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I subbed for 6 months, heres why


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I subbed for 3 months; and wish I had canceled before I started paying.


On, I think BW will get it right and the game will be decent in 6 mos or so; but will it get before GW2 or some other major player takes the stage?




Kudos to those have a great time. I tried and it's just not working out for me.

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The critics need to realize how HUGE this game is .


The only part of this game that is HUGE is full voice acting for all the class quests. This in itself is extremely time consuming as Bioware had to hire the actors/actresses, have probably hundreds of thousands of dialog pages ready for each of the class quest voice actors to run through.


That said, I enjoy the game and am subbed until early May.

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I subbed for 3 months; and wish I had canceled before I started paying.


On, I think BW will get it right and the game will be decent in 6 mos or so; but will it get before GW2 or some other major player takes the stage?




Kudos to those have a great time. I tried and it's just not working out for me.


I hope you're aware that GW2 is going console, and has confirmed that it's just a hack-n-slash RPG built for the console audience instead of the "messiah" it was promising itself to be. Those of us who lived through the GW1 hype as the game that would make WoW's entire model obsolete (yes, in 2004 people were claiming WOW would have to go Free-to-Play, funny how that turned out) were already aware it was writing a ticket it could never pay.


It's always the way - the unreleased MMOs claiming they're going to "remove the grind, eliminate the holy trinity and balance PVP"... that somehow vanish and are replaced with a steaming pile of reality when they're released.


Anyway, SWTOR is basically the only MMO out there that's worth playing right now. RIFT is trying to build a bridge to 1999, WoW pulled the talent after ULDUAR and the directionless content is showing that everyone who has any decent ideas is working on Titan. GW2 is going to be a console game and an absolute disaster. TERA is down to 15 servers after a year of running itself into the ground, and mired in legal and technical issues that will prevent anything decent from ever seeing our shores in the US (see Aion).


SWTOR is it folks.


And frankly? It's a fine game. I like it, I have been having fun, the issues I have seen since launch have been slowly-but-surely resolved. There are some things that need to be fixed - bugs, class balance, performance issues, yes... but as far as MMOs at this point from launch go? I'm impressed.

Edited by subrosian
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I'm a bit disappointed now and will probably be cancelling soon. My very first play through was incredible though. The game was hyped enough that all my friends started with me, we played and leveled together all the way to 50. The class story was great, the flashpoints were a ton of fun. However, I can't see any reason to keep playing.


All of my friends who started with me have already quit the game upon leveling to 50. Literally all of them. I can't do operations because I work night shift, and every guild only gets together to do them in the evenings or late enough that I would be late for work. Also the leveling, while better than any other mmo out there by several miles, is boring to do over again. The servers seem empty as well. I spent several days recently on my trooper tank trying to get a group for Maelstrom Prison. No one would ever go. I can't do group quests because planets are deserted. I'm online on Hoth right now and there are four total people on the planet. I would need to get the entire population of Hoth together just to do one group quest. On my imperial agent, my first character, I hit a wall at 50. Within MINUTES of finishing my final class story quest it felt as though the game just..died. There was nothing left to do. Before I stopped doing operations I did two weeks with a guild, in two clears of Eternity Vault, and two hard mode dungeons (False Emperor and Boarding Party) I had full purple gear. Full purples, from two operation clears and two heroics, it took absolutely no effort.


If Bioware had put the time and resources they put into this game into just making KOTOR 3, it probably would have been one of, if not the best single player RPG in a long time. This game is the best MMO on the market right now, but the genre is just getting old and stale, and boring. Unfortunately, just like the yearly generic CoD and Madden titles, no MMO will ever change from what is now the norm because it sells.


Oh well, at least Mass Effect 3 is just around the corner.

Edited by Kentathon
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I hope you're aware that GW2 is going console, and has confirmed that it's just a hack-n-slash RPG built for the console audience instead of the "messiah" it was promising itself to be. Those of us who lived through the GW1 hype as the game that would make WoW's entire model obsolete (yes, in 2004 people were claiming WOW would have to go Free-to-Play, funny how that turned out) were already aware it was writing a ticket it could never pay.


It's always the way - the unreleased MMOs claiming they're going to "remove the grind, eliminate the holy trinity and balance PVP"... that somehow vanish and are replaced with a steaming pile of reality when they're released.


Anyway, SWTOR is basically the only MMO out there that's worth playing right now. RIFT is trying to build a bridge to 1999, WoW pulled the talent after ULDUAR and the directionless content is showing that everyone who has any decent ideas is working on Titan. GW2 is going to be a console game and an absolute disaster. TERA is down to 15 servers after a year of running itself into the ground, and mired in legal and technical issues that will prevent anything decent from ever seeing our shores in the US (see Aion).


