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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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Especially easily done on Voidstar.


Don't forget the crates along the sides in the middle on Huttball. Seen what looked like bots making a beeline for those crates more than once. Figured they were live ones though, the bots usually get hung up along the walls on the way there. Not sure where people would hide in Civil War but there are probably spots.


By the by, saw a bot pull an interception once in Huttball. It was freaking hilarious.

Edited by SirRobin
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Punishing WZ leavers isn't going to solve the quitting problem. It's going to have a negative effect on WZ PvP. Players might be forced to stay but they won't care and won't play well or will try to find a way around the system to leave the match.


As it stands there is absolutely NO incentive to stay if a team is going to lose. There is no real benefit in staying, as the rewards simply are not worth slugging it out until the end of the round. The points system should be geared to reward WZ objectives (ya know ... ACTUALLY PARTICIPATING AND CONTRIBUTING). There needs to be a reason to keep playing, namely better rewards. I'm fine with leaving dailies as they are (hell I'd make them repeatable instead of dailies), but right now why on earth would a person waste their time playing a losing match feeding the other team points. The valor and commendations you get for losing a match are NOT worth the loss of time in game play. It's the NUMBER 1 REASON people quit the round. WZ are a waste of time if you lose the match.


Implement a way to accumulate valor and commendations regardless of the win/loss and you will have a much more active and healthy PvP community. Win loss should only effect a repeatable quest reward.

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Punishing WZ leavers isn't going to solve the quitting problem. It's going to have a negative effect on WZ PvP. Players might be forced to stay but they won't care and won't play well or will try to find a way around the system to leave the match.


They are good meathshields.


Wait, ok. They're terrible even as meatshields, considering the general level of suckage they are, but still a 12k meatshield is better than nothing.



As it stands there is absolutely NO incentive to stay if a team is going to lose. There is no real benefit in staying, as the rewards simply are not worth slugging it out until the end of the round.


Good logic.


I'm sure as a kid, you've never ever played a game with your friends, since obviously the moment your team is losing you've decided there is no incentive to be earned, so you quit.


Oh wait. It's one of those My goal for PvP is incentives and rewards! folk...


NVM.. :rolleyes:



The points system should be geared to reward WZ objectives (ya know ... ACTUALLY PARTICIPATING AND CONTRIBUTING). There needs to be a reason to keep playing, namely better rewards.


Most people I know have a reason called, "fighting the other guy." Usually that's enough, is it not?



I'm fine with leaving dailies as they are (hell I'd make them repeatable instead of dailies), but right now why on earth would a person waste their time playing a losing match feeding the other team points. The valor and commendations you get for losing a match are NOT worth the loss of time in game play. It's the NUMBER 1 REASON people quit the round. WZ are a waste of time if you lose the match.


Implement a way to accumulate valor and commendations regardless of the win/loss and you will have a much more active and healthy PvP community. Win loss should only effect a repeatable quest reward.


Dump the PvE mindset, dude. Enjoy the fight. :eek:

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I've been reading through this thread and as an avid PVP'er experiencing most of the issues that players have been complaining about, I believe that my suggestion will do the most to counter the occurrences of WZ leavers and AFKs. (If my idea has already been brought up, apologies for re-posting)


Surrender Vote: After "x" minutes have passed in a given WZ, players may initiate a surrender vote. The vote will pass with "x%" majority. Players may only initiate a surrender vote every "x" minutes. Matches that end with a surrender will reward the winning team the full rewards of a normal won match. Players on the surrendering team will be rewarded "x%" of a normal losing match, however will receive full rewards from medals earned during the match.


My thoughts:


While every player that leaves or AFKs during a match will do so at different times, or milestones that trigger their belief the match is doomed, this idea may provide the incentive to continue to play, even if it is just to medal farm, until the surrender vote becomes available. At which time a vote could pass giving the winning team their full reward, but still rewarding the members that actively participate on the losing side, while giving the players that typically leave/AFK incentive to stick around and play.


