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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What did you do today in swtor 50s?


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LET's RUSH TO GET 50 so we can STAND around and COMPLAIN! Woo-hoo!


Guess who's laughing now.




Hint: <---- This guy.


Biodrone i see. Who's right to say when a player should be 50 or not? game has been out for 2 months. seriously, people like this are completely ignorant and are making the game worse by defending its obvious flaws!

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Went and open world PvP'd on open worlds with my guild after completing dailies on Ilum. Was a blast. We PvP'd on Voss, Tatooine, and Ilum. It was extremely exciting but I am wondering why people say 50 is boring. Haven't been bored once yet. Idk why poeple say they sit around the fleet and do nothing. Seriously go out and have some fun with your guild, do something, PvP, anything!


The problem is that you can only go to outlaws den to do guild pvp against each other. Other than that, you need the enemy faction to be there in the open world. By some coincidence you ran into people and had some pvp because normally people are not directed to do world pvp. So world pvp in worlds other than illum wont happen even on peak hours because there are no objectives to bring people to certain worlds for world pvp. Its just random.


How did you organize to meet the other faction? Or why was the other faction there in the first place?


At peak hours Voss can be full enough to have some world pvp, but its scarce also depending on population per server, such as mine, on peak hours world pvp wont exist, and if I went with a large group to pvp, we would end up griefing players since they would be outnumbered. Like I said there are no mechanics to bring end game players to Voss, unless people travel to the fleet and get people to help fight against another guild. Which can happen, but thats a lot of ifs and buts when there should be existing mechanics to encourage world pvp and not let it be so random.

Edited by VegaPhone
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The problem is that you can only go to outlaws den to do guild pvp against each other. Other than that, you need the enemy faction to be there in the open world. By some coincidence you ran into people and had some pvp because normally people are not directed to do world pvp. So world pvp in worlds other than illum wont happen even on peak hours beucase there are no objectives to bring people to certain worlds for world pvp. Its just random.


How did you organize to meet the other faction? Or why was the other faction there in the first place?


At peak hours Voss can be full enough to have some world pvp, but its scarce also depending on population per server, such as mine, on peak hours world pvp wont exist, and if I went with a large group to pvp, we would end up griefing players since they would be outnumbered. Like I said there are no mechanics to bring end game players to Voss, unless people travel to the fleet and get people to help fight against another guild. Which can happen, but thats a lot of ifs and buts when there should be existing mechanics to encourage world pvp and not let it be so random.


What are you talking about? I am not talking about a huge firefight like Ilum. I am saying we just searched for people to kill. Voss beginning areas have a lot of people, Tatooine Dune Sea has a lot of PvP areas to find poeple, then Ilum for obvious reasons. We actually met 6 level 50s. Not sure why they were there. Just was. And it was fun.

Edited by reaperkeepet
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Sunday night, yeah. If we don't manage it, we try to get a 2nd night of raids going but people in the guild seem to have lost interest, so it is difficult.


To be honest - I think some servers are better than others for this type of thing. I have characters on a few servers (for various reasons - RL friends in one, old SWG vets in another, etc), and each one seems to have a different "flavor". In one it's all about PVP (And it's not even a PVP server!), and on another it's all about Operations.


I consider myself lucky - none of the Servers I am on have seen this "massive drop" everyone talks about. I get to raid when I want, PVP when I want, I can even get into FP PUGs on a moment's notice. So it's hard for me to see the validity of some of the complaints I see...

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The problem is that you can only go to outlaws den to do guild pvp against each other. Other than that, you need the enemy faction to be there in the open world. By some coincidence you ran into people and had some pvp because normally people are not directed to do world pvp. So world pvp in worlds other than illum wont happen even on peak hours because there are no objectives to bring people to certain worlds for world pvp. Its just random.


How did you organize to meet the other faction? Or why was the other faction there in the first place?


At peak hours Voss can be full enough to have some world pvp, but its scarce also depending on population per server, such as mine, on peak hours world pvp wont exist, and if I went with a large group to pvp, we would end up griefing players since they would be outnumbered. Like I said there are no mechanics to bring end game players to Voss, unless people travel to the fleet and get people to help fight against another guild. Which can happen, but thats a lot of ifs and buts when there should be existing mechanics to encourage world pvp and not let it be so random.


See, I do fully agree that there should be incentives to PVP in other places than Ilum.

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ok so i stood around on fleet today after completing my dailies. i literally spent 6-8 hours doing nothing other than spamming the pvp button.


All our OPs content is completed. Ive collected every datacron in the game and literally we have nothing to do.


what did you guys do today?




I don't even bother logging in on my 50 anymore Kaladore unless my tank friend is online when at least I have a chance at putting together a flashpoint or something. Other than that...yeah, there is literally nothing to do unless i wanna regurtiate those retarded dailies for the zillionth time.


