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I Want Ora *Kaliyo Affection Spoilers*


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So for those that don't know and don't mind semi-spoilers, during the final half of Kaliyo's affection track she asks you to help her track down some of her "ex-associates" and kill them, as well as a bounty hunter that has been seeking her out as well. I'll skip over the "associates" that you are, for the most part, forced to kill despite the fact that they're the victims of Kaliyo. The main target I want to focus on is Ora (I believe that's her name).


Ora is a human girl that Kaliyo seduced away from the comfortable life as a senator's daughter and went around the galaxy, only for Kaliyo to abandon her out of the blue without reason (big shock). She spent some time in a depression, but eventually was taught to fight by Alderaanian soldiers and decided to track Kaliyo down due to the trouble she had given her. Eventually the Agent and Kaliyo ambush her on Tatooine, where she gives her motivation.


When I encountered her, I tried to get Kaliyo and Ora to make up. Ora said that she was willing to forgive Kaliyo, but Kaliyo (being the incredibly annoying ***** that she is) said that she's not going to apologize, and then the game forces me to kill poor Ora. That really angered me. I barely tolerated Kaliyo enough as it is, but that just pushed me over the edge. Neither I, nor my character, would have gone along with that. If I could, I would turned my gun on Kaliyo and executed her for being such an unlikable character, as well as a favor to poor Ora for the crap Kaliyo put her through (and me, really).


Anyway, where I'm going with this is I want Ora back. I want her to return at some point and give me the option to help her eliminate Kaliyo, then be able to have Ora take her place on my team. It would work out rather well seeing as how they're both based around the bounty hunter play style, so there won't be any imbalance issues and, let's face it, Kaliyo is annoying as all hell and pretty counterproductive to the job of the Agent. Ora said that she can't return home, so thus there probably wouldn't be much of an issue with her joining up with an Imperial. Even if she doesn't end up as interactive as Kaliyo, I'd still prefer Ora, because in my book, lack of interaction is far better than irritating beyond reason.


As for Ora being killed by Kaliyo and I, I figure a write-off that she wasn't actually dead would work well enough (for me, anyway). Perhaps the Agent writers themselves will be able to think of a better justification for her comeback.


At any rate, I suppose this came off as more of a rant, but I really, really hate Kaliyo and I feel rather betrayed that the one-off characters from her past (An'spishel [sp?], the Wookiee pirate, and Ora) come off as far more interesting (and cooperative) than her.

Edited by Rodyn
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I actually liked Kaliyo at the start because she had the whole independence thing going on. I have really grown to hate her now. That is part of the reason I decided to break her heart by going with Agent Temple over her.


I don't think the fact that you hate her is unintended though. If you look at what she's done no writer would think you'd like her after that. Things like sleeping with that random guy (what a *****), lying to you about absolutely everything. No one would like a liar. But I think that's the point of her, you have to put up with her even though you hate her. Which is similar to what the Agent has to do over the storyline. He's constantly forced into things and made to do things which are completely out of his control but in the line of duty he just has to get on with it.


Someone will probably say that the fact you don't like her is a bad thing. I don't think it is. It's the sort of person that you shout at the screen for being so idiotic but it makes it memorable.


Kaliyo reminds me of Zero in ME2. Sometimes I felt like shouting at her to get the **** over what Cerberus did but I still liked her as a character because there was a small part of me that didn't like Miranda for her arrogance and Zero a middle finger to Miranda.


I digress, I understand completely what you are saying (except about bringing her back, although an option at the time would have been cool) but I don't think it's a bad thing. Afterall, it's made you come on the forum and talk about the characters in a way that you are passionate about. Isn't that what they are supposed to do? Stir emotions inside you?

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I think you're expected to have your own opinion. Some people really like Kaliyo. Some people don't. I honestly really love her, she's probably my favorite companion in the whole game, but I understand if people don't.


What the OP is wishing for is basically fan fiction though, it's never going to happen.

