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Bioware told me to leave losing WZ's


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Fair enough - then you are saying that you play for fun, in spite of the reward/design mechanics. Good for you. Perhaps you will also show up a job you really enjoy, but not need to be paid...


I am only pointing out the system design.


Games = Work now?


I think you have serious problem with your life's priority and how it work.


Go out of your parent's home and realise how real life is without people paying for your every single essential enpense. Without a source of incomes, you will soon realise how awesome life is and how great it was to be able to play games just to pass time. You know, what games used to be for right? Pass time when you get bored and nobody's around?


I am just pointing out the real life system design...

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You PvPers don't really like PvP do you?


I'm glad I got my Battlemaster rank. I just log in and slaughter people endlessley.


Last night me and 2 friends put on our Battlemaster titles (another Assassin and a dps Op) and blew people up for laughs.


I would actually PvP just as much as I do now if there were no rewards at all.

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As the title says - Bioware told me to leave losing WZ's... As a Battlemaster, their system wants me to focus on wins and losses, nothing else. No use for commendations, no use for valor, etc... All they want me to focus on is completing the daily and weekly, which only means winning.


The positive aspect of this design is that I always focus on winning and not maximizing commendations and valor like they told me to do before Rank 60. Post rank 60, I only focus on winning. But if it's clear that my team is going to lose or I enter a match already down 2-0 for example, Bioware wants me to leave ASAP and requeue (no penalty for leaving of course).


So, I play the game they have designed and do my best to win and leave a WZ that looks like an incoming loss and requeue because that's what Bioware tells me to do.


All i see is tears and ignorant talk, not helpful and only proves your a baddie...

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Oh boy and another Void and this was almost a min in. Not so bad other then the fact the enemy already got threw a door. Waste of my time. I am gone. Notice a trend? Yes Bioware did tell me to leave the fail. It isn't worth my time. I can't fix fail no matter how good or how fail I myself might be.


Oh and I don't offer myself up to be any groups free kill. Another reason Bioware told me to leave. Oh look at no cost of any real time I can go to the next one.


Alderran! Ya my favorite and if I could choose the Warzone I would always do. Win or not.



Damn the system didn't give me a full team!

Edited by Gryphandor
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you pvpers don't really like pvp do you?


I'm glad i got my battlemaster rank. I just log in and slaughter people endlessley.


Last night me and 2 friends put on our battlemaster titles (another assassin and a dps op) and blew people up for laughs.


I would actually pvp just as much as i do now if there were no rewards at all.


amen !

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I am not 60 valor and on the centurion bracket of the gear grind. I have left only one WZ and felt bad about it. But, I know people do leave and the reasons why.


I do not begrudge them. But for people like me here are reasons to stay:


If you are not at the point where only dailies will reward you with gear you still get something albeit slower.


It is a chance to improve your own skill. The best way to get skill capped is to overcome adversity.


You get to see who is good and who is bad in your community when they start rating system.


If you play competently-maybe mores by shiny in a loss, you will start getting your street cred.


Of course it's fun to win. PVP is fun in and of itself.

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This made me laugh so hard. When you're comparing a video game to a job, you need to find a new game.

People get paid in a job because they need that money to survive. You getting "paid" with a tiny stat increase and bragging rights contribute to nothing in your real life and very little in your virtual one.


Your job comparison is completely absurd. You're not "working" for anything. You're playing a game. Sure, there's goals to go for and shinies to obtain, but they aren't the point, they're a spice.


You misunderstood. It is a perfect analogy, as we are comparing reward structures. We are not comparing playing a game to working, only the associated reward structure. Bioware rewards gear and work rewards money.


Bioware's reward structure for pre 60's rewards commendation farming (more valor and champion bags) and post 60 rewards wins. Hence, upon achieving rank 60, the reward structure tells you to win if you want your Battlemaster bags. Now, you can choose to ignore the designed reward structure if you want. You can also choose to work for free if you want as well.


It is very simple: A reward structure is the designers way to tell you how they want you to act. So they are telling a Battlemaster to leave a losing WZ and requeue if you care about receiving their reward.

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Fair enough - then you are saying that you play for fun, in spite of the reward/design mechanics. Good for you. Perhaps you will also show up a job you really enjoy, but not need to be paid...


I am only pointing out the system design.


WOW! there aren't enough words to express the contempt I have for sentiments like that. Staying in a loosing hutball game requires compensation!


