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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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Welcome to the world that I and my fellow emotionally mature people live in. Thanks for visiting. We do that every match we are down in, can you imagine? Did you feel a feeling inside, dignity? respect? pride? Sometimes I even /say GG to the opposition.



Your fellow quitters, take it up with them. They think you should play for the objective and not farm them. I am just telling you that your fellow quitters use that as an excuse for them to quit. I lump all of you in the same boat because I have never quit a match and you all sound the same to me. One guy quits because he cant pick a WZ, another because his teammates are bad, another because there are bugs, another because of Biowares quest system, another hates premades, another hates BM gear etc etc etc




If they were the reason you quit then.....


Scenario 1 Team has members not focused on objectives and team is winning and hulkweazel stays

Scenario 2 Team has members not focused on objectives and team is losing and hulkweazel leaves


......in scenario A you would quit, you dont quit scenario A because you are winning, you need to look athese two scenarios and your reactions to each. I think you are starting to grasp the error of your ways.


People who dont go after objectives are bad players, selfish? possibly, I don't know. If they are capable and knowledgable about the correct way to play and choose to farm medals then yes that is selfish. I dont quit on the rest of my team because I have a selfish player in my group, that is idiotic. Since player 1 and 2 is selfish I will be selfish and screw over the honest guys on my team and the guy stuck filling in for me. I mean, if Joe and John steal my lunch I don't steal Larry's lunch.


People who intentionally AFK are worse then quitters in my book, I report them when I see it which is not often at all.

If, say, in Voidstar, I tell everyone to attack right, let stealth get left, and everyone attacks right except one or two people who just decides to go left anyway or even worse, everyone just charges in whenever they want at whichever direction they want, after explicit instructions to go right, then yes, they are selfish. Not following instructions is NOT bad playing, it is selfish playing. They think they can do whatever they want even if that's not what the team wants.


It is pointless staying in a game like that. Completely pointless. You can have your pride if it makes you feel any better. The rest of us know better. We are not "screwing" anyone over. Anyone else can choose to leave any time they want. Anyone else who joins can also leave any time they want. Moreover, anyone who joins late still gets their commendations/valor for half the playing time. You know what? When I join a losing game with half the time left, I don't mind one bit. Easy points. Easy money. Somehow there's a downside to that? Only in your eyes due to what you perceive as "honor". Give me a break and stop having double standards.

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I tell everyone to attack right, let stealth get left, and everyone attacks right except one or two people who just decides to go left anyway or even worse, everyone just charges in whenever they want at whichever direction they want, after explicit instructions to go right, then yes, they are selfish. Not following instructions is NOT bad playing, it is selfish playing. They think they can do whatever they want even if that's not what the team wants.


Sounds like it's about what you want not what the team wants.

This thread has been great when it comes to introducing us to the quitters and how they think. Your post was great, you arent selfish for quitting, people are selfish for not implementing your strategy, and you are helping the people who fill in for you and enter a losing match get easy valor. Fascinating thought process.


The other day I am in a match and we are holding the two end turrets. I see a guy on the map attacking center alone. Then a call goes out from one of the ends announcing incoming. Anyway, they lose the turret and the guy who was attacking the third (middle) turret says in /ops "You have to call out incomings faster."


Who do you think quits?


The guys defending the end turret? No. The knucklehead who went after mid alone thereby shorthanding the defenders. He then blames the guy defending the end turret for not calling out incoming fast enough.


PS "Attack right stealth left" is an overused and dumb strategy that never works. The opposing team always sends someone to watch the other side and will call out if they need help. So instead of attacking one side and having an 8 on 7 or 8 on 6 advantage you give the advantage o the enemy. Stealthily attacking the "other" side is something that should be done mid fight when the opportunity arises.

Edited by richardya
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Sounds like it's about what you want not what the team wants.

This thread has been great when it comes to introducing us to the quitters and how they think. Your post was great, you arent selfish for quitting, people are selfish for not implementing your strategy, and you are helping the people who fill in for you and enter a losing match get easy valor. Fascinating thought process.