The play experience on this game after 50 leaves a lot to be desired, so I can deffinitely relate with the spirit of your post.

Edited by JeremyDale
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What are you talking about? I am not talking about a huge firefight like Ilum. I am saying we just searched for people to kill. Voss beginning areas have a lot of people, Tatooine Dune Sea has a lot of PvP areas to find poeple, then Ilum for obvious reasons. We actually met 6 level 50s. Not sure why they were there. Just was. And it was fun.




Well thats griefing if they are easy kills and you kill them repeatedly. Which is part of world pvp, but world pvp should also encourage people to meet more easily since the worlds are very divided from the fleet, and the fleet being the central hub for everyone to FP/raids; also world pvp should have some objective to it as well.


So seeing 6 lvl 50s would be easy to take down if that was the height of your pvp challenge and I was in a group prepared for the worst by having several more people then it would be easy to deal with.


Its still fun, but it was random like you said. If you killed them easily because you outnumbered them, then for others that would not be fun. Or if you camped waiting for a challenging open world pvp objective but found nothing but quest-ers to pick off, then for others that's not world pvp either.


I don't want you to change your thinking of what is fun. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of what is fun. However, from a business perspective BW will have to try to go with a successful model for pvp depending on what poeple actually enjoy. If a lot of you, or most of you like this kind of 'world pvp' then BW will keep things as they are.


However, if a lot of, or most of you dont like it that way it is, and BW keeps it that way it is for the few people enjoying it, and mostly focus on their PVE/raiding content then they will lose peoples interest playing pvp.


Its really up to BW, and what the majority like. Obviously some people on the forums are complaining. BW then has to know whether its just a few people, or a lot, and even if it is a lot whether they want to focus on pvp anyways.


So, at this point I am waiting for server mergers first and foremost.

Then I will wait for more alternative content and hopefully the ability to choose which warzone to play. That way, for me, I can enjoy the game more and let BW do their thing, whatever it is instead of playing the game I am bored enough of the end game content to be pointing out what i wanted/hoped for and wondering what is going on. edited :Whats the future of swtor? Is it worth playing an alt? etc

Edited by VegaPhone
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Well thats griefing if they are easy kills and you kill them repeatedly. Which is part of world pvp, but world pvp should also encourage people to meet more easily since the worlds are very divided from the fleet, and the fleet being the central hub for everyone to FP/raids; also world pvp should have some objective to it as well.


So seeing 6 lvl 50s would be easy to take down if that was the height of your pvp challenge and I was in a group prepared for the worst by having several more people then it would be easy to deal with.


Its still fun, but it was random like you said. If you killed them easily because you outnumbered them, then for others that would not be fun. Or if you camped waiting for a challenging open world pvp objective but found nothing but quest-ers to pick off, then for others that's not world pvp either.


I don't want you to change your thinking of what is fun. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of what is fun. However, from a business perspective BW will have to try to go with a successful model for pvp depending on what poeple actually enjoy. If a lot of you, or most of you like this kind of 'world pvp' then BW will keep things as they are.


However, if a lot of, or most of you dont like it that way it is, and BW keeps it that way it is for the few people enjoying it, and mostly focus on their PVE/raiding content then they will lose peoples interest playing pvp.


Its really up to BW, and what the majority like. Obviously some people on the forums are complaining. BW then has to know whether its just a few people, or a lot, and even if it is a lot whether they want to focus on pvp anyways.


So, at this point I am waiting for server mergers first and foremost.

Then I will wait for more alternative content and hopefully the ability to choose which warzone to play. That way, for me, I can enjoy the game more and let BW do their thing, whatever it is.


FYI, we apologized to them after we dismanteled them. (lol) And Video Games are meant for fun and entertainment. If I feel that ganking people with my guild is fun, I will do it for my - the customer's, enjoyment lol. Thank you for understanding.

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FYI, we apologized to them after we dismanteled them. (lol) And Video Games are meant for fun and entertainment. If I feel that ganking people with my guild is fun, I will do it for my - the customer's, enjoyment lol. Thank you for understanding.


Thats fun. Also you are a good sports man. So that is part of the world pvp, but if thats the world pvp BW has planned then they should have directed that a bit better by bringing groups of people together when they do heroics on the world.


I never ran into other enemy faction groups when I was going to do heroics.


I wish the structure of questing encouraged more of what you are talking about.


So either world pvp is done by people running into each other because they share the questing areas.




there are world pvp objectives, similar to sand box MMOs.

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Thats fun. Also you are a good sports man. So that is part of the world pvp, but if thats the world pvp BW has planned then they should have directed that a bit better by bringing groups of people together when they do heroics on the world.


