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Attacking republic in Open World is griefing?


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They got warned for abusing the "Mob Tagging / Control" system, not for anything else that I can see.


They were dispatched easily by the Repubs, but the "Control" of the world boss, and thus the loot, was never relinquished to the Repubs due to your repeated efforts.


You were circumventing the intended rules of the game (IE. kill a boss for loot, as opposed to exploiting a bug to try and get the loot for what was another group of player's work).


From the sounds of it, the GM even observed what you were doing to make sure it wasn't just trying to Jump the repubs during the fight, saw you repeatedly abusing the mob Control system, and removed you from the zone. A rather light punishment IMO, I've seen people get Temp Bans for less in other games.

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They got warned for abusing the "Mob Tagging / Control" system, not for anything else that I can see.


They were dispatched easily by the Repubs, but the "Control" of the world boss, and thus the loot, was never relinquished to the Repubs due to your repeated efforts.


You were circumventing the intended rules of the game (IE. kill a boss for loot, as opposed to exploiting a bug to try and get the loot for what was another group of player's work).


From the sounds of it, the GM even observed what you were doing to make sure it wasn't just trying to Jump the repubs during the fight, saw you repeatedly abusing the mob Control system, and removed you from the zone. A rather light punishment IMO, I've seen people get Temp Bans for less in other games.


Except that on a PvP server the rules of the game are that PvP happens and will interfere with your questing. PvE players need to play on PvE servers. The server selection actually makes you click on a box notifying all players that things like this can occur. This should not be a rules violation. Now it's sounding like BW has written the rules to contradict one another, which is going to result in confusion. The simple truth of PvP servers is that this is normal, expected, and even desired. And if you don't want it, you're on the wrong type of server. Some of the best PvP fights in Rift occurred at the site of world bosses where each side attempted to deny the other the boss or, in the alternative, both sides killed the boss and then turned on each other to try and deny each other the option to loot the boss.

Edited by RobNightfall
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Except that on a PvP server the rules of the game are that PvP happens and will interfere with your questing. PvE players need to play on PvE servers. The server selection actually makes you click on a box notifying all players that things like this can occur. This should not be a rules violation. Now it's sounding like BW has written the rules to contradict one another, which is going to result in confusion. The simple truth of PvP servers is that this is normal, expected, and even desired. And if you don't want it, you're on the wrong type of server. Some of the best PvP fights in Rift occurred at the site of world bosses where each side attempted to deny the other the boss or, in the alternative, both sides killed the boss and then turned on each other to try and deny each other the option to loot the boss.


^Well said.. "keep your PVE rules off the PVP servers" ...should be the name of this thread.

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Except that on a PvP server the rules of the game are that PvP happens and will interfere with your questing.


^Well said.. "keep your PVE rules off the PVP servers" ...should be the name of this thread.


Exploiting game mechanics through the mob tagging system with no intention of killing the boss or even surviving the pvp encounter for several hours isn't "PvP happens." It's abuse of mechanics purely to grief other players. It's just as bad as pulling people into starting zones of huttball to insta-kill them or /stuck exploiting and such.

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No, that's a PvP server, carebear.


Seems many on PvP servers are more into trying to ruin things for others/inflate their ego than actual enjoyment of PvP. All the camping and trash talk, pathetic.


Sounds like yall are the ones that need a carebear hug. :p

Edited by Goatwarlord
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They got warned for abusing the "Mob Tagging / Control" system, not for anything else that I can see.


They were dispatched easily by the Repubs, but the "Control" of the world boss, and thus the loot, was never relinquished to the Repubs due to your repeated efforts.


You were circumventing the intended rules of the game (IE. kill a boss for loot, as opposed to exploiting a bug to try and get the loot for what was another group of player's work).


From the sounds of it, the GM even observed what you were doing to make sure it wasn't just trying to Jump the repubs during the fight, saw you repeatedly abusing the mob Control system, and removed you from the zone. A rather light punishment IMO, I've seen people get Temp Bans for less in other games.


I did this in WoW. Drop out of the raid group in Alterac Valley, tagged the super boss the other faction could summon, then drag it back through the NPCs and have everyone kill it. Then collect the loot.


No warnings, no bans, perfectly fine in WoW.


We'd also interfere with Alliance guilds killing the world boss dragons all the time. No warnings, no bans, perfectly fine in WoW.

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That's not griefing, that's good cross-factional action with "real" effects on the game world.


If this sort of PvP is considered griefing, then every single world boss or miniboss needs to be instanced and may as well do away with PvP servers.

