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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Endgame = Alts?


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SWTOR's endgame is exactly the same as every other themepark MMO.


Actually SWTOR is missing a lot that other games have, like meaningful achievements, artifact collecting, reputation goals, and easier to access grouping functions.


Maybe these are not important to you, but for you to state that this game offers the same as other Triple-A MMOs is you putting your blinders on. You don't need to defend this game, you're not changing minds.

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I've played 3 other MMORPGs long enough to reach "endgame".


Final Fantasy 11, Lord of the Rings Online, and World of Warcraft. All three of these had far more to do after reaching capped level than this game does.


Final Fantasy 11 had multiple battlefield events you could particpate in, like Besieged, the Crystal Wars ect. They had Moogle Trials and a merit system you could work on to upgrade your weapons and armor as well as your skills. They had Abyssea, Dynamis, Limbus ect... - basically it had tons of group and solo content for players to work on to improve their characters after reaching max level.


Lord of the Rings Online had Reputation, Deeds, Skirmishes, Housing, Legendary Weapons, Relics and more available for players to work on after you reach max level. It had a ton of stuff too.


Now World of Warcraft I'll admit had a weak endgame, as it was very similiar to SWTOR - but at least it had a very effective LFG tool that made it's group content easy to access at all times of the day for all players. It also had an achivement system which some players enjoyed....though why I don't know lol


So compared to other MMORPGs i've played, this gam has a very weak endgame, with almost nothing to do outside of flashpoints and some tedious dailies. It's a very boring game after 50 - especially if not enough of your friends are online to get a group together.


those games have also been out for a few years and have been able to expand on their endgames

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when wow released most of the people were 60 in the first month


The average /played was 20-30 days depending heavily on the class played because of the pure mob grind from 40-50. There were people hitting 60, but sure as hell not most of them.

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In my case, that would be correct sir.


My big plan is... on day one I made 8 toons... one of each class.


I just finished the agent story. Now working on smug. Sith Warrior next, and so on alternating till I have finished all the stories.


By which time my 6 month sub will be at a point to renew. If Guild Wars 2 is out by then... No renew.


If Bioware adds more chapters to all the stories I will stick around however... but I am still going to be in GW2 mostly.


Make no bones about it, I am here for the story. I couldn't care less about endgame raiding or whatnot. It simply does not interest me. Huttball was great for the first couple matches, but it bores me now, as does the other non world pvp. The flashpoints are awesome for the story (except the ones that do not have much actual story dialogue in them... I'm looking at you hammer), but even the flashpoints I only feel like doing once per character.


Let's not even get me started on space.


I am having a blast going through those stories though! Story for the win... When the stories stop... so do I.

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And how is this different from other MMO's?


Once I got top tier PvE and PvP gear in Aion I was bored to tears, actually I was bored to tears grinding that gear out... Same with Age of Conan and same with EQ2...... All you could do in those games was to roll alts also...


I think it's just amplified in SWTOR because it's base mechanics are so similar to other MMO's you get that "Been there Done that" feeling faster....


The problem is with the game though, tier gear is FAR too easy to get FAR too easy, rataka I could get within a week of 50, and battlemaster. I'm not one yet, but basically just doing the same 3 warzones * 200. After the 10th time of each its just facepalm. Its boring as hell, but after masses amounts of grinding its still not even much of a challenge.


Other games such as wow, there were build ups, dungeons, heroic dungeons, raid's easy 10 man, raids hard 10 man, raids heroic 10 man, and 25 man/heroics etc. Beating these took months, PVP took months to get geared, which by the time you do more content is out, my guild is moving on to nightmare already and the games been out 2 months. In that time we've all levelled to 50 geared fully in pve and pvp.

Edited by KiaThas
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If I were playing for the privilege of amusing myself by making up reasons to be entertained by things that do not, themselves, entertain me in the first place...I'd consider myself quite the fool.



For a point of fairness, a lot of stuff will get added into the game as time goes by. That's known.