The other day I am in a match and we are holding the two end turrets. I see a guy on the map attacking center alone. Then a call goes out from one of the ends announcing incoming. Anyway, they lose the turret and the guy who was attacking the third (middle) turret says in /ops "You have to call out incomings faster."


Who do you think quits?


The guys defending the end turret? No. The knucklehead who went after mid alone thereby shorthanding the defenders. He then blames the guy defending the end turret for not calling out incoming fast enough.


PS "Attack right stealth left" is an overused and dumb strategy that never works. The opposing team always sends someone to watch the other side and will call out if they need help. So instead of attacking one side and having an 8 on 7 or 8 on 6 advantage you give the advantage o the enemy. Stealthily attacking the "other" side is something that should be done mid fight when the opportunity arises.

That's funny considering how many times I've gotten that strategy to work - in fact, one of the times I was JUST about to get the strategy to work when some moron decides it would be a good time to god the same way, drawing defenders to my area and completely blowing the strategy.


If it were against premades then yeah, the strategy is way overblown. The fact that it's against pugs means it will work more than half the time.


It's not about what I want - it's about COMMON SENSE. You don't split your team up and just attack alone. I don't even know how you could possibly defend this. It's a losing strategy to do this and yes, it is selfish when the Op leader says to do one thing.


Sounds like you're just a bad player trying to defend why it's okay to be a bad player.

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If it were against premades then yeah, the strategy is way overblown. The fact that it's against pugs means it will work more than half the time.


No it doesn't.


You don't split your team up and just attack alone. I don't even know how you could possibly defend this. It's a losing strategy to do this and yes, it is selfish when the Op leader says to do one thing.


Huh? I don't think I said that. I said a quitter did that before blaming his team. All quitters blame their teammates. You mistakenly decided I said this as you consistently mistakenly decide your team is bad and quit warzones. You need to pay better attention to this thread and better attention to your teammates in WZ's. Then you may realize that a team can lose and it it's part of the game. Losing is a part of competition. Deal with it and stop just calling people "bads" & "medal farmers" when you lose.


Sounds like you're just a bad player trying to defend why it's okay to be a bad player.


Yes, I am bad and you are good, so you should quit a match I am on your team in if we are losing, if we are winning then stay and say we win because of you.

Edited by richardya
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Oh ya I just left like 7 Warzones one after another. Each one was just horrible. I just want a win and can't get even one for my daily. The Republic just isn't that good on my realm I guess.


The Imps on my realm do most of the pre-mades. That is because it is the more popular faction. Like on most realms. I know that isn't news.


I consider myself a decent player. One who knows he class. I just wonder if the deck is just always stacked in favor of the Imps in Warzones in PVP.


Getting so sick of it. Though 1 vs 1 I am still hard to beat.

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Now after I skipped out on those 7 or 8 Warzones with minimal wasted personal time I managed to win my next 6 Warzones in a row. It is nice to not have a penalty for leaving. No person should be forced to school or support other players. I mean just yesturday I had two first timers in Huttball. I never quit a Warzone so fast in my life.


Then this other time I was in scoring possition and the person who should have tossed it to me comes out and says he doesn't know how to pass. Left right then!


Oh and as soon as I see a squad of OP Sorc I leave as well. I also don't enjoy seeing lightning all over my screen while they go off crushing groups of players with thier hybrid high CC and DPS specs. Lock down 3 targets and blow one up. Move on to the next while you CC 2 of the 3 left. Then crush last 2 with little trouble.


I realize the OP sorc is another thread but a good, valid, and understandable reason to leave Warzones.


If you don't like your group. I support you in leaving. You don't ask for the group you get stuck with. You can get skilled players or a bunch of silly out of thier mind people that just don't care or can't read simple instructions. No one should be punished for leaving that. You should leave as well. Get it down to 6 people. Get the timer rolling. Then just give the other team the win with low kills and medals because no one stayed.


