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10 losses in a row should = 1 win


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Sorry, bit of a rant here. And yes, I am qq'ing.


At level 50 on my sorc, I average 6-8 losses for every 1 win. No, not part of a PvP guild and I am pugging / single queing.


But recently, it takes me DAYS to complete the DAILY. The weekly? Heck, I've had it since LAST WEEK.


I do my best, but given the massive loss to win ratio, gear is an issue. It's taken a few weeks but I do have at least 300 expertise (low, I know). So I help when and where I can and I usually end up fairly well with marks.


It's becoming a gross imbalance. Republic is rap-1ng on our server. And yes, it's usually a pre-made.


So I suggest 10 losses in a row counts as 1 win for the daily.


Would also suggest that we have some serious gear rating / cross server Warzones so that the 1000 expertise pre-mades don't fight the brand new pugs with no expertise. But that would be logical and make sense.

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how does a loss = win?


Forget the blatant breech of RPG, and of any gaming mechanic that makes sense in any video game - how does it make SENSE for losses to equal a win?


RPGs were never supposed to be about competition. If you are competitive play a competitive game.


Things make no sense anymore and people want them implemented. Jeez. RPG = getting immersed in a world. If you want to get immersed in a world - get immersed in it, as it is. You don't try to immerse yourself in a created game world - and then try do dictate and make changes to the world as they suit you. If you want to spend time in an RPG instead of IRL, deal with the world being as it is. You cant be both the creator and the player. There ARE games for this, try minecraft.

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People should NEVER be incentivized to lose.


If this was put into the game and someone was at 9 losses, you can bet they'd not play their best thereby sinking others chances and spinning other players closer to their 9 count.


It'd degrade the pool of players playing to win even more than it is currently. And it's BAD currently.

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10 losses in a row should = a sign you need to l2p


Spoken like a true DPS player.


But not all roles are created equal.


I am a Battlemaster and a full spec healer. Regardless of how well I do keeping a full group alive, my contributions to winning are generally slim. Win or lose, my fate is dependent on the performance of my team mates.


And if my healing numbers are higher than the damage numbers of over 1/2 my team mates, odds are that is another loss. Yet those same under performing team mates will walk away with the MVPs while I will be sitting at the bottom of the medal count with a massive healing number and walk away with nothing.


I can't even count the number of matches that I do with over 250k healing while being CC, and inturrpted into oblivion. I will have multiple opposing team members doing everything they can to kill me yet my team can't seem to get the advantage or even take the time to try to assist me.


Have I lost 10 matches in a row?


Absolutely. My record is 3 days without a win and I generally play more than 6 matches a day.


You can do the math.


It has nothing to do with my performance in the match. It has everything to do with the performance of the team mates. And even now there are lots of ungeared poor performing players out there.

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Sorry, bit of a rant here. And yes, I am qq'ing.


At level 50 on my sorc, I average 6-8 losses for every 1 win. No, not part of a PvP guild and I am pugging / single queing.


But recently, it takes me DAYS to complete the DAILY. The weekly? Heck, I've had it since LAST WEEK.


I do my best, but given the massive loss to win ratio, gear is an issue. It's taken a few weeks but I do have at least 300 expertise (low, I know). So I help when and where I can and I usually end up fairly well with marks.


It's becoming a gross imbalance. Republic is rap-1ng on our server. And yes, it's usually a pre-made.


So I suggest 10 losses in a row counts as 1 win for the daily.


Would also suggest that we have some serious gear rating / cross server Warzones so that the 1000 expertise pre-mades don't fight the brand new pugs with no expertise. But that would be logical and make sense.



In the immortal words of Ricky Bobby


"If you ain't first your last!"


Losing and trying should not be rewarded... only winning!

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This is a baaaaaad idea that would actually reward players for afk'ing, or otherwise throwing a game.


Not that I support the OP's position, but players already throw games.


How many Huttball matches have you been in where the score is 5 - 0 and the winning team has the ball but refuses to get the final score? Why? So that they can farm the losers some more. The end result is the losing team members go out of their way to avoid the other team.




