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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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You can disagree all you want, but an easy 2-3 shot player is indeed:




Regardless, I've played mmo's long enough to have lost my patience with abrasive noobs. Sorry, I don't really care if that makes me a "bad attitude" guy or a "d-bag" or whatever you bads want to call me.


I'll use the vote kick how I see fit. If you're not putting in work, you're as useful as the AFKer it was meant for.


Gear isn't hard to get in this game. It takes a very tiny amount of effort as compared to BM gear.




Oh I agree, players can be weak links sure. I've seen your attitude throughout my years of playing MMO's and it's one of the most destructive out there. It really benefits no one to have it, except maybe the arrogant pride of those that do.


And yes, gear is easy to get, so an understand that players can and will get it will go a long way in dispelling the attitude that players suck just because they don't have it.


Best thing those with the attitude of your can do is shut up and play the game with players that agree with your sentiment and let others do the best they can. It's only a video game in the end.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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I support this. Let us fight server vs. server teams if they are going x-server.


That's actually not a bad idea


It would maintain that server community niche while still allowing xserver Q's. it'll just be random server Q's vs another random server Q's aside from the 4 man premades.

Edited by Ahebish
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alot of kill farming happens in huttball for instance. if you force people to stay for fear of a debuff, it will just cause more farming for the other team. why not leave it how it is now and let the player decide. 'cause honestly being farmed is not fun I'd rather get into a new match as quick as possible by leaving the warzone.


I wouldn't say leave it how it is. I'd just say make the the warzone medals completely objective based, and change the daily to reflect "objective comms" earned from the wz. This way if you're getting ROFLSTOMPED, the best way for the other team to get more comms and valor is to focus on the objective instead of farming you. Now you're getting your whoppin' quicker, you're still collecting toward the daily/weekly, you're not getting farmed, AFK gives 0 rewards, and the idiots that don't work toward the objectives don't get rewarded either.



No punishments. No repetitive tactics used by other failed MMO's to curb quitting. Too easy.

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They may have to implment a server ranking system though... say X PVP server is #1 in the country pair them off with the top 10... instead of the bottom 10 if you know what I mean?


Yeah, as long as they let us keep our "community" intact, then they could do all sorts of permutations with the servers.

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You can disagree all you want, but an easy 2-3 shot player is indeed:




Regardless, I've played mmo's long enough to have lost my patience with abrasive noobs. Sorry, I don't really care if that makes me a "bad attitude" guy or a "d-bag" or whatever you bads want to call me.


I'll use the vote kick how I see fit. If you're not putting in work, you're as useful as the AFKer it was meant for.


Gear isn't hard to get in this game. It takes a very tiny amount of effort as compared to BM gear.


why not retool the pvp areana to make it a more competive enviroment for all someone used the gym annalogy befor if you go to the gym every day for years u will be stronger than an new guy in pvp u have better gear and role the new guy


how about more like golf of bowling leagues give the weaker playes a handicap the good players can brag about their handicap but everyone compets on a even level and the compition is fun a new guy and a veterin gamer can have a fair match


further more I say there should be server championship matches monthly


every six month or so cross server title matches


anual championship


we could have silver and gold flights no handicap and handicap turiniments

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Oh I agree, players can be weak links sure. I've seen your attitude throughout my years of playing MMO's and it's one of the most destructive out there. It really benefits no one to have it, except maybe the arrogant pride of those that do.


And no, gear is easy to get, so an understand that players can and will get it will go a long way in dispelling the attitude that players suck just because they don't have it.


Best thing those with the attitude of your can do is shut up and play the game with players that agree with your sentiment and let others do the best they can. It's only a video game in the end.


In the end, it's my attitude, and you're going to have to deal with it, like it or not. You won't change it by calling it "destructive".


I'd suggest if you want to change the way things are, you might look at the 400-something threads there are on here crying about people quitting. If these people spent half the time that they do crying, learning how to play their class, participate in WZ's strategically, or getting gear that makes them competitive we wouldn't be having this conversation because I probably wouldn't be quitting wz's.


But no, instead I get to find ways for my nightly pug to make things substantially more difficult for the root cause of this problem.

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You think it's bad now? Wait til they implement a system that punishes people for leaving with a 15 minute time out or something and suddenly the queue times sky rocket because of it.


There are really serious issues that need to be addressed in this game but people ditching a WZ is not one of them. I guess it's easier for the "programmers" to focus on crap like this instead of dealing with the harder issues at hand.

