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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Money+Dev Time+IP=I expected better/more.


I didnt expect boring and broken Spacebars. Story just doesnt cut it when Gameplay doesnt exist.


Really, it's that simple.


Edit:Wanted to add, I also expected this game to be better TESTED before release then it was. I blame greedy investors/bean counters for that.

Edited by Kunra
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At the moment? Yes, but I just finished my class story line and everything is still new.


When I hit 50 and the story ends? Don't know yet but from everything I've read no.


Do I like it enough to play through again with another charater? No, definetly not.

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No actually Im slowly starting to hate it.

-expertise: dual grind, switch between armour sets, your character will have no static unique look

-clone wars (everyone looks the same)

-lack of adventure, go here go there, its all corridors

-bad game world, no underwater stuff etc.

-horrible graphics

-poor game performance

-cannot get purple lightsabers on republic side

-playing on the republic side on most servers it totally joyless

-crafting sux

-no chat bubbles

-no customization perks

-extreme grindy nature of the game

-Ui elements get in the way of each other in warzones

-Ui just looks unexciting

-the story was not stellar

-engaging in group converstaions with other players does not feel dynamic, its just whose line is next

-in game speech is not choice it is an illusion of choice 90% of the time

-bad graphical clipping

-most armour looks exactly the same

-republic side gear is all boring

-black lightsabers are dumb

-no point in spontaneous world pvp anywhere but illum

-the game world is split in half between republic and empire

-space combat is boring and pointless

-myriad of graphical errors everywhere

-3 warzones

-illum is just above unplayable

-no incentive to play the underpopulated side on servers

-overdose on cut scenes

-I could go on and on but ill stop there

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NO, which has why I have unsubbed.


Fixes that would get me to instantly sub back.


Shared x-faction bank so I can spend some of my 8 million credits on my imperial on the Republic side.


Legacy system, so I can make alts without feeling like I'm missing out later on.


Fun playable races, at the very least Voss, but when I say fun I want to play something exotic like Jawas or driods. Star Wars has the most exotic universe and we are playing different colors of humans. I don't need to romance with a Jawa and gear wise the robe is enough just add some different belts and backpacks. I would even sub for a year in advance to play a Jawa.

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I play a level 41 scoundrel.


I kinda like the feel of the ground combat in the game (but it could use some polish). The UI is pretty bad though. In tough fights I spend a lot of the time swirling my mouse around to find those lesser-used skills on my side quickslot bars. This is tiresome.


I like the heroic quests and flashpoints. The class quest storyline for the Smuggler started out fun, but stopped making sense about 10 levels ago. The companion system is nice.


I'm not a fan of the conversations. Many of them are pointless, and I have to play a meta-game to get the light-side points and affection I want. Sometimes I click on a selection, my character says something completely unrelated to what I thought I was picking, and now my companion hates me more, so I have to [esc] out and start over. Most of the time I am staring at the chat box to find out what they're saying anyway.


A lot of the time I don't see guild chat or incoming whispers because I kept the wrong chat tab open.


Planetary quests are getting tedious. After every conversation, I know I just need to go out there and kill a bunch of enemies that are standing in neatly sorted groups, and then kill their boss. Sometimes doing anything in the game feels more like work than fun, especially when I need to travel to another planet. There are too many loading screens.


Warzones and space combat are fun. Sometimes I log in and do a couple space missions, but then I don't really feel like going to the next planet to do some quests so I log back off.


I'm not sure whether I will make it to 50. :confused:

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um ..i like how the start it was all yes and now it's all no ..but that might be just trolls ? who knows..am i happy? no ..why? it's like buying an expensive gold ring ..then to find out it's aluminum painted gold. Better yet, you paid for the brand name t-shirt that cost 80$ ..only to find a generic one that costs 5$ Edited by Beergogglez
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1. The space game isn't even worth messing with. I hope it either dies completely (No more development time being spent on it) or Bioware does something more along the lines of either SWG or Eve.