How many Civil War matches have you played where 6 out of 8 players are all defending the same turret? Why? Because they know the point gap is to great a distance for them to over come and the odds of the opposing team coming after them at the third turret is slim. So they get their defend medals and call it a day.




How many Voidstar matches have you played where the losing defending team is nowhere to be seen because they all stayed behind at one of the other doors just so the match ends quicker.


I have seen all three more times than I care to count.

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Spoken like a true DPS player.


But not all roles are created equal.


I am a Battlemaster and a full spec healer. Regardless of how well I do keeping a full group alive, my contributions to winning are generally slim. Win or lose, my fate is dependent on the performance of my team mates.


And if my healing numbers are higher than the damage numbers of over 1/2 my team mates, odds are that is another loss. Yet those same under performing team mates will walk away with the MVPs while I will be sitting at the bottom of the medal count with a massive healing number and walk away with nothing.


I can't even count the number of matches that I do with over 250k healing while being CC, and inturrpted into oblivion. I will have multiple opposing team members doing everything they can to kill me yet my team can't seem to get the advantage or even take the time to try to assist me.


Have I lost 10 matches in a row?


Absolutely. My record is 3 days without a win and I generally play more than 6 matches a day.


You can do the math.


It has nothing to do with my performance in the match. It has everything to do with the performance of the team mates. And even now there are lots of ungeared poor performing players out there.


well don't know what to tell you. i solo queue as dps, and win at least 60% of games. if i queue with my healer buddy it goes up to at least 80%. last night we played for 5 hours and didnt lose a single game, including a couple times when the other team exploited for 11 people


I don't think I'm the best player ever either, but I do think I'm above average, and I also believe republic vs sith is more or less the same skill level for the average player, so all things being equal IN THEORY if you're above average you should win more than 50%. or at least not lose TEN IN A ROW or THREE DAYS without a single win.


full battlemaster or whatever valor you are doesn't really mean anything to me. sith have plenty of battlemasters because they get 200 per kill on ilum, and they zerg it for 30+ kills a day in an hour. just because someone is valor X, it really has no correlation to their skill. on my server, the good people recognize other good people by names only, not whatever gear/valor they have. BM gear is more or less the same as champ gear anyway.

Edited by bicuspid
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Sorry, bit of a rant here. And yes, I am qq'ing.


At level 50 on my sorc, I average 6-8 losses for every 1 win. No, not part of a PvP guild and I am pugging / single queing.


But recently, it takes me DAYS to complete the DAILY. The weekly? Heck, I've had it since LAST WEEK.


I do my best, but given the massive loss to win ratio, gear is an issue. It's taken a few weeks but I do have at least 300 expertise (low, I know). So I help when and where I can and I usually end up fairly well with marks.


It's becoming a gross imbalance. Republic is rap-1ng on our server. And yes, it's usually a pre-made.


So I suggest 10 losses in a row counts as 1 win for the daily.


Would also suggest that we have some serious gear rating / cross server Warzones so that the 1000 expertise pre-mades don't fight the brand new pugs with no expertise. But that would be logical and make sense.




1 Your a op class thats clearly broken an your still loseing you must suck

2 Yours must be the only server i know of that has more rep than imp

3 Bioware clearly dont give a toss about anything because of the balance server wide every server and the broken classes that can cc stun an heal at same time QQ that

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Perhaps the point should be that in order to encourage people to MAKE THE EFFORT, 10 games (win or lose) should equal one win. So someone who got 10 wins in a row would get an 11th bonus bag, and the guy who lost 10 in a row would at least have something to show for making the effort.


The AFK issue, looks like the devs will make an attempt at resolving it, at least until the cheaters figure out the next exploit.


Call me a carebear, whatev. Beating down others in PvP may expand your e*****, but it won't help the PvP community become robust or encourage new people to 'learn to play" as the 'experts' love to put it.


And let's be clear: the 'experts' are not what keeps the PvP community alive - it's the New Blood. The sooner people get that, the stronger he PvP community will be.

