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Petition for Force Pull


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So, I think this is a no-brainer: Juggernauts are mostly tanks, meaning they want mobs to stay near them and attack them. And they get force push and force grip/choke, which is basically force away and force up. Why don't they get a force pull? I would almost trade it for force push. Push has gotten me in trouble in the past, pushing a mob into a group of adds, but I can't see a down-side to pulling a mob to me. Especially when there's a CC'd mob right next to the ones I'm tanking. Now I have to manually adjust which might not even be possible with a ranged mob, and then I can't use my 2 AOE abilities. But if I had force pull...

It just doesn't make sense, Juggernauts can lift things with the force and push them away but can't bring things to them. I like the disarm ability someone else is proposing but even it implies a force pull. Juggernauts, as force-using tanks, have to have this ability; there's no way around it.

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While it would be a good thing to have espically considering that my Powertech which is a ranged/melee hybrid has 2 gap closers in the form of a charge and a pull yet my Jugger does not.


However it is yet another ability to bind and we already have a massively excessive number of combos.

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It makes sense as while BH's have a grappling line, it should've been more of a cc like the infected merc mob in KUS. But having intercede is still handy and I can still charge a mob, position myself to carefully force pushing it away from cc'ed mobs. And how many times did you see Darth Maul force push someone in the face!
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I would definitely want to have a force pull ability. It is one of the three area where the Juggy is lacking. (The other two being mitigation issues, and aoe threat).


However, the Juggy already has too many abilities, I have over three bars full of abilities and I use most of them. There are a handful of not-so-useful abilities but they are all sith warrior abilities, not juggy exclusive.


What I would do to solve this issue is something like:


Remove Chilling Scream and replace it by an aoe pull and slow called force pull.


Have a passive ability upon choosing Juggy as AC or a talent in the immortal tree (my pick) that modifies pommel strike to be a single target for pull ability.


On another topic, whats the use for savage kick / pommel strike at 50?

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I would definitely want to have a force pull ability. It is one of the three area where the Juggy is lacking. (The other two being mitigation issues, and aoe threat).


However, the Juggy already has too many abilities, I have over three bars full of abilities and I use most of them. There are a handful of not-so-useful abilities but they are all sith warrior abilities, not juggy exclusive.


What I would do to solve this issue is something like:


Remove Chilling Scream and replace it by an aoe pull and slow called force pull.


Have a passive ability upon choosing Juggy as AC or a talent in the immortal tree (my pick) that modifies pommel strike to be a single target for pull ability.


On another topic, whats the use for savage kick / pommel strike at 50?


I don't know about an AoE pull, that would make a LOT of other classes VERY mad. Could you imagine how broken it would be to pull both the huttball runner AND his healer off the catwalks?


And about your other question, I honestly have NO idea what they're good for other than being completely useless.

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So if you get my PT abilities can I have your Jugg abilities?


Of course you can't have a pull ability. If you wanted to have both a jump-in and a pull you should have rolled PT.


Okay, we'll concede to that. You can have our only, channeled "stun" (unless immortal spec'd) for your flamethrower pirouette thing you do.

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Okay, we'll concede to that. You can have our only, channeled "stun" (unless immortal spec'd) for your flamethrower pirouette thing you do.


You mean my instant cast AoE dmg debuffer?


You want ALL my cool stuff?



Look....... just let me have your lightsaber and you can have my grappling hook. Hell, I'll even throw in my Carbonize :p



On a serious note though I understand the inconvenience of not having a pull, but that was my deciding factor in rolling a PT tank instead of a Jugg. PTs are the only class with a pull and a jump-to. So many mobs are immune to pull that it doesn't really matter anyway. The jump-in is more than enough most times.


The single target pull is nice, but my single target threat grab usually does a better job at the same task. Pulling trash mobs around just seems to make my melee group members confused anyway :/

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It's a tough decision for me. I like the idea of getting a force pull (make tanking easier), but I don't want to give up the push/leap combo for it. I enjoy that combo, and don't want that mechanic eliminated simply so i can be like other tanks. But make it add to the design of the jugg as it already is.


like resetting leap a bit more often. or putting in a talent in the Immortal tree to reduce it's CD. or have push/leap/intercede build oneach other (increasing damage/threat on each other in a cycle). so you can leap to build damage on push, then push builds even more damage on leap, as with intercede. you leap, push, leap, intercede...and damage stacks higher each time.


or make choke a ranged ability (with lower CD), and make it non-channeled as a baseline. 30 sec instead of 1m, and give it a 30m range. that way you can tag the mob that is on the healer, control it for a few seconds while your increasing threat on it by quite a bit.


I have allot of fun using push. dealing with trash elites, jump on the guy on the far left, push him into the group of two off in the other direction, leap on one of them...sort fun to move mobs around like that. And as stated above, if i wanted to pull mobs into me, i could always play my consular/assassin or BH.


so no sign for me. But i support increasing our ranged threat options more.

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