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Everything posted by Kojey

  1. self bumping this, wanna hear other peoples views on this
  2. I would also like to see you being able to add a friend's legacy's character's to your own, i think that would be freaking amazing for RPers
  3. ok now like mostly everyone else i was upset when they said the servers were going to be down for 6 hours, but after getting through the initial *** phase im quite content with what they're doing for "damage control." BioWare, in my opinion, is a great company and makes grade A games, but this is their first ever MMO game, so they're still new to this scene and havent had as much experience as Blizz and other companies in making these types of games. WoW was the same way the first couple of months after launch (i mean cmon they didnt have chat bubbles, little endgame, and was glitchy as hell) but they have had about 7 years to refine their game, TOR hasnt even been out for 6 mo and we already had 2 major updates. Personally i love the game and will not unsub over this little hiccup. Lastly I want to personally thank BioWare for TOR and the hours i have lost in my character's story and again delivering a grade A story and overall gaming experience that i have loved since launch. I want to hear other peoples opinions though about what they like/dislike about the game and what they want to be implemented into the game. Personally I would like to see the space combat evolved into something more like in Star Trek Online, thats my opinion though.
  4. you guys want a good story? Go read the Dresden Files Series by Jim Butcher, there's your good story =P
  5. false, when wow released most of the people were 60 in the first month
  6. those games have also been out for a few years and have been able to expand on their endgames
  7. Pros: Great Story Good Implement of the companions Companion quests take the grind out of professions Fast pace combat compared to other MMOs Flashy combat Cons: Planets feel Baron at times Quests can get repetitive (like in most MMOs, kill this collect this etc.) Space Combat kind of bland (off the top of my head)
  8. good opinions, i agree fully, and on the space thing they said they're gonna do something with that a big project that they're keeping under wraps
  9. http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&safe=off&gbv=2&biw=1360&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbnid=ZE_RQWMS7As7FM:&imgrefurl=http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-dont-want-to-live-on-this-planet-anymore&docid=NhC-EL201jfigM&imgurl=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/126/314/3cd8a33a.png%253F1306264975&w=500&h=282&ei=mYc-T7nLFM3K0AGz9MiKCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=168&vpy=165&dur=127&hovh=168&hovw=299&tx=193&ty=92&sig=106833307042332445743&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=110&tbnw=195&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=0CEQQrQMwAA
  10. nothing cuz they're not like blizzard and having to top everyone else =P
  11. do you realize how much coding that actually takes?
  12. thi has been said like 20 times, in the past hour, im really starting to think, people be trollin'
  13. please tell me you're joking, for the love of humanity PLEASE tell me you are joking
  14. Point made. Respawning in FPs would make spawn zerging way to common, personally i dont release until the fight is over lol
  15. They do this so if you're in the middle of a boss fight you can't release and rejoin the fight because if you notice they don't always lock the room where the fight is, as in WoW when you're not raiding the room isn't locked out and would make the fights a lot easier becuase if the tank and healer are alive they can rephase in the FP and rejoin the fight. Not sure how it works on here because i havent done that many FPs but i know some MMOs dont let you phase in when people are in combat
  16. to quote Lex Luthor "WRONG!"
  17. my personal review in a nut shell Pros: Great Story Good Implement of the companions Companion quests take the grind out of professions Fast pace combat compared to other MMOs Flashy combat Cons: Planets feel Baron at times Quests can get repetitive (like in most MMOs, kill this collect this etc.) Space Combat kind of bland Score: 8.75 (now this is just off the top of my head)
  18. Amen to that, personally i think gamespot bases all their mmo reviews on WoW because they always give wow expansions a really high score compared to other mmos
  19. i hate how gamespot said something about there being no day night cycle. I mean if they did put one in they'd have to change it for every planet or people would say something about one planet not being as big as another etc.
  20. i agree, building it would be cheaper but it would run really good
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