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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Yes. Having a great time in the game.



Of course, there are issues with this game...but they will be fixed or optimized over time (in terms of bugs and performance wise). For instance I would like to be able to adjust the particle density of abilities (that might help with my computer when a lot of action is happening on screen).


In the end, this is a MMO and it will always be changing. Things one day may work and the next be broken. A class may be powerful one day and the next be nerfed. Features will be added that you don't agree with, but features will also be added that you desperately want. MMOs are not simple...one has to be able to accept the fact that a MMO will always be changing, most of the time for the better but as well as for the worse.

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Unfortunately, no. SC, as I expected, became tired and easy; All but 2 crew skills are useless start to finish; PvP needs the FOTM nerf bat and buff stick taken to it; UI needs to be scalable and everything on screen needs to be able to be moved where ever a player chooses. Unless something drastic changes when my 6month sub is up I won't be back till an Xpac. If GW2 is decent I may not be back at all.
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No, not enough variety in the quest an the world is pretty small. Also I feel like all the quest are instanced you have some big areas that feel so empty because of this I always feel like I'm running into a cave or a building for every single quest.
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NO i did love this this game when it first come out ..


then it became a dressed up single player game .. there is no multiplayer feel to the game no need to rely on others for help unlike other mmo's i hope this changes otherwise swtor will be just another failed mmo.





i am still subbed and don;t plan on leaving as i want to see 1.2.

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Its a loaded question, OP. It cannot be answered.


It's a MMORPG. What it is today is a launch. Wha it will be tomorrow will be a very different game, so arguing what one thinks about a game of this genre a month after release is largely irrelevent.

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I already finished everything. Nightmare Ops, battlemaster, multiple alts. Content lasted about a month, now there's literally nothing left to do. I'm not even that hardcore of a player, the game is just way too easy. Almost my entire guild cancelled, myself included.

Edited by Pinworms
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For me I'd say it's a very close call but at the moment I will say 'No' to its current state. Here's why.


The UI just isn't there yet. I know that target-of-target, scaling and placement, as well as a simple /roll command are being added very soon and that's awesome. Definitely steps in the right direction but I feel more will be needed. Like a small stance bar for all of our toggle abilities, mission item icons on the mission tracker, an auto-arrange inventory button, native threat meter, native recount, different icon colors for the different mission types, and even something as small as different resource colors for the classes (yellow for all of them has become strangely annoying).


Lack of an LFG tool, cross-server even. Despite the fiery debate surrounding this feature I want to see it added. Low population servers would benefit greatly but even as someone who plays on a high population server there are times I just want to log in, queue for a flashpoint, run it, and log off. I don't want to stand in the fleet, spam general chat to run the flashpoint I want to run or keep my eyes glued to it in the hopes that someone else wants to run it, get the group together after awhile and hope that it doesn't disband for whatever reason.


Current content feels like more of the same. Don't get me wrong. Warzones, Flashpoints, and Operations definitely have their place and are nicely done in my opinion (though I wish more Flashpoints were like Black Talon). However I feel like I've done of all these things so many times before in other MMOs. I want to see something different than what we normally get. PvPvE Battlefields where large numbers of Republic and Imperial players fight alongside friendly NPCs or even both factions trying to tackle eachother while trying to deal with a third enemy NPC faction. More minigames. Space missions are decent but something else to do would be great. Even additions such as Pazaak, Swoop Racing, and Dejarik as side games would help to alleviate the lack of creativity for the more standard game content. Random events such as a Krayt Dragon appearing on Tatooine or Republic/Imperial NPC forces assaulting a Republic/Imperial base and needing the players to help win the event would be awesome.


I could go on but these are the three main points that are keeping me from being happy with TOR in its current state.

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I have reached lvl 50 with my assassin for about a month and all I've been doing is.. grinding dailies! It felt like WoW. I find leveling (i dont like doing that in WoW) is somewhat more interesting when making a new class (started a Scoundrel, lvl 15). I have not played SWTOR as much as when I first started it. I have only logged on to get my warzone dailies for my 1 and only 50. Lately I even skipped a day or 2 in a row.