I hope I never have to interact with you in anyway after reading this selfish trite. "I only do something if paid. Screw everyone else."


No one can fault your logic, just your perpetuation of the self narcissistic attitude that hurts the gaming and pretty much every community that has the unfortunate pleasure of your presence.

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See major waste of time. Just brought into a Void round 2 with 1min 30 seconds left on the clock. Why did the system bother? Just to waste my time I bet.


Yeah but what you do not realize is this.....



The only reason why you queued into a game that was almost done and lost is because some other chump like you quite the match you just entered.



Do you see a trend here?



nuff said

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Carebears PvP to get gear - News at 11


I am simply pointing out the designed reward system. Perhaps you would enjoy an MMO that started everyone at max level, there was only 1 class and we all had the same gear. Heck, I might even enjoy that game too.


I didn't design this reward structure, only pointing out the behavior it encourages.

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Games = Work now?


I think you have serious problem with your life's priority and how it work.


Go out of your parent's home and realise how real life is without people paying for your every single essential enpense. Without a source of incomes, you will soon realise how awesome life is and how great it was to be able to play games just to pass time. You know, what games used to be for right? Pass time when you get bored and nobody's around?


I am just pointing out the real life system design...



FYI, when a WZ starts feeling like work, I leave... and honestly, being "banned" from doing something that stopped being fun in a video game is a bonus feature, not a punishment... NOT LETTING ME LEAVE, that would be a punishment.

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Keep the asinine threads rolling in.


So you do what BioWare allegedly tells you to do? which is complete ******** btw. Your sole purpose in this game is to get battlemaster gear, not PvP. You don't want competition you want do complete your daily by hopefully getting queued up against the very team you abandoned, pathetic. You affect other people by leaving, the people that try and while may not be geared or experienced as you, at least they'd rather take a dignified loss than run for the trenches and give up.

Edited by venjinze
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Im a BM and I play even if I come in and its 0/4 I play to see how well I fare in that last minute vs what was done in the rest. I have also helped change the tide once on a 0/4 game and we won in the end. Not just because of me but because the people the quit allowed better geared / suited people into play that helped clean house.


If you feel the need to leave because you can't stand to lose or because you dont want to support those that are just trying than perhaps an mmo is not your game. hey Id rater help a large group gain more valor and tokens than my own selfish gains. If all the good players leave than why would all the others that stay want to ever continue pvping if they lose all the time do to the lack of geared and good players?


Maybe thats why our ques are taking longer.

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Keep the asinine threads rolling in.


So you do what BioWare allegedly tells you to do? which is complete ******** btw. Your sole purpose in this game is to get battlemaster gear, not PvP. You don't want competition you want do complete your daily by hopefully getting queued up against the very team you abandoned, pathetic. You affect other people by leaving, the people that try and while may not be geared or experienced as you, at least they'd rather take a dignified loss than run for the trenches and give up.


First you must grant the assumption that most people want to complete their dailies every day.


Second, no one wants to spend 4 hours completing their dailies with the chance of not completing them at all.


This is why people leave, and this will not be different until Bioware changes the daily, which they have already said they are doing. Completing the daily is a greater priority for many people than a chance of inconveniencing 7 strangers...and thats just the way it is.

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Sometimes I'm glad that some people leave the WZ. I got into an Alderaan with the score 350 to 280 with the other side controlling a side and middle. I spawned when 4 other players were respawning and as soon as they finished the speeder ride, started running to the right turret. I stopped, took about 15 seconds and typed:




Yes, in all caps. Luckily I have a good rep on my server (from WZs and Ilum) and people listen to me. The 4, that were heading to the right turret stopped 1/3 of the way there and turned around and headed back to center. There were only 2 reds there guarding. We went in and wiped them in about 20 secs (after I stunned the healer). I then typed:




Amazing, they listened and stopped the 4 incoming reds away from the turret while I capped it. A long battle ensued and the other side almost recapped it but I managed to dot the 3 at the turret before they could.


We won 10-0. I got 4 MVP votes, not because I got medals (only got 3) but because they all remembered me turning the tide of battle for a win.


One of the best warzones I ever did and was proud of all the rest of my team for discarding chaotic fighting and focusing on the objective.

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You misunderstood. It is a perfect analogy, as we are comparing reward structures. We are not comparing playing a game to working, only the associated reward structure. Bioware rewards gear and work rewards money.


