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Retiring from Maurader till they are fixed...


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After reading many of the posts here I see 1 common theme in all of them. pretty much everyone even the so called skilled Mara's admit to needing to use so many more keybinds then the other classes. This does not make the class good and Bioware has come out and said this was not intended for the class and want to correct it.


Now to you so called great Mara players, I have been top dmg in many warzones and i can tell you that is quite easy to get so long as you totally forget to do the objectives. find the stragglers and pick them off 1 at a time. If you get into trouble stealth out and hide until you can find your next victim. BUT if you actually play a warzone to win meaning going after the objectives and doing your job which is to take down healers well the other team, if they have any salt will want to keep their healers alive and will focus fire you down.


So bragging about being tops in dmg real means crap to me and anyone who really watches what people are doing. Pretty much any time i see Mara's in the top of dmg they were not going for objectives but rather playing death match with anyone stupid enough to challenge them to a 1 on 1 match.


oh crap! I let the secret out for top dmg mara's my inbox is going to be filled with hate or deniers or the always moronic L2P comments.

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Damage rating on WZ charts means nothing. The nature of their class makes this possible. AOE's, and just being ranged lets them sit out of the battle and deal damage.


Marauders on the other hand will WRECK any class you set your sights on. You just have to play smart. See that Sorc raining death down on people? Charge his *** and you will wreck him. See that healer over there? Charge him and you will wreck him. You basically are the class that takes out the key players on an enemy team.


Now if you rage spec, that slightly different, its more AOE damage then single target damage which in my opinion is not where this class shines in when it comes to pvp. Single target death is what we do best.


If you play smart, marauders are a game changing class.


QQ wah wah we dont top the damage charts all the time!!! Does not matter, you are a killing machine that the enemy fears when you are on top of them.



^ This.


It's all about understanding a role. Marauders can deal out tons of damage, and no I don't always top the charts but I do usually come in top 3 right below a couple of AoE spammers.


But a Marauders best use is taking out key players on the other team. Healers, Ranged and Guards all are my primary targets. Even when my interrupts are on cool down after one fight I can keep a Healer busy healing my damage to them and not their own team mates, then pop an interrupt and waste them.


I was doing Rage Spec, damage numbers were good, but the effect was much smaller. Since it focus' on AoE burst damage it was much harder in 1v1. Anni, though with it's sustained DPS and self heals (though small) is much more viable it seems in fights against healers and Tank Spec players. Look at it this way, when you can put up 200k+ damage 40-50k healing 30+ kills focusing on 1v1 fights consistently in WZ's that's saying much more than hitting 4-5 people with AoE damage and racking up 12k damage all at once.


Don't jump in the middle of packs unless they are packs of your own team mates taking down a ball carrier or stopping someone from capping an objective, other than that pick your battles to have the most effect on the other team. If nothing else you will remove a key player from the opponents team or distract them long enough for your team to help shift the balance.

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Without backup from teammates, Marauders will get focus fired, chain rooted, CC'd into full Resolve, and forced to Camo away to survive...to die a short time later, possibly after killing their original target, or getting him to 5% hp and have Saber execute get parried, before dying.



I'd like to see a change to Force Choke (20-30 yard range plzkthx, if we can do it through a holocall, we can do it across a Huttball map). The root attached to Force Charge needs to be exempt from Parry's/Dodges. We don't need another survival cooldown, with just need additional survival built into existing cooldowns, i.e. Cloak of Pain: Whenever it deals reciprocates damage to a target, it heals the Marauder for X amount of health.


Small and simple changes are all we would need if they left existing classes as is. If they have plans to bring Sorcs and Mercs down into line with Marauders, Snipers and Assassins, then we don't need any buffs.

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LOL for every pic you post where you were top damage im sure plenty of us could show you more pics where mauraders were way down the list in top damage. So dont post a couple of screenshots and say l2p. The majority of us know Maurader is gimped, the rest are in denial.


lmao yea i could sit an do nothing and get 2 dmg for overall dmg and be the lowest dmg in the team lmfao... does that prove mara's suck or the player does? lmao

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So, do you guys with such high numbers in the charts are getting heal or/and guard support or do you reach such numbers just solo ?


At lvl 40 my average numbers are 140k without support, sometimes less sometimes more. This varies of course. With occasional heal support my highest was ~240k. With full heal support, aka private healer, it would get even higher, but never had such a situation so far.


i litteraly pissed myself at this.... some dont get heals but others do so what? isnt that a healers job in the key objective to win? aka heal us? i would say so dur duur dur. you say it liek having a pocket healers are bad lmao...

