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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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I will be honest. I've left a couple of Warzones (not many) but when I do its normally because my team and I (yes I said I as i do accept blame) are not "as good" as the other and we end up spawn killed. For example: on novare coast we had stealthers stunning just outside our to exit areas. They stunned and we got creamed by their support. We spawn, try and escape but get stunned and offed by their backup. Like i said I was bad that game. We had people leaving after they had died ten or eleven times and yes I joined them. Games like that arent fun BUT they are very rare.


On the flip side, i can see if a game just started and people are quitting, thats a problem. Is it a punishable problem? I dont think so. You never know the exact reason someone quits a WZ so it would be pure speculation on your part unless they otherwise said why they left.

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I will be honest. I've left a couple of Warzones (not many) but when I do its normally because my team and I (yes I said I as i do accept blame) are not "as good" as the other and we end up spawn killed. For example: on novare coast we had stealthers stunning just outside our to exit areas. They stunned and we got creamed by their support. We spawn, try and escape but get stunned and offed by their backup. Like i said I was bad that game. We had people leaving after they had died ten or eleven times and yes I joined them. Games like that arent fun BUT they are very rare.


On the flip side, i can see if a game just started and people are quitting, thats a problem. Is it a punishable problem? I dont think so. You never know the exact reason someone quits a WZ so it would be pure speculation on your part unless they otherwise said why they left.

I never understood why people would do stuff like that when they're already winning. There's no fun in spawn killing in that way in my opinion anyway. I wouldn't blame people for leaving under those circumstances.

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I just built a new computer with a solid state hard drive (SSD). Leaving is not even an issue anymore. I am in and out of instances by the time I reach down a take a drink of soda. Premades are fun and do make folks better players. I have won more games with 1 other person on Voice with one of us guarding. If the single guard gets attacked the other can do the typing. You then just watch the DPS lemmings do their thing. You also get some respect for guarding. This game does have tricks in position and min maxing that are learned by working with better players (notice how many folks learn about the pve weapons after they fix it). I was in a reg arena with 2 of these folks on our team and we utterly devastated their team in less than 20 sec both matches. This was not fun for me on the winning side. You can not get protection points if the other person is stunlocked to death.


In warthunder the game shows you the players that are grouped this helps to determine that persons network so you can adjust your strategy. Premades are essential for growth as a player and team member for pve and pvp, but they bring an extra bag of tricks that can really be a major advantage. There does need to be some marking system like a shield with a number that represents that squad that show up on the player window. Also Possibly a way to match premades so that if there is a premade of 4 the other team needs at least a premade of 3. Yes this would cut q time for some folks, but they can always drop to 2x pre mades or wait. It is still less of an issue than when a group of OP players decides that on Mon and Sat nights they will play at x time in regs and just steam roll these folks. Also if I know the competition is like this I will leave any group with weaker players. I have no desire to have 3-5 folk stun lock me and die while only getting 450 dps. It is not fun or competitive and with the new SSD I have a very short wait.


only my 2cents

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I will be honest. I've left a couple of Warzones (not many) but when I do its normally because my team and I (yes I said I as i do accept blame) are not "as good" as the other and we end up spawn killed. For example: on novare coast we had stealthers stunning just outside our to exit areas. They stunned and we got creamed by their support. We spawn, try and escape but get stunned and offed by their backup. Like i said I was bad that game. We had people leaving after they had died ten or eleven times and yes I joined them. Games like that arent fun BUT they are very rare.


On the flip side, i can see if a game just started and people are quitting, thats a problem. Is it a punishable problem? I dont think so. You never know the exact reason someone quits a WZ so it would be pure speculation on your part unless they otherwise said why they left.


Probably the only ones I'll consider leaving too, though if they are doing that, chances are it's a sold 3cap and would be over in a couple of mins, so I usually just stick around for he comms and the daily, and won't even leave the base unless I'm going to get kicked.soon, and chances are, by the time all of the above happens, the match will likely be over.


althogh, in hypergage, on matches like that, i'll just drop and die as feeding them kills only helps end the match faster

Edited by Anyakaschala
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Cause all premades are amazing and all pugs suck.


Also people should not be able to choose their warzones, become skilled at all.


and the basic key points to most wz's are pretty similar, main exception would be huttball. By this I mean, know your class, your role, know how to guard a node, call incs, understand how to play defense when your team is capping or defending against a capper.


And to me, this is one of the reasons I love Huttball, because it throws that wrench in the game and completely changes the rules of standard arena based pvp.

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