SWTOR is it folks.


And frankly? It's a fine game. I like it, I have been having fun, the issues I have seen since launch have been slowly-but-surely resolved. There are some things that need to be fixed - bugs, class balance, performance issues, yes... but as far as MMOs at this point from launch go? I'm impressed.


Well said.

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Yes hutball is a great map but one great map out of a very limited three would not make me content for six months other games have great maps and PvP too although not MMO's but at the same time dont cost a monthly fee Ie BF3 LoL ect


The storyline is really intresting and something that is better here than any MMO I have played through two and am close to another two being complete, I guess this is where Bioware shines but the trouble is the storylines end and then you are left with pretty much a standard MMO for better or worse.


Voice acting is nice but it gets boring quickly once through with the side quests once the space bar becomes your best freind on new characters.


Flashpoints are nice and quick but really not my cup of tea.


The big negative I have with the game is once you get to illum things just stop being fun the open world pvp planet just does not run right on a lot of peoples systems and has resulted in me stoping my resubscription because once I have the other two characters at 50 then their is nothing fun left in the game for me unless I want to run WZ constantly which would be ok in a free to play game maybe but in a subscription based game is simply not acceptable. Shame really as I did like the game a lot till then

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I subbed for Six months and can see myself subbing to this game for a lot longer.


What I love:


1: Story! Story! Story! - I have been a long time fan of BioWare's story telling and love the way they make RPG games from KOTOR too Mass Effect, Jade Empire, Baldurs Gate.. Dragon Age Origin and yeah even the Story in Dragon Age 2, even though the game itself did not have a patch on Origins. That poster who said the story in Mass Effect 2 was fragmented or not good.. I don't know what game you were playing but Mass Effect 2 was one of the best games to come along in a long while. I actually replayed it 6 six times with different characters and choices to have different endings... ((anyways I digress))


2. Companions, I like the fact that as you unlock your companions you unlock different quests - It makes me want to know them more and get to the bottom of their story.. Its almost like having hidden easter eggs right under your nose


3. The look of the game. I love the graphics and textures. With the constant complaints about how the game looks - I don't know what you are talking about to be honest. I have looked at the game that won't be mentioned.. It don't hold a candle to the way this game looks and feels.


4. The voice acting, I like it.. Not much more to say than that.


5. The community and the people I have met along my epic journey. Whether I am playing my trooper or my sith inquisitor. I always tend to bump into good people and have fun. I stayed away from MMO's because I believed the reputation of MMO's player's just being hardcore and not caring about other player's.. well I know different now and met so many good people.


6. BioWare themselves. Their actions since this game has been released has shown me they are committed to making this game a success and are planning a long term future for it. They are constantly updating and patching the game, when a mistake is made they take care of it quicker usually than I would expect a company too. They are addressing the communities concerns in an adult fashion and moving the game forward with more customization options and more story and chapters as time goes on and I am planning to stay so in a year or two when I put on that founder tag.. I can say I was here in the beginning and see this game grow. That to me is worth my subscription.

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I'll never beat the fun of my first MMO, WoW, for the first month or so. I was so amazed and having a blast but I will say I am absolutely loving this game and even though I use to raid rather hardcore and have an annual pass to WoW I will not be going back.
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I love it! This game kicks ***! I usually log in to look at the latest dev-notes, check class-forums and so forth, on a daily basis and imo Bio is doing a really great job!!


The game is getting fixed att a very high speed and Bio is updating like on a daily basis with new information on upcoming content and fixes.


And I love that Bioware is asking their subscribing players advice (upcoming GM-invite meeting is a great example) on how they can improve the game. We are many, and most of us have played mmos for years by now. We know our ****,and we love to help out making this game as good as it can possibly be!!


To all the whiners - I love that u keep paying ur subs to whine on the forums =) it gives devs more money to use to make my gaming-experience even better, even faster =)


This game is awesome!

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I genuinely love the game. I cant get enough of it. Raiding is a blast. Huttball is the best instanced pvp map I have played in an mmo. The story element makes the game sooo much more interesting than any other mmo I have played.


Ive been playing mmos for 10 years and have never had as much fun as I am having now.


So for those of you also sticking around for the foreseeable future, what are the things you enjoy the most?


and can we please limit the negative posts from the unsatisfied few? theres other threads dedicated to complaining.


