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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Well, <character>, it's been nice meeting you.


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Hello! Welcome to another edition of "What Would The Lunatic In Me Do?" I'm your host, Walkiry.


Title of the thread may be a bit cryptic, but it sums up perfectly how I feel about "my" characters once I hit 50, finish the questlines, and get to The End™.


Only it's not supposed to be the end, right?


Let's back up a bit. To the very start:


Play Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ and be the hero of your own Star Wars™ saga.


(Emphasis mine).


Now, despite appearances, this is not going to be about not having enough choices (which, as I've admitted before, would be night impossible to do, too many of us playing). Or about the abject stupidity some of these choices force on the characters. No, it's a lot more basic than that.


When I play this game, by the time I'm done, and often way before that, none of "my" characters feel mine.


It's pretty simple really. We run the quests and do the things that Bioware has prepared for us in-game, but everything about the story and the characters (including the one I'm playing) is so thoroughly laid out for me to follow that there's nothing left for me to add.


Nothing what-so-***********-ever.


It's not just the story (singular), but even worse is the backstory.


Take, for example, the Bounty Hunter.




You arrive in Hutta to meet Braden for the Great Hunt. That's the premise of the story, right? At this point, your character is a blank state and you can start-


Braden: "Hey there bestest buddy ever! Let's go have a Bromantic shower together!"




I back away slowly and a few clicks and some cutscenes later he's dead, and call me a heartless bastard, but I can't find myself too disturbed by it. I've just met this guy.


Mako: "You heartless bastard! (Told ya) Braden always talked about you, and I always wanted to meet you, and..."

Me: "I barely..."

Mako: "And he set you up for the Great Hunt because he knew you so well!"

Me: "I don't actually..."

Mako: "And Braden this, Braden that, Braden Braden Braden on a pie, how can you not think about Braden all the time!!"

Me: "SHUT THE **** UP MAKO!"





And hey, you like Mandalorians? Bounty Hunters and Mandalorians all go together so well!


Me: "Sure, my Bounty Hunter..."


Here you go, meet the Mandalorians for the first time and learn all about them!


Me: "But I already..."


And if you stick with us, you get a chance to join the Mandalorians too! After a bunch of planets and more than half your levels, aren't we great? We're letting your Bounty Hunter get involved with Mandalorians! Something your very own personal saga Bounty Hunter has never done!


Me: "But, I wanted..."


What was that? YOU wanted? Awww, isn't that cute. You're so lucky we know better!






There is simply NOTHING for me to add there. There's the Bounty Hunter story, I can play through it, learn about how the Bounty Hunter came to be in the Great Hunt and have a few options to see how his story unfolds, and that's about it. Everything, from the character's background to his motivations, has already been boiled, chewed, and pre-digested for me by Bioware.


Feed meh! Because chewing is so much effort. The only thing that's missing here is forcing a name on him so that everyone stops referring to him as "Hunter".



****, I just gave them an idea, didn't I?


It gets worse with the Jedi Knight:




The Knight's ENTIRE BACKGROUND is a few quests worth of having a master (Master Orgus) who sends him on missions on his own before getting himself killed.


You think I'm joking, or exaggerating, right?




Well, guess again!


Master Orgus becomes a glowing apparition to guide the Knight because he's just SO attached to him/her after a few days of non-training (and given half the chance, both the Knight and Orgus will say so, repeatedly).


I'm guessing it's actually because the booty of my female Knight. Now you know why they don't fix the big bum bug with the robes. If they do, no more Master Orgus, and the Galaxy dies a horrible death worthy of Khem Val.




Damn dirty old man.


Later on, you learn in a conversation with Kira that he taught the Knight everything he knows.


Well, it's either that or


Me: "SHUT THE **** UP KIRA!"





It's so bloody twisted it actually makes a sick kind of sense. All this Knight does is screw up and send the companions to do missions on their own. You know, like Master, like Padawan.


But don't worry, once you get in trouble (well, massive EPIC FAIL actually, but why split hairs?), the glowing apparition will come to the rescue.


Just shake that booty for the old man.


*Shakka* *Shakka*


If you feel dirty, go take a *********** shower, because it's all for the sake of the gosh darn Galaxy.


One can only imagine what kind of retard the Knight was in the academy, if a week of non-teaching by a dirty old man TAUGHT HIM EVERYTHING HE KNOWS!