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Yeah, I figure Kaliyo is supposed to be intentionally unlikable (I've seen somewhat similar reactions with Vette and the Cathar Trooper companion), but neither I nor my character would tolerate her presence after that fiasco, never mind the encounter towards the end of her affection line. Like I said, if possible, my character would've gunned Kaliyo down during the confrontation with Ora. It's not like she has much more use to me (well, seeing as how I finished my story) and, in reality, comes off as far more trouble than she's worth. Hell, I find SCORPIO more likable, and she's actually trying to kill me.
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I dunno, i actually really grew to like Kaliyo towards the end of the game even before the incident with Razer. Shes basically what my agent became, really hateful of the empire, the sith, the military etc. And sometimes i just wanna see the entire empire and republic crumble so smarter people can rebuild it...



The only thing worse then the Empire is the Republic...



So ya at the end i came to really like Kaliyo

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I must admit I'm quite fond of Kaliyo. I did go for Temple romance-wise, but Kaliyo will always have a sweet spot in my heart.


Really enjoy her personality and it quite adds up to mine. I play as a terrible loyal Imperial so it's quite enjoyable to see our personalities clash.


In the end.. it's just as she said back when we met.. I'll shoot high, she'll shoot low - we make an hell of a team.

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This whole thread just reminds me why I'm in favor of having more than 5 companions available (8-10 sounds about right), from which you can always have up to 5 (by endgame).


That would return the option to kill companions without depriving people of vital roles.

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Huh. I wasn't forced to kill Ora at all, I got them to walk away peacefully.

Same here. I don't remember the whole conversation just the end, Ona said something like "Ok no more chat, I'm gonna kill you" and got 2important choices : LS : (+40 with kal) surrender (saying she proved herself to kal, and I'm a too big fish for her), or DS +15 with kal "[attack]".

Choosing the LS answer make her think few second then say we can go. Kal answered she was happy to see her (or something like this, she wasn't the usual unlikable kalyio), and we left.

I do remember this since I earn +40 with Kal being good and not killing someone (must have been the first time) and also because she wasn't a complete *** before leaving Ona.

This may help :


Edited by erei
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I love kaliyo. She matches my Agent perfectly. I am solid dark side, evil to the core, murdering as many people on both sides as possible, revelling in any time I get to torture people and plotting to assassinate every person that crosses me in even the slightest of ways. Always talking ****, lying just for giggles, using and abusing as many of the females in the game as I get the option to. Kaliyo is like the perfect evil bastard compliment to the vile evil that is my Agent.


I would of course betray and kill her as well after having my fun with her if the option was added into the game though. Love and feelings are for the weak.

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This whole thread just reminds me why I'm in favor of having more than 5 companions available (8-10 sounds about right), from which you can always have up to 5 (by endgame).


That would return the option to kill companions without depriving people of vital roles.

Indeed, part of the reason why I pointed out that Ona would not detract from the Agent's balance seeing as how she, like Kaliyo, is based around the Bounty Hunter play style. Although I figure the big issue with that is that BioWare would have to add more speech options for the additional companions, but as I said, I'd be just fine with Ona being not as vocal as Kaliyo. I just want Kaliyo off my team permanently.


Same here. I don't remember the whole conversation just the end, Ona said something like "Ok no more chat, I'm gonna kill you" and got 2important choices : LS : (+40 with kal) surrender (saying she proved herself to kal, and I'm a too big fish for her), or DS +15 with kal "[attack]".

Choosing the LS answer make her think few second then say we can go. Kal answered she was happy to see her (or something like this, she wasn't the usual unlikable kalyio), and we left.

I do remember this since I earn +40 with Kal being good and not killing someone (must have been the first time) and also because she wasn't a complete *** before leaving Ona.

This may help :


I feel like an ***, but also a little betrayed. The more legitimate "peace keeper" path forced me into killing Ona, which makes absolutely no sense. I can understand the "think carefully" motivation behind it, but there's still the fact that if a character would be trying to calm the two of them down, why would they go along with killing Ona, despite the fact that it was Kaliyo being the instigator? It's crap. As I said, were it possible, my character would've turned his weapon on Kaliyo at that moment, not Ona.

Edited by Rodyn
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Considering you've spent 0 time with this little side plot character, how do you even know she's any better of a match for your character? But that's just it, she is just designed for nothing more than that moment. There is no story behind her, no depth, no nothing...just your imagination.
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I also had Ora live. It is a light side option in the dialog trees. Basically you convince her that Kaliyo's actions made her stronger, and to let it go.


