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"Tab" targeting. A nightmare.


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no, its a nightmare. makes me think you dont PVP alot. if you did, you would know what the OP is talking about.


Just as an example, on VS, the door comes up w/someone already capping the door, leaving you MAYBE 3s to interrupt. You run around the corner, hit tab to target the guy, but it selects some dude behind the pillar. You are now screwed and your team is down a door, even though you were there in time and in position to interrupt.


This is just a simple example, but it happens all the time in PVP. They need to improve this before rateds start.


I've done enough to get around 40ish valor level. I frequently land above mid range on the dps column, have good protection and goal points. I have never had a serious bout of frustration with not getting the right person targetted. I also have to target friendlies for guard and then go back to my enemy target. I then have to get a taunt off on another enemy, so I probably target more then most with the exception of healers....

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I can understand how "Target Closest" will help the situation for melee's that just want to bash someone as fast as possible, but for those who want to target someone specific, the current system is inadequate.


but hey guys, Bioware is working on fixing all these problems, if you will notice the 1.1.4 patch will be adding the /version command to the game! Isn't that great? I hope that didn't take too long to add...

Edited by Endur
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Just give us the option to let tab target the player/enemy closest to the center of your screen..


That way you can literally "paint" who you want to target with your mouse and press tab to target it.


Then repeated presses of tab will target next enemy/player..from there.


Bam, no need to left click (which btw is also broken..you need to pretty much click in the center of their body to get it to register).


Should be a simple fix..hopefully they'll implement something like this in a few months :|

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Currently, there's an option for the party UI to show everyone on your team. It's sometimes a bit glitchy in that it won't show every ops member, but it's still a significant help compared to the default UI.


This is such a lifesaver for a healer, both in PvE and PvP. I used to have the mousewheel bound up/down to target next/last friendly, but clicking on their name and hitting the ability is so much simpler and considerably less frustrating then rotating through your team.


I almost wish they did something similar as an optional bar on your screen showing the list of enemies which can be targetted in your range (30 meters I believe), omitting people without LoS or who are stealthed. Targetting that way would be refreshingly simple and less cumbersome.

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The "tab-targeting" for SWTOR is below-average at best.

The people who worked on this game are a bunch of scrubs imo.

Just another broken component to the LONG list of broken things in this game.


please let me know when your game releases. I can't wait to play it. It will be so awesome and perfect. What was it called again???

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Just give us the option to let tab target the player/enemy closest to the center of your screen..



There is an option for that - at work now so i cant walk you through it, but in the options for bindings there is target next enemy, target closest enemy, target closest friendly, target center of screen(this is either friendly or enemy).



i have a bind for target closest friendly for gaurding

a bind for next enemy (as default this is the tab)

and a bind for center of screen


center of screen works great, granted i play a lot of FPS so i can put things in the center of my screen, if you dont play a lot of FPS i can see how this might be a bit difficult.

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Yes, the tab targeting in this game is just awful. Terrible.


Setting it to select nearest enemy is nearly as bad as the default. It doesn't care if the enemy is behind you, and it won't even let you cycle through targets to get to the right one. It's bad. I hope they do something about it soon.

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please let me know when your game releases. I can't wait to play it. It will be so awesome and perfect. What was it called again???


Stop being a troll or biodrone whatever you are.


People have a right to criticize.


Do you not criticize artists (singers, painters, etc) because you couldn't do any better than them?

Do you not criticize professional athletes because you could not run faster, throw better, or hit harder than they could?

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Stop being a troll or biodrone whatever you are.


People have a right to criticize.


Do you not criticize artists (singers, painters, etc) because you couldn't do any better than them?

Do you not criticize professional athletes because you could not run faster, throw better, or hit harder than they could?


just see a lot of sniveling about a game that is pretty darn good. I have played a ton of warzones and havent had problems getting the target I want.


I don't generally criticize professional talent except for how much they make.


But calling teh devs on this game a bunch of scrubs is uncalled for. The only reason is because of the anonymous internet. If that person was invited to san antonio for the guild leader summit, i would bet they wouldn't call them scrubs to their faces.

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I am not sure how much this will help some of you...


Try ALT-C. It targets the closest target directly in front of you, either hostile or friendly. I have this bound to the macro button to the left of mouse 1. So for my sage healer, this works out well.


Since the only time I am close to anyone is when they are trying to stab my face with a lightsaber.


I also use this for my sentinel if I am switching targets in melee range.

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I remember a long time ago, like couple of years, WoW's tab targeting system was altered. The new one (which is the same today) wasn't quite so good, but you got used to it and stopped thinking about it mostly, though it could still be extremely lame at times.


SWTOR's tab makes that one seem flawless, it really just seems to be very dumb and unintuitive about target selection. I have both next target and nearest target bound, and even using both (relatively) intelligently, it's still extremely hit and miss.


Maybe I should change to next target and center screen target, or bind a third target key. Requiring 3 different binds to target stuff seems pretty insane though, no?

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