Just an example: Leader tells the group we are going Left and Right for Alderran and 3 people go middle. Because of that we maybe get only one side if any and it would be the West if the Imps didn't send 3 or more over that way.



This would happen if I let my kids play. I have let my kids play. I would understand if players quit and didn't want to play with my children. They don't read the chat. They just want to kill players and have fun. Still getting my toon some points.

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After initially being completely against penalties for leaving Wz's I am now very much in favor of them. It's so out of control that it's difficult at times to even have a full team to start a WZ, let alone win them. People leave after the very first engagement which is really baffling to me.


To me, I think a half hour lockout for people leaving should be instituted. No Wz's and no Ilum for those who are so fickle they'd snub their nose to sunshine wool. :D

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I don't believe the vast majority of people who want a penalty want one for the sake of morality, good sportsmanship, or honor. They want to farm the opposing team when they're winning and they want that team to stay to the end. Hopefully, the next patch will help with that.


One other thing: If they do put in a penalty, it needs to be long, account wide, and it needs to also affect players who queue then refuse the queue. This will stop matches from starting short quite so often and it will deter sync-queue premades.

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Now after I skipped out on those 7 or 8 Warzones with minimal wasted personal time.....I had two first timers in Huttball. I never quit a Warzone so fast in my life......he doesn't know how to pass. Left right then!.....as soon as I see a squad of OP Sorc I leave as well.


UnFreakinBelievable. If everyone did what you do on both faction sthere would be no PvP. This is the definition of selfish. If this post was sarcastic, you got me, I can't tell.


Every time you win it's because of you, if you lose it's your bad teammates. You should not be subjected to losing.

Edited by richardya
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Now after I skipped out on those 7 or 8 Warzones with minimal wasted personal time I managed to win my next 6 Warzones in a row. It is nice to not have a penalty for leaving. No person should be forced to school or support other players. I mean just yesturday I had two first timers in Huttball. I never quit a Warzone so fast in my life.


Then this other time I was in scoring possition and the person who should have tossed it to me comes out and says he doesn't know how to pass. Left right then!


Oh and as soon as I see a squad of OP Sorc I leave as well. I also don't enjoy seeing lightning all over my screen while they go off crushing groups of players with thier hybrid high CC and DPS specs. Lock down 3 targets and blow one up. Move on to the next while you CC 2 of the 3 left. Then crush last 2 with little trouble.


I realize the OP sorc is another thread but a good, valid, and understandable reason to leave Warzones.


If you don't like your group. I support you in leaving. You don't ask for the group you get stuck with. You can get skilled players or a bunch of silly out of thier mind people that just don't care or can't read simple instructions. No one should be punished for leaving that. You should leave as well. Get it down to 6 people. Get the timer rolling. Then just give the other team the win with low kills and medals because no one stayed.


Just an example: Leader tells the group we are going Left and Right for Alderran and 3 people go middle. Because of that we maybe get only one side if any and it would be the West if the Imps didn't send 3 or more over that way.



This would happen if I let my kids play. I have let my kids play. I would understand if players quit and didn't want to play with my children. They don't read the chat. They just want to kill players and have fun. Still getting my toon some points.


To all the cross-realmers out there: won't it be grand when this guy is in EVERYONE'S queue?

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To all the cross-realmers out there: won't it be grand when this guy is in EVERYONE'S queue?


Will it matter? You wont need cross realm queues when there are only two servers left. Inc server merges.

Edited by Celebrus
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Yeah i'm all for quitting early...you won't bother to at LEAST get your level 50 daily mods in your gear before queuing I won't sit there and carry you.


Anyone who shows up in WZ's with 11k hp at level 50 is a selfish ******e and I won't support them...in fact I will start the WZ run out and hide for a good 30 seconds before I leave just to ensure their team will fail.


That entire i'll just tank WZ's and get my cent bare minimum items and not do dailies is a horse **** way of doing things. They should be punished too.


They should force a minimum gear level to enter just like Blizzard did with the LFG/LFR tool. Nothing hard just force a minim 116 item level per slot at lvl 50. If you can't get that in the first day then you're an absolute terrible player.