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Perhaps the point should be that in order to encourage people to MAKE THE EFFORT, 10 games (win or lose) should equal one win. So someone who got 10 wins in a row would get an 11th bonus bag, and the guy who lost 10 in a row would at least have something to show for making the effort.


The AFK issue, looks like the devs will make an attempt at resolving it, at least until the cheaters figure out the next exploit.


Call me a carebear, whatev. Beating down others in PvP may expand your e*****, but it won't help the PvP community become robust or encourage new people to 'learn to play" as the 'experts' love to put it.


And let's be clear: the 'experts' are not what keeps the PvP community alive - it's the New Blood. The sooner people get that, the stronger he PvP community will be.


well they are already going down this path in 1.2 where they're going to unlink dailies = gear somehow.


I'm in agreement with you conceptually in that pvp shouldn't be elitest because you need the masses to participate to make it fun. I just don't like the attitude that hey, i'm losing, it must be my retarded team and not my fault at all because im putting out 250k heals! (which is nothing by the way OP ... my healing buddy, who I would say is quite good, will put out at least 500k every map with minimal taunting/interceding and no guarding from me. and the imps jump on his *** as soon as they realize we're in the wz)

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well don't know what to tell you. i solo queue as dps, and win at least 60% of games. if i queue with my healer buddy it goes up to at least 80%. last night we played for 5 hours and didnt lose a single game, including a couple times when the other team exploited for 11 people


I don't think I'm the best player ever either, but I do think I'm above average, and I also believe republic vs sith is more or less the same skill level for the average player, so all things being equal IN THEORY if you're above average you should win more than 50%. or at least not lose TEN IN A ROW or THREE DAYS without a single win.


full battlemaster or whatever valor you are doesn't really mean anything to me. sith have plenty of battlemasters because they get 200 per kill on ilum, and they zerg it for 30+ kills a day in an hour. just because someone is valor X, it really has no correlation to their skill. on my server, the good people recognize other good people by names only, not whatever gear/valor they have. BM gear is more or less the same as champ gear anyway.


You are comparing apples to oranges or at least Repub to Imps.


The differences, at least on my server, are huge.


What are the differences?


1. Imps play a hell of a lot of huttball. Huttball isn't about healing or killing. Huttball is about who has the better ball handlers. As a Merc Healer I am a ball carrier or a stone cold killer. By chosing healing I have made a choice to lose most of my damage capabilites. All I can do is heal the hell out of any team mate in my area who is within line of sight. And with Huttball, 250k healing is one heck of an accomplishment due to the issues with line of sight and range on the board.


2. Repubs, at least on my server, tend to also run Healer heavy. The average healer players for the Imps is usually just one. On occasions there will be 2. But it is rare as hell for the Imps to have three healers in a match. Repubs on the other hand rarely run with less than 3 healers / match (on my server). And what matches do we have them in? Let me help you out it isn't Huttball. I would love to face those heavy healer Repub teams in Huttball. It would be an easy victory. I can't even count the number of Voidstar / Civil War matches I have played where the healing numbers for the Repubs were over 300k / healer. I was in one Voidstar match where combined, the Repubs healing was 1.5 million.


You simply can't beat those numbers. Try to CC or interupt a healer and another one is taking their place. You simply can't beat a team in Voidstar or Civil War with those number of healers.


Then you take the Imps where they go in with 1 - 2 healers. As soon as they start healing, you end up on the receiving in of CC and interrupts. With fewer healers / match, they are quickly brought down. And as soon as the healers are dead, so is the rest of the team. And with the barrier issues present in Voidstar, dead healers + dead team mates = lost match.


The only Voidstar or Civil War matches we win (as Imps) is when the Repubs come in without a full group, or get careless and a stealther gets the objective.


The reality for many Imperial players is that their victories are tied to which team has the better ball handlers in Huttball. And I am not talking about who can pass better either. I am talking about who can do flying leaps across large portions of the map, or who can force run through obsticles with taking only min damage. So unless you play 2 very specific classes, odds are you are going to lose. And lose a lot.

Edited by ForceWelder
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