Also, I allowed the Gambler to live as well. A light-side choice convinced him to let her go. I killed the Wookiee, but I suspect that he too could have been convinced to drop it, but I was gunning for maximum Kaliyo affection.


Unfortunately, since the storyline is pre-written and voiced, it would not be realistic for them to have duplicated everything up to that point, just because some people might have chosen to swap one for the other.


I suspect, without any evidence, that in future expansions we might get some kind of Companion Exchange option, but can't guarantee it. The basis of my assumption is they will want to add some new companions (homosexual romances, etc.) but also not have us end up with like 12 people living on our ship :eek:

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Considering you've spent 0 time with this little side plot character, how do you even know she's any better of a match for your character? But that's just it, she is just designed for nothing more than that moment. There is no story behind her, no depth, no nothing...just your imagination.

More of a match than Kaliyo, which is the important part to me.

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I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to do "things" to Ora too... Mine didn't die... but I will say this, for all the people saying SCORPIO is better.


You can suck a Jawa's blaster. Kaliyo in full Rakata at 24.5k hp is better than any mfkin droid parts you can buy or make as a cybertech.


Include in her T3 MH and OH shield generator, she almost never loses threat. I mean all my wearable companions are wearing Rakata, but SCORPIO is definitely trash unless there is T3 droid gear... which there isn't. Lulz


I would've preferred Ora too, she seems much more passive than Kaliyo, but my Kaliyo at 10k affection does whatever I need her to do, as T5 lightside.


Dr. Lokin on the other hand, is basically like a male kaliyo, which is annoying, because he's much harder to sway.


Some of this is spoiler-ish, so apologies if you read it and are like DA*** is that!?



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More of a match, how? Because she's a different species? That'st he only difference I can confirm based on a few lines of dialogue.


You'll get another female companion later on, she will probably be more to your liking.

I finished the Agent story a while ago. I already have all of the companions.


And no, it's because Kaliyo is more of a danger than she is help when it comes to story. At least in my case, where all she wants to do is put five trains onto interconnecting tracks, let them collide, and just watch all the pieces fly everywhere, whereas my character wants to maintain order and security in the Empire. And even ignoring goals/motivation, their personalities constantly clash. Every time she says/does something reprehensible (which is probably 90% of the time) I berate her for doing so, because it's typically contrary to my character's intentions. On top of that, she keeps attracting the attention of the people she's pissed off in her past, which is a danger to my mission. Kaliyo, story-wise, is more trouble than she's worth.


While Ona may have only been around for about ten minutes, she showed to be far less of a hothead than Kaliyo, more merciful, and, well, smarter. Those three traits alone were displayed in her willingness to accept my proposal that the two should just make up.

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So you are so dissatisfied with all your companions that you can't just keep Kaliyo on your ship and try to forget about her?


Different people play their characters differently, but wanting some wooden npc as a companion just because you don't like one of the ones you have just seems ridiculous to me. I was very anti-Vector for a long time, but I didn't assume to think that the Devs needed to give me another option just because I didn't like one of the ones I was given. OH wait, they do...I have 5 companions. And I actually did get to like even Vector.


Since your own imagination plays such a big part of your game play, why not try and come up with reasons why Kaliyo is good to have around?

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So you are so dissatisfied with all your companions that you can't just keep Kaliyo on your ship and try to forget about her?


Different people play their characters differently, but wanting some wooden npc as a companion just because you don't like one of the ones you have just seems ridiculous to me. I was very anti-Vector for a long time, but I didn't assume to think that the Devs needed to give me another option just because I didn't like one of the ones I was given. OH wait, they do...I have 5 companions. And I actually did get to like even Vector.


Since your own imagination plays such a big part of your game play, why not try and come up with reasons why Kaliyo is good to have around?


Oh, there are big reasons to not want Vector.


1. He's a female agent's only LI.


2. He's a Bug/Borg.



He betrayed me on Alderaan.



4. See the first two again, and the third twice.

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As far as your spoiler goes, he didn't actually do that at all. In fact, in my story line, he did the exact OPPOSITE of that.


Unless you mean at some future stage that I haven't seen yet but it appears to me from reading spoilers that

A lot of Companions seem to have a betrayal arc. Kaliyo does it for IA, Malavai Quinn does it for Sith Warrior, etc.


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