Edited by Kurfer
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Yeah i'm all for quitting early...you won't bother to at LEAST get your level 50 daily mods in your gear before queuing I won't sit there and carry you.


Anyone who shows up in WZ's with 11k hp at level 50 is a selfish ******e and I won't support them...in fact I will start the WZ run out and hide for a good 30 seconds before I leave just to ensure their team will fail.


That entire i'll just tank WZ's and get my cent bare minimum items and not do dailies is a horse **** way of doing things. They should be punished too.


They should force a minimum gear level to enter just like Blizzard did with the LFG/LFR tool. Nothing hard just force a minim 116 item level per slot at lvl 50. If you can't get that in the first day then you're an absolute terrible player.


It's not all about your hitpoints chief. I don't know if you are aware of a stat called expertise which affects the damage output and intake versus players. Meaning that a guy with 15k HP and no expertise will still go down in flames. And I'd like to congratulate you on your exceptional attitude which certainly helps the gameplay.

One thing I agree is your argument on gear level. IMO, enforcing a Valor based or a gear based bracket amongst 50's might actually ease the pain for both parties (geared vs. geared - ungeared vs. ungeared).

Edited by Jvsterini
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Just had an Alderaan match. Started with six people, thought I'd give it a shot anyway and see if more people come in. Two went snow, rest mid and got the mid cap and I assumed snow would be taken as well. What next? I wait 30 seconds, no snow cap DESPITE NO PUBS GOING THAT WAY. Next, the guys at mid, instead of defending, start charging at any enemy they see even after I tell them to defend at node and even if they are outnumbered. They proceed to wipe, and what could have been an extremely easy advantage now turns into overwhelming disadvantage as we then lost ALL THREE TURRETS.


Yet I'm the selfish one for leaving? Bullcrap. When players throw away a good chance of victory just to charge at the enemy, I'm not wasting my time. They cost me the game. I don't owe them anything.

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Yeah i'm all for quitting early...you won't bother to at LEAST get your level 50 daily mods in your gear before queuing I won't sit there and carry you.


Anyone who shows up in WZ's with 11k hp at level 50 is a selfish ******e and I won't support them...in fact I will start the WZ run out and hide for a good 30 seconds before I leave just to ensure their team will fail.


That entire i'll just tank WZ's and get my cent bare minimum items and not do dailies is a horse **** way of doing things. They should be punished too.


They should force a minimum gear level to enter just like Blizzard did with the LFG/LFR tool. Nothing hard just force a minim 116 item level per slot at lvl 50. If you can't get that in the first day then you're an absolute terrible player.


Such a close minded attitude. I queued right when I hit 50 with 12k HP. Won 9 out of 10 of the next matches and finished my weekly right away. You can still be a good team player without full BM gear. Interrupt healers, protect caps, pester ranged turrets. I was a solid contributor and finished middle of the pack in dps/medals and did more than my fair share of calling out targets and general situational awareness. Sure not everyone else was in full BM gear but most people were still well geared and this was prime time on a crowded server.



A. Fresh 50s can make themselves useful as utility/good team players

B. If a fresh 50 causes you to lose all of your matches then YOU need to L2P and take it on yourself to help the fresh 50 make himself useful

C. It's a game, have fun, and be a good sport.

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Just had an Alderaan match. Started with six people, thought I'd give it a shot anyway and see if more people come in. Two went snow, rest mid and got the mid cap and I assumed snow would be taken as well. What next? I wait 30 seconds, no snow cap DESPITE NO PUBS GOING THAT WAY. Next, the guys at mid, instead of defending, start charging at any enemy they see even after I tell them to defend at node and even if they are outnumbered. They proceed to wipe, and what could have been an extremely easy advantage now turns into overwhelming disadvantage as we then lost ALL THREE TURRETS.


Yet I'm the selfish one for leaving? Bullcrap. When players throw away a good chance of victory just to charge at the enemy, I'm not wasting my time. They cost me the game. I don't owe them anything.