For a point of fact, telling people to get interested in things that clearly weren't interesting enough to interest them outside a fabricated context of forcing interest is just plain bad advice, and you're doing nothing but setting yourself up to a massive blow-out of probably raging proportions if you think pretending you're interested in things you're just not will be a good MMO survival tactic for all that terribly long.


And that's all it really is if you're doing that; you're holding on and grasping at straws in such a scenerio.



So, as to that point of fact, some people have very presently-legitimate complaints about there being a relative dearth of actively entertaining things to do. It's a pretty barebones playing field at this time; ocmpared to what it will be in some shape or form or another in a couple years?


It's probably laughably barren.


I don't think it's unsound advice to say that someone might well be better off in terms of investing their time and money to look elsewhere for the time being for a more diversified and fuller experience.


If you like SWTOR and can afford it, keep your sub active. Play the stuff that's fun, but do other things as well. SWTOR's too young and barebones just yet to provide a broad spectrum of full-featured entertainment at this time.


That's not me 'hating' on it; it's simply the facts as best I can determine them to be. It's like saying that a fresh college graduate simply doesn't have the diversified experience of someone that's been senior in their field for years and has become proficient at wearing many hats therein.


If you can't like SWTOR yet...by all means, keep it around and keep an eye on it as time goes by. Unsubscribe if it's not providing you, the consumer, with the experience you want right now. Resub if that ever looks to have changed sufficiently for your personal interests.



In the end, the onus is on the game to entertain you. Whether your personal terms of defining entertainment and your tolerance thresholds for accepting compromise are fair, reasonable, sane or even my idea of ridiculous and silly or not...don't matter.


What matters is whether or not your time and your money spent on this product are worth it to you.


Don't accept propped-up rationalizations to force yourself into 'liking' something just to get by though. There's nowhere good for that to go with a happy-funtime game.

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Pretty much says it all. Is it just me or does this really seem to be true?


No. It = Dailies. When you get bored with dailies, you find yourself wanting something "more." Unfortunately this game doesn't have mind numbing faction grinds for tokens to get pretty ribbons like a lot of other MMOs do. It may add them soon though. In the meantime you do dailies.


Alts are completely up to you.

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You only need to do "Dailies" for about 3 days to get all the mods you could need, after that it's Normal Mode raids straight away, skipping the Tionese Tier entirely. Two weeks or so and you can do it all again on Hard.


The end-game mentality requires you keep doing them. For you. Your friends. Your companions. And then you just keep doing them out of habit. It's called a daily, after all.


That's the end-game.


Not alts.


You read dev commentary and you find them consistently stating that they will be adding more of these things to the game as it grows. More dailies. More ops. More of that kind of stuff.


That's the end-game they're crafting for alllllllllll of the people who say 'where's the end-game?'


The only thing missing is a faction grind. But I don't see anyone really clamoring for something that bleak and time consuming. They just keep asking for more content. And for it to be implemented faster.


Which is standard operating procedure for these games and the forums.


There's new end-game content coming in patch 1.2 for instance.


But here this thread exists, anyways.


Alts? Please. That's just an excuse for the OP to whine about not having new shinies to chase right now.

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I've played 3 other MMORPGs long enough to reach "endgame".


Final Fantasy 11, Lord of the Rings Online, and World of Warcraft. All three of these had far more to do after reaching capped level than this game does.


Final Fantasy 11 had multiple battlefield events you could particpate in, like Besieged, the Crystal Wars ect. They had Moogle Trials and a merit system you could work on to upgrade your weapons and armor as well as your skills. They had Abyssea, Dynamis, Limbus ect... - basically it had tons of group and solo content for players to work on to improve their characters after reaching max level.


Lord of the Rings Online had Reputation, Deeds, Skirmishes, Housing, Legendary Weapons, Relics and more available for players to work on after you reach max level. It had a ton of stuff too.