2. I wish we could respec our companions to fulfill any of the roles that their AC can spec for (ie: Shadow can dps or tank, Guardian can dps or tank, Scoundrel can dps or heal, etc.).


3. Bioware needs to really open up the playable species options. Bothans, Togruta, Rodian, Mon Calimari, etc. should be added.


I'm pretty happy with the story lines, flashpoints and such.

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um ..i like how the start it was all yes and now it's all no ..but that might be just trolls ? who knows..am i happy? no ..why? it's like buying an expensive gold ring ..then to find out it's aluminum painted gold. Better yet, you paid for the brand name t-shirt that cost 80$ ..only to find a generic one that costs 5$


Those who are happy are in the game playing it, not hanging out on the boards. I'm here because I home with my little one. He let's me check the boards once in a while, but I don't have time to actually play.

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hmmm i realised my post in this thread was being deleted. ninja deleted.


there were no obscenities or anything which may be deemed offensive.


so i guess this thread may actually contain many more posts but being censored away.


anyway, already unsubbed. so delete it away if u must. no worries.


back to wow. then to D3. then to GW2. thats the plan for this year.

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Yes and No




I enjoy the game and am having fun playing . I know many of my concerns will be fixed in patch 1.2 and beyond.




This game needed at least 6 more months of development. I do understand why it was released when it was. It still needed the extra time to add things and to improve several things common to MMOs.




I am glad this game is not supporting add ons and hope it will stay that way. I am hoping that the game dev's do not do knee jerk changes. The future is bright for this game but it will not be noticed until the 1 year mark as to how bright it will become.

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I feel this way for a few reasons, and I will keep them brief!


  • Endgame Crafting - There is no incentive outside of Biochem, and there is no real use to any of the items crafted at endgame. It's easier to get better gear from raids/pvp. Some might quote money, but there are no money sinks in this game, and as I have almost 6 million, I could care less about the money.
  • Endgame Raiding - It's way too easy. There is no challenge. No "gateway" bosses.
  • Space - I know many people have been frowned upon for using SWG comparisons, but it has to be done here. Why does the space mini-game even exist? It's such a letdown after having played an amazing space game in SWG... I really hope some attention is given here.


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Imo not even half of the ppl who replied to this thread went out to the poll and voted.

If You want correct answer, You should go through the thread(s) and count how many ppl said yes/no.


That is exactly what I am doing.


I have read, counted, and re-counted every single vote/opinion given in all the threads 3-5 times, 3 being the standard. If I mess up, I start over from previous tally point until all the numbers add up three times in a row. Then I double-check for people trying to skew poll by voting multiple times. The entire process has taken me a little more than 10 accumulated hours to do it, so far.


Some people stay and chat a bit and/or comment on the thread as it progresses even if they had already cast their vote. I'm fine with that. Such is what accounts for the imbalance between posts in the thread and votes reflected in the tally.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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I can't believe how many people don't like the game, but keep playing it anyways and posting about how they hate it. :csw_jabbapet:




Do I like the game? Yes




Do I want to see improvements? Of Course I do. Does that mean I don't like the game? Heck no. If anyone voted NO just because they want the space mini game to be better, or they voted no because they didn't get high res textures, then they voted wrong. If you're still playing it, you probably like it. Let's say your wife is overweight and her cooking is bad. I mean come on man you can't vote you don't like her if you stay married and still sleep with her!


People on the forums are generally unhappy people. Happy people are in the game, not posting or reading here. Not a lot play & post, unless they have something to complain about.

Edited by Kourage
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Imo not even half of the ppl who replied to this thread went out to the poll and voted.

If You want correct answer, You should go through the thread(s) and count how many ppl said yes/no.


What is also interesting is that out of the 48% that voted no, how many are still here playing? :D


My vote is yes.




1. Most in-depth and painless leveling system evah. For the first time in an MMORPG the character comes to life, has a personality, allows you to dictate that personality. Awesome sauce for sure.


