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Starkiller Vs. Malgus


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I would like to say absolutely Malgus.


But canonically this is simply not the case, it is actually so much more in favour of Starkiller that this is simply a ridiculous match up, Starkiller beat Vader twice, he would easily defeat Malgus, as much as I hate to say it.


Except he almost lost against Vader the first time, and the second Vader was fighting disinterested. People need to use the novel facts, not game facts...so all this


"Galen is so overpowered!"


Is a bunch of nonsense, in both TFU novels his powers are more like a regular jedi would be. The game only makes them over the top for fun purposes. But i'd say Galen would win anyway, due to his fighting style isn't as common as what Malgus has fought against plus being trained to the point where the training was near death he knows a lot.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Except he almost lost against Vader the first time, and the second Vader was fighting disinterested. People need to use the novel facts, not game facts...so all this


"Galen is so overpowered!"


Is a bunch of nonsense, in both TFU novels his powers are more like a regular jedi would be. The game only makes them over the top for fun purposes.


He still fought and defeated one of the most powerful and dominating Sith Lords of all time, he is clearly on some sort of level with Vader, Malgus isn't even close, I'd seriously like to hear exactly what his canon abilities are that Vader couldn't do better or had something more effective than.


Starkiller is simply Malgus' superior, BTW I have never played TFU games, only read the novels.

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Star killer is like the super sayian 4 of star wars. It happens, but it makes no sense.


But yeah, starkiller would win. Malgus is powerful, but starkiller is probably the least rational-force user in the series power wise. I mean...he's too strong.

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Starkiller is canon and like it or not, he is officially a Lucas character and he's actually not even dead. That means, while Luke is doing his thing and rebuilding the Academy, Starkiller exist and is probably more powerful than him.


The issue that Starkiller had was his emotion and his completely insane tortured life. Vader tortured him to be a warrior and his only major weakness was his emotions that constantly played against him. If Starkiller received enough time to heal and perhaps some counselling, he would become a more stable person that means, he could become even stronger. He lost against the Emperor only because of his emotion and trickery... The only time Vader or the Emperor had the upper hand was because their wear toying with his emotions and unstable state of mind.


A focused Starkiller would crush pretty much anything and that's pretty much the end of it. The books and games clearly defines him as a pure force machine.


However, I think what makes Starkiller a very powerful foe is his fighting style. His dual saber technique and unpredictable attacks can be quite a nightmare to deal with.

Edited by Zag_Stratos
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I would say they have equal amounts of force power, both were one of the few users of force maelstrom, and while Starkiller could face extremely powerful force users and huge amounts of troops and win, Malgus could only be defeated by four of the most powerful heroes on either the Republic or Imperial side


But Malgus has one advantage, his own power base and a more strategic mindset, Starkiller have a fair share of his own allies, but not enough to threaten two of the largest factions in the galaxy, and Malgus is a far better planer

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Starkiller is canon and like it or not, he is officially a Lucas character and he's actually not even dead. That means, while Luke is doing his thing and rebuilding the Academy, Starkiller exist and is probably more powerful than him.


The issue that Starkiller had was his emotion and his completely insane tortured life. Vader tortured him to be a warrior and his only major weakness was his emotions that constantly played against him. If Starkiller received enough time to heal and perhaps some counselling, he would become a more stable person that means, he could become even stronger. He lost against the Emperor only because of his emotion and trickery... The only time Vader or the Emperor had the upper hand was because their wear toying with his emotions and unstable state of mind.


A focused Starkiller would crush pretty much anything and that's pretty much the end of it. The books and games clearly defines him as a pure force machine.


However, I think what makes Starkiller a very powerful foe is his fighting style. His dual saber technique and unpredictable attacks can be quite a nightmare to deal with.


He died at the end of TFU2.

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Except he almost lost against Vader the first time, and the second Vader was fighting disinterested. People need to use the novel facts, not game facts...so all this


"Galen is so overpowered!"


Is a bunch of nonsense, in both TFU novels his powers are more like a regular jedi would be. The game only makes them over the top for fun purposes. But i'd say Galen would win anyway, due to his fighting style isn't as common as what Malgus has fought against plus being trained to the point where the training was near death he knows a lot.


He still beat Vader nonetheless, which is a very impressive feat. No matyter how much he struggled he still beat Vader. And Vader was one of the most powerful Siths of all time.



Galen wipes the floor with Malgus and then throws him in the trash and ships him to Raxus.

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Starkiller is canon and like it or not, he is officially a Lucas character and he's actually not even dead. That means, while Luke is doing his thing and rebuilding the Academy, Starkiller exist and is probably more powerful than him.