In conjunction with the surrender vote, I believe that a desertion penalty should still be set in place to reinforce the incentive to stay and participate in a match until the surrender vote timer. However, with the implementation of the desertion penalty, I think that BW should try and develop a change where players whom are kicked from a WZ due to disconnects or load times have a window of time to reconnect to their match before their spot is forfeited to another player. Players do not enjoy joining matches already in progress for the most part, and players who are kicked from a match won't like the desertion penalty especially without a chance to rejoin.


Without the surrender vote, and with the implementation of the deserter debuff, I feel that we will see increased WZ queue times and more frustrated players since their will be less frequent matches and the same chance to join doomed matches.


For every change, especially with PVP game play changes, expect them to be exploited to be used for not the intended means. I've thought about what players could do with the surrender vote in a negative manner and I've come up with:


Spamming the vote - Countered with the addition of a timer between votes, or limiting players to certain amount of votes per match.


If first vote fails, AFK and quitting resume - I think this is just unavoidable.


Players starting a vote regardless of quality of match - If a match is close or even if their team is ahead, players could be annoying with starting a vote to have the match end quickly. I've added that "full reward for medals earned" for the surrendering team as an incentive to participate at least until the surrender timer becomes active. But, players could exploit this by being a class that can get many medals quickly, and then stop playing, allowing the other team to pull ahead and then starting the vote. I see this happening but not often enough to make it rampant problem to the same effect as the leaving/afk is now. Perhaps a vote can only be started if your team is losing.


Those are my "exploits" for the rule that I can think of. Feel free to post yours.


Other issues:


With the addition of an AFK kick vote, I feel that while we may be fixing one problem while creating others. AFK kicks cause chat arguments which take away from the focus of the game, the ability to vote out someone that appears to be a detriment to the team even if they are actively participating, and inaccurate kicks based on people not knowing if a player is AFK and just siding with the majority. Not my favorite idea and I feel that it is a hasty band aid for a problem that will bite in the end.



I could go on, but I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on the idea and maybe even a Dev's, but that's wishful thinking. I know that the idea isn't perfect, but I feel it's the best we can do since we can't change why people play the game.



Server: Prophecy of the Five

Guild: Disciples ofthe Blade


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Ok, I tried to play nicely since release, I didnt quit any warzone that I started with unless I really had to go. I tried to help people, I always tried to win. But its gonna stop in march.


Even after the patch people will be quitting left and right, and if simply for the reason that farming medals (the only thing that really counts) is a LOT easier against a bad group than against a good group.


And I swear after 1.2 I will start abusing the system to the fullest extent until Bioware LEARNS HOW PVP WORKS AND HOW PEOPLE WORK!


They had enough time to fix it and if they take out the "win a game" quests I will not try to win a game again, ever. I will go in and do my objectives ignoring everything else.


I will farm all the medals, and if my teammate tries to capture some turret before me I will use my pulling to pull him away from the objective so I can grab it.


God I will AFKick anyone that I dont like the name of, and I will start with anyone I ever saw quit-jumping warzones.


1.2 will be a real fun patch. I hope they are aware of what they are doing to PvP in that patch.


BTW.. If you implement a surrender vote after 8 minutes, there will not be a single game that is longer than 8 minutes. Ever.

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I will farm all the medals, and if my teammate tries to capture some turret before me I will use my pulling to pull him away from the objective so I can grab it.


God I will AFKick anyone that I dont like the name of, and I will start with anyone I ever saw quit-jumping warzones.



See what happens when you bow to criers, Bioware? They're leeching children that want the world to conform to them, rather than taking responsibility for themselves. They promise to abuse a system in order to get revenge on someone who is making the most of their $15, and even admit that they are the frequent cause of a loss, which is a major source reason of early quitting.


Good job.

Edited by drdarpa
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See what happens when you bow to criers, Bioware? They're leeching children that want the world to conform to them, rather than taking responsibility for themselves. They promise to abuse a system in order to get revenge on someone who is making the most of their $15, and even admit that they are the frequent cause of a loss, which is a major source reason of early quitting.


Good job.


lol it really is sad.

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Hell if Bioware is not going to punish the quitters, I will.


Gonna vote kick them in every game.. I bet I will have a 75% success rate for it to go through.


