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Huttball - stealthing in the goal line = clear exploit


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You see that bounty hunter spamming stealth scan back by his own goal line? Yeah that's me, and that's where I get most of my kills. You stealthers ignore the OP, I'm happy to pull you out of stealth, DoT you, and unload blaster bolts into your face.


And, OP, I doubt you complain about this when you're on the winning side of it. Easy way to stop this, make sure you don't allow the enemy to loiter on your side of the field. No, not on the ramps, and definately not on the goal line. It's your house, kick their arses out.

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I like the part where stealth classes can obviously get to the goal line without crossing the incredibly narrow catwalks, where if people were paying attention and not tunnel vision herpderping, they'd probably get AoE'd out.




Actually we can :p My Operative have second skill for stealth that give me 100% invisibility. Position ? Distance ? You can't see me. Only AOE can bring me back. But that last only 15s so we must choose exact moment when we go to full stealth.


It's great in Hutball because we can cross bridges.

It's great in Alderan because we can go behind enemy line to get healers

It's great in Voidstar because we can go behind enemy lines and capture objectives.


More than once using this skill I was able to arm door 1m behind a guy who was guarding it and never care to watch behind :p

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Wow, I just cannot believe what people complain about on these forums, this is pretty insane.


Using the basic abilities of a class cannot possibly be an exploit. Do you expect the game to just be 8 people stood together hitting each other until one dies?


If this is serious, work as a team and beat them. BH can see stealthers easier, they're squishy so drop fast, knock/pull them back down into the pit - if they're stealthed they'll have no resolve.



In other news, Healers stop your health going down. :rolleyes:

Edited by Soazak
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You see that bounty hunter spamming stealth scan back by his own goal line? Yeah that's me, and that's where I get most of my kills. You stealthers ignore the OP, I'm happy to pull you out of stealth, DoT you, and unload blaster bolts into your face.


And, OP, I doubt you complain about this when you're on the winning side of it. Easy way to stop this, make sure you don't allow the enemy to loiter on your side of the field. No, not on the ramps, and definately not on the goal line. It's your house, kick their arses out.



Don't bring sensible posts into this!


OP must be trolling, I don't think anyone really believes that using an ability is exploiting.

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Not saying that didn't happen, but it's in the patch notes somewhere. I'm nearly positive about it. A friend of mine mentioned that he couldn't do it any more as well.


Guess it was a fluke then. I just know I saw the BC (was running with him) on full health, got yoinked, died, other team had the ball. Was in the 1-49 bracket, though dunno if that makes a difference. Haven't seen it in the 50 bracket recently

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Wow, I just cannot believe what people complain about on these forums, this is pretty insane.


Using the basic abilities of a class cannot possibly be an exploit. Do you expect the game to just be 8 people stood together hitting each other until one dies?




In other news, Healers stop your health going down. :rolleyes:


I think this is a good post to use to clarify:


I did NOT say stealthing in general is an exploit. I said stealthing by the goal line and waiting for the ball to be passed is the exploit. And must I repeat myself? They throw it from the PIT. If they at least manage to cross the catwalk then theres no argument, theyve certainly earned it.


But these people just dash through the pit and toss it up to a stealther. A sorc can dash to the end of the pit in seconds and with a guard up and scattered healers it's difficult to take them down in that short time frame. The fires play a crucial role in balancing the flow of the game.


It is completely fair if a player decides to wait by the goal line to receive a pass.


But a stealther can merely sit there and camp until a ball carrier is nearby. The stealther does not need to pass through the fires exposed and can remain hidden until they have the ball. Once they recieve a pass, they have full health, at least one stun, one cc break ability available, barely a few FEET from the goal line and the advantage of the confusion around them.


How is this fair? This is clearly not intended and an exploit. Why is that so hard to understand? These days if readers cannot agree upon or comprehend a topic they must automatically assume the writer is a troll or a baddie instead of providing a valid argument.


Fix it so that stealth is not usable on the goal line, period.


TL DR for the reading impaired.


A stealther by the goal line can:


1. Sneak by the fires and wait near the goal line.

2. Receive the ball with full health.

3. Has at least 1 stun available and 1 cc break ability available.

4. Advantage of the confusion.

5. Few feet from the goal line.

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TL DR for the reading impaired.


A stealther by the goal line can:


1. Sneak by the fires and wait near the goal line.

2. Receive the ball with full health.

3. Has at least 1 stun available and 1 cc break ability available.

4. Advantage of the confusion.

5. Few feet from the goal line.


Can't belive you are still going about this.


After so many posts you still don't get it that this is called a TACTIC?


Everything you described is WAI and passing from PIT to people standing on the edge near the goal line (not neccesary stealthers) is a tactic as old as Huttball is!


A stealth class using his stealth, who could have thought :rolleyes:

Edited by Endel
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A stealther by the goal line can:


1. Sneak by the fires and wait near the goal line.

2. Receive the ball with full health.

3. Has at least 1 stun available and 1 cc break ability available.

4. Advantage of the confusion.

5. Few feet from the goal line.


So not only did you let a stealther stand there 6 times and recieve the ball - you can knock them down, you know - why not keep someone at the goal line that can do something about the stealthers?

You also did let the enemy ball carrier walk up to a point where he could pass the ball to said stealther while you were 2 more than the enemy team - SIX TIMES?


I don't know what you'd discribe your team's performance but I'd say, you were outplayed.

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I could fall on either side of this fence. I have suggested this tactic to my teams before after one or two teams did it against me, but I've never seen anybody use this tactic alone.