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as a rank 56 mara in full champ set i find pvp a challage most times.in huttball i have no yank/knockback to use the hazards to my advantage.in civil war those cheating smugglers set up on the slicing station and my smash is out of range for them.it took 2 champion marauders to burn down a commado and this only because we took turns interrupting his heals and that still took forever.as for those the read the board on my server the top 4 slots are almost always ranged classes
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Marauders do terrible damage? lolwut :confused:



as a rank 56 mara in full champ set i find pvp a challage most times.in huttball i have no yank/knockback to use the hazards to my advantage.in civil war those cheating smugglers set up on the slicing station and my smash is out of range for them.it took 2 champion marauders to burn down a commado and this only because we took turns interrupting his heals and that still took forever.as for those the read the board on my server the top 4 slots are almost always ranged classes



Spec annihilation for 0 range leap, deadly throw, interrupt, pop trinkets and adrenal = dead healing commando in 7-10 seconds. Dead anyone for that matter.

Edited by pyrojackelope
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This is where I am going with my post thank you. Mauraders should be top damage dealers in almost every warzone. I do adamage in warzones usually arounk 200k, but sorc, BH, commando, assasins, and smugglers usually top my damage. Hell I have seen sorc get over 300k damage and like 150k healing. That is like the best of both worlds. Honestly theres no one here that thinks one class should do like 300k damage and over 100k healing in one match is there?


I'm only in about 1/2 champ gear and i frequently break 300k if I'm focusing on killing and not objectives. My healing is around 75k in those games also. I don't feel like we are underpowered. I just wish we had a knockback or pull for huttball.

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mara/sen is easily one of the best classes in the game at the 50 i cant tell if this is a troll you should be pulling 300k+ damage a game easily i don't even understand when people say our defense is weak WHAT?! mara/sen have the best defensive cds in the game it's called stopped being terrible maybe something like a BH/tropper would be good for you
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I have a champion ranked mara and a lv 31 gladiator ranked vanguard(powertech). All i can say is there are both good and bad. Since my powertech is not 50 yet, I will compare the two with 10-49 pvp. Let me say first that I always solo qued and never done premade.


In terms of damage, powertech win without contest.


When I was pvping my marauder at first, I thought they were really awesome with their awesome cds and mobility. I was basically unkillable and unkitable. My average death per game was lower than 3. I even got the purple biochem consumables for my level. I was in love with my marauder. There was no class I feared 1v1 or 1v2. Keep in mind tho, to have fun you should be at least 40 to get important talents and cds. At first I was carnage and averaged around 180k to 200k damage and about 2 deaths a game, no aoe. When I changed to annihilation my average increased to 230k damage and 1-2 deaths a game. I was happy and loved my class.


Now let me talk about my powertech.



Anyways so as soon as I hit level 10 I tried a wz for fun, expecting to get ***** like my mara at low level. My first game I was top damage with 230k. I was astonished because on my marauder I worked so damn hard to get that kind of damage but my powertech did it so easily. They are a very versatile class that can do damage at all range. Anyways,

now my lv 31 powertech easily get 250k damage at least in a game where it's not too short and Alderaan PLUS sweet sweet protection medals by just using taunts alone. I first broke 300k damage at lv 30. Seriously I could do so many things to annoy the hell out of other people and burst them down before they even know what hit em. You will love being able to grapple people and stun kids while taunting(reducing their damage if they dont attack you by 30% ARE YOU KIDDING ME) them every 15 secs. I mean I could do damage at ANY range. Nuke them down in range and if they come closer...nuke em even harder. I barely use AOE because I love chasing and killing a target 1 by 1 (however the aoe is like second hardest hitting ability lol OP) so I could increase my damage even further if I start using it on cds.

Oh did I say grapple yet? cuz you will *********** love grapple. Btw, I dont even have biochem this time lol.


Anyways to sum it up, I have 43 keybinds on marauder and I use almost all of em a lot JUST to do way way way less damage and burst than my powertech.


However, when it comes to survivalibility, marauders win by a long long shot. There are times when I wish i was a marauder when people started to focus me (because if they didnt...their entire team will get ***** by my powertech) as powertechs have no oh-**** button at all. Seriously, they are a one-trick pony that can only do burst. When you have two people on a powertech....all he can hope to do is outburst you and kill you two before you kill him. My average deaths per game on my powertech can go up to as high as 10 or more per game. However, when it comes to 1v1, I own. I never lost to marauders because I KNOW exactly what they do. The only class I had problems with are sniper and sometimes sorces (WTB force camo and crippling slash plz).



