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At this point, is it even possible for republic to come back?


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Jestunhi is just a butthurt Imperial who cannot accept the fact that he rolled the zerg faction. He lives in a world of delusion where even if there is 300 imperials in the imperial fleet and 50 republic in the republic fleet, he'll be the first to spout "THAT PROVES NOTHING! SERVER IS BALANCED PERIOD"


lol what a joke.


I have never claimed that the sides are balanced. I can tell you that on my server things like Illum fights cover half the map instead of just camping the pub base, but none of us have access to useful data to check faction balance.


All you can do is say something like "at 2:30pm on Sunday there were x imps in their fleet and x pubs in their fleet". That tells us almost nothing no matter whether there are more imps, pubs or exactly the same number of each. All it is is a snapshot.


Other than database development and process automation my main job at work is data analysis (both MI & BI data analysis & reporting). I can imagine what would happen if my data analysis for anything used such a tiny snapshot of data as the "ZOMG IMPS OUTNUMBER PUBS 234 TO ONE ON EVERY SERVER" posters do, and it wouldn't be a "well done" from my boss.




Anyway, what I was disputing was the outrageous claim that:


If player faction = "Imperial" then exploiter / hacker = true


My post had nothing to do with the numbers of imps or pubs, just the claim that imperials are, by default, exploiters and hackers.

Edited by Jestunhi
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Imps have been the notorious exploiters/hackers getting their free stuff since before the game even went live. What a ludicris statement.




You know I was arguing with an Imp that wanted free stuff to go Rep.


So even while your view is insane, it did actually support your insane view of the world.

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Two faction pvp is always fail. Considering Bioware have done nothing to encourage or buff the underpopulated faction, im not sure why anyone is surprised there are so many problems already.


If SWTOR wasn't an instanced game with a fractured population on dying servers then players could rally themselves and try and combat the population imbalances, but there is no world channel, so it'll never happen unless a load of guilds get their heads together and get organised. It is happeneing on some servers, but not many.

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It's not possible to balance 2 faction PvP in mmo's. It has NEVER happened and never will.


The fact that Developers are dumb enough to continue to create 2 faction PvP in mmos is a sad statement on the total lack of intelligence in the mmo industry.

Edited by --Grim--
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Anyway, what I was disputing was the outrageous claim that:


If player faction = "Imperial" then exploiter / hacker = true


My post had nothing to do with the numbers of imps or pubs, just the claim that imperials are, by default, exploiters and hackers.



I'll be honest, i don't know if there any pubs on my server that use the WZ exploit to get more people in a WZ but i have literally played 7-8 match's in a row that ended early because the imps had more than 8 on their side.


Its mind boggling! Other thing is how many people took advantage of the turrets not working on a faction? I bet there were more imps than pubs. Don't think anyone got rolled back either....

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It's not possible to balance 2 faction PvP in mmo's. It has NEVER happened and never will.


The fact that Developers are dumb enough to continue to create 2 faction PvP in mmos is a sad statement on the total lack of intelligence in the mmo industry.


Some MMO's would really only have (2) factions based on lore though...

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Some MMO's would really only have (2) factions based on lore though...


A creative dev team would have found a way to add a third faction setup to the PvP. The Star Wars universe is huge and has all kinds of options.


My guess is the devs didn't have the courage to tell Lucas Arts the problems with 2 faction PvP. They just took their marching orders and jumped over the cliff, knowing it was doomed to fail from the start.


But they got paid. And now they get to have the ulitimate failure of TorTanic on their resumes.

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I'm sorry for your server's imbalance. No one wins if the faction is that lop slided. On my server though, even if we're out numbered, we have the better players. Illum is usually 50v50 or somewhere along those lines. Our pvp guild help turn the tables in Illum with strategic battles, and running groups every night. Eventually it clicked for Republic that they *can* do it. It's gotten to the point where THE REPUBLIC are camping the IMPERIAL base. Pretty weird right?


However, in order to get to that point, a lot of us re-rolled from Sith side in order to help the balance (a lot of us were Battlemasters). It's the players who cause the imbalance, but the Developer's sure made things lop sided in some cases.

