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Server population is dropping...


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Meh, I haven't noticed any decline in population on the servers Corellian Run and The Jek Jek Tarr.


The population will definitely drop some when the Asian/Oceanic servers open up in March, but that's not a killer. That's a sign of growth.


As new content comes out, population will surge a bit more. Especially when we finally get Legacy perks, UI customization, and other stuff that should have been available at launch.

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always 250+ member on imp fleet at all times on the fatman


It was the same on Hyperspace Cannon 2 weeks ago, now there is rarely more than 150 people on the fleet, thats always been my way of judging how active the population was on the server.


Personally I know of several players, mostly pvpers, that have quit or have re-rolled on servers that have a higher population.


I'm not crying out doomsday either, but most servers just aren't as populous as they were a month or even 2 weeks ago.

Edited by Celebrus
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hows this? this last sunday in the morning, number of players on republic fleet? 1!!!!!!!!!!!



Just me. That was it.. Yes it was very early, like 6 or 7 AM.


I play on RUCOKRRORRO or whatever it is. I know that is a close spelling.


Anyone who thinks being the only person on the fleet is okay is a typical "human" who responds to post just to tell others they are wrong, even when they have nothing to do with the subject.


Being that it is a PvP server I must say it has made my friends and family on the verge of quitting.

If I have to pay for a transfer I will just cancel fyi.


Already eyeing GW2. Which is sad because I like this game in some aspects A LOT!


But the not being able to choose a warzone, huttball existing, being forced to play huttball if I wanna do a WZ, The fact my server has not been above light since the week of launch. "audible sigh"



If it cost more then 5 bucks for a transfer we are out. I would miss this game but the flaws are ruining the fun factor.

I dread to see the server population in 6 months at this rate. Save PvP save the universe!


there is nothing anyway but PvP after 50 really. Reset the entire PvP system and merge servers.

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No doubt numerous usual suspects will pipe up telling me I'm wrong, lying, mistaken, demand evidence, ect....doesn't matter. All that matters, since it's my money I'm spending, is MY game experience.


I have 2x 50s on a server that is quite often a ghost town. There have been times when I am literally the only person logged on. Between 7-8 AM, I almost invariably am the ONLY person on Illum. We have NEVER had a Lv 50 pvp que pop. What little pvp occurs, is by coordination between emp/repubs via peeps with toons on both sides who manage to get 6-10 toons per once a week or so. We can't even play Huttball. During the day, lucky if there's a dozen people on total. Peak time...maybe 100. Maybe. Guild numbers dropping, and I suspect most of the remaining are all alts of the same 25-30 people.


Rolled another toon on a high pop server. It's a different world...constant requests to group. People doing stuff. The AH is busy, making lots of credits. Still a buggy, jacked up, hash up of a game, but it's still got some fun in it.


But by doing so, I abandoned 2x 50's, geared, millions of credits, legacy, my friends and guild ect. I'm not happy about that. I'm not happy about having to re-roll, redo the same lame quests more or less, listen to the same lame voice overs. End of the day, it's still a single player game where you occasionally do stuff with other people.




Yes. As I said earlier I'm in the same boat. I love the game and I'm far from a hater but the game on a low pop server, in my case The Razor, is not the same or as much fun as it is on a high pop. People on one of the Top 15 servers pop servers on TORSTATUS.NET just don't get it; you can't because you don't see it. So, saying my server is fine when you are on The Fatman is all well and good because it is but when you are on a bottom server it's a different world.

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So you lie and are bored now that you have been called out on it? What was the point in posting it in the first place?


Whatever guy, you win, you've outed me. My server isn't a ghost town, it's BOOMING! I didn't reroll onto a busier server and abandon 2x geared Lv. 50 toons, assorted lower level toons, millions of credits, legacy, friends, guild, ect. Our server isn't dwindling away to a handful of active players who can't even get a pvp que to pop. I can't actually log on and be the only player in the entire realm. I didn't post (for the first time ever) in a forum labeled "server pop is dropping" and state that my server is dying and beg for help from the company. It was all a figment of my imagination (ditto for all the other posters saying more or less the same thing)...liars and/or delusional, all of us.