"and can we please limit the negative posts from the unsatisfied few? theres other threads dedicated to complaining"


Way to marginalize the mass exodus we saw. Maybe the remaining are happy sure, but if you want to have a positive thread maybe you should not make such assumptions for people to argue about.


Anyways, the thing I enjoy - VO, cinematics, SW, combat/knock backs, raids/FP


What I want even includes additions to the things I enjoy. Its a great game, but it requires more patience from me than I thought was necessary for an IP I enjoy so much.

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I was gonna sub for 6 months too! Then I heard about GW2 getting into the beta, and now I'm down for 3 for now. No auto renewal for me, a lot will stand or fall on how fast they come out with 1.2 and how much it brings to the table.


You already know when 1.2 is coming out... how can they make it come quicker when you know it's coming in March already...?


Anywho, I've been hearing GW2 will be available on consoles and be a hack n slash RPG... if so lol@all the people saying GW2 will be the savior of MMOs.

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Both my wife and I have subbed for 6 mos.


We both love the game.. We both have a long list of characters we wish to create..


I love companions.. I love their little sayings and comments.. I love the element they bring to game play.. Gearing them up as well as your own character..


I love space combat.. It is a welcome game play change to the tired old questing..


Story?? Wow?? What can you say about that?? Story is awsome!!


Add to this game will only improve it.. I look forward to seeing this game in the years ahead.. :)

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I've been playing MMO since AO, and this is the first time I have subbed for 6 months, previously I have always subbed for 1 month at a time.


the game has a lot of areas where it needs improving, but I am still having a blast, doubly so after I got a new computer so I could actually do flashpoints and pvp, and didnt have to plan for something to do while I was loading into the game or changing planets (this could easily take several minutes for me before)


So, long loading times: fixed with new computer.

Low fps and lag: fixed with new computer.

Ability lag: fixed with new computer.


and, that last one seemed to me a bit odd actually. On my old computer, when playing my guardian, he would often finish the block animation etc before using the attack, so, he was a real pain to play. After using enrage for instance, for the nest 5-10 seconds I couldn't do anything but swipe; All of that was gone with a new computer!


Well, I loved the game with my old computer, I love it with my new computer, and I still have lots and lots of chars to play and things to do.



Just wish all my friends that is taking a break because they played to much in the start would hurry up and come back .

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Way to marginalize the mass exodus we saw. Maybe the remaining are happy sure, but if you want to have a positive thread maybe you should not make such assumptions for people to argue about.


Anyways, the thing I enjoy - VO, cinematics, SW, combat/knock backs, raids/FP


What I want even includes additions to the things I enjoy. Its a great game, but it requires more patience from me than I thought was necessary for an IP I enjoy so much.


I don't feel he was marginalizing in the least and we have seen no exodus.. Try not to be so dramatic will you.. It is his thread, and I don't see an issue with trying to keep it positive.. There are ton of other QQ threads out there.. It is not unreasonable to ask that people not QQ in this one.. Just saying.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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This game was obviously not for me and my guild as a target group (the competitive raiders). But I am sure that it will suit very casual players perfectly.


Yes It does indeed. maybe Diablo 3 or wow-china-mode might suit you and your competative guild better. I wish you the best of luck and watch so u dont squeeze urself on the escape-pod-hatch when ur spacing urself.

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I Love how the OP, Specifically said 'not to' post negative comments.


Yet somehow people still do it. Just another post for people to Flame on. Brilliant :rolleyes:


However I will not be subbing the 6 months, simply because I cant afford it.


Although I will continue to let my monthly subscription go for another 6 months!


I was getting bored on my 50, then I re-rolled an alt' on the other faction, in-love again.

And I saw the upcoming patch's In a leak, which I am sure many of us have already

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Alternative zones with the same Lvl should be a great idea. I think the longevity of wow is based on things like this.. Rolling alts with the possibility to visit other zones isnt a bad idea..


How is that going to work with the story.. You know... That thing WOW didn't care about??


Is it more important to have two places to lvl from 25-30 than it is to have a character story??


Please explain how this would work?? Nice idea if you can make it work.. Story is a large part of this game and not something that should be sacraficed.. :cool:

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I genuinely love the game. I cant get enough of it. Raiding is a blast. Huttball is the best instanced pvp map I have played in an mmo. The story element makes the game sooo much more interesting than any other mmo I have played.


Ive been playing mmos for 10 years and have never had as much fun as I am having now.


So for those of you also sticking around for the foreseeable future, what are the things you enjoy the most?


and can we please limit the negative posts from the unsatisfied few? theres other threads dedicated to complaining.


PvE raiding in this game is awful.


Huttball is the ONLY original idea they had.

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