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I wish swtor was more like this game


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SWG was a lot more sandbox than this, that's what made it enjoyable :D


Wait the sandbox mmo was more sandbox then the non-sandbox mmo WOW!

Also it being sandbox made it more enjoyable for YOU. Why is it so hard for you SWG types to realize a lot of us don't want that game if we did we would have played it when it was out.

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I just wish this game was an actual MMO.


I refuse to call it one. It was built like Dungeon Siege 2. A single player game that could be played online with some other players instead of building it as an MMORPG with a great story.


I have NEVER played a single MMORPG(And I have played around 2 dozen of them) where 2 months into the game there are only 4-8 people on a planet/zone during primetime.. and not ONCE have I seen people just standing around chatting or having a normal conversation in /general chat. Only LFG, selling an item, complaints or questions about the game.


And my server was always at full during the pre-launch, had a 1 hour and 40 minute queue before so it isnt like im on a low pop server.


Game needs more MMO in this so called MMORPG.


BTW no, having a million players doesnt make it an MMO...quake had a million people playing it online, it wasnt an MMO.

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