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Best CE ever?


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how does anyone still have blinders on after almost 2 months...seriously...come on people.


Because some people just like the game? Holy crap, people have different opinions! Quick, off to the Nobel committee to give them this startling revelation!


I can see how people don't like the game. Doesn't change me from liking it, and doesn't make them any more or less right in their opinion of it. Different strokes for different folks.

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I disagree OP. Worse collectors ever.


Ugly worthless pet. Useless items never used or not detailed enough to be special.


A store that hasnt been updated since launch...



Yeah in game cosmetic/showy items for this CE suck and Bioware screwed us hard out.of 150.

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how does anyone still have blinders on after almost 2 months...seriously...come on people.


You need to take off your blinders.


In this very thread I stated that I am loving the game, but that the CE was never even on my radar. While others both like the game and the CE. We're all different buddy.


Just because you no likey, doesn't mean we all have to feel the same way.

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Because some people just like the game? Holy crap, people have different opinions! Quick, off to the Nobel committee to give them this startling revelation!


Speaking of, quick, off to the Nobel committee...someone let them know that unless you have blinders on, it means you dont even like the game!



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Speaking of, quick, off to the Nobel committee...someone let them know that unless you have blinders on, it means you dont even like the game!




Ok, then 180 everything I said, and it's just as true. Who cares if people like the game or not, it doesn't mean they have blinders on to opposing views. Or even mixed views. Or anything.

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Thank you!


People always complain about how expensive games are. Jeeze I four box this game, bought the digital collectors edition. I spend that much on a nice dinner.


Now my time is more valuable than what I pay for a game.


BTW, I have about 70k doing slicing from 10th, over my 1hr a night game time.




<in thick english accent> Here here, I must say spot on. It's a little chilly in here, think I'll throw a few hundred dollar bills on the fire there. That should make me better than the poor people too now right?

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I disagree OP. Worse collectors ever.


Ugly worthless pet. Useless items never used or not detailed enough to be special.


A store that hasnt been updated since launch...



Yeah in game cosmetic/showy items for this CE suck and Bioware screwed us hard out.of 150.


Yep, way worse than my guild wars collectors, which came with a bound book of concept art and a music CD.


And that's it.



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<in thick english accent> Here here, I must say spot on. It's a little chilly in here, think I'll throw a few hundred dollar bills on the fire there. That should make me better than the poor people too now right?


Also, you won our bet for the usual amount. One dollar! Use it wisely, Mortimer!

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I have a level 50 on the Empire side that has slicing, and would still have been broke if I spent the 8k on the speeder at 25. But I was able to shell out the 40k, get my skills and still have a little left over. Thos that say they have 100k and such at 25 are not saying everything. That is either an alt that you just use for slicing or something of the sort. If you were playing normally you would not have that much money at 25.


I'm talking about alts. Yes, I guess on the Empire I could transfer some funds over and get a different looking mount for an alt. But why? I could save 8k and I will with every alt I make.


Now on the Republic side, I have friends I play with. Wehn we all got to 25, guess who was the first one with a speeder? You guessed it, me! Actually one of my friends is nearly 40 on his main charcter and hasn't bought the speeder yet (don't ask me how he has had the patience to run everywhere.) He says speeders are overrated.


I had the EQ2 CE... it was garbage. All I remember is having a pet dragon in my house... that is all! Actually, The EQ2 CE is the CE that made me hate on all CE's! I asked for the SWTOR CE because it was the only thing I asked for Christmas. The speeder alone is what made it worth it for me, and you're all doggin it LOL

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Did you pay 150 for your GW CE?


70 ish, by fuzzy memory.


Are you saying you feel buyer's remorse? That the other included physical items aren't worth what you've spent?


Purchasing a collectors edition with the sole expectation of some huge in-game advantage seems a bit silly to me in any game short of those micro transaction fleecing operations. What we get in-game with the DD and CE does a fine job of rewarding the added expense in game without making the purchases must-have, IMO.

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Every time I get another character to 25 and don't have to shell out another 8k I thank my wife for getting me the CE. I've had a few other CE's and have never had something so useful come with it as in-game items. The other stuff is cool too, but 8k on a level 25 character seems like a good bit.


