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Why it feels like a "Single Player" game


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I simply can't understand that this game is claimed by many people to not be an MMO. Unlike "many" I did not play Ultima, or any other MMOs that the veterans claim to have played. My introduction with MMO was with WoW that has defined what MMO is for many players worldwide.


Things I did at WoW:


Leveling multiple toons: Solo questing, Dungeons and Battlegrounds


At max level: Gearing up by heroics, raids and Battlegrounds


Occasional Achievement hunting


Things I do in this game:


Leveling multiple toons: Questing, Flashpoints and Warzones


At max level: Gearing up by heroics, Operations and Warzones


Occasional Datacron hunting


In SW while questing I have grouped up with many people to do the +2 or +4 quests on all the planets.


Its not my intention of this to be a comparison to prove that one game to be superior to the another. Just presenting that if one MMO for having these features is considered to be the major MMO, while SW is getting branded for having the same features to be a Single player.

Edited by Karudan
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IMo it is a single player game with MP aspects thrown in and then call it an MMO. But I jsut cancelled my subscription because I don't want to spend $15 a month on single player experience with MP aspects thrown in and call it an MMO.


The story is great and that may be the only think that I liked about this game. I knew I was getting basically WOW with a new skin but now it's too redundant for me. speak to quest giver to cut scene, they need something done, Run to an area so far away and either kill X mob, open/disable x item/ Run back , Rinse and repeat.


I had a server that was very full from the beginning now it's mostly standard and it's very hard to find a group for heroics and FP. I don't want to wait 30 minutes to find a group doing the same heroics and FPs.


I can find the same re-playability with alts in BW other games. ME 1/2, DA 1/2. ME3 is coming out. look............ no monthly fee.


Same for PVP style of play. Battlefield series. Uncharted series. Modern warfare series. And look........... no monthly fee.


I know we're talking about ' the game feels like a single player game; but there are features that I'm sure beta testers were mentioning since it started.



Dual Spec should have been there in the first place nearly standard in most MMOs. UI customization should have been there in the first place because there are so many skills it looks too cluttered. These are also features that are just announced through BW 'Look what's new coming to SWTOR!!!!'



All these should have been there in the first place. Not make it look like they are working on new things 2 months after release.

Edited by DarthTenor
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I think the problem is actually quite more obscure than you think, and it isn't for the lack of group content either.


The problem is with leveling speed.


Flashpoints and Heroics are fantastic XP. But you simply don't need them because the natural leveling speed is so damn fast!


The word your searching is "fun" not fast.


To correct** "Flashpoints and Heroics are fantastic XP, but you simply don't need them because the story leveling quests are so damn fun!"

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I believe the problem in why it feels like a single player game is the fact you don't see many people running around the area you are questing in like other mmos. Maybe if they had made the lvling a bit more longer it would have kept people on each area longer. Edited by jesterbones
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Dual Spec should have been there in the first place nearly standard in most MMOs. UI customization should have been there in the first place because there are so many skills it looks too cluttered. These are also features that are just announced through BW 'Look what's new coming to SWTOR!!!!'



All these should have been there in the first place. Not make it look like they are working on new things 2 months after release.


I agree. In 2011/2012, the now very mature industry of MMO gaming expects certain features as a standard aspect of the products available:


  • customizable UI (to arrange information on a personal basis and adjust for current activity)
  • dual specialization (to simplify changes to support different gaming needs: DPS, Healing, Tanking, PvP, etc)
  • simplified automated grouping tool (so people don't have to run around spamming in general or trade chat to find a group)
  • ease of use trading system interface (not something that takes painful steps to sort through)
  • benefits to being in a guild (not just a green chat system)


If this game were to have been launched between 2003 and 2007 it would not be as big a deal with the lack of these features, but it is currently 2012. I sure hope to see these elements addressed soon! We can somewhat forgive the rushed launch, because that's what parent organizations do to start recognizing ROI in a project, but let's go!

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I believe the reason it feels like a single player, oh wait it doesn't feel like a single player game.


I believe others feel this is a single player game is because when they played WoW they sat in the capital all day doing dungeons via LFG along with the rest of the population. Therefore they always seen a lot of people. However, if you went out and quested in WoW you rarely if ever saw anybody else.

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So you're saying you want to group with players. But then that you'd rather wait 10 levels to do a heroic quest/flashpointrather than group with other players? Think about that for a moment.


You can group up with any other player(s) for all the quests in the game. If you want to play with other people then why not just do this? Do you need to? No. But again you can if that's what you with to do.


You can group up with 3 other people for warzones and then have an 8v8 pvp battle. Your choice. One would assume if you wanted to group with other players you would do so.


All flashpoints are designed for 4 players. You can do them or skip them. One would assume if you want to group with other players you would take advantage of this content.


Basically, you can do all the content in the game as a group. Why do the developers need to force you to do it as a group or provide some amazing benefits to do it as a group? In fact a lot of the content does reward or require group play.


If you want to play with others so badly then do it.

Edited by fadingdimension
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The 3rd party voice programs are how most gamers communicate, especially guilded ones. When you find yourself alt tabbing repetitively to manage it so you can hear the game content (voice overs) at some point you just ignore one or the other. It motivates a more isolated gaming experience if you want to hear the game content.