I also have a lv 48 operative. They definitely do a lot of burst, but they are even more one-trick pony than powertech. All you do is open on someone and if they dont die, use your cds to stun/escape. Besides they have no mobility at all.



thats excactly the point of my post linked below.

mara's result/effort is significantly lower compairing to other dps classes. If marauder was simply harder to play he would be fine and intriguing

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Honestly I dont need anyone saying LTP. I have been in here since early beta and have played on my maurader. But I am tired of being gimped in pvp. In warzones I ma very active and still get out damaged by almost every ranged profession. I though that Mauraders were glass cannons, but they are midle of the pack damage dealers, and are defense is so weak we get targted primarily on the outset of every fight. When is Bioware going to wake up and either increase melee damage for us or decrease ranged damage. I am playing on a bh right now and the damage they do is so dumb. All I have to do is push like 4 buttons on my bh and be top damage dealer in every warzone I play in. Mauraders have to have like all three toolbars stacked up with buttons to be even somewhat decent in damage. I am sure I will get some comments like good riddance or LTP, but honestly Mauraders in this game are weaker than any other class and harder (when it coems to quickslots) to play than any other class. I am not looking for a handout like make mauraders op, but if they truelly are damage dealers than make it so, and fix them already.


Good luck to all of you who are sticking it out, I hope Bioware will show you some love soon, but for now I cant take it.


Well see ya bro! i love my BM mara, Ahni spec and i love murdering kids and scoring in Hutt ball...


Not sure what else to say...

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I was basically unkillable and unkitable. My average death per game was lower than 3. I even got the purple biochem consumables for my level. I was in love with my marauder. There was no class I feared 1v1 or 1v2.



And I guess some of these people come into the forums and say everything is fine, playing just one class :D. Well maybe they talk only about lvl 50 and T1/T2, but it looks different in the 10-49 brackets.


I played operative, Sorcerer and Powertech before switching to a Marauder...this is exactly the opposite to your expirience. People should play at least two or three classes to lvl 30-40 and compare. Was doing already 200k with my powertech <lvl20, without healing support.


The surviveability is still higher with a ranged class since you can avoid getting targeted, you are much more flexible. You are not in the middle of the action always. With a PT you dont fear any class in the 10-49 bracket, except you cant take down healers and Marauder are dangerous when they pop up their god shield. No range class will 4 shot you due to better armor, operatives are probably the most deadly ones.

Edited by BobaFurz
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This is where I am going with my post thank you. Mauraders should be top damage dealers in almost every warzone. I do adamage in warzones usually arounk 200k, but sorc, BH, commando, assasins, and smugglers usually top my damage. Hell I have seen sorc get over 300k damage and like 150k healing. That is like the best of both worlds. Honestly theres no one here that thinks one class should do like 300k damage and over 100k healing in one match is there?


I break 300k's easily and I am one of the top dmg dealers as rage, even when I spec annihilator I break 300k's easy. The class is fine and I know you said "Honestly I dont need anyone saying LTP" but really you should consider it.. do research.. figure how to play.

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/815/560k.png/ thats proof that marauders are fine dmg dealers.




Also I think your looking at the whole picture wrong.. yea maybe some people will out dmg you but how many of them can deal with u 1 on 1. If you play your class right mercs and sorcs should be really easy pickins

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Best defensive CDs in game

Best interrupts in game

Best class vs healer

Only class with unique group buffs like Inspiration and Transcendence

Top sustained dps


Quit crying that you can't leap into a group of 3 and take them all down.

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Try anihilation with some biochem enhancements, notice instant damage boost/survivability.


Rage spec seems more designed for Juggs, carnage isnt that great.


If you in trouble use undying rage getting 30 stacks of fury is not hard with anihilation so use it for beserk followed by Frezy and a second berserk and thats 24% healing not including a medpack and both saber ward and cloak of pain are very effective; plus if you do get into too much trouble intidating roar knocks out everyone for six seconds, 80% speed boost with pred and a cloak and your more than gone.


300k Damage isnt something that is unheard of as a marauder.

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Honestly I dont need anyone saying LTP. I have been in here since early beta and have played on my maurader. But I am tired of being gimped in pvp. In warzones I ma very active and still get out damaged by almost every ranged profession. I though that Mauraders were glass cannons, but they are midle of the pack damage dealers, and are defense is so weak we get targted primarily on the outset of every fight. When is Bioware going to wake up and either increase melee damage for us or decrease ranged damage. I am playing on a bh right now and the damage they do is so dumb. All I have to do is push like 4 buttons on my bh and be top damage dealer in every warzone I play in. Mauraders have to have like all three toolbars stacked up with buttons to be even somewhat decent in damage. I am sure I will get some comments like good riddance or LTP, but honestly Mauraders in this game are weaker than any other class and harder (when it coems to quickslots) to play than any other class. I am not looking for a handout like make mauraders op, but if they truelly are damage dealers than make it so, and fix them already.


