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Combat Stealth


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Yup, and for the most part my premades do this. I was discussing a 1v1 scenario so I have no back-up... no Trooper with Stealth Detect, no Jedi Knight or Smuggler to chain CC


Out in the open VS a stealth class has bad odds for just about anyone. You literally have to play their game or actively disengage by running away. This is how it is supposed to work.

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You just have to know where they'll go. It feels obvious for me, since I play a shadow at 50 too.


Lol.. well yeah. But that's the trick isn't it? As if stealthies don't often double back and give you the Philly Fake Out. I do actually do this, and sometimes I can snag the hit and break stealth.... For the times that I don't (bear with me and assume that I miss) what else can I do?


There is nothing is there? You got your vanish, skipped my AoE and can now wait about a minute to regain full health. All I have left is to Meditate, reapply Force Shield, and wait for you to come back.


Am I missing anything else? Anything we havn't discussed? No more Forcequake... It can be done but not always.. and if you miss a Sage doesn't have enough Force to continue dropping AoE all over looking for you.

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They do. They just have to cast their cleanse before they stealth, so they are using 2 cooldowns to escape vs 1.


Actually its 3 most of the time because since stealth is broken, we have to cast another ability just to stay "extra" hidden for a few more seconds, because people can spot you from a good distance away, without a stealth detection ability.

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Lol.. well yeah. But that's the trick isn't it? As if stealthies don't often double back and give you the Philly Fake Out. I do actually do this, and sometimes I can snag the hit and break stealth.... For the times that I don't (bear with me and assume that I miss) what else can I do?


There is nothing is there? You got your vanish, skipped my AoE and can now wait about a minute to regain full health. All I have left is to Meditate, reapply Force Shield, and wait for you to come back.


Am I missing anything else? Anything we havn't discussed? No more Forcequake... It can be done but not always.. and if you miss a Sage doesn't have enough Force to continue dropping AoE all over looking for you.


Take your minute to reset yourself as well. And find a teammate. Stealthers are good at getting into stealth because they rely so heavily on it. Their damage once their opener is through is really not too impressive.


And n my experience, most stealthers will find an object to hide behind while stealthed. It's like something they can hold onto for safety. Relying on stealth makes you feel vulnerable in the open, even if you're stealthed in the open.

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I ignored you the first time for a reason... Jedi Consular Sage Seer does not have stealth scan do they?? Even your own link shows it as a Trooper ability.


You... with the hyperlinks....shush.



If you're out in the open, you're on a stealth user's turf. It may shock you that Sage has more utility than any other class save Sorc, but all of your widgets and gizmos come at the cost of being a sitting duck to a stealth class out in the open.


You have the advantage when they are out of stealth, they have the advantage in stealth. Them's the breaks kiddo.

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Nope.. Like i said, some 1v1 time. Had a pvp session in THE DEN! (Yes we used the den) and had 5 or 6 Republic do all sorts of combination duels/battles with about 5 or 6 Imps


All in good fun, just trying stuff out.... My conclusion was that I could take the stealthy down to 10% ish then he simply vanishes, and if I am not lucky enough to find him on my first knock-back / AoE then he wins. He comes back w/ full health every time


Stun him if you suspect him to go stealth. L2P moments

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If you're out in the open, you're on a stealth user's turf. It may shock you that Sage has more utility than any other class save Sorc, but all of your widgets and gizmos come at the cost of being a sitting duck to a stealth class out in the open.


You have the advantage when they are out of stealth, they have the advantage in stealth. Them's the breaks kiddo.


You realize that Sage = Sorce? Other than that I agree with you for the most part. Seeing as this thread has run its course for me I will leave it to the hyperlink posters.


TY Grub for your wise words... and whoever told me that assasin cleans = resistance

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I ignored you the first time for a reason... Jedi Consular Sage Seer does not have stealth scan do they?? Even your own link shows it as a Trooper ability.


You... with the hyperlinks....shush.


Not every class can counter everything, The ones you mentioned have an instant aoe knockback that breaks it, it's a Trooper/BH ability btw ;).


Proper response to entirety of thread, get better reactions, expect the class to use the vanish so you are ready to counter and if that fails, use the time they have vanished and gone off to do whatever they do to heal yourself/get ready for them to come back.


It is an escape mechanic and should, y'know, let people escape.


Part of PvP is having knowledge of your enemy, how they usually play and how to counter them, if possible, not just saying "IT'S TOO HARD TO COUNTER WITHOUT THOUGHT, NERF IT"

Edited by Hahkil
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Seriously?? Lol you might as well take out the class as a whole because yeah out of stealth we are easy targets...I'm not complaining about the nerfed crits or surge rating that's fine...but we have our open and a couple of positional attacks that can do dmg after that. Most of the time we don't even use our main hand weapon and now you wanna take away the only advantage we have?? We don't have a knock back, we don't have a speed boost, we don't have a push or pull all we have is stealth...even then the cooldown to dissapearing act is 2 minutes or more in order to get stealth back we have to be out of combat...you should play a stealth class and see how really non op'd the class is before suggesting things that imo would make the class useless
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It is troublesome when a stealther slips out from my death grasp.

But generally... big deal.

Once they run i win if im playing for objectives.


Although i have used force cloak to escape and nab a heal powerup and come back into the action but generally im dotted and i have already used my purge.

Maybe i use the purge to generously...


Still i get a second or two or stealth which is useful.


But i can not do anything from stealth save get to safety, choose a fight, or get behind someone standing in front of an objective.


I like the way stealth works in this game. It has a huge tactical advantage and almost no offensive combat advantage.

Unlike some games stealth where i kill you in a 2 or 3 fast hits and never come out of stealth.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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