Gear definitely need to look better for most class. Also, different looks for each sub-class or advanced class (if that's what you want to call it). And better gap-stats for high-end gear (battlemaster/centurion/champion/etc..). Those gear are currently NOT that much different from each others for me to consider working for the highest level one.


A looking for group for flashpoints system, ie. WoW's LFG. Same goes for operations.


Premade warzone grouping should stay in the group upon entering and leaving warzones so they dont have to be reinvited each time. So stoopyd!


New warzone(s) racing (laps or time limit) like in the SW movies. Attack ppl with abilities slightly different for each class-specific-speeders (ie laser, missiles, homing missiles, etc..) to daze/slow them or enough damage to eliminate them and first to cross the finish line WIN for the team. Don't forget obstacles either! Something like Mario Cart + SW = warzone. LOL!


Take Ilum's open world pvp settings into a warzone but with different themes that has major capture points in the middle top and/or bottom of map for capture that provides vehicles to destroy bases and such. But with vehicles supplies limited based on "supply" points captured by a faction, so NOT everyone in the warzone will be controlling a vehicle.


More DIFFERENT types of speeder rather than same ones in different colors (which is currently fine). And speed differences should be more than 10%. 25 = 90%, 40 = 120%, 50 = 150%. And it's time to consider higher-flying speeders for 50 at 150%. Maybe not as fast as Im suggesting but faster than current speeds! These should be a passive skill learned for the designated levels rather than the speeders themselves. Which means that I can use all type of speeders at 150% speed, so I dont get stuck with fast ones that are not my preference (ugly ones).


Spacecombat now becomes ground-combats! instead of combats taken only in space, how about on planets just like in the movies where they flew around and blow up the Walkers (plus tanks/other vehicles). A mini-semi-difficult boss at the end of each ones.


Basically, A LOT of things could be borrowed from WoW and made better if possible. Wow's been around since '05 so it has built a foundation and I've gotten bored of it because I find that it's recycling its contents.

Edited by Catastrophz
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In it´s current state, NO. Although I had a serious amount of fun with some group flashpoints and the storyline. Unsubscribed and will be back when/if the below disappointments are gone:


Early on I expected a fantastic space flight experience, like in good old X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter times, but even better with huge multiplayer space battles and missions. And a LVL 50 "Deathstar Trench-like" experience, close to Star Wars Episode IV.


Got disappointed.


I expected huge planets to explore, not "Maps". Exhaustion zones and invisible lines?


Got disappointed.


I expected living, breathing worlds with day/nighttime changes and weather conditions, like any recent Rockstar game, e.g. Red Dead Redemption.


Got disappointed.


I expected planets populated by huge numbers of players, and a housing possibility. Also, all players in the SAME world, not seperated over countless instances and servers, which are now deserted. I hoped this would be "massive multiplayer", not "10 guys on my planet multiplayer".


Got disappointed.


I expected "Skyrim"-like, more life-like graphics


Got disappointed.


I expected great enemy AI and enemies acting more natural, not just standing around in groups waiting to be killed.


Got disappointed.


I expected my companion and fellow player would sit in my two-seated taxi when I am using it.


Got disappointed.


I expected a more smooth experience, cool rendered transitions when I travel or land somewhere instead of black screens, mediocre low-framerate game engine animation, a dull loading screen or a chat bubble (!!), when I open the door of my spaceship to land it. :confused:


Got disappointed.


I expected a really cool animation for going into hyperspace, and the feeling to "explore the known or perhaps unknown universe", some Privateer- or EVE like trading. Having the opportunity to manually fly my space ship to other planets. Being able to enter orbit or docking on to space stations.


Got VERY, VERY disappointed.



What I did NOT expect:


I did no expect that every single repetitive side mission needs full voiceovers, ressources should have gone elsewhere.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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765 SWTOR players voted NO.


700 SWTOR players voted YES.


108 individuals are Undecided/Unclear.

Just wondering, are the votes only the ones in this iteration of the topic?



BTW seeing half the voters aren't happy is really impressive especially since with 1.5k votes we should have a very low margin of error.

