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  1. I'm guilty of leaving warzones. Not often, but I have done it from time to time, and I will not likely stop. Playing Empire side on an Empire heavy server with a smaller guild my PvP is often solo-queue, so I get a lot of PuGs for PvP, my win/loss record is pretty terrible as a result since we almost always fight well organized PvP focused guilds if we are put against Republic (the bane of an unbalanced server). Despite all that, consistent losing to Battlemaster/Guild queued republic groups, I will stick it out provided the team is making an effort to communicate, work together, and push for a win. Sometimes though I get a team that refuses to work together, everyone just runs around trying to kill whoever they can as if it were deathmatch. I get teams that give up half way through and just standing around chatting at a turret. I feel no need to waste my time with these people and so I will quit. I quit PvP matches because I want to play, not because I'm losing. When my team stops trying to win, when they refuse to coordinate or work together, I'm done.
  2. City of Heroes had a great tanking mechanic for taunts back in it's day. Rather than damage reduction, taunting actually forced you to target the tank. You could still target friendlies, but when taunted you would always target the person that had taunted you if you attempted to target an enemy. But you had taunt effectiveness and taunt resistance in PvP for CoH, so taunt wasn't always going to work. It depended on how you spec'ed. I agree with a previous poster. You really felt like a tank in City of Heroes, even in PvP.
  3. That's my point. Increasing Operative performance will only make content easier all around. Right now the Operative can heal any game content with a little skill and good teamwork. Buff Operative healing to match Sorcerer healing and you will just end up with easier content. Why change Operatives thus making your content easier when you could just reduce Sorcerer healing to bring them in-line with Operatives and keep the content challenging. People are calling for Operative buffs, but it isn't likely to happen. We are balanced well for the game content. Harder stuff takes skill, but we can still do it. It's the other classes that need to be brought in-line with us. I know it isn't cool to call for other classes to get nerfed, but that's going to be the best way to achieve balance. You buff everyone up, then you have to go back and rework the entire game to compensate for difficulty. Otherwise everything is faceroll except new content that took the buffs into account. This is why a lot of games get "reworked" starting zones after a few years. Most developers will scale things to benefit the player and then adjust them down accordingly. It's easier to reduce performance of one class to fall in-line with everything else than it is to increase difficulty of all the games content to provide a challenge to classes performing better than intended.
  4. Don't be so sure. Most the reasons you listed off are applicable to Operatives as well, but look at where they are now. As a healer, there isn't much I can do against Grav/Tracer spam. I don't have the DPS to take down the target, so it's really just a matter of heal through or run away. Grav/Tracer is one of the few spammable things that I can't just heal through. They hit about as hard as my best heal and cast faster. My best bet is to cleanse/vanish or try to use terrain to break LoS. There are several times where breaking LoS doesn't work well though. Either I'm dead before I can run to that point (I don't get a speed ability after all), or the person is smart enough to follow me and continue spamming. It's pretty much instant win against a new PvPer, but even for those that know what they are doing it can still be a huge issue if you aren't the right class/spec.
  5. Operatives are still capable of healing any Flashpoint or Operation in the game. There are a few minor tweaks to Operative healing I've heard such as the AoE updating to have a faster HoT tick so that it can be an emergency AoE heal. I would prefer it stays the way it is and simply increase the duration or remove the 4 person limit. But it just depends on if you prefer your healing to be reactionary or preventative. If the devs think Operative healing is mostly okay and don't plan to change much, I wouldn't be surprised. Operatives can heal through any content in the game with skill. As it should be. An unskilled healer should not be able to run through HMs, Operations, and Nightmares. These parts of the content are made to be challenging after all. In that regard, Operatives are working great. The problem is that with Sorcs you don't need nearly the same level of skill to run that kind of stuff. There isn't much challenge at all. If anything, I would prefer they bring Sorcs down in line with Operatives in terms of healing instead of buffing Operatives to Sorc level. I enjoy the challenge of high end content, I would be disappointed if I could faceroll it all.
  6. People talk about color restrictions as if it were a faction issue. It's not. It's an alignment thing. I've seen plenty of Sith with blue or green crystals already. The only thing this does is give players less reason to go neutral. Being able to use any color crystal was pretty much the only perk to being neutral. As for crystal vendors, those (like many speeder price drops) are temporary as a method to get money out of the economy before 1.2 hits with the various crafting changes.
