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What did you do today in swtor 50s?


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No you blasted closed minded fanboy. There is no lets rush to 50 now. If you aren't 50 in at least a month playing only 2 hours a day or even 6 total per week you are mentally slow. This game is abysmal at 50. I literally breezed through content and got geared in one or two runs of EV. There is no "Awesome" moment when you take down a boss, it just feels like your regular old 50 elite just with extra firepower and gimmicky mechanics.


This game so far is not good at the end game lvl, which is where everything takes place.


I want you to play 5 days a week, 2 hours a day on a class you haven't played yet for four weeks straight and get to 50. Record it and everything. I'll be waiting.


P.s. The error in your ways is believing that end game is the only part of this game where "everything takes place".

Edited by LucisAbyssus
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No you blasted closed minded fanboy. There is no lets rush to 50 now. If you aren't 50 in at least a month playing only 2 hours a day or even 6 total per week you are mentally slow. This game is abysmal at 50. I literally breezed through content and got geared in one or two runs of EV. There is no "Awesome" moment when you take down a boss, it just feels like your regular old 50 elite just with extra firepower and gimmicky mechanics.


This game so far is not good at the end game lvl, which is where everything takes place.


2 hours a day for 30 days is 2.5 days played. My fist char which I took my time with was just over 5 days played. I am not sure 2.5 days is even possible without some exploit. and 6 per week? That is level 50 in 1 day played if done in 1 month. Like to see a screenshot of that.

Edited by harpuax
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im not even 50 yet and i've been playing since launch day


Got an alt to level 4 the other night /WOoooo


really cant relate to the multitude of posts by people who play 8-12 hours everyday and then complain that they are bored.

I play 2-3 hours a night 4-ish times a week. I admit I played more during the x-mas holiday. I just finished my second toon to 50. Seriously, are you even playing when you login?

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Come on over to The Swiftsure server.





No wait times.

Groups form easy.

Free Slurpee Sundays

Hawaiian Shirt Saturdays (Girls wear bikinis)


Oh, and every Monday the Empire and the Republic get together and have a cookie baking contest! Sith make theirs with lightning, Jedi make theirs with care and love. Both taste FANTASTIC! Winner gets to own Ilum for the week. (We figured that would be more productive than the F***fest currently going on). :D

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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I play 2-3 hours a night 4-ish times a week. I admit I played more during the x-mas holiday. I just finished my second toon to 50. Seriously, are you even playing when you login?


You are right.


I'm not even playing when I log on. Level 1 still and just sit there.


Same thing most of you are complaining about. Except you are level 50 and you sit somewhere else. Fleet:rolleyes:

Edited by Blavatsky
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I logged onto my Republic alt and realized I had no desire to do the linear questing again.


I realized that while when I unsubbed WoW back in August I was bored. I am now about 6 months behind, there is new content and a new PVP season. I have a lot of catching up to do, which should keep my busy until Terra drops atleast.


I reactivated my WoW account.


I canceled my SWtoR account.


In that order.

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You are right.


I'm not even playing when I log on. Level 1 still and just sit there.


Same thing most of you are complaining about. Except you are level 50 and you sit somewhere else. Fleet:rolleyes:

Please point out my complaint in this thread.


Go ahead. I double dog dare you.

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As bored of the endgame or lack there of I am I have to agree if you want 6-8hrs of content to do everyday either learn to enjoy PvP(Like I did) or give the game 2-3 more years to build up different types of content. Ive been playing MMO's for over 10 years and TBH am shocked the game launched with as much endgame as it did most games I've played don't launch with any or next to nothing at the most they expect you to spend the first few months leveling before they need to add any endgame am just happy bioware didn't think that way and so should everyone.


Your correct they typiclly do launch with less "endgame" but they also tend to have a slower level curve for the 1st 6mo. or so; then over time the curve gets accelerated. For people who arn't altaholics it's a more glaring issue or at least more apparent than for those who enjoy running alts

Edited by BMBender
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Please point out my complaint in this thread.


Go ahead. I double dog dare you.


i was'nt referring to your complaint.


It's true the world doesnt revolve around you boring nobody.