Can you imagine this failure's childhood?


"Look ma! I drew this!"

"Ooooh, a starfish! How cute!"



Fail on Legs. I'm surprised he didn't skewer himself with the lightsaber the first time he built it.


I'm also kind of glad the companions are the ones doing the crafting and the gathering. This idiot would probably blow up a planet while trying to make a single medkit.


And of course, there's my favourite one; at a prompt from Kira (I'm starting to see a pattern here, what about letting us kill companions again?) we learn this from the Knight:


"I can't imagine being anything other than this bland, forgettable Temple past Jedi."


Well, I completely believe you, but I bloody well can! If you would bloody LET ME!


I think I'll go for:






Better than the Consular writer I suppose, I bet he'd stop at:


"I can't imagine."




So, can you? Can you imagine a background for a Jedi that's in any way better than a forgettable blur of Temple existence easily surpassed by a few holoconversations with a Jedi Master? Well too bad, because that's what the Jedi Knight is, and don't you forget it because you'll be reminded, constantly. TAKE IT AND LIKE IT!





Now, eat your broccoli.


But what about the Inquisitor?




*Wall of text explains you were a slave and arrived at Korriban for the trials*


Well, isn't it nice to get it all out of the way as soon as possible?






Hah! Gotcha, you thought I was just going to stop there, right? Well, not so fast; you see, there's a MAJOR TWIST (OMG!).


You see, "Luke, I am your Father" is so overdone.


"Luke, I am your sister!" Been done.


"Luke, the FORCE is your father!" Has been done too (or rather, Anakin's mom was done by the Force. Bow chikka wow wow, baby! I bet she had a hell of a hangover the next day, since "she can't explain what happened").




Now we're talking! Nothing like one-upping the classics!


I suppose next sequel will be




I'd hate to think what the sequel after THAT one will have. I'll have to involve Chuck Norris and Mr. T. And bacon.


So the Inquisitor was a slave all his life and the grandkid of an amazing Sith Lord Dude you just happened to open the temple to, all at the same *********** time, which is all orchestrated by your Master of course, and boy, you better like the amazing stuff they come up with!


Incidentally, 2 million boxes sold and the Inquisitor is one of the more popular classes. Just how big was Granddaddy Sith Ghost's harem anyway? And how did he manage to get lekku-less Twi'lek grandkids?




You know what the problem is? The problem is that "Being Revan" was pretty cool, and that playing Shepard makes the character great. You get to see how the Dark/Light sides play out, or the Paragon/Renegade in ME's case, but you're playing Revan's and Shepard's stories.


But that's never MY character. It's YOUR character, Bioware; and the games were enjoyable, including the character, but that's a single player game where I'm not invited to "create my own saga".


You've hammered so much detail into the player's characters and their stories and backstories that you have left sweet **** all for me to add to it. Even the Dark/Light side choices aren't that meaningful, because all they do is, like in KOTOR, let me see how the Light and Dark side stories of your characters unfold, and on top of that one has to RELENTLESSLY chase Light/Dark choices to be at the Light/Dark level necessary to use the Light/Dark side restricted items at the appropriate character level. But that's YOUR story, they do not define MY character. My character would be defined by a myriad of things you have already decided for me, and I'd have felt a lot more involved if you had at the very least stopped answering questions nobody asked in the first gosh darn place.


You could have spent some effort finding ways to get ME involved. Instead, you spent a lot of effort finding every possible way to hammer YOUR "story" into what was supposed to be MY character even when it was completely bloody irrelevant. Well, fine, but now that I'm done with your character you can have it back.

Edited by Walkiry
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TL;DR : The op expected more backstory and thinks he can armchair quarterback his way to that end on the forums. Op also expects to be able to give further input to a character's development above what the ls/ds options allow.


Uh... No, I wanted LESS backstory. In fact, ideally Bioware'd have said nothing at all about my character's backstory.

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That's what always amuses me when people try to tie "RPG" to "story". They are not the same.


The more fleshed out a story is, the less RP value it has... here in TOR, we have our character's voice and story pre-defined, and there is no real choice we can make. It simply has far less freedom, and provides spoon-fed storytelling by digital actors.


I've always felt that way about games that ram story down your throat... they seem to be mostly for people without an imagination.

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He actually has a point. The choices in the game are so meaningless they may not even exist, but more than that, you get to dictate nothing about the backstory of your character.