Wrong. George Lucas has specifically stated that Luke is the most powerful force user EVER. The game is not canon.

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Star killer is like the super sayian 4 of star wars. It happens, but it makes no sense.


But yeah, starkiller would win. Malgus is powerful, but starkiller is probably the least rational-force user in the series power wise. I mean...he's too strong.


There is no "too strong" in the force. Your imagination limits what you can do with it...

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Starkiller beat Vader twice and fought the emperor. yes he lost to Palpatine but so did Yoda.




and before you go foundry vs false emperor Revan disappears in light but does not leave his clothes meaning likely teleportation where Malgus just died. Also Revan was a prisoner for 300 years and weakened considerably during that time malgus was like 30-40 and got killed cause he was dumb (he should have swayed he dark council and just replaced the emperor instead of trying to make his own empire).


Starkiller Wins. Don't believe me wookiepedia them both.

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Starkiller beat Vader twice and fought the emperor. yes he lost to Palpatine but so did Yoda.




and before you go foundry vs false emperor Revan disappears in light but does not leave his clothes meaning likely teleportation where Malgus just died. Also Revan was a prisoner for 300 years and weakened considerably during that time malgus was like 30-40 and got killed cause he was dumb (he should have swayed he dark council and just replaced the emperor instead of trying to make his own empire).


Starkiller Wins. Don't believe me wookiepedia them both.


Why are you even bringing Revan into this? Compared to the Clone Wars era Jedi he's not that impressive.

Edited by Aximand
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Considering that Darth Sidious is the strongest sith of all times (that is said in the DVDs by Lucas if im not wrong, and its canon) and we can see at the end of the Force Unleashed I how Starkiller defeats in a row Vader and Sidious (he beats Sidious in a first time, but then he decides not to kill him, so yes, we can say that he defeated him, and that after fighting Vader.). In the other hand, Malgus isnt the strongest sith of his time (Emperor Vitiate for example beats him), and how we said, is canon that Sidious was the strongest sith of all times. So i have to say that there isnt much discussion about that.


Btw, yes, the games of the Force Unleashed were funny, but the extreme power of Starkiller is a non sense.

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Why are you even bringing Revan into this? Compared to the Clone Wars era Jedi he's not that impressive.


Previous thread established a power chart where based on revan versus vader and now this one is starkiller vs malgus and they are basically the same premise so the chart still applies if Galen>Vader>Revan>Malgus that establishes how far down the list Malgus is for comparison.

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Malgus would totally win, starkiller beat vader true, but after obi wan pwned vader on korriban, vader rose to be made more machine, since then vader was not as powerful (I mean really Luke Skywalker was NOT a powerful jedi. Mace windu was Powerful) Order 66 killed off the jedi not vader, and what does Vader really have anything to boast about? Killing children padawan... Thats it.

Malgus is a champion of the darkside, and a feared general. killed his master, killed satele shun master. BOOM

Edited by Ensquire
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Malgus would totally win, starkiller beat vader true, but after obi wan pwned vader on korriban, vader rose to be made more machine, since then vader was not as powerful (I mean really Luke Skywalker was NOT a powerful jedi. Mace windu was Powerful) Order 66 killed off the jedi not vader, and what does Vader really have anything to boast about? Killing children padawan... Thats it.

Malgus is a champion of the darkside, and a feared general. killed his master, killed satele shun master. BOOM


You got your lore mixed up, Obi-Wan fought Anakin on mustafar not korriban and he was far stronger in the suit then he was pre-suit at that time. Also yes Luke was a powerful jedi knight, if you read the lore surrounding Luke during the OT movies they go more in depth of his jedi training.


Also...ya thats a laugh at the jedi temple, you wanna know who killed all the jedi masters?(Except for one) Vader killed all the jedi masters, the clones just mopped up and killed padawans/knights. Sure the clones around the galaxy took their jedi commanders by surprise...but the jedi temple which was on high alert expecting an attack ya those clones didn't.

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The only reason Vader slew every master at the jedi temple is because he was one of their own. He took every master down because noone expected Anaken to turn, he was respected by his peers. He took them by surprise.


Malgus took the jedi temple down by force... BOOM

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The only reason Vader slew every master there is because he was one of there own, took every master down because noone expected anaken to turn. He took them by surprise, Malgus took the jedi temple down by force... BOOM


Ya he took them by surprise INITIALLY...when it all started going down, they knew Vader had turned. In fact the only master Vader took by surprise was the gatemaster.

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My points still stand, Malgus lead the attack on the jedi temple with a full show of force. NO GAMES just sith vs Jedi.

Anaken betrayed the Jedi and slaughtered them, by surpirse. Just saying surpirse meant everything in that fight and with order 66.

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