2. Companions an the interaction with them. New and awesome addition to the genre


3. Your own ship (which is the equivalent of your own house, that people have been complaining for since Everquest)


4. Your own ship at level 15. Yes!


5. Built in space combat shooter. Awesome fun and change of pace.


6. The star wars theme.


7. Light and dark side choices and themes.


8. Easy travel.


9. Crafting system concept.


Many more.




1. Crafting adjustments required.


Pretty sure everyone knows this. The Devs know it too, and have promised a fix. Needs to be a high priority considering the number of people that love crafting and what an integral part of the game it is. In fact, for me, the only real frustrating aspect of the game as I love to craft and gear my toons.


Under that heading:


There has to be a learning curve attached to the RE RNG to smooth out the spikiness. Averages balance, but that's just the mean. Far too time consuming and frustrating at this point. I am currently at 51 greens to turn a single blue (not fun having to re-farm mats and end up paying 50k to 100k for a 14k item that you may not have available by the time you out level it).


Lower cost, more available mats at the appropriate level. This is a biggie and is promoting mat farming and GTN playing over crafting. I'm doing it myself just to survive, but I hate it. Would much rather craft then loot the GTN.


End game viability for crafting. Model is out there. It worked. Introduce it.


To a lesser extent and on the wish list.


1. Guild banks and guild tools


2. Adjustable UI


3. Pop up windows that work consecutively or in harmony, not close your current work.


4. Better sorting on the GTN and with crafting.


5. Start adding more end-game content as the curve approaches end game.



Overall, game gets a thumbs up. Fix crafting and it gets two thumbs up.

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I can't believe how many people don't like the game, but keep playing it anyways and posting about how they hate it. :csw_jabbapet:




Do I like the game? Yes




Do I want to see improvements? Of Course I do. Does that mean I don't like the game? Heck no. If anyone voted NO just because they want the space mini game to be better, or they voted no because they didn't get high res textures, then they voted wrong. If you're still playing it, you probably like it. Let's say your wife is overweight and her cooking is bad. I mean come on man you can't vote you don't like her if you stay married and still sleep with her!


People on the forums are generally unhappy people. Happy people are in the game, not posting or reading here. Not a lot play & post, unless they have something to complain about.


Well you're on here posting. Does that mean you are also unhappy? If you are happy I'd expect to not see you here judging by your logic.


Or you can understand the simple concept of a forum where people come to communicate. Considering how there isn't any communication with other players in game.


Also you have to prepay to play this game. With a time card it gives you 60 days and with a credit card you can pay for one month. So if you prepay you 'don't continue to play' but have active time left. Hence why people who've since quit are posting.


I've got 4 days left so I can freely post on here. Not sure why this is a difficult concept for you to grasp?

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No, I do not like it as it is. These are not game-breakers for me, but they sure are inconvenient and frustrating, and are the standard in the industry which were not included in the SWTOR release; i.e. they are substandard, which reflects on the game as a whole.


I would love to see a lot more sophistication in so many of the player's interfaces. So many things were left in a crude unfinished form, and need to be upgraded.


For instance:


You should be able to add a friend whether or not they are online


In the Guild box, you should be able to right-click a name and send a PM, invite to group, and other guild functions.


Of course, be able to resize and move around the Map.

Of course, be able to resize and move around all the UI boxes,

And of course, be able to have as many boxes open as you choose.


Have the general chat channels reach the entire player base and not specifically the planet or station you are on at the moment.


I have accepted the change from Beta to Release of the GTN only being available on the fleet station, but I sure did prefer it having an outlet on every single planet. The economy would really benefit from this. I was pretty pleased to find one in the Outlaw's Den --- though this area is not being utilized at all. (Something should be done to bring players here... like, why did you remove the high level nodes?)


Have an Objective Property that the Empire and the Republic battle to keep which offers durable benefits (though not gamebreaking advantages) that make owning the property worthwhile to struggle and battle to own. Have it go neutral in regular intervals (like 2 weeks), have more than one -- like maybe 3 or 4. Without this, PvP is undirected and transient and loses its luster very quickly due to repetitiveness and no real benefits.


That is all from off the top of my head. There are more, yes. But this is all I can think of atm.



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