Good luck to all of you who are sticking it out, I hope Bioware will show you some love soon, but for now I cant take it.


I have retired from PvP, not because of a lack of damage, I usually come out on top. Bar non. I usually win vs just about anyone. I am just bored of the knockbacks, I agree BH is easier but if you get a sense of accomplishment out of easy then by all means, take it. I for one do not. I would agree though, for the frustrations we suffer, a little more damage wouldnt hurt. Not masses, just a little bit.

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Best defensive CDs in game

Best interrupts in game

Best class vs healer

Only class with unique group buffs like Inspiration and Transcendence

Top sustained dps


Quit crying that you can't leap into a group of 3 and take them all down.


Best defensive CDs in game NOT RUE

Best interrupts in game TRUE

Best class vs healer TRUE

Only class with unique group buffs like Inspiration and Transcendence WHAT?

Top sustained dps DEFINETLY NOT TRUE


i mean no offence but have you ever played with a mara cause it seems that you judge only by those who you ecounter.

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Skipping through the thread to the end...


Mara/Sents are just about perfect where they're at. I love the thought that it takes to play the class.


So what if a BH/Commando can spam tracer/grav like a goon and top damage. It's boring as hell, takes no skill, and THOSE are the classes that need to be "fixed".


More cc isn't the answer either. If anything there could stand to be less cc in this game. Much less. At the very least some proper long term immunities after being cc'd or using a cc break. Some skill needs to be brought into when cc is being applied.


Lol@ one of the comments I read about us being glass cannons. Typically that term only applies to a ranged dps class and never melee. Actually, the one gripe I might have is that we are a melee dps class with medium armor meanwhile BH/Commandos wear heavy. Love the logic in that.

Edited by Couver
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If there are people who can show that Marauders can do amazing then it isn't the class.


The reading comprehension in this thread seems low. The argument isn't that skilled players can't do well with Marauder, but that classes like BH and Sorc can do better with less effort and skill. Hence, the skilled players who do amazing with Marauder can go BH and Sorc and be even more effective with a fraction of the effort.

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I don't think he is saying the class can't perform. The amount of effort and keybinds required vs what other classes have keybound is the issue.


this I lvled my marauder to 50 every lvl I would say to myself this will have to get easier in a few lvls, but it never did, then after reaching 50 I took my marauder on one raid and I have not really played him since. I understand that some classes are easy mode and some arent but gd keeping track of the time of my bleeds, my buffs making sure I am using the correct attack at the correct time, watching for my position because if a ranged pulls agro on some bosses and the boss turns towards the range he will hit the melee dps with a cleave :( and I seemed to be the only one that was getting one shotted when this would happen so yeah mine is shelved and remain so for a long time and then he will be deleated.

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Honestly I dont need anyone saying LTP. I have been in here since early beta and have played on my maurader. But I am tired of being gimped in pvp. In warzones I ma very active and still get out damaged by almost every ranged profession. I though that Mauraders were glass cannons, but they are midle of the pack damage dealers, and are defense is so weak we get targted primarily on the outset of every fight. When is Bioware going to wake up and either increase melee damage for us or decrease ranged damage. I am playing on a bh right now and the damage they do is so dumb. All I have to do is push like 4 buttons on my bh and be top damage dealer in every warzone I play in. Mauraders have to have like all three toolbars stacked up with buttons to be even somewhat decent in damage. I am sure I will get some comments like good riddance or LTP, but honestly Mauraders in this game are weaker than any other class and harder (when it coems to quickslots) to play than any other class. I am not looking for a handout like make mauraders op, but if they truelly are damage dealers than make it so, and fix them already.


Good luck to all of you who are sticking it out, I hope Bioware will show you some love soon, but for now I cant take it.


You sir, are full of ****.


Atleast one less ****** marauder on the forums. Bye now.

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Best defensive CDs in game NOT RUEBest CDs in the game!!

Best interrupts in game TRUE

Best class vs healer TRUE

Only class with unique group buffs like Inspiration and Transcendence WHAT?Godlike!

Top sustained dps DEFINETLY NOT TRUE

DEFINETLY TRUE!!! show me a class that can outdps a healer or burst down about any class without the use of Stuns!!!


i mean no offence but have you ever played with a mara cause it seems that you judge only by those who you ecounter.



Maras are fine (godlike)

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as a rank 56 mara in full champ set i find pvp a challage most times.in huttball i have no yank/knockback to use the hazards to my advantage.in civil war those cheating smugglers set up on the slicing station and my smash is out of range for them.it took 2 champion marauders to burn down a commado and this only because we took turns interrupting his heals and that still took forever.as for those the read the board on my server the top 4 slots are almost always ranged classes




commando healers are so freakin easy to kill as mara...

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