Gotta love the Holo dancer and the flare gun is cool too although I hardly ever use them. I still haven't even looked at the statue LOL

so, it would save me the equivalent of one daily?



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70 ish, by fuzzy memory.


Are you saying you feel buyer's remorse? That the other included physical items aren't worth what you've spent?


Purchasing a collectors edition with the sole expectation of some huge in-game advantage seems a bit silly to me in any game short of those micro transaction fleecing operations. What we get in-game with the DD and CE does a fine job of rewarding the added expense in game without making the purchases must-have, IMO.


I regretted buying the CE as soon as I noticed how crappy detailed Malgus's face was. I regretted it even more when I saw the lack of detail in the in game items. The speeder not scaling to level etc. The VIP area being a glorified cantina with the VIP access vendor just having one item...a speeder.


If you feel that a cheap statue and fancy boxing is worth 80 dollars over a 'normal' limited/collectors edition then that is your folly. Fancy packaging doesnt sway my heart.


The coolest thing about TORs CE is the packaging itself and the metal case your game disks came with. Whoopty f n do.

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Ok, then 180 everything I said, and it's just as true. Who cares if people like the game or not, it doesn't mean they have blinders on to opposing views. Or even mixed views. Or anything.


I suggest you READ THE OPs POST AGAIN.


To say the CE is the greatest ever for the reasons he gave means the blinders are ON. The items given were bland and dont even compare to some of the MAPS given in other CEs.


You are the one that cant stand someone having a different opinion.

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Every time I get another character to 25 and don't have to shell out another 8k I thank my wife for getting me the CE. I've had a few other CE's and have never had something so useful come with it as in-game items. The other stuff is cool too, but 8k on a level 25 character seems like a good bit.


Gotta love the Holo dancer and the flare gun is cool too although I hardly ever use them. I still haven't even looked at the statue LOL


Best collector's edition ever? Are you serious?


Dead Island

Witcher 2

Assassin's Creed

Arkham City

Fallout 3


Yup. I own all of these (minus the dead island) and I do own the TOR Collector's Edition. Frankly whenever I buy a physical copy of a game it's usually a CE version >.>

Edited by Chromiie
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Best collector's edition ever? Are you serious?


I know...it isnt even the best CE for a star wars game, SWGs CE blew this one out of the water just with the in game eyewear item was enough...no other eyewear in the game at the time and it was always useful no matter your class/amount of time played.

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Every time I get another character to 25 and don't have to shell out another 8k I thank my wife for getting me the CE. I've had a few other CE's and have never had something so useful come with it as in-game items. The other stuff is cool too, but 8k on a level 25 character seems like a good bit.


Gotta love the Holo dancer and the flare gun is cool too although I hardly ever use them. I still haven't even looked at the statue LOL


I smell a troll but I think it's funny that the OP thinks 8k is a lot of 25. I think the title should have been worst CE ever lol.

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Well, I can see we found a place to collect everyone who needed to learn for the first time that CEs never ever ever contain anything even remotely useful or significantly game changing that would give the purchaser an unfair advantage (even a tiny one). How y'all doin? Enjoying the holodancers?
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Well, I can see we found a place to collect everyone who needed to learn for the first time that CEs never ever ever contain anything even remotely useful or significantly game changing that would give the purchaser an unfair advantage (even a tiny one). How y'all doin? Enjoying the holodancers?




I think those looking for a meaningful advantage should direct themselves to the f2p micro transaction fleece fests all over the interwebs.

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Completely useless junk you will never use at max level? Yeah sounds like the best CE ever.


How many other CE's for MMO's have end game items that are functional and useful?


The CE was for the statue, cosmetic goodies, a free lvl 25 mount, and other items in the CE store that will be added at a future date.

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"Thank you for this tin of gruel master. May I have another?"


Caveat emptor.


Bioware provides exactly what is advertised by what I read. The subjective value of what is provided is on the purchaser to determine. If one allowed hype to override their due diligence in researching their purchase, it is their own fault.


But don't go complaining the Yugo you bought doesn't perform like a Ferrari, especially when no such claims are made by the seller, and expect me to be sympathetic.

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