I agree with this chap:


I'm glad the OP brought this up. This is a hiccup in game design and needs to be looked at. There are a number of abilities that should be looked at while in a Huttball match.


Keep it up, OP!. These donkeys won't be heehawing at you if this gets addressed. And you have made the first step toward that. /cheer squeaky wheel.

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I think this is a good post to use to clarify:


I did NOT say stealthing in general is an exploit. I said stealthing by the goal line and waiting for the ball to be passed is the exploit.


i'm still waiting for the part that's an exploit...

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I think this is a good post to use to clarify:


I did NOT say stealthing in general is an exploit. I said stealthing by the goal line and waiting for the ball to be passed is the exploit. And must I repeat myself? They throw it from the PIT. If they at least manage to cross the catwalk then theres no argument, theyve certainly earned it.


But these people just dash through the pit and toss it up to a stealther. A sorc can dash to the end of the pit in seconds and with a guard up and scattered healers it's difficult to take them down in that short time frame. The fires play a crucial role in balancing the flow of the game.


It is completely fair if a player decides to wait by the goal line to receive a pass.


But a stealther can merely sit there and camp until a ball carrier is nearby. The stealther does not need to pass through the fires exposed and can remain hidden until they have the ball. Once they recieve a pass, they have full health, at least one stun, one cc break ability available, barely a few FEET from the goal line and the advantage of the confusion around them.


How is this fair? This is clearly not intended and an exploit. Why is that so hard to understand? These days if readers cannot agree upon or comprehend a topic they must automatically assume the writer is a troll or a baddie instead of providing a valid argument.


Fix it so that stealth is not usable on the goal line, period.


TL DR for the reading impaired.


A stealther by the goal line can:


1. Sneak by the fires and wait near the goal line.

2. Receive the ball with full health.

3. Has at least 1 stun available and 1 cc break ability available.

4. Advantage of the confusion.

5. Few feet from the goal line.


I'm sorry - but you are clearly the BIGGEST WHINGING WHINY LOSER to have graced the forums today.


However anyone can agree with you, is truly beyond me. I mean, truly truly truly.


This thread is beyond stupid.


It's a valid tactic, and has a counter. Actually lots of counters. I'm not going to list them because they've been explained already.


I mean, using a tactic is now exploiting, because you lose to it. Words escape me.

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Yesterday I joined a huttball only to be rolled and lose miserably in a cold game of 0-6. What happened was there were always at least two stealthers in our goal line camping. The enemy ball carriers will purposely jump down to the pit right below the goal line and toss the ball up to a stealther before any of us could react. The stealther will break stealth and score, then pop a ability only to vanish again.


Half the team is trying to go for the ball while the other half is desperately trying to find the campers to no avail. It was probably the worst pvp I've experienced. the game was over in less than five minutes.


Before anyone says "why don't you kill the ball carrier before they go near the goal line?" Must I remind you that falling to the pit is a much faster way to go closer to the goal line, there's no fire or walkways to navigate through. A sorc would carry the ball and use his dash ability to reach near the goal line from the bottom pit and toss it up to a stealther.


I have been in four huttballs now with this exploit and being repub its already hard enough to win on my server. If a visible enemy is standing near our goal line and they toss it that's completely fair, but a stealther is just insanity. They just wait near the goal until a ball carrier comes out and unstealths to score the ball.


Please fix bioware, it is by far the worst exploit ever.




TL DR (because some are reading impaired)


-A stealther camps by the goal line to receive the ball

-Ball carrier goes through the pit, ignoring fires and throws to stealther

-Once they receive the ball, they have full health, at least 1 stun and a cc break ability.

- Advantage of the confusion around them.

-They're only a few feet from the goal line.



Thats like telling the Tampa Bay Lightnings of the NHL to stop playing the trap.(Very hard defense to break through where the set up is 2-1-2). Its called strategy. Theres many stupid ways to win in huttball. Hutt games dont play fair. The best strategy in huttball, is the dirtiest strategy.

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I think this is a good post to use to clarify:


I did NOT say stealthing in general is an exploit. I said stealthing by the goal line and waiting for the ball to be passed is the exploit. And must I repeat myself? They throw it from the PIT. If they at least manage to cross the catwalk then theres no argument, theyve certainly earned it.


How is this fair? This is clearly not intended and an exploit. Why is that so hard to understand?



If they didn't intent people to actually use the pit for anything else than being knocked down into, they would have put a wall up on the edge of the pit. I don't believe for a second that the height of the edge up from the pit being low enough to throw, pull or charge is an "overlook" or not intended.



Also, you are talking about having to "earn" the right to pass the ball. Just because you have an idea that the only correct way to get to the goal line is to walk the fires etc, doesn't mean that everything else is an exploit. Again, the height of the edge up from the pit would suggest that it is indeed intended to be used. And if people can stand there and use friendly grip, or charge enemies, then I really don't see why stealthers can't utilize their advantage like everybody else. Sure, it's harder to see and to counter. But a strategy isn't an exploit just because it's hard to counter. (and there are several counters described in this thread).


If you actually plan ahead, you can even wait by a fire on the walkway and pull the ball carrier up into the fire from the pit. Done it lot's of times. But again, wouldn't that be an exploit, since you are using the walkways to defend against an attack from the pit? Hmm, guess so

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Thank you so very much for your extermely entertaining joke thread! I was smiling through all 8 pages, keeping me nicely entertained while waiting for WZ queues at 4:30am (sleep is a waste of time).

. . . because no-one would be dumb enough to let this happen 6x in one match. Maybe a jellybean . . .nah.

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