Now World of Warcraft I'll admit had a weak endgame, as it was very similiar to SWTOR - but at least it had a very effective LFG tool that made it's group content easy to access at all times of the day for all players. It also had an achivement system which some players enjoyed....though why I don't know lol


So compared to other MMORPGs i've played, this gam has a very weak endgame, with almost nothing to do outside of flashpoints and some tedious dailies. It's a very boring game after 50 - especially if not enough of your friends are online to get a group together.


None of those games had ALL those things in 2 months after launch, sorry. LotrO launched with no housing(book 11 update), no rep system(book 10 update), no skirmish system(Rise of Isengard expansion), no raids(Helegrod was the first content patch, Book 9 update), no legendary weapon system(mines of Moria expansion) and no relic system. So, please use comparable examples, ok?

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The average /played was 20-30 days depending heavily on the class played because of the pure mob grind from 40-50. There were people hitting 60, but sure as hell not most of them.


So..it would be better if TOR just took out all the quests from the last 5-6 planets and said "Just kill mobs till you are 50"?

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2 months old and this MMO lacks endgame........if you really think that SWTOR was gonna launch with as much endgame content as other MMO thats been around for YEARS than i have a bridge i will sale you. Edited by windzro
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2 months old and this MMO lacks endgame........if you really think that SWTOR was gonna launch with as much endgame content as other MMO thats been around for YEARS than i have a bridge i will sale you.


Problem is:

A. the endgame it has is ridiculously easy

B. It takes no time to finish any of the content

C. End game PvP is broken

D. Gear is undesirable/hideous looking

E. Crafting is pointless

F. etc etc etc


There is nothing in this game that isn't mediocre.

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Actually SWTOR is missing a lot that other games have, like meaningful achievements, artifact collecting, reputation goals, and easier to access grouping functions.


Maybe these are not important to you, but for you to state that this game offers the same as other Triple-A MMOs is you putting your blinders on. You don't need to defend this game, you're not changing minds.


it late i know but dude really swtor is not like any other mmo out there yea there missing alot but come on you try to make a game that has 8 different storylines,all voices,group npc conversation system and more stuff you don't see in everday mmo' i'm a reviewer for games and this game is the game that can be more fun then WoW.

its new let it grow and by the way every fan of Star Wars will play this for along while.

and they are making new stuff for after the end game and ppl that are getting bord well join a guild raids and ppl need help get new friends try new servers thats what a real mmo gamer does not make 1 char and quit no they make more (in this game cuz all the storylines atleast 8 char on a server).and ppl saying this is a WoW clone they need to get out more this game is NOT a WoW clone what is it with the ppl every game is a WoW clone xD just play like a real gamer and i play WoW and swtor (and yea i have alife xD i don't play them 24/7) so i know hwat is good and not so give the Fing game a chance to grow you ******** XD

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If I were playing for the privilege of amusing myself by making up reasons to be entertained by things that do not, themselves, entertain me in the first place...I'd consider myself quite the fool.



For a point of fairness, a lot of stuff will get added into the game as time goes by. That's known.


For a point of fact, telling people to get interested in things that clearly weren't interesting enough to interest them outside a fabricated context of forcing interest is just plain bad advice, and you're doing nothing but setting yourself up to a massive blow-out of probably raging proportions if you think pretending you're interested in things you're just not will be a good MMO survival tactic for all that terribly long.


And that's all it really is if you're doing that; you're holding on and grasping at straws in such a scenerio.



So, as to that point of fact, some people have very presently-legitimate complaints about there being a relative dearth of actively entertaining things to do. It's a pretty barebones playing field at this time; ocmpared to what it will be in some shape or form or another in a couple years?


It's probably laughably barren.


I don't think it's unsound advice to say that someone might well be better off in terms of investing their time and money to look elsewhere for the time being for a more diversified and fuller experience.


If you like SWTOR and can afford it, keep your sub active. Play the stuff that's fun, but do other things as well. SWTOR's too young and barebones just yet to provide a broad spectrum of full-featured entertainment at this time.