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  • 1 month later...
tonight, about a half-dozen Repubs actually managed to infiltrate one of the imperial towns on Belsavis, much slaughtering and hilarity ensued. They all seemed to be Champion geared 50's, and were highly coordinated. several were from the same guild (Stones of something or other, was hard to tell as they were tearing through us.) the defenses at the gates worked as designed, but they found a way over the wall, so the local NPC's pretty much ignored them. They racked up a tremendous kill streak before they finally were driven out. How would this be classified by most of you? Personally, this was the most fun I had in game in a long time.
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omg i have to lol hard at the OP's post, well at the devs really, this is NOT a pvp game, accept that and your time here will be easier.


AoC was the same, babysitting devs killed that game fast.


PS, I love the amount of lvl 50 champ bosses guarding areas on tat against enemy players, i mean all those npcs should get together and go kill the emperor and win the war or something.

Edited by Ikya
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Wow just read this thread. Some of the replies are hilarious and embarrassing. It's sad to see the state in which our PvP community lies in...in a state of ruin.


To condone the behavior of the Bioware staff and support this complaint against PvP'ers is ludicrous. Another blemish on this game... why do we even bother PvP'ing if this is the response that we will get? Let the PvE treehuggers fall and play in ruin of this game.


If it's red, it's dead.

Edited by Crazysithslayer
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tonight, about a half-dozen Repubs actually managed to infiltrate one of the imperial towns on Belsavis, much slaughtering and hilarity ensued. They all seemed to be Champion geared 50's, and were highly coordinated. several were from the same guild (Stones of something or other, was hard to tell as they were tearing through us.) the defenses at the gates worked as designed, but they found a way over the wall, so the local NPC's pretty much ignored them. They racked up a tremendous kill streak before they finally were driven out. How would this be classified by most of you? Personally, this was the most fun I had in game in a long time.


you are just lucky that that kinda thing happens on your server, that is part and parcel of open world pvp, i cant even get an ops group to try a stunt like that, btw is the this town they infiltrated the same town as where lvl 50 imps open their belsavis dailies? lol

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you are just lucky that that kinda thing happens on your server, that is part and parcel of open world pvp, i cant even get an ops group to try a stunt like that, btw is the this town they infiltrated the same town as where lvl 50 imps open their belsavis dailies? lol


it is

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Exploiting game mechanics through the mob tagging system with no intention of killing the boss or even surviving the pvp encounter for several hours isn't "PvP happens." It's abuse of mechanics purely to grief other players. It's just as bad as pulling people into starting zones of huttball to insta-kill them or /stuck exploiting and such.


Funny, because suiciding in the world to "quick travel" to.a med center at the cost of 1k creds repair is ok, but not in pvp?


Or using a game mechanic like pull to kill someone is a-ok in ilum at the base but not in hutball because theres no fire animation


lol sir, lol. If they were such illegal bad things, they would spend a weekend with 2 programmers and release carebear patch 1.1.cry






The other day i was questing in tat, a sage rolled into my area, i was grinding the npc for loot and exp. This guy thought he would to, so i took him out, sometimes when he was free, sometimes when he was fighting... I didnt want the npc he was after, i just wanted him.dead and out of my claimed area, he tried and died 12 times before giving up and finally not respawning there, in which i moved on to a new hunt.



Tell me i griefed.this guy so i can die laughing at both of you


Assassin out.

Edited by Kracin
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On TEC Myself and three others killed off a group of 10 35-50 Imps trying to kill the Alderaan world boss (We were just filling up our healer's Codex), defeated them mid attempt, reset the boss and two manned the it while the other two finished off the respawning Imps.


Was it griefing? Not in the slightest. We all wanted the same thing, and we were stronger than them on the day and we took the objective.


If that's all true OP, I feel for you. It's a pretty BS call on BW's behalf if it is.

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This cannot be true.


It should be perfectly fine to kill republic and deny them that boss. That is what a PVP server is.


vouch...if you're red you're dead..that simple on a pvp server there is no grief for killing people over and over again...regardless of the location and the level difference

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It's a PVP SERVER Bioware. Are you sane ? PVP server IS ALL ABOUT KILLING FOLKS IN OTHER FACTION. This is why we roll on PVP SERVER.


If some players don't like this THEY SHOULD PLAY ON PVE SERVER.


If players got warning for killing people on PVP server then Bioware just hit the bottom as most pathetic MMORPG developer EVER.


Seriously. You release crap like DA II ****** Dragon Age series. You release ME 3 with ending that have NO SENSE AT ALL and it's an insult to fans. You LIE all the time (look at ME 3 promises - all LIES). You remove RPG elements from RPG. You BAN people for using INTERNET MEM like "I'm 12 and *** is this sh** ?". You release half done MMO. You create moral choices like "save the world" or "burn and eat babies" with no room for gray areas. You even create moral choices that have no sense "merciful kill is dark and tortures that will end up with horrible death is light side ?". Do you have SINGLE person there that use brain from time to time ?


