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Attacking republic in Open World is griefing?


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You should have rolled on a PVE server as you're a carebear and have no idea what open world pvp is. In open world I can kill you at anytime, if you're on a mob, if you're sitting afk, if you're moving from place to place, its a PVP server and they were in a PVP area. That's the end of the story, there is no time out in PVP.


and may I add...


1) Thank god

2) muahahahahahahahahahah dirty carebears must die.

3) /teabrag

Edited by VoidJustice
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They should have never put in "open world" pvp. Stopping one group for beating a boss is very typical of an open world pvp objective. You prevent them from getting gear, so you can get the gear and remain better.


I dont see an issue, and if it is, they should just take out open world pvp.

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/scratches head...


were talking about PVP on a PVP server yes?

There's a server with open world Pvp occuring and your complaining.


Please forgive me I want to get the facts straight before I call the



Oh no....dont even start..


In this particular case this "we´re on a pvp server, we have to pvp anytime we can" is BS coming from ppl who lack balls, period.


I ask again: why didnt these guys attacked the rep group after, not during the battle?




Simple: cuz they knew the reps didnt stand a chance, with the world boss attacking them at the same time


Its not because youre playing empire side that u have to be a total coward, backstabbing jerk.


Grow some effing balls next time and do it right.

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"Open world" PvP is one thing.......but denying another group of players access to content is another....


I would suspect there is a balance they are working here....


Did your group proceed to slay the world boss?


....or were you just killing off the republic players so they could not?


By denying the pvpers the ability to open world pvp is denying them content.....so is BW griefing?

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Oh no....dont even start..


In this particular case this "we´re on a pvp server, we have to pvp anytime we can" is BS coming from ppl who lack balls, period.


I ask again: why didnt these guys attacked the rep group after, not during the battle?




Simple: cuz they knew the reps didnt stand a chance, with the world boss attacking them at the same time


Its not because youre playing empire side that u have to be a total coward, backstabbing jerk.


Grow some effing balls next time and do it right.


Or maybe they didnt have everyone there at the time the pubs decided to attack? You shouldnt be on a pvp server. Open world pvp is just that, not "Open world pvp when a player thinks its fair". If anyone didnt want to deal with this they should have rolled on a pve server, you know those servers that dont have warnings when you roll on them.


Honestly most people here dont understand what real open world pvp is about, can it lead to greifing, yup, but the imps here did right, they prevented the pubs getting their target world objective, then proceeded to take the world boss themselves. Sounds right about perfect to me.

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Oh no....dont even start..


In this particular case this "we´re on a pvp server, we have to pvp anytime we can" is BS coming from ppl who lack balls, period.


I ask again: why didnt these guys attacked the rep group after, not during the battle?




Simple: cuz they knew the reps didnt stand a chance, with the world boss attacking them at the same time


Its not because youre playing empire side that u have to be a total coward, backstabbing jerk.


Grow some effing balls next time and do it right.


Ding ding ding. We found us a carebear.


"Oh noez, somebodies keeled me, bioware will you wipe my nose and scold them ploz?"

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Here's the harassment part of the game rules:






As far as I can see none of the above rules have been broken based on the info in the OP.


So here is the scenario.


Belsavis World Boss is up. Republic guild is trying to take him down. A group of Imperials attack the repubs.....repeatedly til they abandon the boss.



There you go I guess... If you're doing it repeatedly, then yes, I guess it is griefing. I play by my rule of one. I kill someone once, and I move on and leave them to do whatever it is they're doing. If they then seek revenge, I will defend myself, but I wont bash on the same player more than once by intention.

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What the repubs SHOULD have done is fight back, they rolled on a PvP server, they should be prepared to be attacked like this. No it's not griefing and I would LOVE IT if the if the imps on my server did this.


Shame on Bioware for issuing a warning, it's a horrendously bad decision, another example of them not having a clue what they are doing.

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That's no bueno...


Heck we had that happen on a PvE server and nobody was bothered by it..


Tried to get Belsavis boss, Imps show up to prevent it from happening.. We kill them off eventually and get the boss. What's the big deal? The only complaint filed was against the one imp who decided it was appropriate to spam homophobic slurs to some of our guildies.

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Oh no....dont even start..


In this particular case this "we´re on a pvp server, we have to pvp anytime we can" is BS coming from ppl who lack balls, period.


I ask again: why didnt these guys attacked the rep group after, not during the battle?




Simple: cuz they knew the reps didnt stand a chance, with the world boss attacking them at the same time


Its not because youre playing empire side that u have to be a total coward, backstabbing jerk.


Grow some effing balls next time and do it right.


Why would/should they?

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