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Everything posted by Oxirix

  1. Im wondering what the best pvp gear is for the relic slots. I currently have 1 champ relic and the matrix cube in the slots. Is this the best configuration or should i use a second champ relic for the experise? I feel I would be giving up alot of stats for little return if i did so. Any thoughts?
  2. So I'm just a bit curious. Does damage reduction directly stack or they functions of functions. Example, does 20% armor damage reduction + 20% skill damage reduction + 10% skill damage reduction = 50% damage reduction or is it 43%? 1-.8*.8*.9=43% or 1-.2+.2+.1=50%?
  3. No annihilate isn't a DoT (damage over time). And its not just any DoT's crit that heals us, only bleed effects crtis do. That would be sweet if force chock or ravage healed us, I may actually use ravage if it did.
  4. Here is my build, http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRd0GZdMbZh.1. While its not the traditional build in many ways, I want to focus on discussing cloack of carnages viability. When i've heard arguments against putting two points in cloak of carnage it was because other skills, like empowerment or enraged charge, are a better use of the points. But since cloak of carnage only procs once every three seconds and we are likely to get attacked at least twice in that time, the 50% from just one point is nearly as good as the 100% from two points. It seems like easy rage for just 1 point. I've never seen anyone else do this and I'm wondering why that is.
  5. I would love to see rupture be able to apply a new Dot instead of just refreshing the old DoT. We put 3 points into a high level skill in order to refresh our rupture cd which is a very high price. While waiting to put on the new rupture is doable, we shouldn't have to, this also means that we have to wait for the new ruptures cd. Yes this would be a big dps/healing boost, but we paid for that with the 3 high level points. If each use of rupture applied a new DoT it would also be harder to dispel which is a huge problem against skilled players. Since the odds for refresh are rather low for VS and annihalate has a long cd unless stacked, ruptures applying new DoTs wouldn't be all that radical. The rage cost of each of these skills would also limit its upper limit damage, so I think that this one change would make a lot of sense. When I first started playing anni spec I was very surprised to find that this wasn't the way it already worked, it just makes sense for it to be this way.
  6. I'm only in about 1/2 champ gear and i frequently break 300k if I'm focusing on killing and not objectives. My healing is around 75k in those games also. I don't feel like we are underpowered. I just wish we had a knockback or pull for huttball.
  7. My main is a marauder, so i cant get the protection medals or the healing medals. I usually get 4-6 medals, while I've seen a sorc get 13 before.
  8. I leveled up at carnage, it was alright. It was rather weak until i got gore and massacre. I used Jesse as my companion and it my survivabilty wasn't all that great though the damage was pretty good. Now as a 50 PVPer im Anni spec, if I had to level all over again i would have chosen a anni to level up with.
  9. Here is my pvp build. I've never seen anyone else with it but it makes the most sense to me. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRd0GzZdMbZh.1 I'd love to hear what people think about it. Its been working out well for me.
  10. I've only been 50 for about a week and am trying to learn the game in a bit more detail now that I'm PVPing. Im Anni spec, I've read some people say that malice doesn't increase DoT crit chance and I've heard other say it does? If anyone knows the actual answer I'd love to know it.
  11. Both berserk or predation are great and are advantageous in different situations, but which one do you use more in PVP?
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