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Facerolled in warfronts, facerolled in ilum. Republic is constantly facerolled in most places. Being a poorly geared republic in a warfront with battlemaster empire premades is not fun.


Can't wait for cross server matches and tiering system.


Yes this is the biggest issue with PVP right now. I am a Scrapper and the same 4 to 10 guys will stop fighting anyone else to come kill me.


The only advantage I offer is these idiots will abandon a Civil War gun turret or door to kill me.


But then this also why I have a low damage and kill rate as I get focused all the time.

Edited by Metalmac
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Come play republic on Dark Reaper. We have our share of scrub pugs in warzones, but we have enough quality people that you don't feel gimped in most warzones. When we get a double pre-made (semi often) in a warzone, we roll the empire so badly you can tell they are chain leaving.


Even 3-1 imp favored on Ilum, we frequently push them out of our base and around and have roaming death squads taking objectives and picking off people not in the zerg.


If you reroll, feel free to ask for an invite to Improbability if you are age 20+/mature.

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My first character was a 24 Operative then i decided to go Republic because of huttball everywheres. Rerolled on a PVE server (flying solo so figured *** was i doing on PVP server)

Scoundrel to 40, Sage to 41, and current Commando to 31.


I want to make a warrior next, but i cant stand to go though leveling the same boring areas again. Wanted to roll Sith. Sigh. Rock and Hard Place. boring same area leveling or huttball

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There are plenty of reasons to be the smaller faction on a pvp server I shall list them;


-More Competition.

-Shorter Queue times.

-Tougher Fights.

-A natural skill gap due to fighting with disadvantages.

-Builds Character.


I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure they get an advantage of 12 Armor, 12 Main Stat and 6 expertise having BM, compared to Champion gear. Not really much of an advantage unless they need all that accuracy and alacrity.


Besides, just because they have a Battlemaster tag doesn't automatically make them a good player, it just devalues the title of Battlemaster, not really a big deal either. Sure I could see imbalances leading to issues when future gear levels are introduced, but as things are right now, those differences in health are more due to stims/pve raid epics, not pvp gear. At around 500 expertise, people like to mix in pve parts for stats, and sweet 2 piece bonuses.


One word: FUN


Being cannon fodder is not fun, never has been and never will be. We pay to have fun.


If I want to build character I will read a book, not play this game.

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This is a much bigger problem on specific servers.


Jung Ma has a very strong republic side. We are still outnumbered, but the players we do have are in general very good.


Comes down to this. When Huttball pops if I see an Imp team we are likely to win, if I see another republic team its going to be a really tough fight.

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the problem i am seeing is the rate that the republic and empire gain valor is very unbalanced on my server we are facing groups for 5-8 battle masters and on the republic side we have 1 or 2 we have 7 war heroes on the empire side already i know that does not make a difference in gear but it does show that the empire is gaining valor at a much higher rate then the republic and it is hard to get the ilum daily's done in a decent amount of time so the republic skips them most of the time and almost never finish the weekly's
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I get 20 valor per kill in ilum

Imps get 160 valor per kill in ilum


veela, 4:45pm EST


How is that not something that needs addressing.


Your team should address it by capping additional bases before attacking middle.


They have advantages because they won them.

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I forgot all 45 empire are defending all the bases simultaneously.


You cap something, they just cap it back. You're at a massive disadvantage. I'm not sure what the argument here is. If anything, Empire CAN defend all spots since they've got 2-3x as many people, if they wanted to.

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You cap something, they just cap it back. You're at a massive disadvantage. I'm not sure what the argument here is. If anything, Empire CAN defend all spots since they've got 2-3x as many people, if they wanted to.


At that point they split up, so you cut them down easily.

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At that point they split up, so you cut them down easily.


So, roaming group of 20 Republic kills 8 random people at each node. Empire just recaps each node as the Republic leaves, or 40 merge on the Republic and kill them.


I mean, are you seriously arguing that 20 people can hold 6 nodes from 45 people? You might as well say that 8vs3 is fair in Alderaan because 1 person can hold each base.

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