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In the end, it's my attitude, and you're going to have to deal with it, like it or not. You won't change it by calling it "destructive".


I'd suggest if you want to change the way things are, you might look at the 400-something threads there are on here crying about people quitting. If these people spent half the time that they do crying, learning how to play their class, participate in WZ's strategically, or getting gear that makes them competitive we wouldn't be having this conversation because I probably wouldn't be quitting wz's.


But no, instead I get to find ways for my nightly pug to make things substantially more difficult for the root cause of this problem.




I know it's your attitude and you're welcome to it, no matter how bad it is.


And the point I'm making has nothing to do with people crying or quitting. It comes down to people taking a look at others and instantly judging them due to what they have on their toon at any one given point in time.


It's the players with that attitude, that do not interact with others and will abuse the vote kick system with a hasty rash judgment that do harm to the game.


So, as much as I agree with you that people can get better easily, I have to disagree with the sentiment that they are worthless players or even worthless in a match, and are deserving of any amount of derision from you.

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We wouldn't quite if we actually had a CHOICE in our warzones. I HATE huttball. its morbildly long compared to the other warzones and you dont get any more of a reward for spending the extra time in it. Sometimes I stomach it but alot of times i log into a battle where its 5/0 in fovor of the enemy with 10 minutes left. I'm not gunna waste 10 minutes of my time just for an enevitable loss.
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We wouldn't quite if we actually had a CHOICE in our warzones. I HATE huttball. its morbildly long compared to the other warzones and you dont get any more of a reward for spending the extra time in it. Sometimes I stomach it but alot of times i log into a battle where its 5/0 in fovor of the enemy with 10 minutes left. I'm not gunna waste 10 minutes of my time just for an enevitable loss.


Added to the fact those 5-0 matches with 10mins left end in the next 60 seconds usually which screw's people on coms in the end... and worse yet for the losing team.


you can blame the idiots who can't do math despite the fact they are done with their dailies already.


Penalty is needed no doubt in my mind.


But there is also no doubt in my mind the system needs to evolve better.


There was an interesting idea from someone a page ago about xserver Q's 1 server vs another.... which mentioned would have to further be seperated by a server ranking system... and I thought about it more it requires some server changes as well.


It is a known fact servers are geographical.


PVP server A = #1 PVP server in the country and is located on the west coast


While PVP Server B = #2 pvp server in the country but is located on the east coast.


In order to set a server ranking system that isn't so geographically dependent pvp server clusters would have to be migrated to a neutral location.


Example: Dallas TX, St. Louis Missouri and/or Chicago, IL.


So if these 2 servers were to match up against eachother the system chooses a neutral location so 1 server doesn't have a connection advantage and everything would be relatively balanced as far as networking is concerned.


Would BW do this I don't know but it makes practical sense as far as "being fair" to all geographical regions.


This would be especially important if say 1/2 of the west coast and 1/2 of the east coast servers are top 10 in PVP wz's. Server ranking would determine which servers they go up against based on variables like PVP stats, gear, population... factional balance etc.

Edited by Ahebish
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why not retool the pvp areana to make it a more competive enviroment for all someone used the gym annalogy befor if you go to the gym every day for years u will be stronger than an new guy in pvp u have better gear and role the new guy


how about more like golf of bowling leagues give the weaker playes a handicap the good players can brag about their handicap but everyone compets on a even level and the compition is fun a new guy and a veterin gamer can have a fair match


further more I say there should be server championship matches monthly


every six month or so cross server title matches


anual championship


we could have silver and gold flights no handicap and handicap turiniments


Then what's the point in leveling, gearing or playing the game? The game you're looking for already exists, it's called HoN/Dota2/LoL.


Why would removing all the purpose in playing an MMORPG seem like a good idea to you as an MMO feature?

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Then what's the point in leveling, gearing or playing the game? The game you're looking for already exists, it's called HoN/Dota2/LoL.


Why would removing all the purpose in playing an MMORPG seem like a good idea to you as an MMO feature?


I don't really understand your point. What does leveling and gearing have to do with what he's suggesting?


The game already has an extensive PVE genre niche over all other MMO's... what's wrong with adding or bolstering a PVP niche as well?

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First, it's not an "MMORPG" it's an "MMO"


There is a difference.


If you want to RPG go play wow, they have servers dedicated to that. This game does not.


I don't really understand your point. What does leveling and gearing have to do with what he's suggesting?


The game already has an extensive PVE genre niche over all other MMO's... what's wrong with adding a PVP niche as well?


