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Commandos are just getting absolutely pathetic


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Seriously Bioware when are you going to nerf these stupid spamming commandos ... all they know how to do is spamm that stupid grav round, wheres the skill in playing come on ... surely you didnt design the class to be like that because if you did that is pathetic.


put a longer cooldown or a activation time ffs im sick of just getting 1 hit by 3 commandos running around together scared using nothing but shields and spamming that stupid same 1 skill and healing each other when they take the slightest bit of damage, how the hell do you expect other classes to even fight back with that when you nerf them.


LOL edit: would you rather they didn't heal?

Edited by LeonidasSith
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As far as I'm concerned, priority 1 is to get the 5 armour debuff stacks up, then start normal damage rotation, only firing another grav round when the stack is about to finish.


At lower levels, this means opening with 5 grav rounds, at higher levels, 3 (once you get the talent that puts two debuff stacks for each shot).


Why wouldn't you maximise the damage you're dealing by keeping a full debuff stack up?

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As someone on the outside of this argument, is it not a rather dull playstyle? I'd be rather irritated if I had to use the same spell 3 or 5 times in a row, to ramp up to full damage.


Saying that, it does seem a bit illogical that such a spell is also pretty high dmg, considering it is still essentially a filler nuke, there to proc other stuff, not just be spammed in and of itself.


Although the OP has clearly licked many windows in his time, I do know what he means. As a deception assassin, I can just be shredded instantly or forced to cloak by a single commando, if I'm peeling a healer who happens to CC me, when my breaker is on CD.

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They have too high dmg when talking about the 10-49 brackets. Grav round doing 2200-2600 every 1.5 (same like the GCD) seconds from 30m range. Combine this with other abilities followed and you have almost the dmg of an operative, but from range.


....we need a combat log and I bet a lot of people would been suprised about the tests.

Edited by BobaFurz
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This, the people spamming nothing but grav round are idiots. My demolition rounds hit for much more than any of my grav rounds hit for at 50. Full auto also crits for 2k+ 3 times in the duration it would take me to cast 1 grav round, especially with a proc. Not even to mention that they'll run out of ammo very quickly and be spamming hammer shot for a while being pretty much worthless.


This is pretty much it. Commandos can be just as effective laying down AOEs, or dropping HIB and Demo on the run. However, if they allow me to plant my feet and start my own rotation, well...that's their problem to deal with.

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Seriously Bioware when are you going to nerf these stupid spamming commandos ... all they know how to do is spamm that stupid grav round, wheres the skill in playing come on ... surely you didnt design the class to be like that because if you did that is pathetic.


put a longer cooldown or a activation time ffs im sick of just getting 1 hit by 3 commandos running around together scared using nothing but shields and spamming that stupid same 1 skill and healing each other when they take the slightest bit of damage, how the hell do you expect other classes to even fight back with that when you nerf them.


I read a very similar post in the Bounty Hunter forum. I agree that it's annoying, but I'd rather fight a missile spamming BH than a lightning spamming Inquisitor any day of the week.

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As someone on the outside of this argument, is it not a rather dull playstyle? I'd be rather irritated if I had to use the same spell 3 or 5 times in a row, to ramp up to full damage.


Saying that, it does seem a bit illogical that such a spell is also pretty high dmg, considering it is still essentially a filler nuke, there to proc other stuff, not just be spammed in and of itself.


Although the OP has clearly licked many windows in his time, I do know what he means. As a deception assassin, I can just be shredded instantly or forced to cloak by a single commando, if I'm peeling a healer who happens to CC me, when my breaker is on CD.


The thing is, very rarely will an enemy player (unless they're horrible) let me get off more than two before they start to interrupt/do something about it. We're not so great on the fly (or at least, not on the gunnery spec.) and it's this lack of combat mobility that is our biggest weakness. I've had enemies kite my max range while I try to cast, I've had them ducking behind pillars to break LoS every time I try to cast. Once a jedi closes the gap and starts wailing on you in melee range, you tend to not be as effective either.


We're strong as a stationary turret, but there are so many things that you can and should do to counter this that it balances out quite nicely.

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