And now you warn people for KILLING IN PVP SERVER that is all about KILLING PEOPLE. Do you EVEN KNOW what PVP means ? It's PLAYER VS PLAYER.


Seriously. Since you joined EA, you just more pathetic - day by day. I'm very sorry to say that but this is how I see it. Can't you return to your former self ? You know... when your games were good and you didn't do stupid things like that ???

Edited by DariuszPol
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Really love these types of threads, people who can't look things from any other way from their own perspective... If what OP says is true I think they earned those warnings...


Are you guys really that childish you look at things black and white? PvP servers are for pvp:ers only and PvE servers are for pve:s only? Yeah, why not take it one step further to satisfy your lust for "owwnzzzzingzzzz l33t world pvp" and remove all the mobs/creeps and pack all players on 1 island with no way of getting away from there until you hit level 10 and you level just by zerging each other for hours... Screw factions, they only limit your time for pvping your crave more you can choose one at level 50. Flashpoints? Nope, let's have it you get to a platform so you can knock each other down into oblivion while you level... Seriously this game keeps getting better and better! And when you finally hit 50 you ofc choose imperial side and play hutball and farm your battlemaster gear because then you can own those noobs...



... but what about the pve:s?


Give them mobs to farm so they can hope for drops, flashpoints and all that less interesting things like world bosses and stuff... Warzones? Nope, they only like pve why should they want to pvp? Haha so silly...


I think PvP's fun even if Bioware got no clue how to make a functioning PvP aspect for this game. (Incoming Kid-rage in at least 5 posts)


The first question that pops up in my head after reading OP's post and the rest of the first page is that you guys need to grow up. Of course you should be warned for ruining another 8-16 other peoples game experience Bioware (who calls the shots, Duh) invested time and money to make it so you could play it, but looking around on the forums it seems this Mmo community spends more time whining, crying and trying to start rebellions instead of enjoying it so again grow up. Let's say you own a Cake and Muffin café and this group of angry fat customers eating cake stands and block the way for another group of angry fat customers who wants those muffins but they can't because Group Fattiecakes is there ranting on how they are allowed to eat those cakes anywhere they want in the café because they sell cakes... You who can't see what's wrong with those warnings, you are Group Fattiecakes and I hope you see my point since you don't got exclusive rights on how to run the show, it's the _owner_ who pulls the shots your just the fuel to keep the engine running.

Edited by Paralassa
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OP's situation happened long time ago and i'm wondering if similiar thing happened to any other guild on pvp server.


BW for warning OP and his mates for harssing should get the "biggest idiots of the year among game companies" reward (as well as for loads of other things, mostly concerning PvP), but the balem here is also on pathetic republic players who without any doubt reported OP and his mates.


Those people are in my opinion even worse than BW. They roll on a pvp server, get attacked by an opposing faction and then run to mum (BW) because they got slapped in a PvP fight on a PvP server. Ofc the crybabies are the ones who need mum's care, they are poor and got attacked by blood seeking, savage Imperials...:rolleyes:


This is again a sign of times changing in MMO's. It happens that it is in SW:TOR, where all those things are visible the most. New trends, new player attitudes that were not so popular in previous years.

The "i wan't everything, i wan't it now and i wan't it for free or i will go rage on forums or quit" attitude or "i was killed so the player that killed me needs to be nerfed or he was hacking, go punish him NOW" is too visible in SW:TOR. Official forums are the best example.


Every class change (nerf) we had so far was because of bad players beeing not able to handle themselves in PvP which in result leads them to forums to cry that something is too OP, not that the player is actually bad and needs to learn to play.


The sad thing is that this will not change and will only get worse in future games because game companies will at all costs try to keep those crybabies calm and paying subs.


This makes me sad, having spent so many years in MMO's, in times when you actually had to do something to get gear or anything else and you wasn't handed everything by game company, because you couldn;t be bothered to actually try and get it...

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Then enjoy getting busted for it. Purposely denying players access to content over and over is griefing, as per the games ToS. Deal with it or go elsewhere.


Dont rolll on a rp server because you have no idea what MMO pvp is about. You everything that is wrong about pvp in this game.

Edited by BoDiE
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Spoiled little carebears these days, geeze.


Like others have said, man up or don't go to the OPEN PVP servers with the big boys.


It is obvious most people don't have experience with real PvP, and don't know what they are getting into when they select the server.

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When playing on Bioware's servers you abide by their definition of PVP or move along. You can ask them to change it of course, but telling them they do not understand how pvp works is silly, they know exactly how they want it to work on their servers, that is why their rules are as they are.


Pvp in this game is not a license to grief. If you are too immature to accept that go to a game that encourages it please.

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