That's not me 'hating' on it; it's simply the facts as best I can determine them to be. It's like saying that a fresh college graduate simply doesn't have the diversified experience of someone that's been senior in their field for years and has become proficient at wearing many hats therein.


If you can't like SWTOR yet...by all means, keep it around and keep an eye on it as time goes by. Unsubscribe if it's not providing you, the consumer, with the experience you want right now. Resub if that ever looks to have changed sufficiently for your personal interests.



In the end, the onus is on the game to entertain you. Whether your personal terms of defining entertainment and your tolerance thresholds for accepting compromise are fair, reasonable, sane or even my idea of ridiculous and silly or not...don't matter.


What matters is whether or not your time and your money spent on this product are worth it to you.


Don't accept propped-up rationalizations to force yourself into 'liking' something just to get by though. There's nowhere good for that to go with a happy-funtime game.


Spot on.


BioWare has to provide the incentive for me to play their game with its 2 month old lack of content, and not their competitor's games which have years of development behind them. The sad truth is that they have not; they made a game that was broad in scope but shallow in depth, lacks features people expect as staples of the genre, and they shot themselves in the foot when they decided that their major selling-point--story--is eight unique plots that make up only a small percentage of the game's total story.


No longer will MMO developers be able to hide behind the development curve; no longer will "push it to release and patch it later" be an acceptable formula for delivering a game.


BioWare could have had gold out of the gate, yet with their millions and millions of dollars behind development, they (forced to?) played it safe...


Too bad "safe" is a better value in other games.

Edited by Dezzi
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Problem is:

A. the endgame it has is ridiculously easy

B. It takes no time to finish any of the content

C. End game PvP is broken

D. Gear is undesirable/hideous looking

E. Crafting is pointless

F. etc etc etc


There is nothing in this game that isn't mediocre.



I have yet to play an MMO that didnt suffer from some of these problems.. I dont understand why people feel SWTOR was gonna be different...

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Spot on.


BioWare has to provide the incentive for me to play their game with its 2 month old lack of content, and not their competitor's games which have years of development behind them. The sad truth is that they have not; they made a game that was broad in scope but shallow in depth, lacks features people expect as staples of the genre, and they shot themselves in the foot when they decided that their major selling-point--story--is eight unique plots that make up only a small percentage of the game's total story.


No longer will MMO developers be able to hide behind the development curve; no longer will "push it to release and patch it later" be an acceptable formula for delivering a game.


BioWare could have had gold out of the gate, yet with their millions and millions of dollars behind development, they (forced to?) played it safe...


Too bad "safe" is a better value in other games.



I'm sorry to say it but by that logic all future MMO's are DOOMed to fail... because they will NEVER launch with content to go toe-to-toe with MMO's that have a longer headway into its life..


in other words...its better to stay with current MMO's and NEVER try somthing new..

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I'm sorry to say it but by that logic all future MMO's are DOOMed to fail... because they will NEVER launch with content to go toe-to-toe with MMO's that have a longer headway into its life..


And that's why you should make sure the bulk of your player base needs a bit of time to even get to the endgame so you can gradually patch it in without too many people wondering what to do.

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I'm sorry to say it but by that logic all future MMO's are DOOMed to fail... because they will NEVER launch with content to go toe-to-toe with MMO's that have a longer headway into its life..


in other words...its better to stay with current MMO's and NEVER try somthing new..


Of course they won't, but developers can provide other avenues of play that keep people engaged and entertained by the game when the core features haven't caught up.


Pazaak is just one example of something that could have provided a-typical interest in the game. A slower leveling curve would have also alleviated the growing pains...


STO suffered from the exact same issue as TOR is right now--everyone got to endgame, there was little to do outside of that, and players went on to other things. By the time Cryptic got around to patching in Dabo, better STFs, and the Duty Officer System, the game had already suffered and people were leaving.

Edited by Dezzi
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