It's possible that someone could communicate without it being about you

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I want you to play 5 days a week, 2 hours a day on a class you haven't played yet for four weeks straight and get to 50. Record it and everything. I'll be waiting.


P.s. The error in your ways is believing that end game is the only part of this game where "everything takes place".


MMO's aren't judged on pvp, they are mostly judged on end game content at the end. Which is where everything really takes place. And honestly most classes are pretty straight forward. I am quite positive that playing 2 serious hours a day for 30 days will get you to 50.

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i was'nt referring to your complaint.


It's true the world doesnt revolve around you boring nobody.


It's possible that someone could communicate without it being about you

Then don't quote my post and answer my question like you're talking to me.



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It's only a couple of weeks until the next big update. I say patience, there's plenty of stuff to look forward to.

Sorry, but 1.2 is at least a month away. There will not be any major TOR updates to compete with the ME3 launch.

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I'm pretty sure there was a statement 1.2 is coming in March. Did that change?

I expect it to come in late March. Far enough away from March 6 that it doesn't impact ME3 sales, but close enough to March 20 so people continue to subscribe. I think it will be between March 20 and 27.

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Why would you ever make 8 toons? Who wants to do the same side quests 6 times over?


Levelling an alt for 5 unique quests per planet, done in the same order as every other class is not replayability. I can't even stand to get my Consular off Tython because I can't stand the base run speed, and quite frankly I don't like alts. My main is the only character I care about, so whatever I want to do in the game, I want to do on my main.


You're playing the wrong game. That's not intended as an insult. This game is made for people who DO enjoy alts. It's clearly not designed for folks who are trying to stick to one character. I wish you the best in your next game.


To answer the OPs question: I had fun in SWTOR today. Married a companion, worked on an alt, did some quests, earned some loot.

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No you blasted closed minded fanboy. There is no lets rush to 50 now. If you aren't 50 in at least a month playing only 2 hours a day or even 6 total per week you are mentally slow. This game is abysmal at 50. I literally breezed through content and got geared in one or two runs of EV. There is no "Awesome" moment when you take down a boss, it just feels like your regular old 50 elite just with extra firepower and gimmicky mechanics.


This game so far is not good at the end game lvl, which is where everything takes place.


Agreed (your last sentence), level 50 content is horrible in TOR atm, which is very dissapointing. Grouping is becoming increasingly problematic (depending on your server), especially with no ops/FP finder or any sort of cross realm play/searching. I personally do not consider dailies to be "content". Ops are disgustingly easy on hard modes (8 man, because 16 is pointless and drops are identical, for some fu*ked reason), and the mechanics are very basic.


As for the general *****iness of people toward each other about how fast, or slow, you level, its all subjective. Calling people names because they play for a longer stretch/faster or shorter time/slower is just CHILDISH...grow up, and stop being mean to your fellow players. Besides, this post is about 50 content, not the leveling process. :D

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We haven't met then.. My name is Jon..


Meh no poo, I rolled a healer in the first place to get easy groups, I ran my first BT HM today, after 1 week or more @ 50, I dont really use her much now.


So thats what I did, linger with my alt after leveling up, hopped on the healer just for the kicks and got me a group :eek:

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Lets see


Earlyer today the wife ran 2 hard mode flashpoints then logged out, she ran it as a DPS no less. She waited I think 10 minutes max? I was playing battlefield 3 at the time lol.


We are running our third flashpoint tonight as a duel DPS combo, and I also made 150k credits. I really wish i knew the cap. I dont think I am near it though, only 1.1 million credits.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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On my IA: Got a PUG together for HM BT and HM Koan. We got both done including bonus. Turned in my daily and weekly, got some new Columni stuff. Tried getting a PUG together for EV, but it took too long.


On my sage: Got some friends together for HM taral V, beat it.


Altogether spent about 4 hours in endgame. I feel satisfied with what I accomplished and dont really want to play any more today. Instead, I'm playing my trooper alt on Nar Shaddaa, as I find leveling, progression, and story more appealing than anything in end game (although the sheer awesome of the Soa fight comes close....)


Pro tip: Dont play endgame more than 4-5 hours a day.

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