That's not entirely true, I made up a backstory for my bounty hunter's origins. The game did not slap me in the face for doing that.

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That's not entirely true, I made up a backstory for my bounty hunter's origins. The game did not slap me in the face for doing that.


It's true that the Bounty Hunter is less thorough about it, as long as you don't mind being bestest buddies with Bredan and not being involved with Mandalorians until the story lets you, so to speak. The Knight and the Inquisitor are a lot more hamfisted.


It won't so much slap you in the face as clash pretty badly with anything you've thought for your character before.

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I enjoyed the story line for my Sentinel and I agree you follow a very strict story path but in was still enjoyable. I think of it as watching a movie and I'm the actor. The story is already written and I'm just acting through it. I don't mind that at all. I'm the one performing the actions. That's what this is.


You are looking for something else. You don't want to be an actor in a movie. You are looking for something different and I can understand that but unfortunately for you this is not that game. I'm not sure what game actually offers you that freedom you are looking for but it's interesting.

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The problem OP is that there is no good way to allow everyone to have a story within the set game mechanics. You can't account for every possible background and minute detail that a player will want. This is why i enjoy table tops still over mmos. With pen and paper, your story is your own, you come up with it, you explore it and play it out. It's still possible in an mmo setting, but you can't really rely on the system itself to do that. You can simply roleplay your own story. I play the character arcs for entertainment, but as far as my roleplay goes, that isn't my character. I gave him his own story and when I interact with people, I play out that story. Admittedly, swg being more of a sandbox game, encouraged this dynamic. It's doubtful though that games like that will surface again in the near future though given the raid raid raid, loot loot mentality these days. You have to sort of take it upon yourself as a player to fashion your own tale.
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OP, I agree wholeartedly with you. At least, well, in spirit.


Earlier today I came across this thread, which contains a link to a video of producer Dave Jaffe giving a presentation at the DICE conference. In it, he talks a lot about the effect of heavy story lines and cinematics in games. It's worth watching:




The obvious counter argument to your post is --- well, this is also a Bioware game. Bioware games have gotten progressively narrower, more focused, and more restrictive over the last decade or so. What began in Baldur's Gate as open maps, sandboxy questing and humorously chatty party members has become linear, rails driven gameplay and hardcoded romances.


If you had no idea who they were & came to SWTOR completely clueless as to their background & the kind of titles they developed, well, fair enough.


But if not ... I'm not sure what you're complaining about. As a Bioware title, SWTOR has exactly the kind of elements and gameplay I'd expect from them.


Whether those elements will make a good, long lasting MMO is another topic, but if you knew anything about Bioware, I'm not sure how you can complain.


Sure, you can complain that this isn't the Star Wars MMO you were looking for -- I think that is perfectly valid. But to complain that Bioware delivered a very "Bioware-ish" title makes less sense to me.

Edited by Dayfax
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OP is totally baffling. What did the author expect from a BW game whose emphasis was on story and VO-ed content?


BW games are always more like a cross between a movie and a game than a freeform game like Oblivion or Skyrim.


But I don't think "being a former X" is really all that much of a restriction. With most of my characters, main and alts, I've already carved out a rough bio in my own mind, and I make my choices according to the character I've envisioned, and that pans out in surprising ways sometimes, relative to the story.


Plus also, the MMO side of it comes out very strongly in the grouped dialogues. When someone else wins the dialogue roll, that's another thing that affects your character (although not of course build).


e.g. you would have made a Dark decision, the others in the team made Light - and guess what? It comes from other players. That is rp, or at least rp lite. How does your character feel inside - is s/he seething at the ninny decision his party made?


RP isn't just making up your story and sticking to it, it's rolling with the punches - seeing how your character reacts to things, how things change him or her. That's what the story does. The story presents you with a bunch of "stuff happening". Within the confines of practicality, there's some leeway in how you can react, it's your choice.


And don't worry about accumulating consistently Dark/Light points - who decides that it matters? You.

Edited by gurugeorge
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Can we get a TLDR version?



tldr: I apparently hate this game so much that I play it for hours a day and spend another hour or so posting about how much i hate it on the game forums.


Despite that a normal, rational personal would just quit playing a game they don't like, I force myself to log on day after day, hour after hour, and in fact to write down dialogue from the game in order to repost- on the forums about how stupid and dumb it is and how much I hate it.


please kill me

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