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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tired of hearing "we're working on it"


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Anything more than the bare minimum required to play the game from 1-50 was excluded on launch.. and barely touched in 1.1.

Anything other than: being in a guild, getting 4 people into a warzone, doing a flashpoint and of course questing was apparently considered to be too elaborate for initial launch.


If you were satisfied with SWTORs condition from launch until now, you would most likely have been equally amused by a yoyo or a ball of string.

This game had more money and time in creation than any other MMO and yet somehow was released so rushed and thrown together. There is a game in here... somewhere.. but I don't think its the one bioware intended for me to play.

The priorities in this game were: Voice acting, 1-50 questing, making empire the obvious faction to play.

Things that were not a priority: Everything that was not directly related to questing.

Anything beyond the bare minimum was considered too costly for release, that is, except for voice acting.

This is a single player game that somehow managed to get a monthly sub.

In that respect... well done bioware.

Edited by Yvin
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Ok. They're putting effort into fixing it.



lol op pwnd


jokes aside, i wanna hear the OPs brilliant ideas on how to make the dev procces go any faster when no company in the entire planet has managed it so far


i want to see his intimate knowledge of coding and programming a complex mmo while factoring variables that are impossible even for military grade supercomputers to calculate and predict..


after all that is what he is pretending bioware to do right?


so lets hear it op, were waiting ....

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lol op pwnd


jokes aside, i wanna hear the OPs brilliant ideas on how to make the dev procces go any faster when no company in the entire planet has managed it so far


i want to see his intimate knowledge of coding and programming a complex mmo while factoring variables that are impossible even for military grade supercomputers to calculate and predict..


after all that is what he is pretending bioware to do right?


so lets hear it op, were waiting ....



Desigining Video games really isn't as complex as you make it out to be. It's just very time consuming.


Once you understand the code that's being used - which Bioware of course does - it's relatively easy to design the game. It just takes a ton of time because you have to tell the AI what to do in response to all conceivable outcomes.

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Anything more than the bare minimum required to play the game from 1-50 was excluded on launch.. and barely touched in 1.1.

Anything other than: being in a guild, getting 4 people into a warzone, doing a flashpoint and of course questing was apparently considered to be too elaborate for initial launch.


If you were satisfied with SWTORs condition from launch until now, you would most likely have been equally amused by a yoyo or a ball of string.

This game had more money and time in creation than any other MMO and yet somehow was released so rushed and thrown together. There is a game in here... somewhere.. but I don't think its the one bioware intended for me to play.

The priorities in this game were: Voice acting, 1-50 questing, making empire the obvious faction to play.

Things that were not a priority: Everything that was not directly related to questing.

Anything beyond the bare minimum was considered too costly for release, that is, except for voice acting.

This is a single player game that somehow managed to get a monthly sub.

In that respect... well done bioware.


Working for you today doesn't means "We're working because we can't put this feature immediately".

On actual MMO's "Working for you" means : We already have that feature, we can manage that from beta version but we'll give to you now so you can think there's a lot of work in progress to improve the game."


Who can change this? Only gamers.

Edited by Yvin
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Desigining Video games really isn't as complex as you make it out to be. It's just very time consuming.


Once you understand the code that's being used - which Bioware of course does - it's relatively easy to design the game. It just takes a ton of time because you have to tell the AI what to do in response to all conceivable outcomes.


Clearly you have superior game knowledge and development skill. BioWare should definitely hire you and make you the new Developer-in-Chief.



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I'm more curious as to why they weren't "working on it" during beta since they launched with so many things they are "working on". If they just started "working on it" at launch then hey I'd agree a couple months for some things isn't that long but that means they weren't "working on it" during or before beta and that is just pathetic.
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So what do people want to hear them say?


Do you want them to say that they are not working on some bug or project that people want?


Do you want them to put out a time table for when things will be done and then complain when it isn't?


There are so many things that have been suggested/complained about that it would take them days just to respond to, but they have at least responed to some of those things.


They have given some indication for some things on when to expect them.


If you think you can do a better job then by all means, get hired on by them and then see what it feels like to be on their side dealing with all of the complaints.

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Anything more than the bare minimum required to play the game from 1-50 was excluded on launch.. and barely touched in 1.1.

Anything other than: being in a guild, getting 4 people into a warzone, doing a flashpoint and of course questing was apparently considered to be too elaborate for initial launch.


If you were satisfied with SWTORs condition from launch until now, you would most likely have been equally amused by a yoyo or a ball of string.

This game had more money and time in creation than any other MMO and yet somehow was released so rushed and thrown together. There is a game in here... somewhere.. but I don't think its the one bioware intended for me to play.

The priorities in this game were: Voice acting, 1-50 questing, making empire the obvious faction to play.