  7. You need to wait for them to trigger. Some abilities may show an active animation but the DoT doesn't kick in right away. I've noticed several skills like this, I may seem the animation come up, but if I hit Toxic Scan too quickly it won't remove anything because the effect doesn't kick in until later. Also keep in mind that Toxic Scan doesn't remove all effects should you have several stacked on you. When my Op healer comes into combat I often get five or six different DoTs/slows/immobs thrown on me at roughly the same time. People really want healers dead. It takes several applications of Toxic Scan to remove those effects.
  8. I understand your point. I run into a lot of games of Huttball that if the score hits 2-0 people on my team will give up and start trying to farm medals instead since they stand to gain more commendations. Frankly, I wouldn't have individual performance play into that much. It's always hard to rate that anyway. Your team could do awesome and you could be an unstoppable killing machine and rake in a ton of commendations all on the back of some healer that doesn't get half the commendations you do. Instead I would have personal commendations lessened, and have team-wide commendations based on win/lose and objectives providing bonus commendations for the team. For example: Winning a match grants everyone on the team 100 commendations. Each score in Huntball grants 15, each tier in Void Star grants 30, every 100 points worth of damage inflicted on the enemy ship grants 30. Just adjustment the personal commendation awards to balance it out. Every team will want to win since the main bulk of commendations comes from that. However, even if you can't win, you will still try for the objectives since they will grant a decent amount of commendations as well.
  9. If you were really thankful you would have voted him MVP.
  10. The idea is that you can stealth to your enemy, then you use CC to keep them from kiting heavily. Even when they can do some lite kiting, you have ranged attacks to keep up a little DPS. It works well. You aren't the DPS guy that runs around everywhere trying to kill everyone. You aren't the DPS guy that kicks back and rains down fire. You're a surgeon. You look for casters, healers, people that sacrifice mobility to do their job. You sneak past their protection and get behind them, murder them. Then you play clean up on the guys left. That Jedi Shadow that has 60% of his health left fighting with the Juggernaut on your team still thinks he has a chance. He's going to stick it out a bit longer since he still has plenty of HP, he still has hope. That's when you join the fight. Between the DPS you bring and the DPS the Juggernaut is doing, suddenly he has 30% HP left, is snared/slowed, and he isn't getting any heals because you just brutally murdered his support. It's too late for him to escape now, he tries to be a hero; to hold out long enough for his teammates to get back to him, but he knows he has lost. Once he goes down; rinse, repeat. Operative's aren't battering rams. You aren't going to storm the castle in a blaze of glory and destroy everything in your path. That's a job for soldiers. You're special forces, you sneak in, hit key targets, clean up the mess. You aren't really designed to go toe to toe with every other DPS class. You're sneaky, if you don't play sneaky then you come into the fight at a disadvantage. I will agree that Operatives do need a little something to help them with escape a bit more. Vanish is good and all, but it's easily broken through. Maybe if you got a speed buff when you use Vanish that would help since you could put more distance between you and the enemy making it hard for them to AoE and knock you out of stealth. In a way, that would help with a limited amount of gap closing. You murder a healer, vanish and use the speed boost to catch up to another enemy. but in doing so you will sacrifice your chances of escape should things go badly. Yes, I rather like that.
  11. A lot of votes will go to the aggressive players, the ones carrying the ball or murdering the enemy. Some people go by metals, some by damage, some by healing, some be objective points. It's a mixed bag and none of them are good methods to use. I see Sorcs sitting around self-damaging and healing to boost their numbers. They come out with higher healing numbers and some people vote for them because they don't know better. I pay attention to what people do. If I see a healer healing me a lot, even if he isn't top healer, I will vote for him. This might mean I'm not voting for someone that was healing the rest of my team, but I vote for those I know do something. Otherwise I'll end up voting for the medal farming idiots. I'll also vote for people that play well. I will position myself to aid in healing, but also stay ahead so that my team can use me as a jump-to point or pass to me for a goal or otherwise. A lot of the times I'm in a great location to keep an eye on everyone, so if they pass to me and I see someone in a better place, I'll pass off to them. I put myself in places to be the middle man, and when I see a person use that to our team's advantage, I will often vote for them. In none Hutball I will look for people that help me, healing of course, but also those DPS/Tanks smart enough to see I'm getting targeted and come to my rescue. I may not vote for those that have the highest heals, DPS, Objective points, or medals. But I do vote for those I know are playing well and helping me do my job. I just wish more people would do the same. Luckily MVP is votes are pretty pointless.
