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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Short Answer = NO


Long Answer = How can people enjoying doing this? It's the same crap that's been done before a million times. Constantly chasing gear... What happened to games, like DAoC, where you played because you wanted to be recognized? Where you played to be the best?


Have we degraded so far as an MMO base to be satisfied buying crumbs? I fear for the future of MMOs if people are so easily duped into thinking they are doing something different.


Reality check! Nothing new here, just a different skin. Who enjoys this MMO? Fanboys and noobs, and by noobs I mean people who've recently joined or are generally bad at MMOs. No legitimate player will stick around. These are the type of people who will blindly defend (and ruin) mmos even if they are garbage. Open your minds and move into the grey, not everything is black and white. Always question, debate and be constructive don't let them hold your hand and steal your money.


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Yes for the first month or so, now No. The game is just to shallow and closed in. If Bioware would have made an open world game that was more sandbox that had their VO and cutscene's only for your personal story, then i believe the game would have been much better. The game lacks freedom and doesn't feel alive nor feels like I'm actually part of it. They said they knew what sandbox and themepark was, and TOR would land somewhere right in the middle. If that was the case, TOR would look a lot like Archeage and less like WOW or other pure themepark games. Bioware, A+ for writing a good book and making a single player game to go with it, but i can only give you a D for making an actual mmorpg.
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I despise this game. For me, it's somewhere between a cockroach and that white stuff that accumulates at the corner of your mouth when you're really thirsty. It's the degeneration and homogenization of the mmorpg genre.

Edited by Galintor
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Overall yes.


Is the game perfect? No. Does it have issues that need to be addressed? Yes. But I seem to have this uncanny ability to accept something for what it is and enjoy it, as well as be excited for upcoming content. Rather than nitpicking at every little thing that doesn't suit my personal tastes.

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Yes. "Like" is a relative term, but I'll continue to play, mainly because when I judge a game I judge it on how much fun I have, and not on the little things that I would have done differently. I'm having fun, so yes, I'd say I 'like' it.


well said.

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Yes.. I think people would love mmo's alot more if they didnt cookie cutter everything... I am not a huge person on rp but I think I will give it a try in hope the end game people will be more fun. I am hoping they will let me use a build that isnt the biggest and baddest so I can enjoy my character.
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Yes... The plantes feel alittle lonely at time thru my adventures (I hardly run into anyone) but I love this game.


Yes.. I think people would love mmo's alot more if they didnt cookie cutter everything... I am not a huge person on rp but I think I will give it a try in hope the end game people will be more fun. I am hoping they will let me use a build that isnt the biggest and baddest so I can enjoy my character.


You do realize you can only vote once right? Don't reply with "Yes" more than once. Or are you just trying to bump up the Yes vote count?

Edited by Nasima
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You do realize you can only vote once right? Don't reply with "Yes" more than once. Or are you just trying to bump up the Yes vote count?


I lIke to post in forums.. muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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No. This is a crappy wow-clone at best. In an interview where swifty talks to an actual game developer, the Developer states that the game is clearly for PVE. But in the new patches, everything has been based around PVP balancing and PVP tweeks.


This game does not excel in any aspects whatsoever and does not offer ANYTHING new to the table.


Bioware diddled the SWTOR franchise and will beat this dead horse of every dollar it can spew out.


Don't get me wrong, i ain't a carebear or anything, but when the developers of the game don't know what their game is about, there is serious cause for concern.

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Yes for the first month or so, now No. The game is just to shallow and closed in. If Bioware would have made an open world game that was more sandbox that had their VO and cutscene's only for your personal story, then i believe the game would have been much better. The game lacks freedom and doesn't feel alive nor feels like I'm actually part of it. They said they knew what sandbox and themepark was, and TOR would land somewhere right in the middle. If that was the case, TOR would look a lot like Archeage and less like WOW or other pure themepark games. Bioware, A+ for writing a good book and making a single player game to go with it, but i can only give you a D for making an actual mmorpg.
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I currently do like SWTOR in it's current state. I find it a very entertaining online game and have enjoyed the days I have spent playing it. I have enjoyed the many different aspects I can spend my time on (ie Crafting, PvE, PvP, and Space). I am looking forward to new releases of content.

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NO -


I'm tired of being one of the countless people worldwide receiving error 9000, only to have BW tell us it's not their fault. Their response is that the issue is not on their end, it must be something on our end, and there is nothing they can do about it, EVEN THOUGH this disconnect issue only occurs WITH THEIR GAME.


I currently play two other MMOs, both F2P (Allods Online and Runes of Magic). In neither of these games have I EVER been disconnected. Until recently, I also played Rift (no disconnects), and before that, the mega-MMO that shall not be named. I had played that game since launch, and with the exception of the Comcast fiasco in the beginning, I have never been disconnected from that one.


For this issue to be caused by the (again, countless) end-users networks, then there HAS to be something with the way SWTOR.EXE's packets get handled by all of these supposedly busted home networks that is causing all of the disconnects. I mean, that's the only thing I can think of, since the other two games I'm currently playing have absolutely NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER.


So IF this is being caused by how their packets are being handled, then it should fall on BW to figure out WHY their packets are being handled differently by the countless home networks having this issue.


I believe, from their inactivity, that EA/BW have adopted what I refer to as the "Apple philosophy". Steve Jobs once said (and I'm paraphrasing) that if someone couldn't afford their products, then he didn't want them as customers. EA/BW's approach appears to be the same, in that if we're having problems playing their game, then they don't want us as customers.


Well, they're getting their wish.

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I vote yes.


Even with the bugs that annoy me to no ends sometimes, even with the fact Bounty Hunters dont get the interlude screen when they finish their class quest and it makes me paranoid I won't be eligible for Act 4, I enjoy the game and dont' see myself going anywhere else anytime soon.


They've been working hard on the game to delivery fixes, even if sometimes things are not delivered in an order that makes everyone happy (because there is no order to make everyone happy). They've also been delivering content on a decent stream and with some big changes coming its exciting.


The only things that push my patience is the fact the lvl 50 normal mode flash points are not itemized at all for anything useful except for Kaon. As it stands now if we want to only gain gear through PVE we have to dailies and Kaon; unlike some I refuse to subject myself to lvl 50 PVP just to get into the higher Tier PVE content; I'm fine with others doing this but its NOT for me.


The other flash points for lvl 50 need to be itemized with gear sets like Kaon either with the same stats and different looks or the same gear so we can choose something different and not do the same thing everyday.


If they ever do this or its fixed with the crafting changes that are up coming I'll be pleased pleasantly. If they don't I'll dislike it but not the game >.<

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Yes - for now.


My wife is a VERY casual player and I have a lot of fun playing along with her, so there's plenty of entertain us both.


If I were an end-gamer though, I'd have unsubbed by now. End game wasn't well thought out with this title. I have a 50 shadow and have done a little of it.

Edited by FooBard
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