Things that were not a priority: Everything that was not directly related to questing.

Anything beyond the bare minimum was considered too costly for release, that is, except for voice acting.

This is a single player game that somehow managed to get a monthly sub.

In that respect... well done bioware.


I suppose they could just tell you "Thank your for asking, now go have a nice game of Hide And Go **** Yourself", but I don't think that would be classified as good customer service.


I'm pretty sure the "We're investigating this" and 'We're working on an update that will resolve the situation" are acceptable to most.


My experience with the game is flawless enough that I have absolutely no idea what you're complaining about.


And, for the record, I have NEVER been this entertained by a yo-yo, and only ONE time with a ball of string and I want to stress that that was an extenuating set of circumstances that cannot possibly repeat themselves.

Edited by Yvin
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Desigining Video games really isn't as complex as you make it out to be. It's just very time consuming.


We are not talking about an iPhone app here; not every video game is the same. Especially MMOs consist of many sub-systems which a normal video game doesn't even possess. The complexity of a MMO is inherently higher.


Once you understand the code that's being used - which Bioware of course does - it's relatively easy to design the game. It just takes a ton of time because you have to tell the AI what to do in response to all conceivable outcomes.


What the hell does the AI have to do with anything here?


Plus even the most familiar code can have a deep-layered issue taking a while to resolve especially if it's not one but spread over many systems.


PS: You can never tell a finite system to "know" all outcomes but I guess you skipped that course in automata theory.

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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So what do people want to hear them say?


Do you want them to say that they are not working on some bug or project that people want?


Do you want them to put out a time table for when things will be done and then complain when it isn't?


There are so many things that have been suggested/complained about that it would take them days just to respond to, but they have at least responed to some of those things.


They have given some indication for some things on when to expect them.


If you think you can do a better job then by all means, get hired on by them and then see what it feels like to be on their side dealing with all of the complaints.


You mean ignoring so many concerns and complaints? So many made back in beta that they really haven't a leg to stand on as to explaining why they haven't fixed this issue or spent the couple hours (if that) to address very simple quality of life annoyances they didn't seem to notice or care about if they had bothered to play the actual game?


I don't need a timetable I'd like them to take ownership of their failures and mistakes while opening a much more honest dialogue with us. Communicating their ideas and hopes for the game outside of a handful of cherry picked questions that let them spin their marketing answers to talk about how awesome they are or will make SWTOR.


Show me they actually understand how an MMO works, are learning how to run one and are getting 'better' for all their failures, mistakes, etc.


Because I don't see that they are I see them flailing about as they stick to the road of mediocrity and try to quell the unrest that they are nourishing by ignoring customers, not engaging them and maintaining their horrible CS.

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Desigining Video games really isn't as complex as you make it out to be. It's just very time consuming.


Once you understand the code that's being used - which Bioware of course does - it's relatively easy to design the game. It just takes a ton of time because you have to tell the AI what to do in response to all conceivable outcomes.


I love working with clients like this in my career. "Can't you build me a 3D model of my trade show exhibit in an hour? I thought you were good."


"Oh I figured you could just throw together a completely new web site design in Photoshop within an hour. You said you knew how to use Photoshop."


Ahhhh, good times.


A few words of wisdom:


Nothing is impossible for someone who doesn't have to do it.

Edited by Kubernetic
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I suppose they could just tell you "Thank your for asking, now go have a nice game of Hide And Go **** Yourself", but I don't think that would be classified as good customer service.


Oh yeah for some people that's the perfect response and I'd consider a commendation for the CSR who responded like that to someone who was being a db.:D

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So what do people want to hear them say?


A date for release of items or patches that is updated. You know if they say it will be in Patch 1.2 then also say patch 1.2 should be Mid march or late march and then if it looks like its falling behind go to Early april etc when they see its falling behind.


You would get alot less complaining that way. We know things can hit bumps to cause delays but at least give a timebale of when it can be expected. They should know this time roughtly.


Do you want them to say that they are not working on some bug or project that people want?


Yes, say we are working on other issues now and when we get a chance to work on that then we will let you know we are and give a rough time of completion.


Do you want them to put out a time table for when things will be done and then complain when it isn't?


Already answered above. When you get something worked on do you get a rough time for it to be finished? Carpenters will say that work will take 6 months and then mechanics will say it will take 4 hours to fix it and surgens will say the operation will take 6 hours. Bioware says were working on it.


There are so many things that have been suggested/complained about that it would take them days just to respond to, but they have at least responed to some of those things.


If they responded then people would see the answers and not have to ask a thousand times a day when we are getting XXXXXX. They just need to also give updates at times.


They have given some indication for some things on when to expect them.