As far as "points" go, since tomorrow is re-subcription day for me, after reading through the forums, you and other posters here have aided my decision...so thank you for helping save me money. That and sitting here looking at my Lv. 13 toon and realizing that the thought of leveling yet another toon, doing the same lame quests, tabbing through the same lame voice-overs, makes me want to spew...or die of boredom. And Christ in a sidecar, I must be bored if I'm posting in a forum and jacking with a special individual such as yourself...should have been my first indicator it was definitely time to move on now that I think about it. Jeez, duh.


Feel free to answer howsoever you'd like...I won't be here to reply. Taking my ball and going home, LOL. And, again, thank you!

Edited by Smitar
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I guess they dont teach kids to read graphs in school anymore huh. Figures.


The only decline I see is a dropping trend of whinethreads and forum moaning. But maybe thats because Ive spent more time in the other forum divisions and not so much time on General.


Huh, have you looked at their graph?


It shows a peak at launch followed by a slow drop off ever since.


Which graph are you looking at?

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If you look at the population graph over an extended time, it is flat the last month, so what is your point?


No, it's not flat over the last month, it's still slowly declining (according to their data - same on but EU and US servers).

Edited by Goretzu
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I play on Space Slug (west coast PVE server) and on The Fatman (east cost PVP server), both of which seem to have healthy population, either heavy or really heavy at peak times (for both east and west time zones). The reason I chose to play 2 servers in diff time zones is because I dont always have the same schedule and this helps balance the population for MY peak hours.


I do not believe it is necessary for server merger at this time, best would be to allow players for free character transfers (and/or guild transfers). This will allow those players who wish to transfer to chose whichever server they desire to go to instead of being merged with another server in decline where players have already started to leave and are no longer playing unwanted characters. Server mergers rarely work out to the benefit of most...


just my 2 credits...



FYI, both of those servers are Top Ten in population.

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Too many/few servers at release is a consistent problem of MMOs.


No one wants a queue and folks love to moan about it - whether it's to log into their server, or it's because there aren't enough folks to play against.

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I've played both factions on my server (Ajunta Pall) and they're roughly equal. Most planets used for leveling have 60-130 people on them at any time, and the fleets have anywhere from 80-240 depending on when you log in.


A good chunk of players are always on Ilum as well, seeing as it's an RP/PvP server. I rolled on gauntlet of Kresh, that died, so I made my new characters on a populated server. Which is what I think is really happening now.


The low pop servers start going into a decline, and people transfer over to a higher population server. Thus, some servers are always high in population, while others are bound to be low.

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Too many/few servers at release is a consistent problem of MMOs.


No one wants a queue and folks love to moan about it - whether it's to log into their server, or it's because there aren't enough folks to play against.


This is why I didn't understand the rolling start idea, it was likely always going to be a case of open servers and then merge them.


SWTOR with 1,000,000 subs is still very successful by any defination.

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Last week Whitebeam Run had about 470 players on the ENTIRE server and it was listed as standard. Not the best time to look at server pops, but right now, Whitebeam Run has 91 players on Republic and 84 players on Empire. I'll check again at primetime, but I'm guessing it's still going to be abysmally low.
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i agree , Uthar wynn server is also ghost town right now.

i left 2x 50's and other alts and rerolled on tombs of freedom nadd , just because BIOware doesnt give a shipt if you like the server or not.

they just force you to reroll another char on another server cause they dont want to merge servers or give free migrates.


Ord mantell starting area on tombs of freedom nadd has the same amount of players online as whole Uthar wynn server at peak time and thats just a joke.


you have 2 options , reroll a new char on a heavy server or just end your subscription cause if you need to wait on bioware's server merging you ran out of gas flying circles on your 50 in fleet cause theres nothing to do ;)

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Given you have to visually average the datapoints, the overall graph is flat since around Jan 24.


It's a small decline (which is pretty good), but still definately a decline (assuming their data is accurate anyway).