  12. I leveled all the way up as a medic, a few things I learned are below: Go into fights with your drones on you and your companion. The HoTs will help cut back on the amount of in-combat healing you do, and that means you can spend more time DPSing. AoE when you can. Don't forget to use your CC abilities to lock down some mobs, sleep dart is awesome, you'll do less healing and more DPS as a result. Kaliyo doesn't hold up well later in the game. I found that a tanking companion doesn't have enough aggro management or DPS to keep aggro very long. I was fighting an Elite on Taris when I noticed Kaliyo couldn't hold aggro on him over the amount of healing I would have to throw out. He would come over and murder me every time. I switched to Vector and his DPS was able to keep the majority of aggro off me. When he couldn't I could CC, shield, or otherwise and let him pull aggro back. His extra DPS also made for quicker mob kills. It's good to use Kaliyo early on as she holds up well and you don't have many good healing options so her better armor and defense shines. At the later points, I would go with a DPS companion. They will kill mobs quicker, hold aggro better, and the extra healing skills you get will allow you to keep up with any damage they take. Also make sure whichever companion you use is well geared. By doing that, I found I was soloing quite well. I could even solo Champions from time to time, though the fight was long, as long as their DPS was spread over attacks and not front loaded, I was okay.
  13. I think CC is mostly fine as it is. You just need to learn which abilities are stuns and which aren't. As an Operative healer I beat a Concealment Operative in 1vs1 because he didn't understand CC properly. He kept using his break on my Flash Grenade (which breaks on damage), once he did that, I hit him with the stun. Not only could I heal back up, I could throw extra DPS out. If he had held off on the first one, I would heal up, but the moment he took damage he would be able to come after me. I wouldn't have gotten the extra DPS needed to drop him before he dropped me. He also blew his stuns early and I broke them. I still got rooted up and slowed a bit, but it didn't matter. Those few things put me in resolve and I was able to heal while rooted to offset some DPS. Once his stun came back around I was in resolve and it was wasted. There is no reason I should have won that fight other than the player not understanding when to use CC, which CC to use, and when to use his CC break. It took me a bit of time to learn to recognize the different CCs and which I should and shouldn't break on, but once I did, it became a much better experience and now I find it a lot of fun in terms of strategy. Knowing when to use which CC, when to break, trying to mix up my opponent and trick them into using their break early, it's a lot of fun. There are a few annoyances that they could easily fix though. It would be good if all ability CDs reset on death. This would prevent you from being in a situation where you died shortly after using your break and now you have to run back in and you just get stun locked and killed. This would also help balance out matches some. I'm out of the match and away from my team for a while, so the winning team gets advantage there. But when I come back I've got all my skills available, while the other team may still be on CD from others. This gives my team a better chance to put up a fight after a big defeat and would help to cut back on the very one sided PvP matches that seem to occur most the time. With the number of Pulls and Charges in the game, knockback should have more impact on resolve. Cutting a down slightly on the number of displacement effects a player deals with will greatly reduce the feeling of overwhelming CC. Despite knowing the system well, I still get annoyed when I get bounced around five times in a row and can't do anything. Abilities like Force Choke should be effected by resolve. In PvE some enemies will take damage from choke/grip and still remain moving/attacking. In PvP it locks you down regardless of resolve being filled or not. As a result, a smart team will have force users abusing Choke/Grip on players that hit Resolve in order to keep them locked up. Pull/Charge is one thing, I'm still mobile. But allow Choke/Grip to lock me down when Resolve is full doesn't make much sense.
  14. If you notice a healer the first time around to mark them, but then can't notice them after they go behind a corner for 2 minutes without said mark, then you may have a problem with Joe after all. Your ability to perceive details on your screen and in real life should not change, there is no visual filter in the game that would change this. Unless for some reason your eyes become less effective at picking out details when looking at a computer screen. If that's the case, I would recommend making an appointment with an optometrist at your earliest opportunity.
  15. Provided the person you mark has to be in LoS then it would be fine to have a slash command or keybind. But if not, you could simply slash command upon death and the healer would be running back into combat pre-marked. That wouldn't really have the desired effect. The ideal solution is the cleanse marks upon death giving healers a chance to get back into the fray, but allow players to keybind marks. This means you still have to pick the healer out visually before marking, but the mark wouldn't take up any more time than any non-cast ability.
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