You sure as **** don't owe anybody anything. If you want to leave because people don't play as good as you expect them to, leave. Hell I'll even say that you got a valid point. But, you know the risks of going in Solo and even though you know the risks and keep doing it definetly does not grant you the right to complain about it.

IMHO, get some friends and queue as a group to avoid three possible hero-wannabes who might mess up your game.

What you are doing is adding fuel to the fire by leaving every single game that goes south. I do think time is precious for everyone and nobody in their right mind would want to lose hours because of some jerk who thinks he's the next Darth Vader or Yoda, however quiting games and complaining or rather bragging here does not make you better or smarter than any of them.

Edited by Jvsterini
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Yeah i'm all for quitting early...you won't bother to at LEAST get your level 50 daily mods in your gear before queuing I won't sit there and carry you.


Anyone who shows up in WZ's with 11k hp at level 50 is a selfish ******e and I won't support them...in fact I will start the WZ run out and hide for a good 30 seconds before I leave just to ensure their team will fail.


So if one player in your group is "undergeared" you will screw over the other six guys in your group and quit on them, forcing them to play shorthanded. I don't get it. My guess is he just uses that as an excuse to quit if he is losing, if his team is winning he very quickly forgets there was an undergeared player.


I love how the selfish quitters took to calling undergeared players "selfish."

A casual player is interested in trying out PvP so he zones in without good gear and is forced to deal with this, it's an 11 year old mentality. Let the guy try out PvP, sometimes it hurts your team, sometimes it hurts the opposition, deal with it.


Play with the kid who is not a great athlete, it wont kill you.

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I'm guilty of leaving warzones. Not often, but I have done it from time to time, and I will not likely stop. Playing Empire side on an Empire heavy server with a smaller guild my PvP is often solo-queue, so I get a lot of PuGs for PvP, my win/loss record is pretty terrible as a result since we almost always fight well organized PvP focused guilds if we are put against Republic (the bane of an unbalanced server). Despite all that, consistent losing to Battlemaster/Guild queued republic groups, I will stick it out provided the team is making an effort to communicate, work together, and push for a win. Sometimes though I get a team that refuses to work together, everyone just runs around trying to kill whoever they can as if it were deathmatch. I get teams that give up half way through and just standing around chatting at a turret. I feel no need to waste my time with these people and so I will quit.


I quit PvP matches because I want to play, not because I'm losing. When my team stops trying to win, when they refuse to coordinate or work together, I'm done.

Edited by AnemicBoy
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You sure as **** don't owe anybody anything. If you want to leave because people don't play as good as you expect them to, leave. Hell I'll even say that you got a valid point. But, you know the risks of going in Solo and even though you know the risks and keep doing it definetly does not grant you the right to complain about it.

IMHO, get some friends and queue as a group to avoid three possible hero-wannabes who might mess up your game.

What you are doing is adding fuel to the fire by leaving every single game that goes south. I do think time is precious for everyone and nobody in their right mind would want to lose hours because of some jerk who thinks he's the next Darth Vader or Yoda, however quiting games and complaining or rather bragging here does not make you better or smarter than any of them.

I don't leave every game that goes south, I only leave games when players aren't even trying to win. I actually stay in a lot of losing games, even blowouts. It's just when something so ridiculous like people not capping uncontested turrets and not trying to defend capped turrets and just attacking everyone they see, no point staying there.


I do try to queue with friends, it's not always easy though as we all have different schedules and can't always be on at the same time.


Seriously though in my experience most people (Pre-level 50 bracket) will stay in games even if they're losing, only when the team just sucks horribly do they realize it's futile and pointless to stay. Level 50 is different only because of the stupid design of the dailies. Part of me wonders if the people complaining about leavers are just bad players and THEY are the reason people leave.

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when they refuse to coordinate or work together, I'm done.


And this is determined by you? You monitor all of them? I can determine when a match is going south and I will notice if a player makes a mistake but I don't have this ability to determine an entire team is refusing to coordinate. Are you sure it's not just when you are frustrated with a losing team?

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