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No. Questing was fun in the start untill I realized i dont care about the story beacuse everything is just an illusion of choice. Combat is so stale i just go into autopilot mode when doing quests and FPs, even raids puts me in autopilot.


The engine is laggy as hell. 16 mans unplayable. WZs is close to the point of not being enjoyable when dropping as low as 15 fps (especially civil war). My PC exceeds the requirements by far and i play other games with much higher requirements than swtor easily.


Pvp lacks meaing. its not competetive. We dont have any stat tracking. No mods. No damage meter. No combat log. No world pvp. ****** FPs I could go on forever.


Its a themepark with only a small rollecoaster and some candy shops hanging around. 1.2 will be make it or break it tbh. Even if they dont add ALL that much stuff im interested in seeing what direction BW wants the game to go. Im hoping they wont do the same mistake as blizzard and add new commedation gear boosting everyone up to the best tier by doing ****** FPs.

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Yes, The game is improving and I am having a blast, that is all I need for me.


Better then my answer. Agree with you.


How exactly is it improving? I was happy with the improvements while I was leveling, then I hit 50 and actually started paying attention to things.


1.1.0 Patch - Rise of the Rakghouls:

World PvP


The daily and weekly mission objectives in Ilum now require defeating enemy players and/or collecting armaments from the center objective.

Players now gain increased Valor from player kills in Ilum.

Players now gain increased bonus Valor for kills based on the number of objectives controlled by their faction.

Increased bonus Valor is now granted for player kills when defending an objective your faction owns.

A notification is now displayed when a player gains Valor.

Three new respawn points have been added for each faction.

Companions are now restricted from the PvP objective area on Ilum.

Notifications are now displayed when enemy players are close to an objective.

Automated defense turrets have been added to Empire and Republic taxi spawn points.

Particle Cannons around the Empire and Republic bases now activate more reliably.




1.1.0a Patch - 1/19:



Players can no longer enter the opposing faction's safe base area, thus preventing players from continually "camping" the other faction's base.

Turrets inside faction bases were not intended to be destroyed and are now immune to damage.

The population cap for instances of Ilum has been reduced to improve performance.

Implemented optimizations to improve performance on Ilum.




1.1.0b Patch - 1/24:

Fixed an exploit that would allow players to repeatedly loot the chest after defeating Jarg and Sorno.


Yikes, just sayin!


1.1.1 Patch - 1/31:



Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in the hangar before the match starts.


World PvP


Additional base turrets now protect the taxi location inside each faction's base.




1.1.2 Patch - 2/7:



Class abilities that pull a hostile target (like Grapple, Harpoon, and Force Pull) can no longer be used to pull enemies onto the spawn shelf.

Players standing in the spawn area no longer catch the Huttball when it is thrown, and will no longer immediately be killed for having the ball in an illegal position.


World PvP


Chests on Ilum now respawn less frequently to reduce potential gains from farming.

Particle Cannons can no longer be permanently disabled.

Implemented safeguards to address a Valor exploit.




1.1.2a Patch - 2/9:



Killing players on Ilum will now consistently grant Valor and mission credit as intended.




1.1.3 Patch - 2/14:

Surge rating has been re-balanced. It now reaches diminishing returns the same way as other damage ratings, and its per point damage contribution has been reduced by approximately 10%.


What did the five fingers say to the face? :mad:




Players will now properly receive mission credit for warzone wins when the first player to enter a Warzone leaves before the match ends.




Updated the bomb door collision to remove a spot players could stand against and not be targetable.


World PvP


Players are now notified when they kill a player but do not receive credit due to rate limits.




1.1.4 Patch - 2/22:




That's it? Least the other patches were consistent and had a lot of relevant issues fixes mixed in... and nothing since?


Fix the class imbalances, Fix the GTN, Fix grouping after a warzone... something that matters. Fix PvP without gear grind resets and valor increases per warzone... something that doesn't highlight a lack of foresight and unoriginality.


First impressions have already left a bad taste and I feel as though we're being fed content that should've been available at launch mixed with a little of panic in the patches to come.


