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Server forums?


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I agree there should be server forums. It builds a sense of community and gives each server a little unique flavor and allows the average guy/gal a chance to enjoy an aspect of the game when they can't enjoy the game itself.


From reading most of the original post it seems clear that Bioware simply doesn't want to spend the money on it. At least not yet. Apparently they want tight moderation, and they don't want to hire the extra people that having a bunch of extra forum categories would require.


let's hope that they decide that keeping the player base happy is worth the extra expense or decide that super tight moderation of server forums isn't as important.


Maybe they could figure out a way to restrict posting on a server forum to people with a character that is at least level 10 or something to keep out the rif raff. And then if the discussion on a particular server forum gets too nasty the community can self regulate by ostracism of trouble makers.

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I must say I was surprised to see there were no server forums. I certainly don't feel like wading through a shared forum by all servers to try and find post relevant to my own server. That concept has never really worked well and I doubt it will now.
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Another vote here for server specific forums.


Guild recruitment thread is a mess since people don't always post what server they are on so you have to look through every post individually to see what server the guild is on. This is a time consuming, frustrating process.


Server competition is good, it's fun and it keeps people motivated to win. By allowing guilds a place to list their accomplishments as a guild (server firsts, raid progression) you give people looking for a guild a way to see how the guilds stand on the server.


It isn't about creating something different from WoW so the "if you want WoW go play WoW comment doesn't apply. It's about basic functionality for guild/community interaction, growth and sustainability.

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I agree we need server forums. For now people are posting server threads in there respective catagories. If you look in the PVP section, there's almost a thread for every pvp server. I guess it will do for now but we definitely need those forums.
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I totally agree we should have server forums...I posted earlier about this and the thread was removed. I tried to search for anything related to server forums and I couldn't do that either. Please fix this issue as I am more than sure there are a lot of people (more than 50% of the current customer base) that would like to have the server forums & search function. A lot less threads would have to be moderated alone if there were not multiples threads of the same topic floating around. A search function alone would help any moderator out.





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I beg you bioware please add server forums. Our guild is moving out of 8 man content and is having recruiting in general chat, because there is no consolidated server forum recruit from. We're reduced to sitting in general chat for hours on end looking for a few individuals . While right now we look like the lone nuts doing so, when other guild get to raid level, the amount of general chat spam is going to be obscene.
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Please Bioware!!!!!!!!!? server forums are needed!!! I love getting on the forums to check and see raid (operation) progress! I love competing with other guilds for the top spot on the server! I understand we can go to other sites for this but I'd really like an official place to go... from what I'm seeing there are a million different sites for different servers and I feel this puts many accounts at risk of getting keyloggers. just give in Bioware! I understand you want to eliminate troll posts but don't you think troll posts are better than gold farmers obtaining accounts because people had to go to a forum with a horrible security (not saying the people who are running them are bad at security lol just saying with so many sites how would one know which to trust) this is just enough reason to get on creating the server forums! I know it seems like a task but maybe you could make it where instead of using your account name to post you could log in under a character name. to post on the server forum you would have to be at least lvl 15 on that toon. this would help a little bit with the trolls (at least with the less dedicated ones lol) a lot of work but it's an idea.
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We really do need server forums. I want the ability to get to know people on my current server better, especially as it's a RP server.


Unless this is all a bizarre social experiment... can't think of any previous MMOs which didn't have server forums.

Edited by StealthNerf
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because people aren't going to go to some sketchy fansite.


Lets say for example that BW are NEVER going to give in and make the server forums what then? What is a sketchy forum and what is one that people will use. I made the following thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=73291 which I think is the next best thing in the short to medium term whilst things settle down for BW.


Maybe people can have a read and post their thoughts on the suggestions made in the linked topic aswell.

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I don't see the problem of just making your own forums, like here for Jung Ma:




It provides a certain sense of community and variety, rather than just copy paste server forums. That is just my opinion, of course.


It looks good on paper, but it's not going to work. Only a select few people will even know about it. It will fail unless there is an official one.

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