The big issue isn't really now though (although, of course, now = then eventually), but how things are going in 6 months, as no MMO since WoW has regained the subs they've lost if they've lost a large amount in the first 6 months.


Bioware really needs to be matching Trion with content and fixes, they've got a really good chance of getting SWTOR growing if they do, if they don't then I think the best they can hope for is to level out with decent numbers.

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I just wish I had had the foresight or the patience to have waited a week for the 45 minute queue times of Prophecy of the Five to disappear utterly before I rolled my toons on Gardens of Talla. Even though the Imperial side is doing ok, I'm a Pub and very lonely. The positive side is, I get free reign on all the biochem nodes.
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The low pop servers start going into a decline, and people transfer over to a higher population server. Thus, some servers are always high in population, while others are bound to be low.


Exactly, I know at least a dozen people with alts on other servers. You end up with a rick get richer scenario as people move to high pop servers.


SWTOR with 1,000,000 subs is still very successful by any defination.


And no one is arguing that point. Servers dying is not the same as the game dying but dying servers hurt the game because people will leave without trying other servers. If people only experience a dead server it is easy to see how they would think the game is failing.


I suggest those on High Pops who don't get what I'm saying try a Lol Pop to 20...it's a different game.

Edited by Zarrot
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I have the biggest guild on my server for the imperial side. 240+ members, but only around 40 online a one given period throughout the day. Sadly i've come to the conclusion people aren't re subbing.


The game is dieing and without my guild I would be gone as well. I'm very sad because I've waited for 5+ years even longer since i wanted bioware to make Kotor III. Bioware your priorities were all wrong.


Focus should have been endgame and not 1-49. Who cares about voice-overs now? Only people that arent lvl 50 and maybe not even those. Who cares about space battle? Nobody.


What happened to the end game content? More warzones, more operations? Better gear... not the same nasty model for 3 tiers of gear with just a color change, thats lazy.


You couldnt make animations for animal mounts so you just took the lazy route?


Full voice over and story was the biggest waste of money for an "mmo". MMO means continued play. Bioware should have stuck with Kotor III single player, now that would have been an amazing game, like mass effect 2.


Sadly once my guild goes, I will be leaving aswell. You should have had your priorities in order, or hired a better staff... i was your biggest fan bioware.

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Not on my server ( The Fat Man ). I moved from one of the other PvP servers I care not to look up the proper spelling of and was used to getting 2-3 quests done before warzones popped. Now I'm lucky to walk 6 feet before one comes up. From lvl 1 to now 40, I have seen Huttball less than 5 times... Lovin' it.
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Not on my server ( The Fat Man ). I moved from one of the other PvP servers I care not to look up the proper spelling of and was used to getting 2-3 quests done before warzones popped. Now I'm lucky to walk 6 feet before one comes up. From lvl 1 to now 40, I have seen Huttball less than 5 times... Lovin' it.


Now they just need to mark off all the healthy servers like yours, and merge the large amount of unhealthy ones.


If they were realistic and just accepted that they won't maintain anything even close to the launch numbers soon, it would go a long way towards curbing the current flow of anger people are having, and setting the game on the right, and realistic, path.

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Not on my server ( The Fat Man ). I moved from one of the other PvP servers I care not to look up the proper spelling of and was used to getting 2-3 quests done before warzones popped. Now I'm lucky to walk 6 feet before one comes up. From lvl 1 to now 40, I have seen Huttball less than 5 times... Lovin' it.


Because the server you were on was dead. That is the normal warzone queue time because people are switching over to the republic side now that they are bored with imperial. The fat man is showing "light population" as of 10AM CST, so i doubt your getting in warzones without walking 6 feet. :\

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Troll much? I put alot more into this game than you. General beta tester of almost a year. What did you do to help? Pointing out the flaws is better than agreeing with everything that is force fed to you. Without debate there would be no improvements..you sir are a sheep and a blind fanboi troll, go somewhere else.


I think part of the issue is we see alot of unreasonable expectations by people who should know better. Alot of jumping ship rather then sticking it out and help make it better.

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