I never ran into other enemy faction groups when I was going to do heroics.


I wish the structure of questing encouraged more of what you are talking about.


So either world pvp is done by people running into each other because they share the questing areas.




there are world pvp objectives, similar to sand box MMOs.

I seriously think you should send this to the suggestion box. Tatooine has questing areas that are shared by both the Republic and the Empire. But that is meant for it's original purpose - for level 25s+. If BW would make lvl 40 - 50 heroic areas on previous planets I really think it would bring more groups of people into Open world PvP. Probly not as advanced and big as Ilum PvP, but IMO it would bring a lot of balance to the worlds... Obviously lvl 50s might decide that while they are there to go and steam roll some lvl 25s but I'm sure BW could find a workaround.

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Logged on my lvl 50 sentinel than remembered noone takes melee(especially JKs) for HM than logged on alt. realised i cant go through the pain of lvling another alt than logged off and played ps3 and had a blast


Melee DPS always get the short-end of the stick on MMORPGs. It needs to stop.

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I seriously think you should send this to the suggestion box. Tatooine has questing areas that are shared by both the Republic and the Empire. But that is meant for it's original purpose - for level 25s+. If BW would make lvl 40 - 50 heroic areas on previous planets I really think it would bring more groups of people into Open world PvP. Probly not as advanced and big as Ilum PvP, but IMO it would bring a lot of balance to the worlds... Obviously lvl 50s might decide that while they are there to go and steam roll some lvl 25s but I'm sure BW could find a workaround.


Will do.


edit: done. However if you feel I did not do a good job of presenting the case, or whatever other ideas you would like to add pls start another suggestion thread or put a comment.



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Logged on my lvl 50 sentinel than remembered noone takes melee(especially JKs) for HM than logged on alt. realised i cant go through the pain of lvling another alt than logged off and played ps3 and had a blast


Then I realized why the flying jellybean are you still here??? If you really have to go through the 'pain', stop paying and whining on the Internet and play your pap. I can assure you, you won't be missed.


Edit: Haha using a gadget right now and "pap" was autocorrect. Meant to be psp.

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Just farming PvP. I cleaned all the operations with different diffculties and i am half Columi/Rakata geared. And guess what, i done this as a pick-up in other guilds.


Dropping system is not working well in this game and honestly boss fights in operation are way too easy. You'll get a greater challenge going to HM flashpoints like False emperor or Directive 7.


Operations are farmed to quickly. An operation should take 2 days to clean. Not 2 hours.


Gearing up Columi is also way too fast! it is a T2 set afterall.


I like some of the boss fight's designs but honestly operations are just way to easy and short.


Let's hope that the guild summit will give BW some feedback about this so that they can correct it at 1.3

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Then I realized why the flying jellybean are you still here??? If you really have to go through the 'pain', stop paying and whining on the Internet and play your pap. I can assure you, you won't be missed.


Edit: Haha using a gadget right now and "pap" was autocorrect. Meant to be psp.


Why don't you stop whining about other people whining and go play SWTOR. I assure you, you won't be missed :)

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well i must say what a response, after working my way through all your posts, it is clear something is wrong with this game on a huge level, it lacks enjoyment, content, and a general MMO feel. The worlds feel dead, and the travel system is beyond me...i just dont get it.

Ilum is..what...i dont? how did?


PvP is pretty below standard. Basic warzones with gear fests, ( i am in full battlemaster minus 1-2 pieces) its jsut super boring...


I also have a real problem that they can even call this game star wars...what i ask is everyone here to log on for 10 minutes ignore the lightsabers and literally work out what is star warsy about this game. there is no sense of adventure, nothing remotely star warsy i see nothing...literally....


i also tryed rolling an alt to find myself logging 1 hour into it, i just couldnt bring myself to roll through the same quests again....


Unfortunaly bioware my guild feels the same as i do, and will likely be Unsubbing around May for other MMO's....


Shame youll lose us but nvm hey im sure were just 40 people in your million or whatever...

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Why don't you stop whining about other people whining and go play SWTOR. I assure you, you won't be missed :)


Who says I was whining? I said if he just doesn't Like the game then he should just unsubscribe and play something else. Like his pap.

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Who says I was whining? I said if he just doesn't Like the game then he should just unsubscribe and play something else. Like his pap.


All that poster did was respond to the title of this thread. I doubt he was looking for "fatherly advice".


Everyone who is posting on these forums has invested quite a bit of cash into this game, and they have every right to voice their discontent or negative impressions about this game.


People who respond to these comments with things like "why don't you just quit, bye!" contribute nothing and are just trying to be inflamatory.


I'm sure the guy knows he can quit the game. He doesn't need you to tell him that.

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