Sheriff QQ Skyflash here to protect and serve (his own form of vigilante justice)!


I will farm all the medals, and if my teammate tries to capture some turret before me I will use my pulling to pull him away from the objective so I can grab it.


God I will AFKick anyone that I dont like the name of, and I will start with anyone I ever saw quit-jumping warzones.


It's a good thing this guy doesn't have any real power.

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Hell if Bioware is not going to punish the quitters, I will.


Gonna vote kick them in every game.. I bet I will have a 75% success rate for it to go through.


Meh... Its PvP in a PvE game. You have a PvP stat that only affects other players, gear disparity that by itself can give you a quarter more lasting power, and even a global cool down that few abilities can bypass. So its not like there is much in the way of actual "skill" involved beyond key binding and memorizing rotations.


That's before you get into all the exploits, hacks, bugs, and glitches. Not to mention that BioWare doesn't even let the paying customer pick which warzone they queue for.


Aggressively work on the flaws and problems warzones already have and add some sort of matchmaker that actually looks at things like level, rank, and expertise when slotting, so players have a better chance of facing someone of similar "skill."


Until BioWare deals with the causes of people wanting to not contribute in warzones... They will continue to do so.

Edited by SirRobin
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Ummm... maybe I'm dumb, like seriously... but in both pre and post 50 PvP, I'm not sure why anyone would need to quit a warzone? I mean are you just not interested in getting the playing experience and getting better? I mean do you not WANT the commendations or the valor leveling?


I'm asking this seriously, right now is it more efficient to just quit at the first sign of a loss? Because if so, I feel like I've been doing it wrong sticking it out through wins and losses... I mean sure I understand you need that 3 per day and the 15 wins per week which is fine, but do you expect to go 15-0?


What am I missing that makes quitting a strategically superior option?

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Hell if Bioware is not going to punish the quitters, I will.


Gonna vote kick them in every game.. I bet I will have a 75% success rate for it to go through.


If they do what most other MMOs games have done and just add it to where "Vote-kicking" gives you 1 minute before getting kicked, you'll rarely actually kick anyone.

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Ummm... maybe I'm dumb, like seriously... but in both pre and post 50 PvP, I'm not sure why anyone would need to quit a warzone? I mean are you just not interested in getting the playing experience and getting better? I mean do you not WANT the commendations or the valor leveling?


I'm asking this seriously, right now is it more efficient to just quit at the first sign of a loss? Because if so, I feel like I've been doing it wrong sticking it out through wins and losses... I mean sure I understand you need that 3 per day and the 15 wins per week which is fine, but do you expect to go 15-0?


What am I missing that makes quitting a strategically superior option?


Yes, it's the efficiency of getting 3 wins that causes people to jump from games that they believe will not go well. People always take the shortest path to getting the best rewards, it's just human nature. Bioware seemed to be naive in most of their PvP designs when it comes to this fact and have made some rookie mistakes. But they are learning...I hope.

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Ummm... maybe I'm dumb, like seriously... but in both pre and post 50 PvP, I'm not sure why anyone would need to quit a warzone? I mean are you just not interested in getting the playing experience and getting better? I mean do you not WANT the commendations or the valor leveling?


I'm asking this seriously, right now is it more efficient to just quit at the first sign of a loss? Because if so, I feel like I've been doing it wrong sticking it out through wins and losses... I mean sure I understand you need that 3 per day and the 15 wins per week which is fine, but do you expect to go 15-0?


What am I missing that makes quitting a strategically superior option?


For me, at least, it comes down to my available game time. I'm over a decade into my second marriage with three boys, two mortgages, and a dog. I have a full time job and after family and work, "game time" comes in a distant, at the least, third place. So I'm already behind the curve on the key part of many MMORPG endgames, "grind time." If I'm dumped into a jokingly lopsided match and that ten to fifteen minutes or more, counting load times, could have been spent actually completing dailies instead of being valor farmed?


Well, my time is valuable to me so I'm going to get the most I can out of it. Now, to be honest, even losing matches I "usually" stay in. As long as I feel like I'm actually contributing, that is the important part. However, I still regularly get dumped into matches where one team is so blatantly outmatched by the other that... Well, half the winning team would have to crash and they would probably still win. Then you also get the matches where one side is obviously hacking or exploiting and staying there to be farmed can feel like...