Would that be soon or sometime soon or we are looking into it.


If you think you can do a better job then by all means, get hired on by them and then see what it feels like to be on their side dealing with all of the complaints.


I am not a programmer, so no I couldnt do better but thats what they get paid to do so they should know how to do it.


Dont just say were looking into it or soon. Give something more and keep updating it. If it changes then update it to the change. Would rather here patch 1.2 is being pushed back to mid april (in feb) than here in mark that it will still be out soon.

Edited by Emeda
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This game is "moving along" faster than the storm troopers could say it in episode 4, now theres more wrong with this game than right that is why it will at best go F2P in a year or at worst be pulled by mr lucas himself for being so shoddy and terribad...


There is nothing to do at end game, rolling an alt to level throught the same quests again with one small chain different...i think not..


the crafting is beyond me? how the hell did that get in the game, it is worthless on almost every level...


The "Star Wars" skin....where is it? i dont see star wars, all i see is they got the right to use light sabers?


The travel system......way to encourage people to want to explore...


The collectibles ad achievments.... I WANT MOUNTS THAT DONT LOOK LIKE CARDBOARD BOXES WITH LIGHTS DRAWN ON. I want achievments that dont come in the form of a 20 minute read for no reason. PS where the hell is the MISC stuff to do.


No amount of reused copy paste voice over and worlds is gonna fix this game....


Combat...im sure if we look at a video somewhere on youtube you said "its not heroic to all just be standing around pounding on one boss". if someone could find that video woul be most appreciated. cause im sure thats what this game entails.

Edited by Kaladorei
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I don't need a timetable I'd like them to take ownership of their failures and mistakes while opening a much more honest dialogue with us. Communicating their ideas and hopes for the game outside of a handful of cherry picked questions that let them spin their marketing answers to talk about how awesome they are or will make SWTOR.


Because I don't see that they are I see them flailing about as they stick to the road of mediocrity and try to quell the unrest that they are nourishing by ignoring customers, not engaging them and maintaining their horrible CS.


Agreed, more honest and direct communication would go a long way toward garnishing good will, instead of these now weekly Q&A threads which essentially tell us nothing but they are working on a whole lot but have no timetable. I find it hard to believe that developers in this day and age do not have a relative time-table. Too bad they don't want people to to get mad at them if they miss a deadline; telling people that in 2-months they are likely to see X,Y and Z implemented is a lot better then the ambiguous "we're working on it" crap the keep spewing. They certainly will grab our subscription fees tomorrow without delay, so let's get some more transparency.

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You lose all means of being taken even remotely seriously when you refer to people who disagree with you as idiots. They are working on X,Y & Z so suck it up and deal with it or you know, click unsub and find something else.


Funny thing is that you keep telling people to unsub, and they won't be working on much of anything. Telling people to quit is not the answer, if you're unhappy with his opinions walk away from post.

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Of course it slipped your mind that it took -years- to create this game and that fixing bugs, adding content and expanding game systems is going to take time on that scale. Or rather, it did not slip your mind so much as well as it is something you do not want to hear; so you choose to rant and insult those who might point out the flaws in your reasoning.

Well, I have sad news for you. You are not special and reality will not adjust itself to conform to your desires. All you manage to do is to come across as a four year old throwing a temper tantrum in a shop because his mother says he could not have that toy.




Anything more than the bare minimum required to play the game from 1-50 was excluded on launch.. and barely touched in 1.1.

Anything other than: being in a guild, getting 4 people into a warzone, doing a flashpoint and of course questing was apparently considered to be too elaborate for initial launch.


You are of course deliberately obtuse here, so arguing that there is much more to this game is going to be an excercise in futility.


Still ...


You apparently raced through everything that game has to offer, probably skipping everything that was not essential to your race, and now come here to complain that you have done everything you can do at the last level once and feel the need to rant that there isn't more?

I am sure there will be plenty of players who were conditioned to act like you apparently were, that will agree with you. There really is nothing to say to that than that you are demanding this game to be something it was not intended to be. With the focus on story and story telling this game always was about the journey more than about the destination.

You have reached the last page of the book, the credits of the movie. There is nothing more, but there are 7 (or 15 or 95 depending how narrowly or broadly you choose to look at it) more titles in the series.

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That's it, I've lost all hope on the GC forums. You just continue on and on and on and on and on with the same posts with the same threads.






They should change the GC title to QQ forum.....


"We're working on it" is far better than *silence*, oh and just so you know "we're working on it" actually means..... THEY are working on it. Despite what 10 or so people will say to my post now (in a negative way). Cause you guys love to spurt out things that have no truth or fact to them.


I'm gunna stay in guild chat, 70% of you guys annoy me too much lol

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