Meh :(

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I don't normally post good-bye threads, but perhaps there is a point to indicating why I have unsubbed. My comments are not new, but it reinforces things others have said which Bioware may care to read about:


The questing experience, though well done from a single player perspective, does not feel open world enough to warrant a monthly subscription fee.


The PvP is not immersive. I never made it to Illum, but I've yet to encounter an enemy in the open world and I've seen Hutball pop way too often.


I found I never needed to buy anything off the auction house; and my own personal crafting felt disconnected from the economy - just stuff I made for myself.


I found the opportunities for social interaction among others to be poorly fleshed out. Maybe it's the community, but I remember enjoying the gathering spots in WoW's cities - where people would talk to one another. Just strangers shooting the breeze. But that doesn't happen here. It's deathly quiet in fleet. I think the issue is not having chat bubbles. People need to keep an eye on their chat window, unable to localize where conversation is coming from. I find it reduced conversation as a result. Whatever the reason, I find the world very quiet.


Travel system is painful and tedious. Loading screens and empty hallways between ship and hangars and planets.


Rolling an alt is painful, having to spacebar side quests because having to hear a dramatic cinematic about killing 10 rats is ok the first time, but definitely not the second.


Being forced to have a companion, and thus having to be a pet class, was a bit of an adjustment. In and of itself not a game breaker, but something that adds to the downside. Furthermore, companions having names with an implication that they are unique personalities, yet I see "my" companion saddled up alongside so many others running about as well. Just seeing every player with an npc-pull-toy kinda looks weird, and artificially inflates the population.


Low server populations made grouping for flashpoints something I didn't get to play that often. The zones are also too vast compared to the instance caps and server pops, so their is an empty feeling everywhere.


Bioware is a great company and I'm sure they'll pull this together. I do think they need to steer away from the single-player focus that does haunt this game. Almost all the points I made above connects to this. Bioware are one of the top developers of the single player experience but they need to let go a bit and embrace the 'massive' in MMO design, lest the instanced realms of GW2 with no sub fees will rear competitive advantage.

Edited by nanogasm
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For the most part ... Yes

I'll like it even more when the Adjustable UI changes are made .

After the UI changes if they took out half the CC it would be great, theres way to much CC in its current state.

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No, this game lacks the flair of drawing people back into the game, probably won't play until the new expansion comes out. I can honestly tell you hands down I have finished the game, not 100% but at least it feels that way to me. I have of course yet to collect all the datacrrons get the 2 hour and under Nightmare Operation runs and full battlemaster gear but I have finished all the nightmare operation runs, attained battlemaster, finally completed my full champion set, finished all the flashpoints and is one of the better pvpers on my server. After all of that this game is too much a grind plus to me I have achieved everything there is in the game, all the hard contents cleared.

People say get battlemaster gear or make alts but why? Just repeat the same thing over again and complete contents I have already cleared and with much boredom? Bioware has lost its touch on what a great game is, instead its just a cash cow. After this game and after ME3 I have no desire to play Bioware games anymore, they lack too many things. Especially the replay value. I've played KOTOR over and over again and Mass Effect over and over again. The stories were intriguing and made me want to play the sequel to both games even though KOTOR II was made by another company.


tl;dr: Game is lacking. Get better Bioware, you used to be great now its just terrible. Also, don't make your customers pay $870 for the full game of Mass Effect 3.

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Yes, I love it for now at least.


My big draws in SWTOR are pretty simple. Class stories, companions, space combat, and PVP. I came from WoW, in which I've raided pretty seriously for the past 6-7 years. I'm bored of it and it no longer holds my interest. This game, so far, is more entertaining to me outside of end game pve content.


With that said, I don't know how long it will last. I don't want to get back into serious raiding or farming of end game HM 4 mans. What I want to see added to this game is more of the individual class stories, more companions (more importantly, I want to see additional interaction, quests, events, etc. with my current companions... especially the one I married) and improvements/additions to the space combat game. I like what they are doing with pvp so I feel that will work out just fine.


What will make me quit is basically if they only focus on end game pve and pvp. If I get 1 new space mission every 6 months or my companions continue to not exist after I hit 10k affection I'll probably lose interest and move on.

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