Like you are rewarding them for taking advantage of BioWare's laziness, or cluelessness, by staying.

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LOL well I got employees I can torture.


And guess what, if one of them quits on me doing work, I am gonna do the same to them.


Uh... Good for you?


Hopefully BioWare will overhaul PvP with 1.2 though it sounds like they won't be going nearly far enough. TOR is a good game but a lot of it feels somewhat lacking in areas, like its PvP. Hopefully BioWare will be allowed to keep enough people and budget to address those deficiencies.

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LOL well I got employees I can torture.


And guess what, if one of them quits on me doing work, I am gonna do the same to them.


So if one of your employees is working the fry machine (sorry, I cannot assume that you have a professional job based upon your demeanor) and has almost finished making a fresh batch of fries, you're going to yank them back using pieced-together string from the mophead in order to take credit for their work?


On another note, it's ironic how you'd expect your employees never to leave work right in the middle of work, however, you don't mention anything about them not doing the work they're supposed to do. So if it's billy's job to empty out the grease pan, but he's out back taking his 9th smoke break in the last half-hour it's ok, but if susan left because her kid broke his arm at school you'd fire her?


I'm sure people love working for you.

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Guide to farming medals while the other team is farming you:


First, choose your class wisely. Arsenal Merc is an excellent toon for farming medals. Sorcerer is also decent, and in the lower bracket, sniper can be, if you choose your location and targets carefully. Don't choose anything difficult, and whatever you do, don't choose melee. The idea isn't challenge or having fun, because when you're getting farmed, there is no such thing as fun or challenge. The idea is to farm medals.


Now on to important matters. Choosing your target. Know who the premade on the other team is and don't shoot at them. They don't like it when you shoot at them, and when they get mad, they will target you, and then you will die, and how can you farm medals if you're dead? Especially avoid attacking their healers. Sometimes you can get away with attacking a non-premade healer repeatedly however, since the premade will want their healer to top healing so they don't like competition. But don't attack any healer if they're healing a premade member or a ball carrier.


So, if you do accidentally shoot a premade member, or simply get noticed, what should you do? You're going to die of course, but you have to decide how to die. In the few seconds remaining to you, should you meekly accept your fate in hopes of not being memorable, or should you try to escape in hopes that next time they'll go after an easier target? Get to know the personalities of your premade overlords so you can make the proper choice.


Next, although it probably goes without saying, whatever you do, don't pick up the ball, guard a contested node, or stand in territory claimed by the other side. You don't want to draw attention to yourself as a possible threat, do you?


You won't want to shield any teammates (why would you even bother with a class or spec that can do that in the first place?). Of course don't heal them, and if you heal yourself, do it out of sight so none of the premade members see green and target you. In other words, don't help any teammate who is about to get beat down by a premade member. Just let the teammate die. You don't want to cost a premade player a kill because they might remember you.



Whatever you do, don't roll a fatty. Body type 2 is the way to go. Here is an example of why:


Premade player 1 to premade player 2: Focus that merc.


Premade Player 2: Which merc, dude? There's like, 5!


Premade Player 1: The fat one.


Premade Player 2: Oh, okay!


There you go. Don't be recognizable or noticeable in any way and certainly don't be a threat to the smooth functioning of the premade farming team.


By following this guide you will be an absolutely terrible pvper and you will learn all the worst habits for pvp. You will be completely useless to your team, but who cares? You weren't going to win anyway.


And the sad thing is? Following this guide actually will get you more medals if you're being farmed. Of course, if you actually care about having a good game instead of racking up those medals, your best bet is to leave the match in hopes of getting a better match up next time.

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I hate quitters as much as the next person... But there comes a time when sheer stupidity is just plain rediculous.


Example: The turret PVP zone


Sure signs you are going to lose before the match starts


1. 3 or more people are new to level 50 and have less than 12k HP - THIS IS THEIR OWN FAULT NOONE ELSE'S. If you enter a 50's bracket wz do not stroll in with less than 12k HP... you are worthless to your team and to yourself.


