

Edited by lilacmoongame
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Story line is alot of fun but the game model of "hey reroll is intended to go through all the stories is not for me"


Pvp was alot of fun once 50's were removed from the queue's but now that i obtained 50 its insane and not alot of fun facing players that are 65+


When you happen to get a good team you are seperated quite fast and never see them that often whereas i understand imperial is where the hardcore gravitate but republic needs something that dedicated to the LIGHT side rewards and attracts more players


i like the improvements they roll out but the balance vs imperial has from the start seemed geared towards imperial and my server balance shows it. I know friends that play less due to joining battlegrounds at 50 equals extreme frustration.


if there was direction heading towards republic balance or mention of it i would be alot more patience and relax but since the majority of players seek to be evil dark side i think not alot will be done.

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I do like SWTOR in its current state. I'm not comparing to WoW, but I will say that I have been enjoying my time here moreso than I have been in WoW. I am currently doing end game in both and I'd honestly rather play TOR.


I enjoy the playstyle of my Consular and I like the cozy 8man group. I like the way the ops are set up so far. I really like Huttball.


However, I do have some issues with the fact that some of these fights *cough* Soa *cough* have been bugged since launch and seem to have a new one every patch. I understand having issues when they are new. I don't understand continuing to have issues until the next tier patch.

Edited by Mariasha
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No i am very unhappy,



They don't address the Bugs or fix them in a timely manner. operations are bug ridden. why is Normal mode karagga place harder than hard and nightmare modes, why do tons of droids spawn. why is you can stand behind Bonethrasher and still be hit by his swipe? ETC



EV: why does SOA reset at 2% when the tank gets mind trapped? oh they supposedly fixed that. It still happens why do floors not show up in SOA room?



The list goes on and on.

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Yes - love it!


Just chilling out on the forums after a *very* long play session (during which my system had a glitch - SWTOR crashing? Nope! Windows deciding that it was going to restart to apply updates! - and people complain at BW!).


I do wonder whether the people on here that don't like the game are soloing it - I'm in an active guild (not a hard core raiding guild - although we've just started doing some ops) - but a very friendly guild where people group up to do stuff.


My experience of the game seems completely at odds from what a lot of other players on here are talking about.


There are bugs, granted. Slicing nodes that you can't pick up (although it's been a while since I've seen those). Mobs that always "evade". Odd little things like that - nothing game breaking at all.


My experience of the game has been very smooth - I've not had *any* problems (so far *crosses fingers*) with installation, FPS (once I'd put a half decent graphics card in) or updates - I did have one afternoon of 9000 errors - but that was my ISP, not the game.


I expect to (in the words of one of my guild mates) be playing the game "until the last server finally catches fire".




I do reserve judgement - if we start to see the "kung-fu panda" type of update, you won't be able to see me for dust.

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