Bioware's reward structure for pre 60's rewards commendation farming (more valor and champion bags) and post 60 rewards wins. Hence, upon achieving rank 60, the reward structure tells you to win if you want your Battlemaster bags. Now, you can choose to ignore the designed reward structure if you want. You can also choose to work for free if you want as well.


It is very simple: A reward structure is the designers way to tell you how they want you to act. So they are telling a Battlemaster to leave a losing WZ and requeue if you care about receiving their reward.


I am glad they are punishing people who are only in it "working" for the gear.



Edited by EternalFinality
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Bioware wants you to focus on teamwork and co-operation and being the catalyst, the battlemaster, that unites his team and wins the game.


You interpreting that as "people carry me to a win or I'm out" is your own problem.


Know when is a good time to stop caring about the match? When the scoreboard comes up.


The horrible broken abilites that make some classes huttball monsters, while limiting other to be useless in regards to objectives tells me that bioware doesnt care about teamwork.


If a jugg can grab the ball, jump directly into the pit and force leap to the some poor sap that leaves the spawn for a score, while other classes have to slowly trudge and wait for all the hazards, depending on several people, then teamwork is not their priority.

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Face it, if you're like the OP then you're a cowardly douche. You care nothing about the challenge of winning, even when behind, and expect everything to be handed to you because trying is hard work sometimes. You care nothing about the effect on the 7 other people who are also trying to win. Bioware didn't tell you to be a self-absorbed coward and a quitter, you just have those natural traits IRL and it shows in the way you compete, be it in video games or reality. You're the kind of person who won't do the right thing unless someone is watching.
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First you must grant the assumption that most people want to complete their dailies every day.


Second, no one wants to spend 4 hours completing their dailies with the chance of not completing them at all.


This is why people leave, and this will not be different until Bioware changes the daily, which they have already said they are doing. Completing the daily is a greater priority for many people than a chance of inconveniencing 7 strangers...and thats just the way it is.


You obviously can't perceive the larger picture. By leaving you discourage other people in the warzone from queueing, thus causing longer queue times, less people wanting to PvP, people who enjoy PvP, and are new to the 50 bracket can't get their dailies done because more experienced people are too conceited to help. by being more experienced why not help out and try to have fun?


As I said if you wanted to PvP and actually enjoy a challenge then you wouldn't be leaving, you'd be concerting effort.


BM gear is trash anyways.

Edited by venjinze
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As the title says - Bioware told me to leave losing WZ's... As a Battlemaster, their system wants me to focus on wins and losses, nothing else. No use for commendations, no use for valor, etc... All they want me to focus on is completing the daily and weekly, which only means winning.


The positive aspect of this design is that I always focus on winning and not maximizing commendations and valor like they told me to do before Rank 60. Post rank 60, I only focus on winning. But if it's clear that my team is going to lose or I enter a match already down 2-0 for example, Bioware wants me to leave ASAP and requeue (no penalty for leaving of course).


So, I play the game they have designed and do my best to win and leave a WZ that looks like an incoming loss and requeue because that's what Bioware tells me to do.


as much as i hate to say it im in the same boat,there really is no reason to stay in a losing warzone full of newbs.It is low down ans ****** but it does you know good for your dailys to stay ..

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They need to allow us to buy better items with the useless commendations.

I have hundreds of centurion commendations and there's nothing useful I can buy anymore.


If I could buy the BoP mats for my Rakata Biochem recipes that I cannot get in PvE due to lack of groups, then that would be great.


Or make adrenals stims medpacks available to purchase as well.

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Face it, if you're like the OP then you're a cowardly douche. You care nothing about the challenge of winning, even when behind, and expect everything to be handed to you because trying is hard work sometimes. You care nothing about the effect on the 7 other people who are also trying to win. Bioware didn't tell you to be a self-absorbed coward and a quitter, you just have those natural traits IRL and it shows in the way you compete, be it in video games or reality. You're the kind of person who won't do the right thing unless someone is watching.


Relax amigo... We are talking about the reward structure and the actions it encourages:


1. The system for BM's encourages you to complete the daily and that means wins.

2. The system for pre-valor 60 encourages you to farm commendations.


I am curious, do you have the same rage against all the commendation farmers (a large, perhaps majority, of folks playing 10-49) as well?

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