2. Tactical mistakes in the first 30 seconds of a warzone - Turret warzone - Why is my whole team running to 1 turret? /leave warzone - This is sheer stupidity regardless of gear. There are VERY few exceptions where this tactic can be pulled off but considering the random skill levels of your team noone is educated enough to pull off this tactic and make it work with any amount of efficiency. (Only pre-mades can pull this off with any efficiency) If you Q solo don't even attempt it since most people don't explain what is being done.


3. No team chemistry - Countless times I see 2-3 people defending a turret on one side while the rest of their team is left fighting the entire force of the opposing faction. Key things to look for. If your team only has 1 turret trust me you can leave it undefended for a short time without risk of losing it. Why are 3 people defending a turret that the other team doesn't shiv a get about. Newer and vet players NEED to learn to float defensive tactics as the situation calls for it WITHOUT BEING TOLD.


4. Most geared people I see are the ones leaving: Why? They get into a 5-0 hutball match why should they stay? The match is already over and 1 vet player can't turn the game around. Obviously there is a team chemistry break down such that the score is 5-0. Any player regardless of skill level has NOTHING to gain by attempting to do this warzone or see it to it's closure.


I'm not opposed to a leave penalty but it needs to be inactive in the first 2 mins of the match before the match starts. Once the match starts no player can leave the wz without taking the penalty. I think 15 minutes is to small. I think it needs to be 60 minutes. Why? Because vet players will leave regardless of the 15 min since they don't really "need" to do warzones. 60minutes puts a damper on their dailies to a large degree if they quit.


5. I've been in several matches with vet players on both teams neither of which had quit... My team was down 5-0 and we came back and won 6-5. Why? Because both teams had chemistry and were geared. So it literally came down to skill and teamwork for both teams. The problem is games like this are incredibly rare due to the random team make up and the lack of experience across the board. You can tell in the first 90 seconds before any match starts rather or not your team has a chance of winning and it's entirely dependent on who is on your team, and how much HP they have. If you have under 12k HP with 3-4 people on your team guess what? That's a loss no matter how you slice it even if the other 4 people are vet players. And yes it also depends who is on the opposing team as well.


I believe we should have the "freedom" to leave a warzone BEFORE it starts, but not after it starts.

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Guide to farming medals while the other team is farming you:


First, choose your class wisely. Arsenal Merc is an excellent toon for farming medals. Sorcerer is also decent, and in the lower bracket, sniper can be, if you choose your location and targets carefully. Don't choose anything difficult, and whatever you do, don't choose melee. The idea isn't challenge or having fun, because when you're getting farmed, there is no such thing as fun or challenge. The idea is to farm medals.


Now on to important matters. Choosing your target. Know who the premade on the other team is and don't shoot at them. They don't like it when you shoot at them, and when they get mad, they will target you, and then you will die, and how can you farm medals if you're dead? Especially avoid attacking their healers. Sometimes you can get away with attacking a non-premade healer repeatedly however, since the premade will want their healer to top healing so they don't like competition. But don't attack any healer if they're healing a premade member or a ball carrier.


So, if you do accidentally shoot a premade member, or simply get noticed, what should you do? You're going to die of course, but you have to decide how to die. In the few seconds remaining to you, should you meekly accept your fate in hopes of not being memorable, or should you try to escape in hopes that next time they'll go after an easier target? Get to know the personalities of your premade overlords so you can make the proper choice.


Next, although it probably goes without saying, whatever you do, don't pick up the ball, guard a contested node, or stand in territory claimed by the other side. You don't want to draw attention to yourself as a possible threat, do you?


You won't want to shield any teammates (why would you even bother with a class or spec that can do that in the first place?). Of course don't heal them, and if you heal yourself, do it out of sight so none of the premade members see green and target you. In other words, don't help any teammate who is about to get beat down by a premade member. Just let the teammate die. You don't want to cost a premade player a kill because they might remember you.



Whatever you do, don't roll a fatty. Body type 2 is the way to go. Here is an example of why:


Premade player 1 to premade player 2: Focus that merc.


Premade Player 2: Which merc, dude? There's like, 5!