As you said if you want a game like that it's called Wow.


Ummm, there are servers dedicated to Role Play.

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First, it's not an "MMORPG" it's an "MMO"


There is a difference.


If you want to RPG go play wow, they have servers dedicated to that. This game does not.


I don't really understand your point. What does leveling and gearing have to do with what he's suggesting?


The game already has an extensive PVE genre niche over all other MMO's... what's wrong with adding a PVP niche as well?


As you said if you want a game like that it's called Wow.


Well this game is a straigh copy of WoW and they are adding all rest of its features in near future. EA is after WoW players, not atfer other MMORPG players.

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I've found that when the bads quit we can actually turn the tide. I was in multiple matches over the weekend where it started bad for us. Like in Alderan they cap two turrets at the start. I start calling out basic strat (respawns hit X, get one more defender on left, etc.) three people quit. We get three new people, cap left and right, def/call incs and win. And the come from behind win to crush the Imps is all the more savory.


It happened so much I started being glad when the bads just left. Now sometimes the original bads are replaced with other bads, not much you can do there.


The bottom line though is that if you want good coordinated play you can't just queue by yourself. Take some time and create a premade, join a pvp guild, or be willing to realize sometimes you end up in a bad random group. In this case take your lumps.

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Well this game is a straigh copy of WoW and they are adding all rest of its features in near future. EA is after WoW players, not atfer other MMORPG players.


I understand that,


but it's wow players that will destroy this game because of what blizzard did.


I'm hoping Biowizard doesn't let that happen.


They and the wow community did it once with the nerf to scoundrels/operatives while completely disregarding all other classes.

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I've found that when the bads quit we can actually turn the tide. I was in multiple matches over the weekend where it started bad for us. Like in Alderan they cap two turrets at the start. I start calling out basic strat (respawns hit X, get one more defender on left, etc.) three people quit. We get three new people, cap left and right, def/call incs and win. And the come from behind win to crush the Imps is all the more savory.


It happened so much I started being glad when the bads just left. Now sometimes the original bads are replaced with other bads, not much you can do there.


The bottom line though is that if you want good coordinated play you can't just queue by yourself. Take some time and create a premade, join a pvp guild, or be willing to realize sometimes you end up in a bad random group. In this case take your lumps.


I'm looking forward to hearing about how you turned the tide in an Alderran match where you were losing 85 to 465.


...because that hasn't happened and I believe that you are being less than....honest.

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I've always wondered what PvP is like on the RP servers. We don't hear much about it.


It's basically a PVE server with controled PVP outcomes.


People pretending to be something they aren't while scripting specific plots and/or conversation.


Sometimes these people are in character 100% of the time to the point they won't talk to you unless you RP.

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I'm looking forward to hearing about how you turned the tide in an Alderran match where you were losing 85 to 465.


...because that hasn't happened and I believe that you are being less than....honest.


It is possible.


Very unlikely but it is possible


Only way to do it is with a 3 cap.


Also based on the scores you mention the opposing team would had to have 3 capped at least once prior.


465 score is impossible when it starts at 600 without a 3cap by the winning team to give that much of a point spread.

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It is possible.


Very unlikely but it is possible


Only way to do it is with a 3 cap.


Also based on the scores you mention the opposing team would had to have 3 capped at least once prior.


465 score is impossible when it starts at 600 without a 3cap by the winning team to give that much of a point spread.


I know it's possible, but is it probable? No friggen way.

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I don't really understand your point. What does leveling and gearing have to do with what he's suggesting?


The game already has an extensive PVE genre niche over all other MMO's... what's wrong with adding or bolstering a PVP niche as well?


How do you not understand?


This "No Child Left Behind" culture is really pathetic and I'm tired of it. It's YOUR duty alone to be competitive. You have the same tools as anyone else with which to work. Handle it yourself by whatever means you can. If I spent time leveling and gearing, I deserve the advantage.


In old RPGs if an underleveled person attacked a person of superior gear and levels, they got annihilated. It was right. It was expected. It was as it should be. Go get more levels, more gear, meet me man to man and the outcome will probably still be the same if your attitude is scrounging for handouts, or if you're looking for someone else to diminish me to empower you.


Eventually you have to rely on yourself and put in the time. There are going to be discrepancies. Deal with it. Work your way up and earn your keep. That's all there is to it. School may have taught you that there are no losers, but the real nightmare you will face is that there are losers. Losing is great incentive to get better or quit. That's what separates goods from bads.

Edited by Genocidalx
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