I was offering thoughts from several of us who are contemplating how this feels like a single player game, not complaining.


There is a thing I like to call subtitles if you don't want to listen to the VO.

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They separated the leveling experience from flashpoints.


My trooper is level 22 right now on Taris. If I want to run Hammer Station, I have to leave a zone filled with level appropriate players & spend 10 minutes traveling to the fleet. Then I have to hope there's enough people there willing to run that particular instance.


This is assuming that I even know that Hammer Station exists. As Republic, once you finish Corcuscant, you can go to Taris or Nar Shadaa. The only time, afaik, that the game tells you about Hammer & gives you quests for it, is if you happen to go back to return to Fleet at the right level.


If they wanted to give level 20s flashpoint experience, why not build the thing right into Taris or Nar Shadaa?

Edited by Dayfax
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They separated the leveling experience from flashpoints.


My trooper is level 22 right now on Taris. If I want to run Hammer Station, I have to leave a zone filled with level appropriate players & spend 10 minutes traveling to the fleet. Then I have to hope there's enough people there willing to run that particular instance.


This is assuming that I even know that Hammer Station exists. As Republic, once you finish Corcuscant, you can go to Taris or Nar Shadaa. The only time, afaik, that the game tells you about Hammer & gives you quests for it, is if you happen to go back to return to Fleet at the right level.


If they wanted to give level 20s flashpoint experience, why not build the thing right into Taris or Nar Shadaa?


There are droids in all areas that have the <Flashpoint courier> tag and give you the quest to go back to the fleet to do the dungeon. Thats how you find out about flashpoints. They also usually have a shuttle around them that takes you right to the fleet to do it.

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Just put in LFD.


Server feels so underpopulated its ridiculous how hard it is to do any FPs anymore. Forget 4+ heroics on worlds. Hardly anyone there.


I will suggest rolling on the fat man until lfd is implemented. If you're french canadian go veela but thats why I left that server >.>


You'll deff be able to do group content on those servers all the way to 50 as I'm doing it right now.

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They separated the leveling experience from flashpoints.


My trooper is level 22 right now on Taris. If I want to run Hammer Station, I have to leave a zone filled with level appropriate players & spend 10 minutes traveling to the fleet. Then I have to hope there's enough people there willing to run that particular instance.


This is assuming that I even know that Hammer Station exists. As Republic, once you finish Corcuscant, you can go to Taris or Nar Shadaa. The only time, afaik, that the game tells you about Hammer & gives you quests for it, is if you happen to go back to return to Fleet at the right level.


If they wanted to give level 20s flashpoint experience, why not build the thing right into Taris or Nar Shadaa?


This is an excellent observation

If the flashpoint entrances had been on the lvl appropriate planets things may have turned out differently.

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There are droids in all areas that have the <Flashpoint courier> tag and give you the quest to go back to the fleet to do the dungeon. Thats how you find out about flashpoints. They also usually have a shuttle around them that takes you right to the fleet to do it.


They do?! Where?


I missed this competely :D

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This is an excellent observation

If the flashpoint entrances had been on the lvl appropriate planets things may have turned out differently.


They have quests that point you into level appropriate flash points all over the world, usually with a shuttle right to it close by. Do you just ignore these things?

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They have quests that point you into level appropriate flash points all over the world, usually with a shuttle right to it close by. Do you just ignore these things?


Of course not but if your in the middle of questing on a planet do you really want to go back to the fleet and then look for a group only to finish up and catch your ship back to the planet you were originally questing on?


Why do you find it difficult to understand this is a pain in the ***** for people.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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Of course not but if your in the middle of questing on your planet do you really want to go back to the fleet and then look for a group only to finish up and catch your ship back to the planet you were originally questing on?


Why do you find it difficult to understand this is a pain in the ***** for people.


Really it's a pain in the *** to take a shuttle right to the flashpoint, get 2-3 people together to run said flashpoint, then spend 2-5 minutes going back to your planet.


I'd love to see your reaction to sitting on a nail if this is a pain in your ***

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Really it's a pain in the *** to take a shuttle right to the flashpoint, get 2-3 people together to run said flashpoint, then spend 2-5 minutes going back to your planet.


I'd love to see your reaction to sitting on a nail if this is a pain in your ***


Sorry not everyone see's things your way, but thats something you will have to deal with when interacting with people.


To answer you Yes really it is a pain


There is so much backwards & forwards in this game with quests why the heck would you want to fly to the fleet to do a FP. If it works for you great but getting snarky with people who think it's to much of a bother doesnt become you.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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Sorry not everyone see's things your way, but thats something you will have to deal with when interacting with people.


To answer you Yes really it is a pain


There is so much backwards & forwards in this game with quests why the heck would you want to fly to the fleet to do a FP. If it works for you great but getting snarky with people who thing it's to much of a bother doesnt become you.


Can you atleast tell me it's not a single player game cause you don't want to do the group content.

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They do?! Where?


I missed this competely :D


I couldn't tell you on republic side, but I know for a fact on the imperial side they have a droid at start of every planet, most with shuttles straight to the flashpoint. just look for droids with quests around in those areas

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