Premade Player 1: The fat one.


Premade Player 2: Oh, okay!


There you go. Don't be recognizable or noticeable in any way and certainly don't be a threat to the smooth functioning of the premade farming team.


By following this guide you will be an absolutely terrible pvper and you will learn all the worst habits for pvp. You will be completely useless to your team, but who cares? You weren't going to win anyway.


And the sad thing is? Following this guide actually will get you more medals if you're being farmed. Of course, if you actually care about having a good game instead of racking up those medals, your best bet is to leave the match in hopes of getting a better match up next time.


This info is all well and good but it lacks 1 major problem that is a new trend in hutball for example. It is not possible to do this in any other warzone because the other warzones have win conditions that have to be met that most of the time can't be met in the same amount of time as hutball.


Most premades try to win the match in 5-7 mins or less.


What does this accomplish?


Natrually the winning team gets more coms


The losing team gets screw'd out of coms and simply can't medal farm.


People insist you gain more coms by winning quickly. Do the math this is 100% incorrect. I don't get upset losing 5-0. I get upset losing 6-0 in less than 7 minutes while I sit on 0-3 medals because I didn't have time to farm more.


I'm not going to debate this point with anyone. And anyone who advocates this playstyle in hutball is just deluted.


I'm not saying it's fun to lose 5-0 and be farmed, but I am saying "give the other team a chance to get medals" You already won the game at least give people a chance to get something out of it.


Oh and to the people who do advocate this? Win the matches as fast as you can it's kewl... but I guarantee my com gains in a full match out weigh your com gains in 2 fast wins with a ratio of 2:1. If you know what you are doing enough to optimize your com gains.


Obviously dailies/weeklies are another matter: But noone can guarantee that 100% of the matches are played with that mentality in mind. It is not possible to calculate that variable at any time what so ever. So that's not a valid excuse.

Edited by Ahebish
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This info is all well and good but it lacks 1 major problem that is a new trend in hutball for example. It is not possible to do this in any other warzone because the other warzones have win conditions that have to be met that most of the time can't be met in the same amount of time as hutball.


Most premades try to win the match in 5-7 mins or less.


What does this accomplish?


Natrually the winning team gets more coms


The losing team gets screw'd out of coms and simply can't medal farm.


People insist you gain more coms by winning quickly. Do the math this is 100% incorrect. I don't get upset losing 5-0. I get upset losing 6-0 in less than 7 minutes while I sit on 0-3 medals because I didn't have time to farm more.


I'm not going to debate this point with anyone. And anyone who advocates this playstyle in hutball is just deluted.


I'm not saying it's fun to lose 5-0 and be farmed, but I am saying "give the other team a chance to get medals" You already won the game at least give people a chance to get something out of it.


Oh and to the people who do advocate this? Win the matches as fast as you can it's kewl... but I guarantee my com gains in a full match out weigh your com gains in 2 fast wins with a ratio of 2:1. If you know what you are doing enough to optimize your com gains.


In the lower bracket they tend to farm the full timer. Also, this was not a serious guide. It was an example of why lopsided matches are so horrible to participate in.

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In the lower bracket they tend to farm the full timer. Also, this was not a serious guide. It was an example of why lopsided matches are so horrible to participate in.


Ya I know


Fact of the matter is and this is advice to everyone new to 50.


Everything you learned in the lower bracket and thought how great you were???




When you hit the 50's bracket it's a whole different ball game.


So don't assume you are king dingaling when you get to the 50's bracket. Because now you are fighting people who far out gear you in almost every way.


You are now level 10 again.


Welcome to the 50's bracket.

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Ya I know


Fact of the matter is and this is advice to everyone new to 50.


Everything you learned in the lower bracket and thought how great you were???




When you hit the 50's bracket it's a whole different ball game.


So don't assume you are king dingaling when you get to the 50's bracket. Because now you are fighting people who far out gear you in almost every way.


You are now level 10 again.


Welcome to the 50's bracket.


I don't see why I should ever play at level 50, it doesn't sound fun, it sounds like a grind. So I don't have a level 50, just a dozen or so alts of various levels.

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